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Hello! Did you miss me?Toungue Here goes another chapter!
So... they´ll just deactivate that building to stop a little the pollution of the Great River. It doesn´t seems a bad thing. The ground shaked and an explosion was heard.

- What was that?! - I asked, scaried.
- It came from below... - he said and ran to somewhere inside the building. I followed him.

That guy went down by some stairs to the floor below. It was on the underground. There was a big laboratory there. Some pokemon were caged and there were lots of boxes, tables and chemical things that I don´t do any idea what they could be.

- You idiot! - a known feminine voice was yelling - We weren´t supposed to explode this lab! We were going just to deactivate it!
- But if we explode this place - another masked man was saying - we´ll deactivate the building anyway!
- Do you think we are terrorists?! We are protectors of the nature!!!

When I and the Twilight man that I followed reached them, I could see what happened. That guy ordered his Drifblim to explode itself, destroying that lab. Another male Team Twilight guy was giving a potion to his injuried Politoed.

- Thanks, William. - Mila said to Politoed´s trainer - Your Politoed´s Damp ability worked just in time... a little more and we would have died. - then, she turned back to the masked guy - Have you ever thought that if exploded the building everyone here would die?!
- We didn´t care about that when we were at Borborema, did we?
- But it´s different this time! There are people here!
- I really can´t understand you, Mila.

The place was very damaged. When Drifblim exploded, William sent out his Politoed. But it wasn´t released in time to stop part of the explosion. Many things were destroyed and the lab won´t be able to work for a long time.

- Well, anyway, we´re done here. Let´s go. - Mila said. Then she saw me. - Oh, you´re here, Leo? Hum... may you please do a favor to me?
- Which favor?
- After this explosion - she looked a little to the other masked guy - the police will surely come here in a short time to see what happened. Team Twilight must leave now. But I have no time to warn the others... May you please find the other members and tell them to free the hostages and go, because our work is done?
- Why don´t you tell some of your partners to go?
- We are all tired... We had to do a lot of things lately. If you do this for me, I promise I´ll reward you later!

I couldn´t even think about what she would give me and I found myself accepting what she asked me to do.

- Thanks a lot. I would tell them by myself if the explosion hadn´t broken our communicators.
Well, my inspiration is going away... Sad If someone gives me some idea, I would appreciate them a lot Toungue
nc chapter! Big GrinD
Go Twilight,go Twilig- *suddenly sees that I am in public*
Eh,I meant Great chapter!XD
Good work. Smile
Hi! Well, I had some ideas... not so good, though Toungue But here goes another chapter. Comment later, please!Wink
Mila and some Team Twilight members went away from the building. And she told me to tell the others to free the hostages and leave.
There was nothing on the floor I was, so I went back by the stairs to the first floor of the building. Nobody was there at the entrance, beside the hypnotized guard. On the second floor, all the rooms were empty, except a big room on the end of the corridor. Two Twilight guys were in front of many scaried people, who were sat down on the floor. Two Drifloons were floating over them.

- Hey... - I said.

The "guards" jumped, a little scaried.

- What? We didn´t take somebody? - one of them said.
- OK, boy, move there with the others, now! - the other said.
- Mila has a message for you. - I said.
- What?! How do you know her name?
- Hey, I remember you! We fought this boy on Mt. Borborema, Julio!

Before thay said anything else, I continued:

- Mila told you to free them and go. They´ve finished the work.
- Ah... that explains the explosion. - Julio said.
- OK, everyone! - the other guy said - We´ll leave this place now. You may go as well after a while. Just wait until our Drifloons go away. If you even move before we´re outta here, our Drifloons´ll explode! Don´t try anything stupid, for your sake!

Both guys went away. I went to the third floor. There were many rooms with computers on that floor, but nobody was there. I saw a little explanation of the "Master Ball Project" on a blackboard. On the fourth floor, I found Marcos guarding the hostages.

- You again?! What do you want this time?
- Mila told me to tell you that they´ve done what they had to do. You can go and leave the hostages.
- Humph. Do you think I´m idiot? You´re just trying to mess up our plans again. Go away!
- But I´m not lying! Mila said that you must go!
- I don´t believe you! If you won´t go peacefully, I´ll force you! Go, Houndoom!

