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I´ve nothing to say now... Let´s go!
I could go to the city´s abandoned mine to look for some pokemon, but I thought I´d better go home instead, the faster I can. I was lucky to get to General Mines in 2 days, much because I didn´t meet many pokemon or trainers. Well, Joana´s talk would make any of them ran away.
I decided to let Skiploom be flying with me while I walk to home. It wasn´t winding today, so there was no risk of finding my pokemon being blown away.
I found some wild Caterpies and Pidgeys, but I left them alone. I´d better look for better pokemon if I want to win more gyms.
Except for some pokemon, Route 172 was quite empty. It seems that General Mines isn´t a popular place to go...
After 2 days, on which I just trained a little my new Skiploom and found out that it forgot Poisonpowder to learn Sleep Powder, I could reach St. Paul city again.
The west zone, from which I entered, was like when I left. But the center zone...

- Hey, what´s going on?
- Let me pass!
- I´m late for my work!!!

The roads in turn of the Silph Co. building were being blocked by some nervous people with ranger-like clothes. Their T-shirts had an yellow T... Team Twilight was blocking the path to Silph Co.? Why?

- Excuse me, sir... - I said to an old man beside me.
- What?
- What´s happening here?
- What´s happening?! Ask them! They blocked the roads in turn of that building, blocking our way to the south and east zones!

Many people were shouting, frustrated. The Team Twilight guy who shouted before shouted again.

- Hey - the man besides him said - They´ll think we´re criminals this way... We´re not like this, you know...

The other guy said a curse word and continued.

- I don´t care what they think about us! Everybody already thinks that we´re criminals...

I looked well for the places they were blocking... Three people were distracted looking to the nervous Twilight member. They let a big space... I approached with caution, and when I ran...

- Hey!!!

The same nervous guy came to me. He saw I trying to pass.

- Nobody passes here! Get away!
- Why are you doing this? Everybody here needs to pass.
- ENOUGH! I´m tired of this, if you don´t go, I´ll force you!

He sent out a Houndour. When he saw my Skiploom floating beside me, he thought that I´ve sent it out to fight.

- Stupid kid, I´ll kick you!
- No! - another Twilight member said - We shouldn´t create more confusion... These are orders of the leaders!
- F... the leaders! I´ll die if I don´t kick anybody´s...
What is Team Twilight wanting? And that guy should drink a passionfruit juice, really.Toungue
Hi, guys! Merry christmas! Big Grin As I gift, I´ll continue my fanfic^^ In return, please, comment... I need to know if the fic is still nice to read, if it has gotten worse, etc.
I hadn´t time to do a thing. The team twilight nervous guy started attacking.

- Bite them, Houndour!

What?! Bite "them"? Will he also attack me?

- Sleep Powder, now!

Skiploom flew over Houndour, but it jumped and bited Skiploom before it could start to scatter powder around.

- Carol, Sleep Powder again!

Carol´s ear was hurt. She gave an angry look to the dog before putting it to sleep.

- Tackle!

Skiploom attacked Houndour, which woke up.

- Arf! Grrr...
- Ember!
- Watch out!

Skiploom could avoid the little fire balls shot by Houndour´s mouth.

- Sleep Powder again!

Houndour slept again.

- Stupid brat! Wake up, Houndour!!!
- Tackle!

After 2 tackles, Houndour woke up again. It was waking up too fast...

- Ember!

Skiploom was severely damaged by the fire move, but could attack Houndour again, knocking it out.
The Team Twilight man looked crazily nervous.

- You lost, Marcos. Now, please, stop with this. - a young Team Twilight lady said to him.
- Go, Drifloon! - he completely ignored her.

Before Marcos tell his pokemon to attack, another Team Twilight guy shouted:

- Let´s go! They finished!
- You´ll see... later... - Marcos said to me, before recalling his Drifloon.

Three masked Twilight members flew over us carred by three Drifblims. Some people were teleported by 2 Kadabras and an Alakazam and other were using their flying pokemon to help their comrades to escape - Marcos went to the young lady´s Skarmory with her and another guy.

