Legendary Pokémon

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Oh, no, my creativity is going away again! Sad It´ll take some time until I write again, I guess...
I was shocked by what Mila said. Why do they want to explode the Borborema mountain?!

- W-why are you doing this?!
- Do you know the desert covering the biggest part of Midori´s northeast part?
- Yes.

All the northeast part of Midori region, besides the coast, turned into a desert a long time ago.

- Since the forests on the northeast of Midori were devastated, a big region behind the Borborema mountain became a desert. It doesn´t rain there for years. Many people died or ran to the coast or to the south. And the desert is growing bigger each year. It´s almost reaching the Knight Forest!
- But what does this has to do with the mountain?
- On the top of this mountain happens the shock between the cold, humid air that comes from the ocean and the dry, hot air that comes from the continent. It causes rain on the top of the mountain. So, all the air that passes from the mountain and reaches the area behind the mountain is dry... Without the forests that were there before, there´s nothing to make the air more humid, so it never rains. If we explode the mountain, it´ll surely rain again!
- But that´s too dangerous! - I said - What about the pokemon and the people living at Mt. Borborema?
- Nobody lives on Mt. Borborema! I didn´t want to kill all the pokemon living on this mountain either, but much more people and pokemon are dying because of that desert!
- But... what if you used Rain Dance with some pokemon?

Mila sighed.

- The weather effects produced by the majority of the pokemon last for a really short time and doesn´t really affect the environment at all. Only "natural" rain would save the desert.
- Isn´t there any other way to make it rain beside explode the mountain?
- Yes, there´s a way. If we found the legendary pokemon Shaymin, we could do it. Have you ever heard about Shaymin?

I nodded.

- You know... Shaymin can make even flowers grow in a sterile soil! If Shaymin could do plants grow again on the desert, it would surely rain again. Legends say that there´s some connection between the Knight Forest and the place where Shaymin lives, but although Team Twilight had looked for it, we never found anything.

So, was Team Twilight devastating the Knight Forest (like I heard from the TV another day) looking for the legendary Shaymin?
There´s still more, but I´ll write only tomorrow.Toungue See ya! o/
Hello, people! Sorry for delaying so much to post. To reward your patience, here goes a big post! Toungue
- So, all the devastation you caused to the Knight Forest was to look for Shaymin?!
- No! We didn´t do anything to the forest!
- You´re lying! - I said - Everybody saw on TV... Team Twilight people cutting trees, killing or catching pokemon, destroying the forest...
- We´re not the ones who are doing that! - Mila said, angry - We wouldn´t ever do something that could damage the environment!
- That´s a lie! You will surely harm the environment when you explode this mountain! There are lots of pokemon living here!
- I already told you, Leo. Many more people and pokemon are dying because of the desert! The only way to stop it is to explode this mountain!

When I opened my mouth again, Mila shouted before I could talk.

- Fine! Let´s make a deal. If you find the three places where we hide the biggest and most powerful explosives and defeat the ones who are guarding them, we´ll give up exploding the mountain. But if you can´t do it until tomorrow morning, we´ll explode the mountain.

That´s craziness! What could I do until morning? The cave was full of criminals, it would be almost impossible for me to do anything.

- I´ve no other choice, don´t?
- You can give up your idea and don´t do anything until morning, so we can explode the mountain.
- Fine, I´ll find the biggest explosives, then!
- So... good luck. - she said and went away.

Oh, my... what could I do? I wasn´t ever inside Borborema mountain before! I don´t know where to look for!
But I´ve no time to waste. I walked quietly and cautionly by the mountain´s tunnel. There were little dynamites here and there. Some Zubats flew over me a few times. Sometimes, I could see a busy Twilight member walking or setting an explosive. I avoided them. Mila probably warned Team Twilight about me. And I bet they won´t let me reach the places with explosives.
There were lots of places to go and I was lost. It was really frustrating! After some time, I found some stairs which were going to a higher place and another stairs that lead to below the floor. I decided to go down.
There were some Geodudes and Arons there. I could catch one, but I´ve no time for that now.
There were two long corridors where I was. On the first one, I found some boxes and sleeping Zubats. After walking a lot until the end of that corridor, I figured out that there wasn´t anything interesting there. I turned back and went to the other corridor. I found the Team Twilight grunt that I fought before, at St. Paul.

