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I'll agree with umbreon. You won, vibrava fainted first.
O.O!Go Haku,Go Haku,Go Haku!Toungue Toungue Toungue
You won,Vibrana fainted first,Haku fainted when it was hit by sand!
(Haku must be very happy lol XD)
I´ve a nice and a bad news for you:
The good one: I´m finally with internet in my house again!!!

* Lots of readers hoping a new chapter clap their hands and shout, happy. *

The bad one: I won´t post the continuation untill monday! xD

* The people who were happy before look at me with a devil look and pick up their torches and weapons again *

Er... o.o Ok, see ya! ^^''

*Ran away, followed by everybody.*
Aluado Wrote:I´ve a nice and a bad news for you:
The good one: I´m finally with internet in my house again!!!


Aluado Wrote:Lots of readers hoping a new chapter clap their hands and shout, happy.

Go Aluado, go Aluado.Toungue

Aluado Wrote:The bad one: I won´t post the continuation untill monday! xD

How we'll live now?Toungue

Aluado Wrote:The people who were happy before look at me with a devil look and pick up their torches and weapons again.

Post or say goodbye.Toungue

Aluado Wrote:Er... o.o Ok, see ya! ^^''

Come here.Toungue

Aluado Wrote:Ran away, followed by everybody.

He's over there. Catch him.Toungue
lol, its ok, aluado, we can wait! Big Grin
Fortunately, I used my Vaporeon to surf away from my persecutors *coughcelebicough* and could escape unharmed! \o/ Now, I can write my fanfic! xD
Although I´ve beaten George´s Vibrava, Vaporeon also fainted when hit by sandstorm.

- Nice work, Haku, have a good rest.

Vaporeon returned to ball for a deserved rest.

- Well, George, I guess that means that I won.
- No, you didn´t! Vaporeon also fainted!
- But your Vibrava fainted first!
- But Vaporeon fainted too, so we tied and I won´t give you the badge!
- Why not? Didn´t I show you that I´m strong enough?
- No! I won´t give you the badge until you beat me!
- Don´t be a bad loser! - a different, woman voice said behind us.

We turned back and looked to the person. It was Marina. She was dressed up with jeans pants and an yellow T-shirt.

- George, Leo beat you first. Isn´t it enough to prove his power as a trainer? Give him the badge.
- This is my gym, Marina, my rules. I wasn´t defeated, we tied, I won´t give him the badge!

George really hates to lose and he never admits when that happens.

- Let´s do the following - Marina said - We´ll battle now. If I win, you´ll give him the badge. If you win, he´ll have to battle you later to get the badge.
- Why should I do that? It´s my gym, not yours. And I don´t want to battle you.
- Are you scared? - Marina was trying to make him nervous - Just because I´m the second toughest gym leader of Midori?
- You´re not the second toughest gym leader, Marina! Grace and Karen are a lot stronger than you!
- Karen isn´t from Midori, and she´s here just while no other gym leader is chosen for Fortress city. And you know that I´m as strong as Grace.
- You´re not, idiot.
- I am, and I´m also stronger than you.
- You´ll see who is stronger! I accept the challenge, then!

Marina smiled, looked at me and blank her eye while George was going to his side of the field, as furious as a Primeape.
Before George reached his place, some people entered the gym and sat down on the... uh... that place on stadium where the people sit down Toungue (sorry, I couldn´t translate the name we call it in portuguese >.<) When George stopped walking, more people entered, talking loudly.

- What´s going on? - George asked, confused, when the gym was full of people.
- Well... - Marina said - Somebody listened me when I told Leo that we would battle and told another person, who told another person, until everyone knew that two gym leaders were going to fight today.

- Go, George, go, George! - the crowd started cheering.

Of course they would cheer for George, he´s the local gym leader, while Marina is a leader from far away. I sat down with the other people.

- Go, Tortoise! - George started.
- Go, Gyarados! - Marina shouted.

George sent out a scary Torterra. But Marina´s Gyarados was looking more frightening. Maybe because of its Intimidate ability...

- Gyarados, Dragon Dance!

Gyarados started to move around, shaking its body. Is it really a dance?

- Ok, Tortoise, Leech Seed!