So his Houndour evolved. It was looking really scary.

- Go, Haku!
- Houndoom, Thunder Fang!

Houndoom´s teeth were sparkling and shining dangerously. It bited and damaged Haku a lot.

- Surf, now!

Houndoom was knocked out by the wave, which wetted almost all the floor. So good the wave didn´t hit any electric device, or I would have destroyed it.

- Damn it! If my other pokemon weren´t fainted... and if my Drifloon wasn´t looking the hostages...
- Now that you lost, can you do what I... I mean, what Mila told you to do? You´d better go before the police arrives.

After hearing the word "police", Marcos decided to go. Just like Julio and his partner, he left his Drifloon watching the people for some time.
I continued searching for more hostages and Twilight members. Crystal was tired of walking, so she climbed on my back and stood in my shoulders. I found another two members, who freed the hostages when they heard the explosion and were going away flying on a Skarmory´s back. On the last floor, two girls and a man were guarding a door. I told them what Mila said and they let me pass.
Inside the room they were guarding, Rick, one of the masked memebers, was looking three people. They were all sleeping. And a Drifblim was hovering over them. Drifblim had obviously hypnotized them.

- What are you doing here?!

I explained everything.

- Don´t try to fool me. Mila will call me when it´s time to go. You won´t mess with everything again.
And now they don´t even believe me!¬¬ That is what I win for helping everyone xP
haha, nc chapter!!! lets see the battle!!!
Nc chappie!
Hello! I´m having exams at university, plus my job, I´m almost without time to write. Well, I hope this chapter will be nice!
- Don´t try to fool me. Mila will call me when it´s time to go. You won´t mess with everything again.
- I´m not lying! Didn´t you hear the explosion?
- Yes, but what if that was a battle and not our job being finished?
- But...
- Enough. Go away!

Rick said that and threw something on me, trying to make me run away. He threw a pokeball which opened, releasing his Tropius.

- Tropius, blow this boy away with Whirlwind!
- Go, Haku, Quick Attack!

Even I couldn´t believe how fast I could protect myself from being blown away. I sent out Vaporeon, which attacked Tropius when it was starting to flap its leaves.

- Ha, so you wanna fight? Use Magical Leaf!

Haku tried to jump and escape from the multicolored leaves that Tropius shot, but they followed him! Haku was hit and defeated.

- Oh, no... Ok, come back! Go, Carol!

Now I have only Cubone and Jumpluff left. Cubone is no match for Tropius, so...

- Body Slam, Tropius!
- Sleep Powder!

Jumpluff made Tropius sleep, so it wasn´t attacked. But what would I do now? My Jumpluff´s moves are Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Mega Drain and Synthesis. None of them really hurt a flying/grass opponent.

- I hope this works... Come back, Carol! Go, Skull Kid!
- Humph, a Cubone? - Rick said - It´ll be dead when Tropius awakes!

Cubone became angry with that comment.

- OK, use Focus Energy!

Cubone seemed to grow a little.

- OK, Rage!

It attacked Tropius with all its strength.

- Rage again!

It did a critical hit. Tropius woke up.

- Sunny Day, Tropius!

The lights of the room intensified. I switched out to Jumpluff again, which received a Magical Leaf attack.
I´ll post more soon. Maybe tonight Toungue (By the way, its 1:07 PM here, so it will take some time xD)
Hello! As I said, I´m posting again. Please, comment later! That´s really motivating!Toungue
When Tropius awaked, I switched out from Cubone to Jumpluff. Rick ordered Tropius to use Magical Leaf, but it wasn´t effective against Jumpluff anyway.

- Body Slam, now!
- Sleep Powder!

Tropius escaped from Sleep Powder, but Jumpluff couldn´t escape from Body Slam. Tropius fell down on Jumpluff, paralyzing it.

- Carol! Are you ok?

Her body was shaking a little.

- Nice one, Tropius! Body Slam again!
- C´mon use Sleep Powder!

