I defend with a giant pancake, and I attack with POTATOS!!!
I take one potato,turn it into a battery and connect you in it. It's a toy. For children. And now you live in it.
I throw a Lava Cookie to the next poster!
I use a water cookie for defense, and attack with guavas!
(25-08-2011 07:09 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]I use a water cookie for defense, and attack with guavas!
i defend with lasagne and attack With motzarela cheese!
I defend with pasta and attack with mantises!
dodge with apple pie - strike back with hakuna matata (no idea what that is)
Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata
Doesn't work on raaaaaaaaaaiiisins!
I attack with ponified fruits!
I dodge the ponified fruit and I attack with apple cider!
Dear Princess Celestia,
I didn't learn anything today!
I attack with Zerg Ponies!
I dodge them and start stabbing giratina with a cake. (yes , i said STABBING not hitting. lol. )
"I'm not giving him cake, I'm ASSAULTING him with cake!" -Pinkie Pie
I defend with muffin shields and attack with flying monkeys!
I defend by tossing bananas to my side.
I then toss a stuffed SlowPokeTail at the person below.
I defend with a Swalot!
I throw Risotto at the person below!
Ivysaur, use Bullet Seed on the one below!
I defend with Protect (since Bullet Seed is not food imo) and Greek Feta.
I attack by throwing tzatziki with my modified flamethrower (which I call tzatzikithrower