- Ho! So, we meet again! - he said.
- You must be one of the people guarding the explosives, right?
- Wrong! I´m here because I thought you would come here! So, I will beat you and you won´t have any choice, but go away and let us explode the mountain! Go, Houndour!

The guy, whose name was Marcos, sent out his Houndour. I sent out my Vaporeon.

- Houndour, Bite!

His Houndour bited Vaporeon´s neck with much strength.

- Surf, Haku!

Haku was little dizzy because of the bite, but could attack. A big wave crashed on Houndour, knocking it out.

- Grr... Go, Drifloon!

The baloon pokemon faced me, expressionless.

- Thunderbolt!

Haku received a strong electric discharge. I recalled it, although it still could fight. Well, I still must to fight many people, so I can´t let any pokemon of mine faint (specially ´cause I didn´t buy any Revive).

- Let´s go, Carol!

Skiploom went out. Crystal wagged her tail, like if it was getting ready to jump on Carol, but it understood that it wasn´t time to play and didn´t do anything.

- Sleep Powder!

The baloon pokemon fell asleep.

- Leech Seed!

Carol shot a little seed on Drifloon. Vines sprouted from the seed and wrapped Drifloon.

- C´mon, wake up, Drifloon!!!
- Bullet Seed!

Drifloon didn´t awake. After many bullet seeds, it fainted.

- Fine, you defeated me, but you won´t beat anyone else! - Marcos said, and ran away to the stairs.

I released Haku and used a potion on it. Haku was really weak before I used the potion. I bet it could be knocked out with a single hit the way it was.

- Are you feeling better, Haku?
- Poreon!
- Phew... that´s good. Rest a little. - Vaporeon returned to the ball.
- Thanks, Carol, you were...

But before I said anything else, Carol started to glow. It was evolving! Her petals fell down. Two cotton balls were growing on her arms and another one on her head.

- Jumpluff! - she said.
- Hey, nice! You evolved! Isn´t it nice, Crystal? Huh? Crystal?

The cat pokemon disappeared again.

- Oh, no, not again...

Jumpluff and I walked a little and found Crystal playing with something inside a box.

- Hey, come here!

Crystal was holding a little bottle. A Revive.

- Wow, how did you find that?

But the cat pokemon didn´t hear me. It jumped on Jumpluff´s head and started hovering with it.

- Why do you always go away like that?

So, I realized that the pokedex could tell me something about it.

- Pokemon with the "Pick Up" ability - the dex was saying - are very curious and may go away by themselves. If they find anything, they´ll take it back to their trainer.

Is that really true? But Crystal never goes back to me, she just keeps playing with the item that she finds. Well, I´d better forget about it and keep searching the explosives!
I went to the stairs that Marcos used to ran. As I said before, there were other stairs beside this one, that lead to a higher place of the mountain. I climbed them.
That "floor" was full of bombs. It was looking really dangerous... After walking a lot in circles (the new corridor didn´t go to anywhere, just to the start point), I went down the stairs I used to get there. And then, two girls of Team Twilight saw me.

- Halt! Who´s there?

The other girl could see my face and completed her phrase.

- It´s an intruder! Go, Drifloon!
- Go, Gastly!

I´ve no choice... let´s battle, then!

- Go, Haku and Murkrow!

Vaporeon and Murkrow were sent out.

- Drifloon, Expl...
- No! Are you crazy? - Gastly´s trainer said - If Drifloon explodes, all the explosives will explode too!
- Oops! You´re right!

While they chat, I battle!

- Murkrow, Assurance on Drifloon! Haku, Helping Hand!

If I told Haku to use Surf, Murkrow could be hurt too. And Haku has no other moves that can affect a ghost, so all it can do is to boost its partner´s power.
Murkrow knocked out Drifloon with a single hit. But when Drifloon was hit, it popped up like a real baloon, hurting Murkrow.

- Grr... come back!
- Gastly, Confuse Ray on Vaporeon!

Haku was hit by a Confuse Ray. Drifloon´s trainer sent out a Zubat.

- Haku, try another Helping Hand!

But Haku used a Quick Attack on the wall, hurting itself.

