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I decided to write the rest of the tournament in this post, so, don´t mind if this post is a little too big Toungue
After some more minutes, it was my time to battle again. My opponent was new to pokemon, so it wasn´t a hard battle.

- Go, Beedrill! - he sent out his pokemon.
- Go, Murkrow!

Murkrow landed in my head and I slapped it away, nervous.

- Stop with that, Murkrow!

Both Murkrow and my opponent laughed.

- Beedrill, Twineedle!

The giant bee pokemon stang Murkrow twice. The crow pokemon forgot its clown behavior and acted more seriously now.

- Faint Attack!
- Avoid it!

But Faint Attack never misses... Murkrow disappeared and pecked Beedrill.

- Night Shade!

Beedrill was hit and fainted.

- Ok, you beat my Beedrill, but you won´t beat this one! Go, Kadabra!

I realized how new he was to pokemon the moment he sent out a psychic pokemon against my dark pokemon.

- Kadabra, use Psybeam!

Kadabra fired a powerful odd-colored beam which hit Murkrow... but did nothing.

- What happened?!
- Assurance!

Murkrow knocked out its foe in a single hit.

- Damn it, why Psybeam didn´t work?
- Psychic moves doesn´t work against dark pokemon.

He seemed frustrated and went away from the gym. Well, I´ve won two battles. Some more and I´ll challenge the new leader!
After some more time, this round finished. I looked to the tournament bracets. My next opponent will be... Joana?! Is she here?!
When it was my turn to battle again, I saw her. She was really excited to be in a tourney and battling me again.

- Hey, Leo! - she said. - So, you also want this badge?
- Hey, Joana, but haven´t you already gotten this one?
- Yes, but I want to fight the new leader just for fun.
- Start! - the judge ordered.

She uses only bug pokemon, so Magneton, Murkrow and Jumpluff would be nice choices.

- Go, Magneto!
- Go, Arnold!

Everybody that was watching my battle was impressed. Many "ooh!" could be heard. Joana sent out an Armaldo! But weren´t Armaldos extinct?

- Magneto, use Thunderwave!

Magneton paralyzed its foe with a jolt of electricity.

- Good! Now, Spark!

Magneton´s body was glowing and sparkling with electricity. It tackled its foe, which wasn´t too much damaged.

- Arnold, use Earthquake!

What?! Her Amaldo stomped heavily in the floor, causing an earthquake. Magneton was defeated. Ugh... I didn´t expect that! What should I do now... I can´t use Sleep Powder ´cause it´s already paralyzed...

- Ok, go, Haku!

Vaporeon can easily beat a rock pokemon, but can´t surely beat her other pokemon.

- Surf!
- Come back! Go, Toadstool!

Joana sent out a Parasect. A big wave crashed on it, but it just absorbed the water, no damage suffered.

- Haku, use Aurora Beam then!
- Spore!

Haku was faster and damaged severely its foe with a cold rainbow-colored beam. But Parasect was still alive. A cloud of yellow powder was spread everywhere...

- Haku, no!

Haku was sleeping. Is it over?

- Giga Drain!

Her Parasect jumped on Haku and started sucking its energy. That´s not good... After some seconds, Joana ordered:

- Slash!

It scratched Haku so strongly that my pokemon was thrown away of the arena, knocked out. I´ve lost...

- That was a close one. - Joana said - Better luck next time!

I went away from the arena but decided to watch the rest of the tourney. I saw Harry, a guy which I gave a Dawn stone, battle against the Vaporeon´s trainer from the beggining of the tourney. Too bad I could see only the ending.

- Gallade, Psycho Cut!
- Qwilfish, Destiny Bond!

If one of her pokemon hadn´t used Rain Dance before, Gallade would have attacked first. But Qwilfish´s Swift Swim trait made it attack first. A dark shadow covered Gallade.
Gallade attacked and knocked out Qwilfish, but it also fainted. The girl still had a pokemon left while Gallade was Harry´s last pokemon. He also lost.
The next battle was the last one. It was Joana versus that girl.

- Last battle! - The judge announced - Joana versus Melissa! Ready! Go!

The crown was cheering, but it was so loudly that I couldn´t know for whom.

- The water trainer against the bug trainer! Seems interesting! - the Machoke guy, my first opponent, commented to his friend, behind me.

Joana started with Parasect and Melissa, with Lapras. Lapras used Rain Dance, then Parasect put it to sleep with Spore.

- Come back, Lapras! Go, Qwilfish!

The fish pokemon hardly entered the battle and was attacked by a Slash of Parasect.

