Legendary Pokémon

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Hey,i really liked the multi-battle idea and i got to say that this farmer is an insisting one,so you got to give them a good lesson guys.Multi-battle,clever.........
yes yes pokeruler is right
haha, nice chapter!! i hope you two win and stop the fire! looks like my ideas kinda helped didnt they? Toungue anyway, dont forget to post soon because we are waiting with excitement!!
Hello! I couldn´t keep my promise of writing the past weekend because I´m having exams this week =/ Anyway, happy valentine´s day! (Is it also valentine´s day everywhere else from Brazil, by the way?Toungue)
I sent out my Murkrow and the girl sent out a Furret. Henry sent out an Alakazam and the farmer sent out a Miltank.

- Alakazam is weak against Murkrow! - the little boy said - Protect it, sis!
- Understood! - she said.
- Alakazam, use Focus Blast, now!

Alakazam fired an orange ball of light on my Murkrow.

- Furret, Follow me!

The attack was drawn to Furret, which evaded.

- Miltank, Body Slam!

Furret couldn´t escape from Miltank´s attack, which damaged it a lot. It was shivering some times. It was paralyzed.

- Murkrow, use Assurance on Alakazam!

Alakazam was almost beaten by Murkrow´s attack. A little more and this Alakazam will be dead...

- You! - Henry said to the farmer - attack that Murkrow, while I deal with Furret!
- Don´t tell me what to do!
- Alakazam, Psychic on Furret!
- Miltank, Body Slam on Murkrow!
- Furret, use Quick Attack on Alakazam!

Furret quickly hitted Alakazam before it could move, defeating it. Murkrow was knocked out in a single hit by Miltank´s Body Slam... Was that a critical hit?

- Argh! Murkrow, come back!
- Ok, guys, now you made me angry! - Rick said - Go, Tyranitar!

What?! A Tyranitar?! A sandstorm started, although there wasn´t any sand nearby.

- Go, Skull Kid!

Ground pokemon beat rock pokemon and also resist to their moves. I guess it´s a good choice...

- Sis, protect that Marowak too! Only it can beat a Tyranitar!
- OK, use Follow Me, Furret!
- That won´t work this time! - Henry said - Use Earthquake!

Tyranitar stepped on the ground, which started to shake. The earthquake was so strong that defeated both girl´s Furret and farmer´s Miltank.

- Why did you do this?! - the farmer said - It was my last pokemon!
- I can take care of them by myself! - Henry said.
- Skull Kid, use your Bonemerang, now!

My Marowak threw his bone on Tyranitar... which dodged! Oh-oh!

- Ugh... our last pokemon... - the girl said - Ok, go, Staravia!

The bird pokemon was somewhat scary. It scaried Tyranitar a little, but it went back to the normal after a while. At least, Staravia´s Intimidate ability could lower its power.

- Staravia, use Endeavor!
- Tyranitar, Rock Slide, go!

Staravia did a decent damage to Tyranitar, but was knocked out when lots of rocks attacked it. Marowak was also hit, but could survive due to its resistance to rock moves.

- Heh, so it´s 1 vs 1 now! - Henry said.

That Tyranitar is too tough...
Sorry, guys, no time for writing anymore now. =/ I hope you liked it! See ya! o/
Wow, awesome as always Aluado ^_^ Keep up the good work Big Grin Also good luck in your exams.
Pretty good and i got to say that the battle scene was really-really exciting!
Poor Murkrow.......TOO weak.........
Anyways,i suppose the next scene ends the battle and the forest can be safe.......
oh, well it is not valentine's day now. It is on the 14th February, at least in Europe, anyway, i really liked the battle and i am looking forward to read the next chapter!!!
I wonder why the valentine´s day was today (June, 12th) only on Brazil.Toungue Well, I´ll post the end of the battle now. Enjoy!
The forest was still burning behind us. The smell of smoke mixed with the smell of sand was making my eyes tear. I must to finish it, now!

- Skull Kid, try another Bonemerang!
- Earthquake, now!

Unfortunately, Tyranitar was faster than Skull Kid. It did a big stomp on the ground, making it shake violently. Marowak was defeated.

- Ok, thank you, Skull Kid. Come back now. Let´s go, Carol!

My Jumpluff was really frustrated with the sand blowing up from all the directions.

- A Jumpluff? - Henry said - This little thing won´t ever beat my strong Tyranitar...
- That´s what you think! Carol, use Sleep Powder!

Carol flew very quick to Tyranitar and scattered some powder. But the sand blew it away.

- Tyranitar, Rock Slide!

Large rocks where thrown on Carol. She dodged with much skill and tried another Sleep Powder attack. It worked this time!

- Now, Leech Seed!

A seed was planted on the foe´s head. Vines sprouted from it, and wrapped Tyranitar.

- C´mon, wake up!
- Carol, Mega Drain!

That guy´s Tyranitar was really impressive. It was surviving too much from Jumpluff´s attack, although it was super-effective.

- Keep sucking its energy, Carol!

The pain of having its blood sucked woke up Tyranitar. It started to try to take the vines away, unsucessfully.

- Ignore these plants and kill that Jumpluff! Use Crunch!

Tyranitar ran to where Carol was standing.

- Sleep Powder!

Both pokemon dodged each other´s attack. That was really close, for both of us! Tyranitar fell on its knees, but stood up again. It seems that it´s getting tired... But its face also turned more evil. It was really enraged now.

- Try another Sleep Powder, Carol! It´s almost done!
- When it´s close enough, Crunch!!!