With the path unblocked, everyone went to the Silph Co. building to see what happened. Some reporters were filming the scene.

- So, Mr. Oliver, what happened there? - a reported was asking to a man who seemingly was the president of that corporation.
- Their leaders were discussing with me... They warned me to give them the corporation´s control or... or something bad would happen!

The police was there, looking frustrated for not being able to catch the criminal team. Evident marks of battle were there... It seems that there were some members also guarding the entrance to the building, who battled the policemen.
I could hear more of the dialog between Mr. Oliver and the reporter, but I prefer to go home the faster I can.
It wasn´t so much, but I´ll post more soon. My boss gave me a week of vacation because of the christmas! \o/ I´ll post more tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. n.n
As I promized, here I go! Smile
In the end of the things... I reached home on the night of the fourth day. When I entered in my house, my Arcanine jumped on me, making me fall down, and started licking me.

- Do you wanna make me crazy?! - mom shouted when I left Arcanine and entered my house - You past 4 days away from here and you didn´t even call us! I was dying of worries! And I saw on TV that Team Twilight attacked again!!! Do you know? You won´t travel anymore!!!

Her usually white face was almost red.

- Sorry, mom... Nothing bad happened to me and, look! The badge!

My parents and my brother looked impressed. They obviously didn´t think that I would get the metal badge.

- Don´t worry, Leo - dad said - You know that your mom always be nervous like that when she´s worried. When she´s back to normal, she´ll let you travel again.
- Yeah, you´re right.
- So, congrats! I can´t believe you beat the steel pokemon gym without fighting, fire or ground pokemon!
- How do you know that I´ve no fighting, fire or ground pokemon?! And if you knew that General Mines had a steel-type gym, why didn´t you tell me?
- It would be funner if you didn´t know. And more challenger... If you knew the type of gym you were gonna face you would have an advantage, don´t?

He was right, unfortunately.

- Well, since you´ll surely trip, you can have this.

He gave me something really useful, that I knew I would need a lot. A blue pokedex.

- I was one of the programmers of this new version of pokedex. It has lots of new things, like: it shows the currently known moves of your pokemon, if it´s close to evolution, etc.

I talked to my dad and brother (mom was refusing to talk to me) about my trip and my first victory. After a while, mom told us to sleep... it was late.
Before sleeping, I took a look on the map to see where was the closest gym. As Mario said, there was a gym on Thick Weeds city, but, taking a better look on the map, the South Great River city gym was much closer. I could go to South Great River city by the South Zone´s exit - really close to home - through the Route 173. It was a longer way then it was to go to General Mines, but it was closer than Thick Weeds.
By the way, the Midori Region has 12 cities: 8 of them held pokemon gyms and 1 houses the pokemon league. General Mines, Thick Weeds, South Great River, North Great River, Bay, Fortress, St. Louis and Knight cities have pokemon gyms. Holy Ghost city, at the east of St. Paul city, have the headquarters of the pokemon league. St. Paul is the biggest city, with lots of people and commerce and Sour city and Ceara city don´t look to have anything special.
After going to South Great River city... according to my map, I would have a long way till I find another gym... South Great River was the southernmost city on all Midori.
Next post: the adventure continues!Big Grin It´s starting to be better...
wow, i cannot believe how good your adventure is!!! you totally rock!!! i am looking forward to see your new pokemon and the next gym!!!! please continue with your excellent stories! (dont worry, you describe battles very well)
the guy, Leo will meet with Joanna again, wont he? she really helped him thoughToungue
anyway, hope you have inspirationToungue
Thanks for the comment! And sorry for delaying so much again... It´s being hard to me to find inspiration these days. Toungue And I´m not in vacations of my job... Sad Well... at least my nights are free.
I woke up early with a little pain in my head. My Meowth jumped on the shelf above my bed and pulled my pokeball on my head, trying to wake me up.
Crystal, my family´s Meowth, wakes up really early every day (sometimes at the dawn, before the sun rises) and since it´s bored to be the only living being awaken, it goes to wake up who it cans. Crystal does it by dropping things on our heads.