- Pin Missile!

Qwilfish inflated its body then shot many thorns at Parasect.

- Toadstool, Slash!

Qwilfish avoided and shot more pins. Although Qwilfish´s attacks were doing plenty of damage on Parasect, Parasect was being healed by the rain.

- Slash again!
- Destiny Bond!

Melissa knew that there was nothing else she could do now. Her Qwilfish fainted, as well as Joana´s Parasect.

- Go, Lapras!
- Go, Hercules!

Lapras was still sleeping. Joana sent out the same Heracross I fought at her gym.

- Close Combat!

Heracross flew to Lapras and punched it many times. It was defeated.

- The winner is... Joana! - the judge said, while everybody was shouting and applauding.

Then it was announced that we wouldn´t watch the gym leader battle, or we would know the leader´s style and pokemon.
There were so many people in this tourney... and I bet that many more will be here tomorrow too. I´d better train more before challenging this gym again.
Yay, I lost again \¬¬/ Well, life is not made only of victories...
hey, nice battles! well I am sorry you lost, but I hope you will do better next time! It was a cheat anyway that a gym leader took part in the tournament Toungue
Hello! This chapter was ready almost a week ago, but I forgot to post lol
The pokemon center was full of people. Everybody was healing their pokemon after the tourney. It took me almost an hour to heal my own pokemon.
While I was waiting, something at the TV drew my attention.

- The road linking Fortress city and St. Louis will be unblocked in two days. - the reporter was saying - Victor, the poison master of the Elite Four, will take care of the snakes that suddenly infested the area. Meanwhile, nobody can go to St. Louis by feet.
- Nice, we can go to St. Louis! - I heard Harry saying.
- St. Louis´ gym uses rock pokemon, that´ll be the easiest badge for me! - Melissa said.

Maybe it´s a good idea to go St. Louis first, to gain more experience and strength. Specially ´cause there are many expert trainers challenging this city´s gym. I can come back to Fortress later.
After healing my pokemon, I decided to spent the night in Fortress. I´ll go to St. Louis tomorrow morning.
I woke up early with Torchic pecking my head. It apparently broke free of its pokeball at night and slept with me in my bed. Now, it didn´t want to sleep anymore and also didn´t want me to sleep anymore.

- Ouch! Ok, I´m awaken, stop, Rony!

Torchic stopped pecking me and jumped to the floor. I had a quick breakfast then left the city. But I wasn´t the only one leaving Fortress city.

- Hi, Leo! - Harry said.
- Good morning, Harry.
- Long time no see! Will you go to St. Louis too?
- Yes.
- Nice! I´ll go with you, then! By the way, I told you I would do you a favor for giving me a Dawn Stone, remember?
- Oh, never mind that...
- No, a promise is a promise. You gave me a Dawn Stone. I´ll give you this Dusk Stone I found.

He gave me an oval stone. It´s black color was so dark that the stone looked purple.

- You have a Murkrow, don´t you? You can evolve it with this stone!
- Wow, thanks...
- Excuse-me. - a feminine voice said - Are you going to St. Louis?

We looked to the girl. She was short to her age, about 14 years old. It was Melissa, the water pokemon trainer who reached the finals of the tourney.

- Yes, we are. - Harry said.
- Good! May I go with you? It´s dangerous to travel alone...
- It´s ok, I guess. - I said.
- Thank you! My name is Melissa, and yours?
- I´m Leo.
- Did you forget me already? I´m Harry, we fought at the tourney.
- Really? Sorry, I forgot you.

We walked together, talking about ramdom things. Melissa told us that she is from South Great River city and started to love water pokemon since when she lost to Marina, that city´s gym leader. Her goal is to be better than Marina and to be an Elite Four member or the champion.
Harry has no preferences in types. He just catches pokemon that look cool to him. He doesn´t care about winning gyms or the Elite Four, he just wants to have fun. And, according to him, what´s fun is to win.
I told them that I always wanted to travel with pokemon, know more people and challenge the Pokemon League.

- Hey, do you think we´ll see Victor getting rid of the snakes? - Melissa asked.
- Dunno. - Harry said - Why?
- I just wanted to see an Elite Four!

Melissa and Harry were nice companies. The whole day passed without being noticed. When night fall down, we were in front of the big rocks that were blocking the way to St. Louis. Melissa convinced us to stop and sleep when she saw Golbats flying from tree to tree. She was scared, specially after a Mightyena howled.
Before we sat our tents and slept, we decided not to battle each other yet. We were gonna go back to Fortress´ tourney later anyway... it wouldn´t be good if we learned each other´s strategies.
I woke up early on the following morning, startled by something jelly and cold in my arm. A blue Shellos was in my arm. I don´t know how it entered my tent, but I threw it away. Or tried to, ´cause it was sticked in my arm.

