Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: For a million dollars would you?...
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Ok lemme think....
famd would you not use the bathroom for three days? Toungue
Depends on what you mean.
If you mean not using any of the facilities in a bathroom (sink, toilet, bathtub), then yes.
If you mean not *ahem* eliminating for three days, then no.

For a million dollars, would you introduce all of your Pokemon to MissingNo.?
Yeah i guess
famd would you get a knife and go all wild threatening random people on the streets to give you their money?
Yes. I'm sure the judge would believe it was just a marketing gimmick.

For a million dollars, would you read through a horrible Pokemon fanfiction?
Easily...it can't be worse than other fanfictons (not pokemon) i've read (and surely not THAT perverted)
Famd would you become a bhudist (in case you are not)?
No, I'm a Christian.

The fanfic has to be horrible, poorly written, INCREDIBLY perverted, and unoriginal. And very, very long.

For a million dollars, would you start school all over again, from the first grade?
I have to finish school first.Then,I could go again,if you mean this.
As the Ancient Greeks said,
Επανάληψη μήτηρ πάσης μαθήσεως
Which means:Revision is the mother of all learning.
Famd,would you write a swear word in the forum?Toungue
famd would you push the stop button in an elevator and pretend to be stuck in there and when they come to rescue you tell them you trolled them?
(10-06-2013 10:58 AM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah...
famd would you push the stop button in an elevator and pretend to be stuck in there and when they come to rescue you tell them you trolled them?

No.My godfather (who is General in the Fire Department) would be either mad at me or would laugh,but I DON'T PLAY WITH THE FIRE DEPARTMENT!

Famd would you kiss your brother?
(OK,now you hate me!Toungue)
No -_- yes i hate you now and i'll be hating you for the next three minutes
famd would you steal some of your godfather's equipment?
I don't know.Maybe,if I tell him later that I did it to get 1M dollars and then I would give it back to him.
Famd,would you start dancing YMCA in public?
Hm...i don't know what that is...but probably yes (unless it' really weird)
Famd would you randomly start kissing people in the sreet?

This is the YMCA.-_-

Maybe,but I will get many slaps,so better no.

Famd would you become a Rouvitsa?(you know.Fan of Sakis Rouvas Toungue)
famd would you spend the rest of your life as an outlaw (you have to commit a crime first)
If by crime,you mean killing some of the 300 of the Greek parliament,yes.
Famd,would you go to the Pride Parade in Thessaloniki?
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