Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Ban the person above you because....
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Ban because I don't...

Master Chef, I keep thinking that we think the same thing XD
Ban because we are thinking the same thing, indeed! Angel
Ban because I thinked the same with you
Ban because you have thinked the same with the others Big Grin
ban because you thought of what charizard think whom thinked what hero thought whom thought what master chef thought :DDDDDD
Ban because you are confusing Toungue
Ban, 'cause I say so Toungue
Ban cause i really am confusing o.o
Ban because pokefan says so Toungue
Ban because you just banned me o_O!!!
Ban because i have banned you!!!!
Ban because i banned you as well!!!!!!!! :O
Ban because you have banned me for banning you Toungue
Ban, so I can stop the chain Toungue
Ban cause you broke the chain D:
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