- Ouch!

Torchic scratched both Shellos away and my arm. Then, it started pecking the slug pokemon until it fainted. Whoa, my Torchic won a battle. Toungue

- Hey, when did you came out of the ball?
- Chic!

Then Torchic ran away from the tent.

- Hey, come back!

Torchic ran closer to a tree and started jumping, trying to climb it. I looked to the tree. An Ekans was approaching a nest which had three eggs.

- Rony, come here, it can be dangerous.

But Rony shot some fireballs on Ekans. He was happy to have hitted the snake pokemon... but the snake pokemon wasn´t happy to have its lunch messed up.
The Ekans jumped from the tree. Rony looked a little scared, but then ran to the Ekans, apparently trying to peck it. Ekans evaded and bited Torchic.

- Ok, that was too far, come back. - I recalled Torchic to the ball, but that drew Ekans´ attention to me. - Oh-oh...

Ekans jumped on me, trying to bite my neck, but fortunately I could dodge.

- Skull Kid, Bonemerang!

I released my Marowak, which threw its bone on Ekans, making it fly away.

- Thanks, that was close... - I said, recalling Marowak.
- You shouldn´t be messing up with those Ekans! - an angry young voice said, behind me. - They´re more nervous than normal, because of their home´s devastation!

I turned back to see the person. It was a twelve years old boy. His hair was black, he wasn´t very tall and he was wearing bracelets, a necklace with black spheres and a chain on his belt.

- Sorry, it wasn´t my fault, my Torchic...
- Just learn to control your pokemon better or you may be in trouble in the future. - he said, still angry and went to the boulders blocking the road.

Melissa and Harry woke up and came to me.

- Good morning. - Melissa said. - What´s happening here? You were arguing...
- Huh? - Harry said - Hey, what´s that boy doing there? It´s dangerous!

The boy was walking around the boulders, apparently trying to see some way to pass through them.

- Hey, you. - Harry said - Don´t go there, that road is blocked for our safety.
- I know it´s blocked, only a blind couldn´t know that.

How rude! He examined the boulders a little more, than said:

- Well, can you give me a hand? I can get rid of these stones by myself, but it would take too much time.
- Are you going to move these boulders?! - Melissa said.
- Geez, I didn´t know that there were so many retarded people here...

Each second we liked him less.

- I won´t move these boulders, my pokemon will, duh. So, can you help?
- Why should we? - Melissa said, angry.
- Don´t you wanna go to St. Louis?

We didn´t say anything.

- Ok, last chance, you´ll help me or not?
- Ok. - I said, although I wanted to say "no".
- Good. Do you have pokemon that know Rock Smash or Strength?

Harry´s Gallade knows Rock Smash, but we haven´t any other pokemon with Rock Smash or Strength. that annoyed the boy even more.

- I wonder how you think you can go to an adventure without... sigh. Ok, boy, girl, send out 2 pokemon and I´ll teach them Strength and Rock Smash.

Melissa was really angry because of that boy´s attitude, but sent out a big Whiscash. I sent out my Marowak again.
The boy came to the pokemon and did something we couldn´t see. But in the end, he taught Strength to my Marowak and Rock Smash to Melissa´s Whiscash.

- Hey - I said - isn´t it too dangerous for us to do? I mean, after we remove the rocks, many snakes can appear and attack.
- I know this, that´s why they called me here.
- Called you...?
- I am Victor from the Elite Four, which planet are you from?!
I´ll write more soon. By the way, Melissa is mirka´s character and Harry is Xarhs´ Toungue
wow...cool Big Grin this chap was really good! I hope you train your Torchic more, so it gets Blaziken soon!!! Big Grin and don't forget, you promised that I would appear sometime too Toungue oh, btw, what Pokemon does Victor use? I forgot Toungue
lol Victor uses poison pokemon xP
haha...ok..I hope you get any chance to battle him... you will win for sure Toungue lol
Hi, again! I´ll be posting more often now, since the inspiration finally came to me! \o\
- Hey - I said - isn´t it too dangerous for us to do? I mean, after we remove the rocks, many snakes can appear and attack.
- I know this, that´s why they called me here.
- Called you...?
- I am Victor from the Elite Four, which planet are you from?!

Whaaaaat?! That little guy is actually an Elite Four member?!