- Gastly, Lick that Vaporeon!
- Murkrow, Assurance on Gastly!

Murkrow knocked out Gastly when Gastly was going to lick Vaporeon, protecting it.

- Confuse Ray, Zubat!

Now both my pokemon are confused! Gastly´s trainer sent out her Drifloon. If I switch out to Carol, she may be defeated fastly because I´m facing two flying pokemon.

- Murkrow, Night Shade on Zubat! Haku, Quick Attack on Zubat!
- Drifloon, Gust!

Murkrow fell in the floor, confused. Haku attacked Zubat really fastly, but was thrown away by Drifloon´s Gust.

- Zubat, Leech Life!

Zubat bited Vaporeon´s neck, sucking its blood.

- Murkrow, peck that Zubat, fast!

Murkrow shaked its head, being freed of the confusion, and pecked Zubat.

- Gust, Drifloon!

Murkrow was thrown away too.

- Assurance on Drifloon, Murkrow! Haku, Quick Attack on Zubat!

My pokemon could hit both foes at the same time, beating them.

- Ugh... we lost...
- OK, boy, you may have defeated us, but there are lots of other members here! Just wait!
Will I be able to defeat the three people guarding the three biggest bombs? (Almost surely... I´m the "hero", so I have to win! xP)
Well done Aluado, for once more, your descriptions are really awesome Big Grin Eagerly waitin' the next chapter Wink
wow, great job!!!! i am curious to see their Pokemon!!! keep writing!!!!
My descriptions are nice then? Thanks! Big Grin Well, you´ll be tired of reading. I wrote a lot again... Enjoy!
Each girl went for a different side. I decided to go forward on the corridor that I´ve not gone before.
Some Digletts popped up from the ground sometimes and I almost stepped on them. I´ve found so many pokemon on this cavern... Team Twilight definately can´t explode it!
Another Team Twilight member was comming. He didn´t see me yet... so, I went back and entered in a big black hole that I found on the wall.

- INTRUDER! - a voice behind me yelled.

I turned behind. A short and thin man was in front of lots of explosives and a really big bomb inside of the hole. That´s the first biggest explosive!

- I´m here! - the member who I was avoiding came. - Let´s beat him, Julio!

Another double battle? I must to be really careful not to hit any explosives while we battle...

- Go, Kadabra! - Julio said.
- Go, Golbat! - the other guy said.
- Let´s go, Carol and Haku!

The space was too little to fight properly. I really hope I´ll be able to do it.

- Kadabra, use Psybeam on that Jumpluff!
- Golbat, Wing Attack on Jumpluff!
- Carol, Sleep Powder on Golbat!

My new evolved Jumpluff made Golbat sleep before being hit. But Kadabra could hit it with a Psybeam.

- Surf, Haku!

A big wave crashed on all pokemon besides Haku. Golbat woke up.

- Wing Attack on Vaporeon!

Haku couldn´t escape (well, there was no space to escape anyway).

- Leech Seed on Kadabra!
- Confusion!

Kadabra could escape from Jumpluff´s Leech Seed and throw my pokemon away with a psychic blast.

- Surf!

Golbat fainted, but Kadabra still could fight. My Jumpluff learned how to use Mega Drain, but had to forgot Bullet Seed.

- Let´s go, Drifloon!

That guy´s Drifloon was as expressionless as the Drifloon I fought before.

- Kadabra, Psybeam on Vaporeon!
- Haku, Quick Attack on Kadabra!

Haku was faster and knocked out Kadabra.

- Drifloon, Gust on Jumpluff!
- Mega Drain!

Carol sucked Drifloon´s energy but was furiously blown away by a strong gust of wind. Carol fainted.

- No, Carol! OK, you fought well, come back! Go, Murkrow!

Damn it! My idea was to keep using Surf with Haku to finish the battle faster, but I can´t do that if I use Murkrow!
Surf hits everything on battle. Carol is a grass pokemon, so it´s able to survive a water move, but Murkrow can´t...

- Go, Feebas! - Julio said.

An ugly and stupid-looking Feebas was jumping around.

- Feebas?! - the other Twilight guy said - Why do you use something so useless?
- Feebas is useless, but Milotic is strong.

Feebas won´t be a problem. So, I´ll focus myself on Drifloon.

