Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: For a million dollars would you?...
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no....but i'd love to
for a million dollars would you invite the person you hate most to live in your house for a few weeks?
FAMD (=For a million dollars) would you change your gender? (lolWUT?)
no...even though i wanted to be a boy ( Toungue ) i think it's stupid to go against nature
for a million dollars would you dress up like an alien and scare random people in the street?
Yes,why not?
I would do this for even 10$ with a bunch of friends and maybe we post the video to YouTube,so we get viral!Toungue

FAMD,would you play Romeo in Romeo and Juliet?
yeah....i would look hilarious XD

famd would you sing in front of a large crowd?
With Autotune and a good song,possibly.
Without the previous things,NO.

FAMD,would you start calling every random person with the Greek M-word?Toungue
yep..i use it pretty often Toungue
famd would you live on he streets for a week?
I don't know.
FAMD would you spend your life insulting Sweds?
no -_-
famd would you naver laugh again?
It's not possible.
FAMD would you become a Team Rocket grunt wih only a Magikarp?
famd would you pose for a painting? Toungue
Depends the painting
FAMD would you listen to Anna Vissi for 3 hours without breaks?
famd would you go to school in a swimsuit?
Famd,would you take a gun and shoot a random person in a street?
dunno depend on my mood
famd would you start running paniced yelling:the aliens are coming?
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