- You´re lying. - Melissa said - There´s no way a child like you can be an Elite Four!

Victor now was really angry.

- Wanna test my power?! Take this then!

Victor sent out a fat Skuntank. Melissa sent out her Vaporeon.

- Ok, Vaporeon, let´s defeat´em! Use Surf!

Victor didn´t order anything. Skuntank was hit, but wasn´t very damaged. Skuntank and Vaporeon´s level difference was obvious...

- I guess it´s my turn now. Night Slash!

Skuntank jumped and slashed Melissa´s Vaporeon with so much rage that I bet that was a critical hit. Her Vaporeon fell down unconscious.

- No, Vaporeon!
- Humph. Believe me now? I am not an ordinary child, I am a prodigy boy.

Melissa used a Revive on her pokemon then withdrew it.

- Now, let´s start. - Victor said. - You. - he said to Harry - Help her to break the rocks with crackles. And you - he said to me - help me to move the others.
- Alright. - we said.

Harry sent out his Gallade. Victor withdrew his Skuntank and sent out an Arbok. I´ve never seen Arboks befores... I didn´t know their patherns on the belly could be so frightening. His Arbok was tough-looking, scary and yet beautiful...
Gallade and Whiscash destroyed many boulders with their Rock Smash. Arbok and Skull Kid moved the rest of them of our way using Strength.

- That was the easiest part. - Victor said, when we finished moving the stones - Now, we have to calm down the snakes. Just follow me, do what I say and, for your own good, don´t do any sound.

Melissa was a little afraid with the idea of going by a place full of snakes, but, after hesitating a little, followed us.

- Arbok, use Glare.

Arbok´s eyes were glowing... in such a scary way, like if it was some sort of devil. As we where walking, many Ekans where approaching. But upon seeing Arbok´s eyes, they where just going away... but going in direction of St. Louis. Some Sevipers appeared too. They weren´t going away, like the Ekanses did, until Arbok was really close to them.
Some Ekanses approached by our back. But they didn´t dare to get closer to us or to the Arbok. Seemingly, snakes respect Arbokes. We walked in silence, interrupted only by the snakes´ hiss. Melissa was looking each time more panicked, while Victor was just calm. After some minutes walking, Victor said:

- If you wanna go to St. Louis, it´s that way. - he said, pointing to a new road in our right.
- What about you? - I asked.
- I´ll take these snakes back to the forest. Or to what remained of the forest. But
that´ll solve our problems just for some time. They´ll come back, because the forest where they live is being destroyed...

That makes sence. These Ekanses and Sevipers are from Knight Forest. Since it´s being destroyed, they have to go somewhere... and they´ve chosen to come here, to this road.

- Maybe we´ll meet some other time. - Victor said. - Bye.
- Good bye, then. - Melissa said.
- Bye. - Harry and I said.

We went to the road Victor pointed just to discover that it was blocked by more boulders. Our Marowak, Whiscash and Gallade got rid of them. After crossing the Great River by a bridge, we reached St. Louis city. It was a big town, much like St. Paul - although not as big as St. Paul. There were many houses, buildings and a factory. In our way to the Pokemon Center, we saw many signs and outdoors with messages like "Think green!", "Protect the environment!" and "Nature is crying...". There was a Pokemon Contest Hall beside the Pokemon Center.
We healed our pokemon and decided to go to the gym right away. The gym was like General Mines´ one - a sports gym. The leader came to us when we entered.

- Hello! You´re not from here, are you?
- No, we came from Fortress... - Melissa said.
- Hey, so the road is unblocked?! That´s good! More challengers will come here then! Will all of you challenge me?
- Yes! - we said.
- Ok, so you´ll need to find me first! And if you find any of my apprendices on your way, you have to battle them. Good luck! - he said, then ran away.

We were a little confused... he didn´t let us say anything! He didn´t even told us his name.

- Well, let´s go then. - Harry said.

We entered the same door he went. We were in a little corridor with a bifurcation in the end.

- Well, I´ll go left. - Melissa said.
- So I´ll go right. - I said.
- I´ll go with you. - Harry said to me.

The corridor we´ve chosen was a dead end. But there were two trainers there.

- Halt! - they said.
- Hey, nice, two trainers! - one of them, a young boy said.
- Let´s beat them at the same time then! - the other guy said.
- Are you apprentices of the gym? - I asked.
- Yes! Following the rules, you must beat us to reach the leader! - the older guy said.
- We´ll use only one pokemon each, you can use how many pokemon you want.
- Isn´t that unfair for you? - I asked.
- No, because we just have to weaken you. More trainers are waiting in this maze.
- Maze? - Harry asked.
- Maze. - the older guy confirmed - You have to pass through this maze to reach the leader. And there are some trainers hidden here to weaken you. All of them will use only a pokemon. And you can´t leave until all your pokemon are defeated or you´ve beaten the leader.
- Ok, let´s start! - other boy said.