Jumpluff avoided Tropius´ attack just in time. It made the foe sleep again.

- Mega Drain!

But he switched out. He sent out his Typhlosion. Ugh... that´s a complicated situation...

- Sleep Powder!
- Flame Wheel!

Jumpluff couldn´t move. It was fully paralyzed. Typhlosion´s body was covered in flames. It rushed to Jumpluff and tackled... Carol was defeated.

- Ok, you fought well. Go, Skull Kid!

What will I do now?! Cubone is no match for Typhlosion, Tropius and Drifblim. The lights went back to the normal (don´t you remember that Tropius´ Sunny Day move intensified them?)

- Ha! You´ll lose this time! Flame Wheel!
- Bonemerang, Skull Kid!

Although Cubone was attacked, it survived... with a good amount of energy left. It threw the bone it was holding on Typhlosion. A strong hit made the foe fall down on the floor. But Bonemerang is like a boomerang... (duh) The bone went back to Skull Kid, striking Typhlosion again. It was defeated now.

- No, Typhlosion! Come back! - the pokemon returned to the ball - It doesn´t matter... Your pokemon is no match for...

But before he could say anything else, the door behind me opened suddenly. Some policemen were entering the room. Rick quickly grabbed his Drifblim and, together, they jumped from the balcony.
Skull Kid began to glow. It was becoming bigger... it was evolving! When all the policemen were there, Skull Kid was a strong looking Marowak.
My fight was interrupted, but Skull Kid evolved anyway! \o/ See you!^^
Weeeee,go Skull Kid !!!Nice one!Smile Smile
haha, nice chapter!!!!i guess marowak will be very strong and defeat many enemies in the next battles, wont it??? Big GrinD
Hello! My exams are finally over, so I have more time to write now. Sorry for delaying so much. The lack of creativity came back again.Toungue
While the policemen where entering the room, Rick quickly grabbed his Drifblim and jumped from the balcony.

- Damn it, that was close. - a policeman said - They could all escape! - then he noticed me - Are you ok, boy? What are you doing here?
- I... uh... came to... to see a friend, and...
- Then they took you with the hostages, I guess. It seems that you were fighting. - he said, looking to my newly evolved Marowak - Don´t do it again. They´re dangerous. I´ll take you out of the building.

Marowak returned to the ball. While I was following the man to outside of the building, a woman was awaking the hypnotized people with her Vileplume´s Aromatherapy.

- Good bye. Be careful with those criminals. - the policeman said when we where at the entrance of the building.
- Ok.

I went to the pokemon center and healed my pokemon. Oh gosh... now I´ve noticed that I had some potions and revives on my bag. I should have used them!
That was such a hard day. I´ve lost to Karen... I had to fight Team Twilight again, although I´m not against them... I´ll rest awhile. I´ll think about what I´ll do next later.
I took a nap and went to the beach. Oh, you must be thinking "how many beaches are there?!" There are five cities along the coast of Midori. From north to south: Fortress city, North Great River city, Bay city, Holy Ghost city and South Great River city. Nothing really important happened that day.
On the next day, I decided to fight Karen again. With my new Marowak I have better chances! At least it was what I thought.

- So, you wanna try four against four this time? - she asked me.
- Yes, I´ve gotten a new pokemon and I wanna try it.
- Ok. But I won´t be as easy as I was last time. Try your best. Go, Umbreon.

Her intimidating Umbreon was looking... bored, somehow. Just like Karen, it may be thinking that there weren´t being strong opponents lately.

- Go, Murkrow!

This time, Murkrow didn´t land on my head. It was wanting to battle.

- Use Toxic.
- Taunt, now!

Murkrow stopped Umbreon´s attack. Heh, without Toxic, Umbreon won´t be a problem to Murkrow.

- Nice one! Night Shade, now!
- Come back. Go, Gengar.

Her Gengar was more scary than her Umbreon. But Murkrow wasn´t intimidated by Gengar´s look and attacked it.

- Thunderbolt.

Murkrow couldn´t escape. Her Gengar fired a powerful blast of electricity so fast that Murkrow was fainted before it could even notice it.