- Ouch!

I left the pokeballs containing Murkrow and Skiploom on the shelf before I slept, yesterday. After Meowth dropped one of the on my head, the ball fell down in the floor, releasing my pokemon.

- Skiploom!

Crystal stared at Skiploom, curious. Crystal approached Carol... smelled it... wagged her tail... and, obviously recognizing the Hoppip she met before, slapped it.
Skiploom hovered a little, the started to ran away, laughing. Both pokemon started another tag game...
Predicting some "disaster" (like broken plates or my mom shouting at me again), I ran to the pokemon and picked up Meowth.

- Crystal, don´t do it!

The cat pokemon was shaking itself, trying to break free.

- You´d better be back to your ball, Carol.

I´ve brought her pokeball with me, so I recalled her. Crystal looked frustrated and went away.
Well, since I was already awaken, I decided to prepare myself to go. After having a breakfast and taking my bag, everybody else awake. Except my dad, who had awaken before me to work.

- Good morning, Leo! - my brother said.
- Good morning.
- Hey, you didn´t show me your pokemon yesterday! I wanna see them before you go!
- OK, look.

I sent out Skiploom and Murkrow. Murkrow, as usual, landed on my head. I tried to take it out, but it flew again to my head.

- Hehe, I liked this one! - my little brother said, pointing to Murkrow.
- Murkrow, Carol, this is my brother, Eric.

Murkrow flew to Eric´s head too. Instead of taking it out, Eric looked happy somehow.

- Yay, it liked me!

I sighed.

- Well, I have to g... Ouch!

Meowth saw Skiploom floating over me again, so she jumped on me, trying to catch Carol.

- Come back!

I recalled Skiploom and Murkrow. Lately (after promising mom that I wouldn´t forget to call her and that I would take care of myself), I went out of my house and head to the Route 173.
While I was walking, still on St. Paul, many people were talking about yesterday´s Team Twilight attack. It reminded me of my battle against that grunt, Marcos. He told his pokemon not only to fight, but also to attack me. Team Twilight really looks dangerous...
Well, another part of the adventure complete. I, I mean, Leo, will surely meet Joana again... and you´ll be surprised by how we´ll meet ourselves.Wink
Maybe Joanna will be the next gym leader o.o Anyway your fanfic rules!It is awesome!Keep up the good work!Big Grin
Nice work! Wont Snubull also make its appearance? it will be fun, running after meowthToungue
Hi! I was going to post on the afternoon, today, but I´ve accidentally erased the next part. Toungue So, here I am, typing everything again. Enjoy! Wink
After walking a little, I decided to send out my Skiploom again. It was quite sunny that day, and grass pokemon usually love to sunbath.

- Skiploom! - Carol said, happy to be out of the pokeball.
- Ouch!

Something slammed on my head and jumped on Carol.

- Crystal?! - I shouted picking up the cat pokemon. - What are you doing here?
- Meow!

Seemingly, Meowth followed me all the way from my house. Maybe waiting to play with Carol again? Anyways, I went to a public telephone that was close to me and called mom.

- What?! - she said when I told her that Meowth followed me - You may have not closed the gate right... Are you close to home?
- No...
- Hum... Well, so take care of her! And don´t let her fight... Crystal is just a baby.
- OK, mom.

While we were walking, Crystal was both curious and scared with the "outside home world". She wasn´t used to go outside. The Route 173 was at the margins of the Great River. The river´s water was opaque and stinky. Some Grimers were visible, as well as an occasional Magikarp or Feebas.
Many people were travelling by car or by feet on that route, most of them going to St. Paul. After I had a lunch (I ate some sandwiches that I brought with me), another pokemon trainer spotted me. He recognize that I was a trainer too because he saw Crystal taking a nap close to me.

- Let´s battle with only a pokemon, agree?
- OK, Joseph.
- I choose Grimer!
- Go, Murkrow!