They sent out a Graveler and a Rhyhorn. I chose Murkrow and Harry sent out a Victreebel.

- Murkrow? Why you chose Murkrow? - Harry asked me.
- Oops! I forgot, it´s a rock type gym!
- Too late. Use Dig, Rhyhorn! - the younger guy said.
- Victreebel, Razor Leaf!
- Murkrow, attack Graveler with Night Shade!

Victreebel shot sharpened leaves on Rhyhorn and Graveler. Graveler avoided, but Rhyhorn was hit and defeated before it could dig. Murkrow fired a dark beam on Graveler.

- Graveler, Explosion!

His Graveler exploded, defeating both Murkrow and Victreebel.

- Our job is done! Good luck on the rest of the challenge! - the older guy said. Then, both trainers left.
Thanks for reading! See ya! Wink
Very nice Aluado!!!!!!I like your story very much!!!!!!
oh, Murkrow's defeated Sad well, I hope you win next battles with your other Pokemon!!! Big Grin good work as always ALuado!
Your story is great.
Thanks for the comments! Well, I was dumb to have forgotten that I´m in a rock type gym, which has advantage against flying pokemon. Toungue Well, enjoy this chapter!
Harry revived his Victreebel and I revived Murkrow. I have only one Revive left... Damn it, I should´ve bought some more before coming to the gym! We kept walking, but then, the corridor splitted in three.

- Well, I´ll go forward. - Harry said.
- I think I´ll go left. See you. - I said.
- Good luck.

The corridor I´ve chosen was a dead end too. I turned back and went to the other corridor. It splitted in two again... gosh, I hate mazes!

- Hey, there! - a girl voice said.
- Another trainer... sigh.
- Well, you know how it goes - the girl said - You have to beat me to keep going on your challenge. Go, Nosepass!

A rock pokemon with a big red nose was sent out. I sent out Vaporeon.

- Hah! A water pokemon, huh?
- Haku, Surf!

A big wave crashed on Nosepass. It was severely damaged, but it survived.

- Thunderwave!

Nosepass fired a jolt of electricity from its nose. The corridor wasn´t large, so my pokemon couldn´t avoid it and was paralyzed.

- Perfect! Now, Thunderbolt!
- What?!

I wouldn´t ever expect that... a rock pokemon using electric moves?! At least that Nosepass didn´t seem to have a high special attack, ´cause Haku was still able to fight.

- Surf again!

But Haku was paralyzed, its body sparkling.

- Thunderbolt once more!
- Come on, use Aurora Beam!

Haku and Nosepass attacked at the same time. Both moves collided and where reflected to different directions.

- Ok, come back! Go, Skull Kid!

I thought it should be better to switch out... Haku was paralyzed, and I didn´t know how many more attacks it could bear. I´d better save him for the leader.

- Rock Slide!
- Bonemerang!

Marowak threw its bone on Nosepass before it could move. Nosepass was defeated.

- At least, I´ve weaken your water pokemon... Good luck! By the way, you´re still far from the exit.
- I am?! Gosh... ok, thanks.

I spent some minutes walking by random corridors, without finding the exit. At least I didn´t find any trainer too. Ugh... I should´ve bought some Full Heals! I´ve nothing to heal my Vaporeon´s paralysis!

- Ha! I found you! - a big guy said.
- Another battle...?
- Sure! Go, Lairon!

His Lairon´s steel body was really bright, like if its trainer polished it.

- Carol, go!

Jumpluff was released, with its usual smile.

- Iron Head, Lairon!
- Sleep Powder!

Jumpluff was faster than Lairon. It was sleeping now.

- No! Wake up!
- Leech Seed!

A seed was planted on Lairon. Vines sprouted and wrapped it.

- Good! Now, U-Turn!

Carol tackled its foe than rushed back to me. I recalled it and sent out my Torchic.

- Uh? A Torchic?
- Come back, Rony! Go again, Carol!

Well, at least I could make Rony gain some experience this way.

- Mega Drain!

Carol sucked some blood from Lairon. It woke up, roaring in rage.

- Iron Head again!
- Sleep Powder!

Lairon was so much enraged, that Sleep Powder had no effect on it. With a powerful headbutt, Carol was taken down. But she was still able to fight.