A seed was planted on the giant snake pokemon. Vines sprouted from it and wrapped Gyarados.

- Tortoise, use your Sandstorm!
- Don´t let it do it! Taunt!

Torterra stopped to try to make up a sandstorm. It was looking angrier and scarier than ever.

- Oh, no! - George said.
- Oh, yes! - Marina replied - Gyarados, Aqua Tail!
- Watch out!

But Gyarados was really fast and could hit Torterra. Dragon Dance´s speed boosting effect was really awesome...

- Tortoise, come back! Let´s go, Slimmy!

George sent out a Quagsire. This one was bigger and thinner than the Quagsire I fought. There was a pingent with something like a claw or a fang on its neck.

- Aqua Tail!

George´s Quagsire was thrown away, but wasn´t hurt at all.

- Water Absorb, eh? - Marina said.
- Sandstorm, now!
- Taunt!

Quagsire´s pingent flashed for an instant and its owner used Sandstorm before Gyarados could even move.

- Quick Claw?! How noobish you are, to count with your luck! - Marina swaggered.
- You´ll see who is a noob when I defeat you! - George´s face was red.

Marina could do what she wanted - to make George loss his calmness. She had a big advantage...

- Slimmy, Dig!
- Dig? - Marina said, ironic as always - What do you have in your head? Ground moves doesn´t affect Gyarados.
- I know, but while Slimmy is in underground, the sandstorm and the leech seed slowly kill your Gyarados!
- You´ll lost before that happens! Gyarados, Earthquake!
- NO!!!

Gyarados slammed its body on the ground, making it shake. Quagsire jumped from it, looking really tired.

- Let´s finish with another Earthquake!
- Come back, Slimmy! Go again, Tortoise!

George could protect his Quagsire from the Earthquake, but Torterra was hit instead. At least, it wasn´t very effective.

- Aqua Tail!

But George switched out again, making his Quagsire receive the impact and recover energy. Gyarados fell down, knocked out. The leech seed and the sandstorm drained all its energy. The crowd was shouting and applauding, excited.

- Come back! - Marina was angry, now. - You did a nice move, but let´s see how much can you keep it! Go, Feraligatr!

Marina sent out a Feraligatr that was bigger than an adult.

- Feraligatr, Earthquake!
- Protect!

Quagsire was unharmed by the shaking ground. The sandstorm stopped.

- Feraligatr, use your Dragon Dance!

Feraligatr moved in a similar maneer of Gyarados. It became faster...

- Come back! Go again, Tortoise!

Torterra was slightly tired.

- Tortoise, Wood Hammer!
- Ice Fang!

Both pokemon ran to each other´s encounter. Torterra´s tree was pointed forward. Feraligatr´s mouth was shining white.
After the pokemon colided, both stood still for a second... then... George´s Torterra fell down, defeated.

- No! - George shouted again. - OK, come back. Let´s go, Sanzar!

A big Flygon was sent out. The audience was screaming "Go, George!" again. Seemingly, Flygon is George´s most powerful pokemon. Marina also switched her pokemon. She chose the Kingdra I saw before at the surfing class.

- Kingdra, Rain Dance!
- Sandstorm, Sanzar!

Flygon was faster and made a sandstorm start by flapping its wings. But then, Kingdra cried and the sandstorm stopped. Rain started to fall from the ceiling.

- Let´s finish it, Kingdra! Surf!

But George switched out again, making his Quagsire receive the impact and recover energy.

- Annoying, slimmy thing, you´ll pay for that! Kingdra, yawn!

Kingdra yawned very loud. Quagsire yawned too.

- Sandstorm!

The rain stopped and a sandstorm started. Quagsire looked drowzy...

- It´s not good... Come back! Go again, Sanzar!

Both dragon pokemon faced each other. Then, both trainers ordered:

- Draco Meteor!

The battle between the two most powerful pokemon of those two gym leaders was ending. Many blue meteors were shocking in midair, causing sounds and explosions like fireworks.

- Sanzar!!!
- Kingdra!!!

It was impossible to see the pokemon because of the purple explosions and the sandstorm.

- Sanzar... if you´re ok... try an Earthquake!

But George´s pokemon didn´t do anything. The sandstorm stopped. Both Kingdra and Flygon were knocked out.

