Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Ban the person above you because....
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i ban you because that's quite a pointless thing to know. :I
i ban you because dolmadakia Toungue
i ban you because drawing is fun Smile
i slap you because making music is more fun.
i ban you because singing is also fun
I ban you because writing fanfics that don't really make any sense and quietly peter out after several chapters is, strangely, also fun.
I ban you because i don't get what you just said
I ban you because neither did I.
I ban you because comprehending the person above you has no direct influence in your justification of the proscription of that Homo Sapien.
i slap you because -.- what did you just say?
I ban you for not understanding what he said.

(16-06-2013 07:42 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]I ban you because understanding what Alcovich said doesn't have anything to do with why you banned him.
I ban you because I said:"I ban you because comprehending the person above you has no direct influence in your justification of the proscription of that Homo Sapien" which CLEARLY means that understanding what the person above you said has NOTHING to do with the reason that you ban them.
I ban you for correcting me. BlankBlankBlank
I ban you for not understanding my simple words.
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