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Full Version: Arceus: The Untold Story (abandoned)
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Chapter 1
In the beginning, there was nothing but a black void. After eons of nothing an egg slowly develops. After 2 more years the egg develops a slight crack. Then without warning, another crack appears, then another, and another. Soon the egg completely shatters. A fully grown Arceus is born.

Arceus: What happened? One minute ago I was battling the evil clone Arceus in my homeworld and now I’m reborn in this black void. I must find out what happened. Unfortunately there is nothing in this world. I must create one in order to open a portal.

(Arceus uses Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, Shadow Force, and Judgment and thus the world was born)

Arceus: I shall fill this world with creatures called Pokémon. They will one day help me return to my world. I shall also create a new race. A race of creatures I shall call humans. They will be intelligent and capable of good or evil. They shall capture Pokémon via Pokeballs and train them to become stronger. I will also create a parallel world called the Distortion World so I can banish any Pokémon who act too violently.
Suddenly, without warning, a wave of tiredness overcomes Arceus.

Arceus: It appears I have too much power in this world. I must divide my power.

(Arceus uses Judgment and Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga are born)

(Giratina attacks Arceus.)

Arceus: YOU DARE ATTACK ME?!?!? I banish you to the DISTORTION WORLD. (Giratina vanishes) (To Dialga and Palkia) Would you like to challenge me as well? (No response) Very well, Dialga, you shall have control of Time and Palkia, you shall rule Space. You both shall not meet again until it’s time for me to return. (they both disappear)

Arceus: So tired, must use Rest. (Arceus falls asleep)
20,000 Years Later

(Aaron jumps out of bed)
Aaron: Yes! Today’s the day I get to choose my Starter Pokémon from Professors Oak and Rowan. Bulbasaur and Turtwig, HERE I COME!!!!

(Aaron runs downstairs so he can get to the Lab)

Aaron’s Mom: Stop right there young man! I know you’re excited but you must eat breakfast first. (Aaron sighs)

Aaron: Okay Mom. (Aaron eats as fast as he can and runs out the door)

(Aaron almost runs right into his friend/rival Crystal)

Crystal: Really Aaron. One should not run over your best friend.

Aaron: Sorry Crystal. Which starter Pokémon are you going to choose?

Crystal: Probably Charmander and Chimchar. (Gets excited) But I really want to catch a Shinx.

Aaron: Cool.

(Aaron’s twin brother Alcovich appears wearing a Mewtwo T-shirt)

Aaron (to Alcovich) What starters are you choosing?

Alcovich: Squirtle and Piplup.

Aaron: We all have to battle each other after we choose our Pokémon. Agreed?

Crystal and Alcovich: Agreed!

(Aaron, Crystal and Alcovich practically run toward the lab)

I will accept any suggestions/ideas via PM's.

Comments and Constructive Criticism are welcome.
Nice story, i like start of the story Smile

Why didn't your character choose the grass type starters?
tehehe can't wait for the rest :3
(22-06-2013 12:25 PM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]Nice story, i like start of the story Smile

Why didn't your character choose the grass type starters?

My character did choose the Grass Starters. grassdragon = Aaron
(22-06-2013 04:23 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(22-06-2013 12:25 PM)Grim Ripper Wrote: [ -> ]Nice story, i like start of the story Smile

Why didn't your character choose the grass type starters?

My character did choose the Grass Starters. grassdragon = Aaron

Ooops sorry my bad, i thought of someone else sorry Smile
I see you changed the date! Now it makes a lot more sense!
Try not to fall out on this, I want to see where it leads.

Can you give me apparel of the following species, please:
Eevee, Farfetch'd, Zorua, Shiny Charizard, Legendary Birds, Mew? Thanks, I'd appreciate it!
(22-06-2013 08:32 PM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]I see you changed the date! Now it makes a lot more sense!
Try not to fall out on this, I want to see where it leads.

Can you give me apparel of the following species, please:
Eevee, Farfetch'd, Zorua, Shiny Charizard, Legendary Birds, Mew? Thanks, I'd appreciate it!
Alcovich, I clearly stated the following:
(22-06-2013 02:44 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I will accept any suggestions/ideas via PM's.
If you are a character and or you want to possibly become a character or you want to request certain Pokemon for your team just PM me.
Comments and Constructive Criticism are welcome.

I shall post the next part either tonight or tomorrow.

Now for a question: Do y'all want detailed accounts of events such as: Aaron gazed at Route 202 with it's abundance of flowers and tall oak trees. or do y'all want me to skip through the boring stuff and get to the good stuff such as gym battles, the main plot (what I'm thinking of doing will take time to write but it should be worth it) and the elite four?