As usual, Murkrow landed on my head. My opponent, Joseph, had the fattest Grimer that I´ve ever seen. It must have being caught in a very polluted place. I took my new pokedex and inaugurated it, pointing to Grimer.

- Grimer, a sludge pokemon - a metallic voice came from the dex - It was born from polluted sludge exposed to the moon rays. Grimer feeds on filthy things, like polluted sludge.
- Quite nasty... - I thought, and then ordered - Murkrow, peck that thing!
- Grimer, Harden!

Murkrow flew away of my head and attack Grimer. Grimer was so slow that couldn´t harden its body in time and was pecked.

- Sludge!

Murkrow was so close that couldn´t escape - Grimer spit some stinky sludge on its face.

- Try Night Shade!
- Minimize!

Grimer was hit again, but it became smaller. When Murkrow tried another attack, the foe became even littler, being able to escape.

- Sludge!
- Dodge it and use haze!

Murkrow couldn´t avoid the move, but could cover us with a dark fog. When the fog went away, Grimer´s body was at its normal size.

- Toxic, Grimer!
- Pursuit!

Grimer spit a purple liquid substance, which Murkrow dodged. It hit the opponent again. Both Murkrow and Grimer were looking tired.

- Toxic!
- Peck!

Murkrow critical hit Grimer, but was badly poisoned.

- Well... - Joseph sighed - We can´t win everytime... Nice job, Grimer.

Instead of recalling Murkrow, I used the antidote Joana gave me to cure its poisoning and used a potion too.

- Hey - Joseph asked - Will you challenge the South Great River gym, Leo?
- Yes, I will.
- So, here´s a tip... Marina, the gym leader, uses water pokemon. I remember that my Grimer could easily beat her Lombre.
- Hum... water pokemon...? Thanks! How many badges do you have?
- Only the Tear Badge, from South Great River gym.
- And I have only the metal badge, from General Mines.
- Metal Badge? So the gym leader uses steel pokemon... Thank you!
- Good luck on your trip.
- You too!

I recalled Murkrow to the pokeball.

- Well, let´s go, Crystal... Crystal?!

Oh, no, she disappeared! I started to look for her everywhere, calling her name. After a minute, she came to me, playing with an Ultra Ball.

- Do you wanna kill me of worries, Crystal?!
- Meow...!
- Please, don´t go out of my sight again!

I kept the ball on my bag. The weather was starting to be colder...
Another battle for you, guys. Wink It´ll be hard for Snubbull to appear now... She´s always with my mom. Toungue
ο.ο every time I read this thread,I am always more and more curious about the end.Dont stop writing!
i agree with mirka!! i get even more curious with your stories! anyway, good work, keep writing!!
Well, luckily I´ve got some free time now, so here goes!
As I was walking to South Great River, the scenery was changing. Now, there were many trees beside the road. There weren´t many more people now, and it was possible to see more wild pokemon. Including...

- Hey, that´s an Eevee! - I said.

Eevee was walking by itself on the street. It was a perfect chance for me to catch one!

- Go, Carol!

Skiploom shaked a little, feeling cold.

- Carol, use Tackle on that Eevee!

Carol hovered and flew to the wild pokemon. Eevee, seeing an incoming attack, jumped over Skiploom and hit it with a Quick Attack.

- Carol, Sleep Powder!

Eevee attacked Carol first with another Quick Attack, but fell asleep right after.

- Nice, Carol! Let´s see if I can catch it now...

I threw the Ultra Ball that Crystal brought before. It shaked a little after Eevee was inside it, but remained quiet.

- Another friend for us, Carol! Crystal! Hum? Crystal?

Crystal disappeared again.

- Carol, can you help me finding Crystal?

Carol started flying around the area. After she flew over a bush, Crystal suddenly jumped on her again. Carol, now, was floating with a Meowth on its flower.

- At least you´re ok... Don´t go away this way, Crystal!

I recalled Skiploom and sent out Eevee. It was still sleeping.

