Legendary Pokémon

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No!I don't have a driver's license!Toungue
For a million dollars would you create the villain gang called E.V.I.L.?
(Every Villain Is Lemons)
yes.....maybe....i don't know
for a million dollars would you paint your house red?
I would do it for even 50 dollars but you have to buy the paint and tools!
My mother and I support Olympiakos,so a combination with white won't make her mad at all!
For a million dollars,(I can't say it! I will tell you later in PM) would you become a Belieber?Toungue
no way!!!!!NO WAY!!! NEVER!!!!
for a million dollars would you live in isolation for 5 years?
For a million dollars would you enter the LP chatroom?
NO!!!! A million people following one person is what started World War II.

For a million dollars, would you use yourself as a test subject for stun guns?
For a million dollars would you kill the 300 who rule Greece?You would become a National Hero in Greece!
for a million dollars would you go sky diving?
Yes!But my mother would take my place because she wants so much!Sad
For a million dollars would you be my GF?
for how long???ok maybe yes Toungue
for a million dollars would you start a fire in a forest?
No!I don't want to destroy a forest!It gives me oxygen!
For a million dollars,would you become an actor/actress?(in any kind of movie you want!Even the adult ones!Toungue)
yes,in an action movie so i could shoot people Toungue
for a million dollars would you destroy hollywood?

For a million dollars, would you put your life in the hands of your most hated enemy?
For a million dollars would you let me love LuXray?
Yes! I would let you love her in peace. (as long as she doesn't turn you away for any advances you make)

For a million dollars, would you sleep in a flimsy hammock over a tank full of sharks for one night.
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