- No! Murkrow! Ok, come back! Let´s go, Carol!

Opposite to Murkrow, Carol was scared with Karen´s Gengar. It was shivering sometimes.

- Don´t let it scary you, Carol! Use Sleep Powder.
- Shadow Ball.

Gengar attacked Carol first. The ball made of dark energy did a lot of damage, but Carol could survive and put Gengar to sleep. Karen switched out again. She sent out her Houndoom.

- Sleep Powder, Carol!
- Flamethrower.

Houndoom was faster. Jumpluff was defeated.

- Ugh, it´s too hard... come back! Go, Skull Kid!
- A Marowak, then? - Karen said.

Skull Kid was annoyed by the way that Karen referred to him. Its expression was more dangerous than Karen´s Houndoom´s look.

- Flamethrower.
- Bonemerang!

Houndoom´s attack repelled Marowak´s. Then, Houndoom did a Sunny Day move...

- Bonemerang again, I know you can do it!
- Solarbeam!

Not only Bonemerang was repelled again, but Marowak was hit and defeated. There´s no way for me to win now... I sent out my Vaporeon, but another Solarbeam finished the match. I´ve lost again.
I hope you liked it... I´m almost with no ideas for my fanfic, so I´d really appreciate if you give me some.
See you! o/
*shots Karen at the head*
There.Steal the badge now!!!
Nice one!Smile
haha, no I know you can beat Karen without cheating lol !!!! anyway, great battle, I hope next time you win!!!!
Hello! Sorry guys, the lack of creativity and some other problems were preventing me from continuing the story.Toungue Well, here I go!
After losing to Karen again, I realized that I´m not prepared to fight her. Well, I´ll challenge other gyms and train a lot first. Then I´ll have a rematch!

- Good bye, boy. - she said when I was leaving - Good luck, too.
- Thanks. We´ll rematch soon, ok?
- Probably not. I´m leaving tomorrow.

I smiled.

- We´ll surely meet each other again, and then we´ll have a good rematch.

She smiled too and bid farewell. I took a look on my map. St. Louis city was the closest place to Fortress city. Actually, it was the only city with a gym (which I´ve not battled yet) that was close to Fortress city. I ate something at a fast food and went away. Crystal found a bottle of water somewhere and gave it to me.
The Great River was flowing through the route between Fortress and St Louis. It was incredible how clear the water was at that point. It was transparent... and it was possible to see some water pokemon at the depth. I was startled by a Gyarados which swam underwater when I looked to the river.
I was wondering if I should capture a new pokemon... But I thought that it was better for me to train my current pokemon first. I spotted a trainer swimming on the river. He saw Crystal following me, so he asked me to battle him.

- Go, Skull Kid!
- Go, Lombre!

Ugh... my opponent´s pokemon has a clear advantage over mine. But we accepted to fight using only one pokemon, so I´ve nothing to do...

- Lombre, Absorb!

His Lombre sucked some blood from Skull Kid, which cried in pain.

- Bone Club!

Lombre was so close that couldn´t escape. It wasn´t very effective... but did some damage.

- Absorb again! Recover your energy!
- Focus Energy!

Lombre was recovering too much energy and Marowak was losing HP...

- Use Rage!

Marowak was furious after having its blood sucked so many times, so it attacked with a lot of strength. But Lombre had still many HP remaining.

- Keep sucking Marowak´s blood, Lombre!
- Bonemerang, now!

The first hit from bonemerang kept Lombre away from Marowak. The next one, was a critical hit! Rage´s effect of powering up Marowak´s attack and Focus Energy effect helped a lot. A little more, and Marowak would´ve been beaten.

- Darn... Come back, Lombre.
- Good battle.
- Well, soon I´ll evolve my Lombre, so I´ll have more chances to win.

After receiving my money and saying "bye", I continued walking. At the night, I saw a big sign and some boulders blocking the way. The sign was saying: "The route is blocked from this point due to the snakes that suddenly invaded the area."
Oh, no! That Route was the only path to St. Louis!
I hope you liked it. See you!
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