- Let´s see what the pokedex says about this one...
- Eevee, an evolution pokemon - the pokedex said - It´s genectic code is so unstable that is affected by the environment. The radiation from some stones make it evolve.
- Nice... Well, it´s sleeping, so I will keep it on the ball for a while.

It was really cold at night. I slept in my tent with Crystal besides me. After we woke up, it was still cold. That´s really odd... we were in the summer!
Some Pidgeys were flying to the direction of St. Paul. Some Hoothoots were sleeping on the tall trees. And there was nothing interesting on the road... just trees and some sleeping nocturnal pokemon.
Crystal wasn´t walking anymore. It was sleeping at my arms while I walk. At least she´ll stop to go away...
It wasn´t much, but I hope you like it... Now, I have an Eevee! Which form will it evolve? Wink
nice! i am happy i find a chapter every time i come back from school! hope you have inspiration!~~
where did the message i posted earlier go? anyways, nice work... it is so nice to find one chapter every day after school Toungue
go on!~~
urgg...thats the third time i post a reply, because it keeps deleting it self!!! anyways, good work! i think that your eevee will evolve into espeon...i dont know why, but i think so Toungue
it bet it will be an Espeon or Glaceon Toungue
Hi! Sorry to keep you waiting, I´m full of things to do Toungue
Crystal was sleeping almost all the time on my arms. Cats sleep a lot in a cold weather. I trained my Skiploom a little battling against some wild Taillows, that were flying away to St. Paul´s direction. If the next gym uses water pokemon, Carol will surely be great. It even learned how to use Bullet Seed! For that, Carol had to forget how to use Poisonpowder. But that´s fine - a sleeping pokemon is more easily beaten than a poisoned one.
After another day of walking, the road started to go down. And I could finally see South Great River city. It was at the end of the declive. From where I was, it looked like the South Great River city was a big city with only houses and many trees. It was also possible to see the sea, not very far away.
The day was really cold. The polluted water of the Great River was really stinky that day, and some ice was seen floating on it.
I heard some noise on the way... 2 trainers were battling. When I reached then, it started to snow. Snow?! But it´s summer! And it never snows on Midori region! At least, not in the majority of Midori... Only South Great River city has snow, but only in a rigorous winter.
The battle between 2 boys was over. And a pokemon was glowing... It was evolving.

- No!!! - I heard the trainer of the new evolved pokemon yell.
- Oh, geez... - the other guy was saying.
- So much training for nothing!

When I reached then, Crystal still sleeping on my arms, I saw a fainted Taillow and a Glaceon.

- Why?! - Glaceon´s trainer said, recalling the pokemon to its pokeball. - We´re in daytime! It supposed to have evolved to Espeon!
- I thought Eevees evolve into Glaceon only in the winter... - the other boy said.

They both looked disappointed, turned back and went to the city. I followed them.

- Hum... let´s see what the dex says about Glaceon... - I thought and picked up my pokedex.

I pressed some buttons to find data about Glaceon.

- Glaceon, fresh snow pokemon. It can freeze it´s fur to make its hairs stand like needles, as a protective technique.

I imaginated a Jolteon-like Glaceon and silently laugh a little.

- It´s the evolved form of an Eevee which was adapted to a very cold environment. - the pokedex finished Glaceon´s description.

Wow, so it was that cold here lately? Enough to make an Eevee evolve into Glaceon?

- If I trained Eevee yesterday, I bet it would have evolved to an Espeon. Why it had to be so cold today? - Glaceon´s trainer was saying.
- Yeah, you´re right. Maybe tomorrow the weather will be better. The weather is always changing very fast lately, anyway. Last week was quite hot, don´t?

We finally arrived the city. The boys entered their house, right after the city´s entering and I went to the pokemon center ahead.
Btw, Umbreon, your posts aren´t being deleted. When you post twice in a row in the same thread in the same day, legendarypokemon forums join your new post with the previous one. Wink
why did that guy get so mad? Glaceon are nice too... Now I am curious about what is happening with the weather!! Toungue lets see...
(good work !Smile
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