- Sleep Powder again!

Lairon was affect by Carol´s attack this time. After two more Mega Drain attacks, it was defeated.

- Ok, good work Lairon, come back. For beating me, here goes a tip... the exit is over there. - he said, pointing to the corridor besides us.
- Really?! Thank you!

I ran to that corridor. I met Melissa, who had arrived there too by a paralel corridor. However, blocking the exit... there were two trainers. An old man and a teenager.

- Congratulations! You´ve got this far... - the old man said.
- But this is the farther you´ll go! Go, Solrock!
- Go, Cradily!

Cradily?! Weren´t Cradilies extinct? Well, no time to be surprised...

- Go, Vaporeon! - Melissa said.
- You too, Skull Kid!

Solrock´s trainer ordered a Sunny Day and Melissa ordered Surf. The lights of the gym intensified, and a tidal wave hitted everything on field... even my Marowak!

- Hey, watch out! - I said.
- Sorry, I didn´t know that I could hurt you too! - she apologyzed.

The wave was weakened by Sunny Day.

- Bonemerang on that Cradily!
- Solarbeam!

Skull Kid threw its bone, but was the bone was thrown away by Cradily´s powerful Solarbeam, which also defeated my pokemon...

- No! Ok, come back! Go, Carol!

Carol could take advantage on Sunny Day because of its Chlorophyll ability.

- Carol, Sleep Powder on Cradily!

Cradily´s Solarbeam could defeat Melissa´s Vaporeon... I thought it would be a nice idea to put it to sleep. But that wasn´t a good idea...

- Use Aurora Beam on Solrock, Vaporeon!

A rainbow-colored beam was shot and Solrock was hit.

- Solrock, Flamethrower on that Jumpluff!

Carol evaded by little. It would´ve surely beaten if that move hitted!

- Now, put Solrock to sleep too!
- Explosion!

Although Jumpluff scattered a dense cloud of sleep powder around the foe, it could explode. Jumpluff and Vaporeon were beaten.

- Now it´s with you, Cradily! - the teenager, Solrock´s trainer, said.

Melissa sent out Lapras and I sent out my Torchic again.

- Torchic? - Melissa said - Why Torchic?
- Just to gain some experience.
- Ok... Anyway, Lapras, use Ice Beam!
- Torchic, Ember!

Lapras shot a powerful beam on Cradily. Then, Torchic shot some fireballs. Cradily was still sleeping.

- Lapras, attack again!

The next Ice Beam was enough to beat Cradily, fortunately.

- Too bad we can´t use more than a single pokemon... - the teenager said.
- That are the rules. Well, congratulations! The leader is waiting. - the old guy said, and left.
- That´s good, we made it! - I said.
- Hey, where´s Harry? Wasn´t he with you?
- He was, but we...

I suddenly stopped talking. Melissa also stopped. We were looking to a little light behind us... Rony was glowing! It was growing... developing arms and legs...

- Combusken! - Rony said.
Yay, I have a Combusken now! Big Grin See you later!
wow, cool! I guess Combusken will help!! great!!Big Grin but now you have to choose between reviving Carol or Skull Kid... I vote for Carol! Toungue
Now, my battle for the sixth badge! Things may be getting repeatitive, but just wait some more time, until I have to go to Knight Forest to beat... oops! Better stop! Toungue
We went through the door that would lead us to the gym leader. Then, we discovered that the gym leader was... right beside the entrance of the maze. The exit and the entrance were one beside the other.

- Did you have fun in the maze? - the leader asked, smiling.
- We walked so much for this?! To go back to the start?! - Melissa shouted, as red as my Torchic was (Combuskens are yellow, remember?)
- Hehe, isn´t that funny? - he asked again with a stupid smile.

Judging by Melissa´s face, she would punch him soon.

- OK, who will be the first...?
- Me! - Melissa shouted, running to the field.
- OK. But you - he said to me - will have to wait inside the maze while we battle. Don´t mess with the surprize! I´ll call you when I finish.

I went back to the maze. Let me check my pokemon... I have a low level Combusken, a paralyzed Vaporeon, a weakened Murkrow, a fainted Jumpluff, a fainted Marowak... Magneton would be my only pokemon perfect for battling. But rock pokemon usually know ground moves, which defeat Magneton instantanely.
And I have only one Revive left... which pokemon should I heal? Jumpluff or Marowak? Jumpluff is weak against rock moves, but rock pokemon are weak to Jumpluff´s Mega Drain. And Carol is really fast and knows Sleep Powder. In other side, Marowak is resistant against rock moves, has a good defence and his Bonemerang is super effective against rock pokemon.
Which one should I...?

