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its ok, we want you to have inspiration to write Big Grin
Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting. I´m trying to solve a big stupid problem on my job, so I´m not with much free time...
So, Team Twilight wasn´t the bad guys after all? Should I trust on them? Or was Mila lying? But she said so many true things...

- Well - Mila said - You don´t need to believe us. Anyway, we´ll take off our bombs now, as I promised. We´ll try to figure another way to restore the desert. Now, go. Before you reach Bay city, Team Twilight won´t be here anymore.
- Ok...

I followed my way to Bay city. The sun already disappeared from the sky, being replaced by a beautiful moon. The route was taking me near to the beach. There were a few houses on the road.
Crystal jumped on my back, scratching and hurting it, and then stood on my shoulders. Is she a cat or a parrot?!
There were less pokemon on that area. Of course I wouldn´t see many pokemon, it was night and they must be sleeping now. After a while, I could see Bay city.
Bay city wasn´t very different of North Great River. It was just bigger and had more buildings. The sea was also visible from where I was. A Wingull flew over me and some Volbeats and Illumises where dancing on the sky.
I went to the pokemon center, because all my party pokemon where fainted. That pokemon center also had a hotel service, so I could sleep on the pokemon center that night.
On the next day, I hardly went out of the pokemon center when I heard someone yelling:

- Hey! Leo!!!

I recognized that voice... A girl with a long hair and green eyes ran to me. And then, I remembered... she said that she lives on Bay city.

- Hi, Joana.
- Nice to see you again! I´ll show you the city, c´mon!

Before I said anything, she grabbed my hand and ran, pulling me.

- Hey, I´ll fall down this w...

I fell down on the floor. Crystal, which was left behind when we started running, jumped on my back.

- Oops! Sorry, Leo! - she helped me to stand up.
- You don´t need to hurry...
- You´re right, sorry!

So, we started walking on the city. She showed me the many stores, the beach, her house, her friends´ houses... the last thing she showed me was the local gym.
Bay city´s gym didn´t look a gym. It was more like a zoo. I saw two Chimchars, a Donphan and a Girafarig when I entered there, before Joana pulled me to the reptile´s part of the "zoo". Ekans and Sevipers, Totodiles, Croconaw and Sceptile... I couldn´t see much, because she pulled me until a part of the gym dedicated to bugs.
Two Butterfrees, a Ninjask and a Shedinja, three Pinsirs, and lots of bug pokemon on trees. Was that really a gym?

- Joana, do you know where is the gym leader?
- What? You want to battle already?
- Yes... I´m collecting badges, remember?
- And how many have you gotten?

I showed her my badges - the Metal Badge, the Tear Badge and the Sand Badge.

- Pretty good! And you could beat Mario and Marina!!! I remember that when I was after badges, a long time ago... hum... maybe not so long... I couldn´t beat only Mario, Marina and Grace!
- So, you have gym badges too?
- Yes! Wanna see?

Before I answered she disappeared in a door on our left. She left her badges on the gym? Why?

- Here, look!

Joana showed me five badges.

- This is the sand badge, like yours. This is the moon dew badge... - she showed me a silver badge shaped like a crescent moon - the star gem badge... - the badge looked like a little five pointed bronze star with a tiny ruby on the center - the sound badge... - which was a white circle with a musical note on it. - and the sting badge! - the last badge looked like a honeycomb.
- Nice! - I said - Don´t you plan to get the other badges too?
- No... I can´t do that. I´m quite busy these days.
- Well, so, where is the gym leader? Do you know?

She laughed a little.

- Of course I know... I am the gym leader!
Hey, by the name of the badges, can you figure out the types of the gyms of Midori? I´ll give you a candy if you guess it right! Toungue
hm...moon dew, so maybe ice pokemon?
star gem, maybe rock or psychic? a solrock maybe Toungue
well, the sound badge, is like a Chatot, so a Normal type again? (whishmur, jigglybuf)
and sting is either bug or poison I guess... Toungue
did i get it right???
oh, btw nc storyBig Grin
I want a grass dew Toungue BTW great work.
Umbreon guessed right twice. Joana will give me the sting badge if I beat her... Hehe, who would think that she was a gym leader too? (Actually, Mirka did Toungue)
It´s 11:37 PM here now, so I´ll write more tomorrow.
Hello! Here goes my fourth gym battle! (Or fifth, if you count that I fought George twice Toungue)
What?! Joana is Bay city´s gym leader then?!

- Hey - something let me curious - but can gym leaders win badges too?

She said that she had gotten five badges so far, remember?

- It was before I was a gym leader. The pokemon league recognized my skills and now I´m a gym leader! It´s nice, but it´s bad too... now I can´t go on a trip to win more badges and challenge the Elite Four. But that doesn´t matter! It´s really nice to be a gym leader! Everybody here knows me now and I meet many challengers every day. It really fun!

Before she continued to talk about how nice it was to be a gym leader (what could spend the rest of the day), I said:

- That´s nice... Well, shall we battle?
- Yes! Well, the only rules on my gym are: no fire moves! Did you see how many trees are there on this room? Fire moves would burn them all! And no switches allowed until your pokemon is fainted, understood?
- Yes.