Tyranitar was so determinated to win that it jumped inside the cloud of powder without being affected for it and attacked Carol! She was defeated!!! But then, Tyranitar also fell down, unconscious.
What´s gonna happen now? We tied!
Two posts in the same day, yay! \o/ Finally, my exams are over! Until I know my results, I´ll have more free time Toungue I´ll do my best to post here as frequently as possible, so keep reading!
nice battle!!! I liked the end!! stop that fire!!!
What´s gonna happen now? We tied! <-- You will fight. *Buff**Tsak* xD
That tyranitar was really tough!
You tied,will the farmer let you save the forest?
I'd like to see how this is going to be continued
Hello! I hope to have nice ideas now Toungue
- Tyranitar, come back!
- Ok, you did well, Carol...

The sandstorm stopped.

- We won! - the little boy said.
- We won? - I repeated, confused. All my pokemon were defeated... what´s him talking about?
- We defeated all their pokemon, duh. - the boy said. - And you still have your Meowth, so we won.

Hey! Now that he said... that does sense! I won!

- Ok, you won this time. - Henry said - But that doesn´t matter... look!

We looked to the forest. It wasn´t burning anymore. A large part of it was already burned. Lots of smoke were going to the sky.

- I think it´s ready for you. - Henry said to the farmer - Good bye.
- Humph. So much work for nothing, kids. - the farmer said and left too.

The girl took a bottle with a Revive and used it on her Staravia.

- Staravia, please, take that smoke away with Defog.

The bird pokemon flew to the smog. It flapped its wings fastly, creating a strong gust of wind, which dissipated the smoke.

- Much better, don´t? - the girl said.
- Thank you. - I said.
- Hey, now, tell us... what happened there? - the boy asked.

I explained everything. That I met that farmer burning the forest, tried to stop him but then Henry, from Team Twilight, came to help.

- So - the boy said - Team Twilight is really destroying the forest, like the TV is saying!

Hum... Is Team Twilight really protecting the environment or did they trick me? Are they the good guys with a traitor among them? Or they´re just wanting to do what´s right?
Yeah, small chapter. But I promise to write more later!
Omg,the forest was burned.....I can't believe it......
Anyways,i don't really know how this is going to end so,i suppose either this farmer or the Team Twilight(clever) will try to burn more forests.......
Calm down! Just some part of the forest was burned, and not the whole forest. Knight Forest is giant, believe me...
So... the farmer could burn a good part of the forest, as he planned. I remembered what Joana said some time ago: that she saw the forest been destroyed. And Team Twilight was doing that. I wonder what else she saw...

- I think we didn´t introduce ourselves, right? - the girl said. - My name is Suzana. And this is my brother, John.
- My name is Leo.
- Nice to meet you! - the boy said.

We decided to travel together. It would be safer. We had some Revives and Potions, so we used them to heal our pokemon. I didn´t tell them anything about Team Twilight while we were walking. I was confused... sometimes, they´re good guys, sometimes they´re bad. I don´t know what to think about them.
We saw more farms in our way to Thick Weeds. Miltanks and Tauroses were eating pasture, running or doing nothing.

- Tauros is a nice pokemon. - Suzana said - Hum... would they notice if I catch one?
- Sis! - John said - Are you thinking about steal one of these pokemon?!
- Are you calling me a thief?!

And they started fighting again. Gosh... I hope I won´t ever be fighting so much with my little brother. After a while, the boy was tired of walking. Of course, he´s very young. We decided to stop a little bit, but then he saw something.

- Hey, look! - he said, pointing to some trees. There was a Ponyta there.
- Cool, a Ponyta! - Suzana said - I´ll catch this one!
- No, you already have 3 pokemon with you, I want to catch one too!
- You´re too young to have a pokemon!
- I´m younger than you, but I´m smarter than you too!

Ponyta looked curious about all the noise that the two brothers were doing. It was walking to us. And their discussion was starting to be louder.

- I hate you! - the boy shouted and threw something on his sister.

She lowered her head, and the thing hit Ponyta instead of her. Now I could see what he threw on his sister - an ultra ball. We were looking to the ball shaking on the ground, astonished. We were more astonished when the ball stopped shaking, with Ponyta inside. The boy ran to the ball.

- Yiiiipeee!!! I have a pokemon!

Suzana was angry.

- That pokemon should be mine! You are too young!
- But I saw it first! And I caught it first!

After more discussion, she let him keep the pony pokemon.

- Go, Ponyta! - he said, happy, releasing his new pokemon.

Ponyta was afraid of us and curious too. The boy went closer to it and touched it´s face. He petted the pokemon, which became calmer.

- Hi, my new friend! I´m John! And you?

Ponyta neighed.

- That name is too complicated... - What? Did he think that Ponyta´s growl was its name? - How about Epona?
- Epona?! - Suzana said.
- It´s my pokemon, I name it the way I want.

Well, let´s cut the discussion. We continued to travel, Suzana and I were walking by foot while John was on Ponyta. The pony pokemon was looking happy. Maybe it hadn´t many friends before.
The scenery finally changed from farms full of Miltanks and Tauroses to farms dedicated to agriculture.
We felt smell of smoke again. Another part of the forest has been burnt, before we arrived there. Henry said that they would burn some parts of the forest to make more farms, didn´t he? But the way the things are going, it´s looking like that all the forest will be replaced with farms.
I hope you liked the chapter. I´m accepting ideas for my fanfic too. Hey, I can put some of you, who are reading, on my fanfic, what do you think?Toungue 3 members of this forum are already on it, by the way...Wink
whoa! i really liked your chapter!!!! hey i want to play too!!! i want to be a trainer!!! u could make me battle with u or sth like that! and u can choose my pokemon as well!!!! pleaseeee!!! Toungue keep writing!
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