- Well, so it´s one against one! - Marina said, seeming confident.
- Go, Slimmy!
- Feraligatr!

The crowd was excited with the great battle. The majority of the people were cheering on George - of course, they wanted their gym leader to win.

- Feraligatr, Dragon Dance!

The aligator pokemon started his weird dance again. George´s Quagsire started another sandstorm.

- Protect! - George said, thinking that he would be attacked again.

But Marina´s Feraligatr kept with the dance.

- Waterfall, Slimmy!

Feraligatr was hit, but didn´t take much damage.

- Ugh... It´s getting complicated... Ok, Dig now!

Quagsire buried its way underground.

- Ha! - Marina shouted, victoriously - Gotcha! Earthquake, now!

Feraligatr jumped hard on the sand. All the gym shaked furiously. Quagsire jumped from the sand and fell down, unconscious.
I´ve written this part at the place I work and forgot to take it home. Toungue I wasn´t wanting to write all it again, so I waited until I could get this part back xD
I couldn´t translate correctly some words, but I hope you could understand what I meant Toungue
I hope you liked. See ya! Smile
wow, cool battle!!!! nc!!! yes, dont worry, everything you write is understandable! i am glad that stupid George got a lesson, he he Toungue
keep up with good work!
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting, that´s really inspirating! Big Grin
Although George lost, everybody enjoyed the battle and were applauding. George was mad and went away. I and Marina followed him. After a while, everybody quitted the gym.

- I won, George. Now you have to give him the badge.
- Alright. - he said, still nervous. - Take the sand badge.

He gave me a triangle shaped badge. It was as yellow as the beach sand. Crystal liked the badge, because it was shiny, and tried to pick it from me.

- George, - Marina said, more kindly - everybody loses. You must to learn how to handle your losses.
- Well, you´re right. - he said, a little calmer.

We still talked a little bit and could make George be calm again. He recognized that he´s a bad loser and promised that he would try to accept better his losses.

- Leo, I´d like to battle again when you get stronger. Come here later, ok?
- OK.
- Now I´ll train my Torchic... I hope I´ll find more fire pokemon.

Marina and I quitted the gym. It was quite sunny.

- Thanks for what you did, Marina.
- You´re welcome. Well, now that we both beat George, I´m sure that I´m one of the most powerful gym leaders!

I laughed. I remember how Marina was worried because I´ve lost before - and, since I lost to George and she lost to me, she thought she was weaker than George.
I decided to spent the rest of the day having fun with my pokemon at the beach. The only pokemon that didn´t like the idea was Murkrow. It was too sunny for it, so it went back to the ball by itself to take a nap.
I was swimming on the beach with Vaporeon while watching Crystal and Carol were playing. Some trainers were still surfing with their pokemon. The beach´s "saveguard" told Wailord´s trainer to call back his pokemon, because it was starting to be too dangerous.
It was raining at night. I slept quite well in the hotel. I need to be rested, because I´ll continue my journey the next day.
On the next morning, I took a look on my map to see where I should go. There were two cities with a gym close to North Great River: Fortress city, at the west, by the Route 164, and Bay city, at the south by the Route 165. Both cities had the same distance from North Great River.
While George and Marina were talking, yesterday, they said that the gym leader of Fortress city was one of the toughests. So, I decided to go to Bay city first. I´ll go to Fortress city when I am stronger.
The Route 164 was full of land and there were some trees. While I was walking, I found out why George had only ground type pokemon - there were only ground pokemon in this route!
Some Sandshrews, Nincadas, a Cubone, a few Trapinches... The Great River was also flowing by the route and some Woopers and Barboaches could be seen on the water.
The water of the Great River was cleaner than it was in St. Paul or South Great River, but it was still a little dirty.
Following my map, I had to cross a tunel on the Mt. Borborema to reach Bay city. Mt. Borborema isn´t really a mountain... Midori is in the middle of a tectonic plate, so it´s impossible to have mountains really. But such a tall elevation of the ground... everyone calls it a mountain anyways.
On the afternoon, I finally reached Mt. Borborema. But I was surprised... lots of people dressing ranger-like clothes were walking here and there, busy. Team Twilight was doing something a the foot of the mountain...
You´ll be surprised by the insanity of Team Twilight on the next chapter! Does somebody knows what they´ll do? Wink (probably mirka knows... Toungue)
Oh, sorry. I din't saw the last part but I've read it now. Good job. Superb sand badge.HA.Big GrinToungue
Yessh!Stupid Geprge was deafeted!Good work!Big Grin