No switches allowed? So I´ll have to think well about what to do... Anyway, I know that she´s a bug type trainer, so Murkrow will be fine.
Joana went to a little far from me, to give us room for battling. An Yanma flew over her head.

- Are you ready?
- Sure! Go, Murkrow!

The crow pokemon landed on my head. Joana laughed.

- Hi, Murkrow! Remember me? It seems that it still like to annoy you, Leo...
- Nah, that won´t ever change.
- Hehe, ok, it´s my turn. Go, Leo!
- But I´ve already...

I thought that she told me to send my pokemon, but she was sending her pokemon instead... a Dustox.

- Do you remember Leo, Leo? - she asked me - The wurmple I caught when we first met? It´s now a nice Dustox! Do you remember Leo, Leo? - now she asked that to her Dustox, making me confused to have my name repeated so many times in the same phrase - I named you after him! And do you remember Leo´s Murkrow, Leo? Hehehehe! You hitted that boy´s face with your String Shot instead of Murkrow, remember?! Hahahaha!
- Won´t we start? - I asked.
- Hehehe... ok, sorry! That was just fun to remember.
- I´ll start. Peck that Dustox, Murkrow!

Murkrow flew to Dustox, but Joana ordered:

- Protect!

A wall of light blocked Murkrow in front of Dustox.

- Toxic, now!

Dustox spitted up a purple liquid, wetting Murkrow. It was badly poisoned.

- That´s bad... try another peck!
- Protect!

Once more, Murkrow was blocked. And the poison was hurting it even more.

- Attack again, Murkrow!
- Protect again!

Protect´s effect is inaccurate if it´s used twice or more times in a row. Dustox took a longer time to make the protective barrier, so Murkrow could attack it.

- Ok, use Bug Buzz!

Dustox´s wings flapped really fast, making an annoying sound. The sound waves generated hit Murkrow.

- Murkrow, Night Shade!
- Protect!

That´s not good... the poison is killing Murkrow...

- Night Shade again!

Dustox was hit and was looking weaker now.

- Moonlight!

Dustox´s body started glowing. It absorbed some light, like my Jumpluff´s Synthesis, and recovered energy.

- Peck!

Murkrow hit Dustox in a critical way, but fainted right after, because of the poison.

- Ok, thanks Murkrow, come back.
- Our first victory, Leo! Keep going!
- I choose... Haku!

Vaporeon was looking great. Joana seemed excited.

- Nice! You´ve got a Vaporeon! Where did you get it?
- I got an Eevee when I was going to South Great River.
- If Eevee had a bug evolution, I would surely have caught one too!

Her Dustox was looking really tired and its wings were flapping slower than before.

- Moonlight again!
- Quick Attack!

Haku attacked and defeated Dustox before it could recover its energy.

- That was close... nice work, Leo, rest a while. - her Dustox returned to the net ball - Go, Shedinja!

The ghost bug pokemon was silently floating.

- Haku, Bite!
- What?! Double Team, quickly!

Joana obviously didn´t think that my Vaporeon would have any super-effective move against her Shedinja. Her pokemon splitted into some illusions. Haku missed.

- Double Team again!

More illusions were formed. Haku was a bit confused, without knowing which Shedinja to attack.

- Bite them!

Haku was attacking illusions, not the real Shedinja.

- Toxic!

All the illusions spitted up a purple liquid! Haku didn´t know where to go to evade, so it was hit and badly poisoned.
I hope you liked. See ya! o/
Aluado Wrote:The crow pokemon landed on my head.


Grr... Damn this toxic and it's Protect.
Big Grin nc work, keep writing!
Well, Celebi... did you see that everytime that I release Murkrow it has to land on my head?! I wonder why it does that Toungue Anyway, here goes the conclusion of the fight!
All the illusions spitted up a purple liquid! Haku didn´t know where to go to evade, so it was hit and badly poisoned.

- Now, Shedinja, Shadow Sneak!

Joana´s pokemon disappeared, as well as the illusions. But one shadow of a Shedinja was still visible. The shadow moved really fast passing by Vaporeon, which was hurt. All the Shedinjas became visible again.

- The true one is the one with a shadow! Bite it!

But it wasn´t easy to look for shadows in the ground. Haku missed again.

- X-Scissor, now!

All the illusions attacked again. Of course only the true one would hurt Vaporeon, but if only one of them attacked, I would figure out the right one right away.
When the real Shedinja hitted Haku, it could bite and defeat it.

- Pretty smart, Leo! Come back, Shedinja!

Haku was tired. The poison was draining its energy each time faster. I know that if he returned to the ball, the poison wouldn´t damage him so much, but it´s against the gym´s rules.

- My last pokemon... which one should I choose? Hum... I know! Go, Hercules!

A tough looking Heracross was sent out. Haku surely won´t bear a single attack.

- Hercules, Brick Break!
- Quick Attack!

