Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Ban the person above you because....
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Ban because you didn't let me ban him for the 5th time Toungue
Βan because you didn't ban master chef for the fifth time
Ban because almost every ban has to do with your sig!
Ban because I'm totally sure that Elfkok will ban me this time... for 5th time!
Ban, because I want to Toungue
Ban because i can ban you again D:
(@Master chef, the character is aigis from persona)
Ban because you let us know about your sig Big Grin
Ban because it's time for revenge!!! Big Grin
Ban because you changed your avatar Toungue
Ban because you changed your avatar too!
BAN MOFAKA! Because I'm hyper. :DDDDDDD
Ban 'cause I don't understand what MOFAKA is...
Ban because I don't either.
Ban because I hope "MOFAKA" to be a false written "MOUSAKA" because if it is what I'm thinking... Angel
Ban because I like raichus...
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