(Yep,I think I now...Toungue)
Great work Aluado...awesome battle before...im happy because of the loss of that f00l george!Give mE a breAk!!!keep g00d work!!
I´m still writing the next chapter, but it won´t be ready until night... (It´s 1:42 PM here Toungue) I´ll write soon... and you will be surprised with what Team Twilight is doing!
nc work!!!! :DDD lets wait and see!
I was writing this part at my lunch time, at the job, but I accidentally erased it Toungue But here it is!
Many Team Twilight members were walking near to the Mt. Borborema. I noticed that they were picking up some boxes with red things from a truck and going inside the mountain, followed by some Drifloons.

- Hurry up, we don´t have much time left! - a man with a black hair was saying.

This man wasn´t helping his partners to take out the boxes from the truck, he was just watching instead. He turned back and saw me.
He wasn´t wearing a cap like the others, his clothes were a little different from the standard Twilight members and his face was hidden under a mask. I recognized him as one of the three masked members I saw flying away in a Drifblim on Silph Co., in St. Paul, after I got my first badge.

- Hey, you! - he called me - Don´t get any closer! It´s too dangerous here!
- Dangerous? - I asked - Why?
- I can´t tell you, sorry. But you can´t pass here now. You´ll have to wait until tomorrow.
- I just wanna go to Bay city. Can´t I go fastly?
- I already told you, it´s too dangerous there!
- If it´s so dangerous, why are you all going inside the mountain?

The masked man stopped, without an answer.

- Sir! - a Twilight grunt was running to the masked man, shouting - The explosives are...

But he suddenly stopped talking when he saw me. Explosives? Are they putting explosives in the mountain?!

- Stupid! - the masked guy angrily said - Nobody should know what we´re doing here!
- What will you do in the mountain?! - I asked, panicked.
- Sorry, boy, but you´ve seen too much. I didn´t want to do this, but...

He sent out a Drifblim.

- Hypnotize this boy, Drifblim.

Before I could do anything to protect myself, the masked man´s Drifblim shot several sound waves... I felt my energy going away, my body was becoming heavy... then, I didn´t see or feel anything.
I woke up not so much later with the sound of a woman nervously yelling.

- Are you crazy, Rick?! - the voice sounded familiar - You´re giving them more reasons to chase us and call us criminals!
- B-b-but that boy saw too much, Mila!
- But to keep him as a prisioner... well, I´ll talk to him.

I opened my eyes. I was sleeping on three boxes inside the mountain. I stood up. A Drifloon flew over me and went away.
I heard some steps, then a woman with the same height as me came to me. Her face was also hidden behind a mask, but I could see her brown eyes. She had a long, red, straight hair and was wearing boots.

- Sorry for what Rick did to you, boy. What´s your name?
- I´m Leo.
- I´m Mila, leader of Team Twilight. Nice to meet you, Leo. Well, unfortunately, you´ve seen too much. Our plans for this place will be finished until tomorrow, so we´ll have to keep you with us until then, or else, you would call the police.
- Why are you doing this?
- We´ll free you tomorrow anyway... I think there´s no problem to tell you.

She was being too nice for a criminal. Yet, her voice was quite familiar to me...

- I think you saw the explosives? Well, we are going to blow up the Borborema mountain.
- What?!
- Our Drifloons will activate the explosives when they explode themselves....
- You will kill your Drifloons this way!
- No! Drifloons are ghost pokemon, so they´re not affected by explosions! They´ll be just fainted after the mountain is exploded. My own Drifblim will also help the explosion.

Which craziness is that?! Why would somebody want to destroy a mountain?!
Although I´ve already written the next part, I wanna let you curious! Big Grin Wait until tomorrow!
Hey, did you see? A woman is finally a leader of an evil team! Hum... but is it good?Toungue
Great!Nice work!Big Grin
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