Haku attacked Heracross, but was punched right after. Haku fainted.

- Haku... come back, you fought well. Go, Carol!

Jumpluff was as happy as usual.

- Cool! Your Hoppip is now a Jumpluff!
- It evolved yesterday.
- That´s so nice! It reminds me of when my Cascoon evolved to Dustox.
- Well, let´s continue the battle - I said, before Joana started describing her pokemon´s evolution. - Sleep Powder, Carol!
- Aerial Ace, Hercules!

Her Heracross evaded my pokemon´s sleep powder and attacked it, damaging it severely.

- Finish it with Megahorn!
- Sleep Powder, go!

Both pokemon escaped from each other. But then, Carol could turn back and scatter more powder on Heracross, making it sleep.

- Nice one, Carol! Now, Leech Seed!

A seed was planted on Heracross´ horn. Vines sprouted from it and wrapped the bug pokemon.

- Recover energy with Synthesis!

Carol recovered a lot of HP. If the trees on that room weren´t blocking the sunlight, I bet she would be fully recovered.

- Now, Mega Drain!

Carol was sucking Heracross´ energy. But it was hard to do that on a bug pokemon... grass moves aren´t effective on bugs.
The foe woke up. Carol went away from it.

- Aerial Ace again!
- Synthesis!

Jumpluff was fully healed before Heracross attacked it, so it survived.

- Mega Drain!

Her Heracross was weak enough to be defeated by my pokemon´s move. I finally defeated her!

- Good! Come back, Hercules.

Joana went to me and gave an orange honeycomb-like badge.

- This is the Sting Badge. You desearved it!
- Thanks.
- Well, Leo, where do you plan to go now?
- I don´t know... let me see which is closer.

I picked up my map. Joana stood beside me, so she could see the map too. Thick Weeds city was in the west, really far from where I was, at the east of Midori. Fortress city was at the west of North Great River, so it was the closest city with a gym. There was a paralel route from the one that I used to come to Bay city, which goes directly to Fortress city, without passing by North Great River. That was the shortest path.

- Hum... this route is the shortest one to Fortress city... - Joana said - but it goes by the desert. Will you go to that way?
- Well, the Great River also goes by that route. So, I think that the desert won´t be so... ehn... desert on that route.
- Yeah, maybe. I didn´t fight the new gym leader of Fortress city, but I heard that she´s tough!
- New gym leader?
- Yes. Fortress city´s gym leader died last month. His daughter came from far away and took his place, then.
It wasn´t a long battle, because we weren´t allowed to switch out. I hope you liked. See ya! o/
nc job!! lets see the next gym battle!!!
Hm,...VERY NICE!Big Grin
The stingy badge Toungue is yours yaaay Toungue
As usual, here goes another chapter of my adventure. Enjoy!
After I´ve beaten Joana, another trainer came to challenge her. He was a rookie trainer - he hadn´t any badge yet.

- See you, Leo. Let´s battle again!
- OK. See you.

I took some time looking the pokemon at that zoo. There were many pokemon there... Crystal gave me a bottle of water, which she found somewhere.
There were Girafarigs, Hippopotases, Totodiles, Sceptiles, Stantlers, Donphans, Sevipers, Ekanses, Chatots, Mothims, Luxrays... and much more! Some of them came from another regions.
"Seviper, the serpent pokemon. These species came from Hoenn." I read in a sign in front of the cage of Sevipers. In front of the cage of Totodiles, there was also a sign, saying: "Totodile, a crocodile pokemon that can be seen at some parts of the Great River."
After an hour, I guess, I went out of the gym and healed my pokemon at the pokemon center. Since it was a sunny, hot day, I decided to go to the beach for a while.
Midori region has many beaches, but none of them is as full of people as Bay city´s. There were people everywhere! The sand was full of parasols and women taking a sunbath. The majority of the men where at the water.
Crystal was hating the presence of so many people, as well as the hot sand and the heat of that day. She climbed my back, scratching and hurting it, and stood on my shoulder, like a parrot.

- Ouch! That hurts, Crystal!

She was really bored. So, I sent out my Jumpluff to play with her a little while I was going to the water. I like to swim, and I like to do it with my Vaporeon.
Carol was simply loving the strong sunlight. Crystal jumped on her and floated with her.

- Stay near to me, Carol, ok?
- Pluff!

I sent out my Vaporeon too and we went to the water. It´s nice to spend some time with my pokemon... Vaporeon practiced his Surf attack a little, hitting me with waves, almost drowning me. But that was nice, anyways. After having enough fun with Vaporeon, Jumpluff and Meowth, it was time to go. I still have four more gym leaders to beat.
Oh, you must be wondering "why Murkrow isn´t there too?" Well, being a dark pokemon makes he deslikes the sunlight and heat.
Nothing really important happened now, sorry Toungue But I promise that something better will happen tomorrow! xD See ya!
hm...it looks suspicious to me about the Totodile... Toungue
anyway, nc workBig Grin
I hope a Sceptile won't jump on Crystal Toungue
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