Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: For a million dollars would you?...
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i'll come to meet you Toungue
no i don't think i would....too much trouble

for a million dollars would you listen to justin bieber songs every day all day for a year?
Do you want me to die of insanity LuX? Toungue

For a million dollars, would you bite your dog on the ear?
yeah sure Toungue she bites me constantly so no regrets

for a million dollars would you trip a granny?

Famd, would you kiss your brother on the lips?
No, i have a thing about touching my family.

Famd, would you put 2 million dollars on a bonfire and burn it
Hmm... Overvaluing the national currency, causing damaging deflation?
Why not?

For a million dollars, would you live in Hell, sustaining horrible torture among the souls of the damned for a week?
sure it would be good practice for when i actually die Toungue i'm going to hell fr sure XD

famd would you spend 3-4 days just floating in space without any food or water?
Do I get a supply of oxygen to breathe? Because I don't want to suffer rapid unplanned decompresion for a million dollars.
If I do get oxygen to breathe, then of course I would.

For a million dollars, would you infiltrate ISIS as a double-agent?
yes. if being a normal agent is fun, then being a double agent should double the fun?

Famd: would you live in a cave for two years
Of course!

For a million dollars, would you change your last name to Schmidt?
sure,sounds cool

famd would you abandon a bunch of kittens out in the cold?


Famd, would you cut some of your family's hair off and eat it?
Depends on how I get to prepare it.

For a million dollars, would you eat a dictionary?
YES Toungue

Famd, would you a complete set of unabridged (the humongous ones) dictionaries (26 in total)
How fast do I have to eat them? If I get at least two hours to prepare and eat them all, then yes. (Mmm... boiled dictionary...)

For a million dollars, would you write a 300 page essay on the historical and societal impact of the yak?
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