- Ok, your turn now! - the leader said, startling me.
- Just a second...

I decided to Revive Carol. Sleep Powder was a really nice move. I also gave a Super Potion to Haku, which was weakened by the fight with Nosepass.

- I think I didn´t introduce myself, don´t? - the leader said - I´m Pedro, the rock-type master! And you?
- My name is Leo.
- Ok, Leo, the rules are simple: no two or more pokemon can be put to sleep! No recovery moves can be used! No two pokemon of the same specie can be used, like two Vaporeons! We´ll use 4 pokemon each. Understood?
- Ok.
- By the way, how many badges have you gotten?
- 5 badges.
- Let´s start, then! Good luck! You´ll need, hehe. Go, Sudowoodo!

A rock tree pokemon was sent out. It was shaking its body in a funny way... like if it was dancing.

- Haku, go!

Vaporeon wasn´t looking well, because of its paralysis. Anyway, I don´t think Vaporeon will have much problems dealing with a rock pokemon.

- Haku, Surf!
- Sudowoodo, use Stealth Rock!

Sudowoodo shot some sharpened stones on Haku. But the stones didn´t hit it... The stones started to float around my pokemon instead. That´s weird. Haku attacked and a big wave crashed on its foe. But Sudowoodo was still able to fight.

- Ok, now, Wood Hammer!
- Watch out!

Sudowoodo charged to Vaporeon. When Vaporeon was about to jump and avoid the move, its body shaked, its eyes expressing pain. Vaporeon was paralyzed.
BAM! With a strong slam, Sudowoodo hitted and defeated my pokemon. If it wasn´t a critical hit, Vaporeon might have survived... I´ve no other water pokemon with me! It´s gonna be really tough...

- Your turn, Carol!

When Jumpluff entered on field, all the floating stones suddenly attacked her.

- No! Wha-what happened?!
- Don´t you know Stealth Rock? These special stones attack you when you switch out.

Jumpluff was really tired now. I had no other potions to heal her after I used a Revive. And Revives recover only half of a pokemon´s total stamina. So, my Jumpluff had about one quarter of its energy...

- Sudowoodo, Rock Slide!
- You´re faster, Carol! Use Mega Drain!

Jumpluff escaped from the rocks that were thrown and attacked Sudowoodo. It was defeated.

- Ok, you did a good job. Now, let´s see what you can do against this! Go, Shuckle!

A little bug pokemon looking like a turtle was sent out. Its expression was quite... dull.

- Carol, Sleep Powder!

The little bug pokemon couldn´t escape. It was sleeping.

- Leech Seed!
- Come back! Hahaha, I knew you would try a Sleep Powder! It´s better for me to have my Shuckle sleeping than my other pokemon! Go, Forretress!

Carol threw a seed on the bagworm pokemon. Vines sprouted and wrapped it.

- Mega Drain!

Carol almost couldn´t suck Forretress´ blood. Its steel armor was really sturdy.

- Rapid Spin!

Forretress spinned in a high speed and attacked Carol. The vines covering its body were thrown away.

- Damn it, there´s no much I can do... Ok, use U-Turn!

Carol tackled its foe than rushed back to the pokeball. Which pokemon should I send now...? Murkrow would be easily defeated by Pedro´s other pokemon. Rony could beat that Forretress with a single Ember... but if Pedro switches out, I doubt Rony will be able to survive. Magneto can defeat Forretress, but if Pedro uses a pokemon with a ground move later, it´s doomed.
Well, the best I can do for now is to use Magneto. At least I´ll beat Forretress this way.

- Magneto, go!

Stealth Rock attacked Magneton, but couldn´t damage its iron body very much. Pedro ordered a Mirror Shot and Forretress fired a very bright flash of light. It wasn´t very effective, but made me dizzy. Magneton lost a little of its accuracy.

- Magneto, use Screech!

A horrible sound was emitted from Magneton´s steel body, a sound similar to scraping metal.

- Come back, Forretress!

But Forretress wasn´t able to return to its ball. An invisible force was pulling it, forcing it to stay on field. My pokemon´s Magnet Pull ability.

- Now, Spark!

Magneto´s body sparkled with electricity and it tackled its foe.

- Ok, Forretress, Explosion!

A big explosion hurt severely Magneton and defeated Forretress. Fortunately, my pokemon was still alive... but very weak.

- Finish the job, Rhyperior!