- Drifloon, Shadow Ball on Murkrow!
- Murkrow, Assurance!

Murkrow was faster and defeated Drifloon. But Drifloon wouldn´t really hurt Murkrow very much... ghost moves aren´t effective against dark pokemon.

- Haku, Quick Attack!

Feebas was hit.

- Feebas, Tackle!

Feebas attacked Vaporeon. It wasn´t very strong. The guy whose Drifloon was defeated sent out a Beautifly now.

- Beautifly, Stun Spore on Murkrow!
- Peck Beautifly! Helping Hand! - I said.

Beautifly was pecked and Murkrow was paralyzed. That´s bad... Feebas tackled Murkrow, which couldn´t escape because of the paralysis.

- Quick Attack on Beautifly!

Beautifly was beaten.

- Assurance, Murkrow! Helping Hand, Haku!

Murkrow knocked out Feebas. Julio sent out his own Drifloon. The other trainer had no pokemon left, so he just kept watching.

- Drifloon, Stockpille!

Drifloon sucked some air and became larger, like a baloon that´s being fulled of gas.

- Murkrow, Assurance! Helping Hand, Haku!

But Murkrow couldn´t move. It was paralyzed.

- Spit Up, now!

Drifloon shot some energy balls on Murkrow, but wasn´t very strong.

- Assurance and Helping Hand again!

This time, Murkrow defeated Drifloon. It popped like a real baloon, hurting and making Murkrow faint.

- Ok, you´ve beaten us. - Julio said - We´ll deactivate these bombs for now. But when you lose, we´ll activate them again!

While his fellow was making something with a the biggest bomb, Julio contacted Mila to tell her that he was defeated. I won´t waste more time here, I stil have to find more two big explosives.
When I went out of that little hole on the wall, Crystal brought me another Revive. Her ability is being really useful for me. I revived Carol and Murkrow and gave them a potion.

- Thanks, Crystal. Let´s go, now.

After a lot of time walking on the cavern, I went down by some stairs and found the exit of the mountain, which leads to the path for Bay city. I could see Team Twilight members guarding the exit, so nobody would enter or exit the mountain. I went back and - fortunately - they didn´t see me.
Of course normal people don´t must to walk as much as I´m doing to travel by Borborema´s tunnel. The path is a straight road inside the mountain. But there are some stairs that lead to higher places. And I was walking on those higher places.
After some more time walking, I was getting really tired. There are many places to go, and many stairs going up and down! After more time, avoiding all the criminals I found, I finally found the next place with big explosives.

- Ah! - the blonde woman who was protecting the bombs said - You must be the stupid boy that´s trying to stop us. Well, you know... you won´t do anything until you beat me now! Go, Drifloon!

I wonder where Team Twilight got so many Drifloons. I sent Murkrow out.

- Drifloon, Stockpile!
- Assurance!

Since Drifloon´s defence was stronger after it used Stockpile, it survived the attack. I noticed now that her Drifloon was holding a blue fruit. It ate the fruit and recovered energy.

- Night Shade!

Drifloon quickly evaded the attack. It became really faster now! Why?

- Stockpile again!

Oh-oh... One more Stockpile and that Drifloon´s Spit Up attack will surely knock out Murkrow.

- Night Shade!
- Spit Up!

Drifloon´s attack was strong, but wasn´t strong enough to beat Murkrow. Murkrow shot shady beams from its eyes and defeated Drifloon.

- Ok, Drifloon, come back. Your turn, Barboach!

A slimmy blue fish pokemon was jumping on the ground.

- Water Gun!
- Come back! Go, Haku!

Vaporeon absorbed the hit and restored energy.

- Haku, Surf!

Barboach was beaten by a single hit.

- Oh, no! Ok, I still have a pokemon left! Go, Victreebel!

The bell-like carnivorous plant pokemon was looking hungry and somewhat scary.

- Come back, Haku! Go, Carol!
- Victreebel, Razor Leaf!

Sharp leaves attacked Jumpluff, but didn´t hurt it very much.

- Sleep Powder! - we both ordered.

But Jumpluff is really faster than a Victreebel, so Victreebel was sleeping before it even opened its mouth to shot some powder.

- No! - the girl shouted.