Depending on what y'all want will determine when I post the next part. As it is right now, it's not too detailed. I'm really just trying to get to the good stuff.
It's not bad to add to describe some places or the feelings of the characters. Smile
You can zip from place to place, skipping the act of traversing routes and murdering countless Zubats, but it's a lot more fun to read when you go into detail in the right places (WinkWink). For example, you don't have to follow the heroes across Route 9, but when you get to Example City, then you can have fun elaborating on stuff.

Try to describe in detail the battles against Gym Leaders and most of the Arceus aspects of the story, and go over some of the environment a little bit. Also, saying a lot about your characters makes hearing about their exploits a lot more fun.

Well? Am I getting the shirts/hat/other stuff or not? Big Grin
Chapter 2
(The Lab)
Rowan: Aaron, Crystal, and Alcovich, Today is a momentous occasion for each of you. It is the day you each choose your starter Pokémon, one from Kanto Region and one from Sinnoh Region. With these Pokémon by your side you will be able to challenge gyms and become stronger while learning more about yourselves and your Pokémon. Go ahead choose the Pokémon you will bond with.

Aaron: Bulbasaur and Turtwig

Crystal: Charmander and Chimchar

Alcovich: Squirtle and Piplup

Oak: I see that each of you decided long ago which ones you would choose. I am here to commemorate this occasion by giving you each a Pokedex and 5 Pokeballs each.
You are now ready to embark on your journey. The Sinnoh region awaits you!

(Route 201)

Aaron: Can you believe we’re really on Route 201?

Crystal: Yeah, it’s amazing.

Alcovich: All right, LET’S BATTLE!

Aaron: Wait; let’s have our first battle by Lake Verity.

(Lake Verity)
(Lake Verity is a beautiful lake with aqua colored water. Near the far edge of the lake, wild Bidoof play in the grass while Starlys fly over. There is a gentle breeze blowing to west as the trainers begin their battles)

Alcovich: The first battle will be between Aaron and Crystal. It’s a one on one battle.

Aaron: Go Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur: saurrr!

Crystal: Go Charmander!

Charmander: Charrrr!

Aaron: Ladies first.

Crystal: Charmander use Scratch.

Aaron: Bulbasaur, dodge it by weaving in and out of the trees and use Tackle.

(Bulbasaur manages to dodge and hit Charmander with Tackle)

Crystal: You’ll pay for that! Charmander jump onto Bulbasaur and repeatedly use Scratch.

Aaron: Bulbasaur DODGE IT!

(Bulbasaur tries to dodge it but Charmander’s speed is too much and it lands on top of Bulbasaur and uses Scratch over and over again) (Bulbasaur Faints)

Alcovich: Bulbasaur is unable to battle. Crystal wins!

Crystal: Yay! Now I will referee Aaron and Alcovich’s battle.

(Aaron beats Alcovich and Alcovich beats Crystal)


UNKWN Grunt: Boss, Oreburgh’s Mine has been secured.

UNKWN Boss: Good, The ore is important to Phase 1.

Lake Verity
Alcovich: That was fun.
Aaron: Yeah, we all battled really well and showed our passion for Pokémon.

Crystal: Let’s head toward Jubilife City.

(As the trainers travel to Jubilife City, Alcovich spies a Starly eating a berry from a nearby bush)

Alcovich: A Starly! Go Squirtle and use Tackle. (Tackle hits Starly) Go Pokeball. (Starly is captured)

Alcovich: YES!!!

Unknown Trainer: Well done.

Alcovich: Thanks!! Wait, who are you?

Unknown Trainer: My name is confidential but you may call me Looker.

Looker: I am investigating the Myths surrounding Kanto and Sinnoh. They appear to be connected in some way. There are also reports of Team Rocket and Team Galactic in the area.

Aaron: Who?

Crystal: Team Galactic is supposed to be working on creating a better Energy Source for the Sinnoh Region aren’t they?

Looker: I’ve already said too much. (With a flash he’s gone)

Aaron: What do you think that was all about?

Crystal: I don’t know.

Alcovich: There’s Route 202, I can’t wait to train my Starly!

(While Alcovich trains his Starly, Crystal spots a Shinx playing by a small tree)

Crystal: Ooooh, there’s a SHINX!!!! GO Chimchar!

Chimchar: Charrrr!

Crystal: Chimchar use Scratch! (Shinx used Tackle and got Scratched by Chimchar) Go Pokeball. (Shinx was caught)

Crystal: YAY!!!!! I caught a SHINX!!!! I can’t wait to evolve it!