A very big and tough-looking Rhyperior was sent out. I bet it could defeat my Magneton in a single hit, even if it wasn´t so tired...

- Magneto, Magnet Bomb!

My pokemon fired a steel bomb. It hitted Rhyperior, but it didn´t take too much damage. It´s defence was amazing!

- Sandstorm!

A sandstorm started to blow. It couldn´t hurt Magneto, but it´ll surely hurt all my other pokemon.

- Another Magnet Bomb, go!
- Use Earthquake!

Magneto fired another Magnet Bomb in the moment that Rhyperior attacked. Magneto was beaten, and the bomb hitted Rhyperior... a critical hit!

- That´s our chance, go, Carol!

The pointed rocks floating around Carol attacked her. She was very weak now...

- Mega Drain!
- Rock Blast!

Rhyperior shot five rocks on Carol, but she dodged. She attacked Rhyperior, sucking its energy. But it was still able to fight!

- Take Down!

Rhyperior tackled Carol. She was too hurt to continue battling.

- Ok, you fought well... Damn it, this Rhyperior is too resistant!

Which pokemon I should choose now? I have only Rony, which is too inexperienced to battle, and Murkrow, which doesn´t have much energy left and will have even less after being attacked by Stealth Rock!

- Go, Murkrow!

Murkrow was attacked by the pointed stones. It was very hurt now...

- Murkrow, beat it with your Night Shade!
- Use Rock Blast!

Murkrow could destroy one of the rocks with its Night Shade attack. Fortunately, it also avoided the others. It was really close to Rhyperior now...

- Night Shade again!!!

Rhyperior hadn´t time to evade or counterattack. Murkrow´s eyes fired two dark beams. Rhyperior was defeated and the sandstorm stopped.

- That´s it, Murkrow! Now we just have to defeat a sleeping pokemon!

Pedro sent out his Shuckle.

- It´s not over yet, kid!
- Faint Attack!

Murkrow disappeared and attacked Shuckle. But it cause too little damage.

- Try a Night Shade then!

Shuckle was thrown away by Murkrow´s attack. It woke up.

- Ok, Night Shade!
- Double Team!

Shuckle was splitted on many illusions. Murkrow missed.

- Use Haze!

Murkrow covered the arena with mist. The illusions vanished.

- Shuckle, Encore!

Shuckle clapped its... uh... arms. Oh, my... now, all my Murkrow can do is to use Haze! I´m trapped!

- Try Night Shade!

But all Murkrow did was to cover us with more fog.

- Sandstorm, Shuckle!

Murkrow countered the sandstorm with more haze. Of course, nothing happened and Murkrow was hurt by the sand. This way, I´ll lost!

- Toxic!

Shuckle spitted up a purple liquid. Murkrow evaded.

- C´mon, try Night Shade!
- Toxic again!

Luckily, Encore´s effect ended. Murkrow fired another shady beam and defeated Shuckle.

- That was a close one... Some more seconds and Murkrow would´ve been killed by Sandstorm.

Then Pedro withdrew his pokemon and came to me.

- Congratulations for your sixth badge!

He gave me a bronze star-shaped emblem with a little red stone in the center.

- This Star Gem Badge will allow you to fly with your pokemon to any known place. Good luck on your journey! Huh? - he stopped - Oh, another challenger, excuse me.

Harry had arrived now.

- Hey, Leo, you´re already here!
- Well, I´ll meet you at the pokemon center later. Good luck!
- Thanks! See you later!

I recovered my pokemon at the pokemon center and met Melissa there.

- Did you win? - she asked me. I showed her my badge. - Good! I´ve won too! That was harder than I thought... but yet, rock pokemon are weak to water.

We decided to wait for Harry, who came some minutes later, looking happy.

- It was really tough. - he said - In the end, we tied, but he gave me the badge!

We decided to rest a little on that city, then go back to Fortress.

- He said we could fly on our pokemon now - Harry said - But do your pokemon know how to use Fly?
- Fly? Is that a move too? - Melissa asked.
- Yes! My Fearow knows Fly. I can teach your pokemon if you want.

That looks nice! Melissa sent out a Pelipper and I sent out my Murkrow. In a few moments, both pokemon knew how to use Fly.

- We can Fly with them instead of walk back to Fortress! - Harry said.

Nice! So Murkrow can carry me on... Huh? But isn´t Murkrow too little to fly with me?
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Comments and critics are welcome! Toungue See ya!
nice battles there Aluado!!keep the good work!!!
great battle! but I wanted Combusken to fight too Sad never mind Toungue your battle was great! Big Grin
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