Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: For a million dollars would you?...
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Sure. Dunsparce Army, advance!

For a million dollars, would you live in my fanfiction?
Famd, would you find derivatives all day long?
Ummmmmmmmm sure.

For a million dollars, would you become a Dunsparce for a year?
Famd, would you become a Bidoof for a year?

For a million dollars, would you electrify the collective bathyscaphe?

Famd, would you become a Neo-Nazi?
For ten seconds.

For a million dollars, would you stay underwater without a snorkel or breathing device for five minutes?
Yep. It's possible to hold your breath for that long (with lots of breathing exercises and training)

Famd, would you elect an Empoleon for president of the US?
No. I would choose MYOOTOO!

It's really easy to stay underwater. Just hold a glass of water over your head. Toungue

For a million dollars, would you cosplay as Red for an entire day?
Famd, would you cosplay as Serena for a week? (even when you go to school)
Yes, I would. Toungue
I love Serena.

For a million dollars, would you marry your most hated enemy of the opposite sex?

For a million dollars, would you become the Digimon Greymon?
Excuse me? Yes, I suppose?

For a million dollars, would you replace all the Digimon with Pokemon?
Digimon are the CHAMPIONS!!!

For a million dollars, would you replace all the Pokemon with Digimon?
Pokemon are the KINGS!!!!!

For a million dollars, would you write a crossover between Digimon and Pokemon?
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