(As the trainers near Route 203, Aaron spies an Abra)

Aaron: Go Turtwig and use Tackle! (Tackle hits Abra) Go Pokeball! (Abra is captured)

Aaron: Now we’ve all three caught our very first Pokémon. Jubilife City, Here we come!

How's this?
I will go more into details once in cities, Gym Battles, and Arceus story(which will occur after the 6th badge.
(23-06-2013 01:40 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]murdering countless Zubats,


lol , anyway , Seconding alcovich. on that last post of his. I'm looking forward to the rest of this Smile

Nice posting layout btw , don't think i've seen this style before. it's easy and pleasant to read.

how many members are in so far?
seems like it'll be fun
"Aqua colored water"? What other color would water be? Maroon? Big Grin Maroon water! Woot!

I see one of us is a field medic. How else can our Pokemon battle again after being wailed on? Unless we used the other Pokemon...
I wanna be the field medic!

Wait... "Turtwig use Tackle on Abra!" Abra didn't teleport! Was it awake? How did that work? Abra are notorious for teleporting away in the first turn. How did it not teleport? Do Abra only teleport when asleep?

Resolved: Alcovich, Aaron, and Crystal all live in Sandgem Town.
Proof: The lab was in the same town as the heroes.
Also: The heroes did not visit Route 201 or Lake Verity before they earned their Pokemon. This means they were not easily accessible, as they are from Twinleaf Town.
Nice way to put a spin on the traditional formula!

Really awesome beginning! I wanna see what happens next! Keep it up!

Oh, and when you say the Arceus story will happen after the sixth badge...
Do you mean that Arceus will appear and ask the heroes for help after the sixth badge, or the Arceus storyline will start after the badge? Because it appears to have already started.
(23-06-2013 04:37 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]"Aqua colored water"? What other color would water be? Maroon? Big Grin Maroon water! Woot!
It COULD have been Maroon.
It could have also been green due to microorganisms such as plankton.
When I say aqua, I envision a cool almost translucent water.

(23-06-2013 04:37 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]I see one of us is a field medic. How else can our Pokemon battle again after being wailed on? Unless we used the other Pokemon...
I wanna be the field medic!

(23-06-2013 04:37 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Wait... "Turtwig use Tackle on Abra!" Abra didn't teleport! Was it awake? How did that work? Abra are notorious for teleporting away in the first turn. How did it not teleport? Do Abra only teleport when asleep?
Do you know how much time I could spend chasing Abra? I chose to catch it before it used Teleport so I could get on with the story.

(23-06-2013 04:37 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Resolved: Alcovich, Aaron, and Crystal all live in Sandgem Town.
Proof: The lab was in the same town as the heroes.
Also: The heroes did not visit Route 201 or Lake Verity before they earned their Pokemon. This means they were not easily accessible, as they are from Twinleaf Town.
Nice way to put a spin on the traditional formula!

You were paying attention. Big Grin

(23-06-2013 04:37 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Really awesome beginning! I wanna see what happens next! Keep it up!
No comment on Team Rocket?

(23-06-2013 04:37 AM)Alcov1ch Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and when you say the Arceus story will happen after the sixth badge...
Do you mean that Arceus will appear and ask the heroes for help after the sixth badge, or the Arceus storyline will start after the badge? Because it appears to have already started. Oh, don't take any of the events of Arceus and the Jewel of Life into account. This Fanfic takes place shortly after Giratina and the Sky Warrior. In other words, Arceus is still asleep.

I mean that the MAJORITY of the Arceus storyline will be after the sixth badge. It has indeed started and no Arceus will not just appear and ask them for help. You'll just have to wait and see.

So far only myself, LuXray (aka Crystal), and Alcovich are the only forum members in it.
If anyone else wants to be in it, they must PM me and let me know. (oh and provide a name that you wish to be called)
Also, I'm toying with the idea of new Gym Leaders similar to how there's new Gyms in Black2/White2. Who knows, I might make a forum member a Gym Leader or Elite Four Member.
I want to keep the basic idea but give my readers something they won't really expect.

As to the post layout, it's the layout I prefer when writing simply because it's easy to read and you don't have to wonder who's talking.
Nice, i like the story that actually takes place in a pokemon region and not in an imaginary place or your home town, it's nice to see someone to make his own story in an existing pokemon region.
Continue the good work and like KN412 said the layout in the post is indeed easy and pleasant for reading.

P.S make the elite four the admins/moderators Toungue (and some you make up from your mind)
(23-06-2013 06:54 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]So far only myself, LuXray (aka Crystal), and Alcovich are the only forum members in it.

didn't see that coming -_- i though you were just using the same name.....you didn't tell me you were going to add me so i thought it was a different person.....
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