I switched out again and sent out Murkrow. After some pecks, Victreebel wasn´t able to fight anymore.

- Damn it, now I have to deactivate the bomb! It took so much time to fix them... Ok, now go away!!!

She was really angry when she contacted Mila. I continued looking for the last place.
The path was taking me to higher places. Stronger pokemon appeared sometimes, like Golbat, Dugtrio, Graveler and a rare Nosepass. Some of them were being hostiles and attacked me. I defeated them or put them to sleep with Jumpluff and went away. It´s looking like the pokemon are starting to be disturbed by the presence of so many people on those places of the mountain... Usually, people travel only by the tunnel. And a few people scale the mountain.
I found an exit to the outside of the cavern. when I went there, I saw that I was really high. It was a little scary to look down... Some Starlies flew away. The mountain air was nice to smell. Lots of trees were growing there. I walked more, climbing the mountain. Although I was still far from the top, I found the last bomb near to a place without much trees. The masked guy who hypnotized me before was in front of it.

- So, you could made it this far? - Rick said - You must be pretty good. But I´m one of the three masked members of Team Twilight. I´m the admin Rick... this is the farthest you´ll go!

He sent out his Drifblim. I sent out Murkrow.

- Hypnosis, Drifblim!

Murkrow could fly away and avoid the hypnotic waves shot by Drifblim. Murkrows can have one of two abilities: Insomnia or Super Luck. Insomnia makes Murkrow unable to sleep, even if the foe uses a sleep-inducing attack, like Hypnosis. Super Luck makes Murkrow more likely to do critical hits. I don´t know what´s my Murkrow´s ability but I sincerely hope it is Insomnia... that Drifblim looks tough and it could make all my pokemon sleep.

- Murkrow, Assurance!

Murkrow´s attack was really strong... was that a critical hit? Whatever it was, Drifblim still could battle.

- Hypnosis again!

This time Murkrow was hit. Its wings flapped slower... its eyes were closing... it fell down, sleeping.

- While it sleeps, use Stockpile.

His Drifblim sucked some air and became larger. Murkrow was still sleeping... Should I switch out?

- Stockpile again!
- Wake up, Murkrow!

Murkrow was still sleeping. Drifblim was looking like it was about to explode...

- Stockpile once more!

Drifblim was dangerously big and looking more explosive than ever. Murkrow finally woke up.

- Spit Up!
- Night Shade!

Drifblim shot a very powerful blast of energy, while Murkrow shot its shady beams. Both pokemon were hit and knocked out.

- Murkrow, are you alright?!
- Come back, Drifblim.

Rick sent out a Tropius and I sent out my Jumpluff.

- You like to make things sleep, right? - I said - But now, your pokemon will be sleeping! Sleep Powder, Carol!

Rick´s Tropius flapped its four leaves just in time to fly away and avoid the sleep powder.

- Sunny Day!

The sky above Borobrema mountain was cloudly. Tropius shot a light beam to the sky, dispersing the clouds and making the sunlight bright really strong.

- Use Gust, Tropius!

His Tropius was really faster because of the sunlight. But Jumpluff is also faster and could escape. They both have the chlorophyll ability...

- Sleep Powder again!

But Carol missed again. It´s annoying...

- Use Sweet Scent!

A sweet and good smell was coming from Tropius. It was really relaxing.

- Gust!

Carol couldn´t escape from the wind blown from Tropius´ wings this time. It was really hurt...

- Use Synthesis!

Carol recovered all her HP because of the strong sunlight.

- Sleep Powder again!
- Gust!

This time, Carol was faster and could finally make Tropius sleep.
That´s enough for now. Or you would be too tired of reading and would stop! Toungue
nice!!! cool Big GrinD lets see the end of the battle!!!
maay i ask you something else? how did you choose your party? Ok, you like Skiplooms but what about the others?
anyway, keep up with good work
o.O!!!Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig post!!!great!im curious about what will happen!Keep g00d worK!
Damn this hypnosis. :mad:
Well done!I have a question,why don't you "make" Crystal fight?She can't have Pick Up ability and not any moves!Something like,er,tackle,or quick attack,or faint attack?But,anyway,very nice! : die drifloon,die,die,die,die :
well, i think mirka is right! Big Grin and it can learn moves like flamethrower and thunderbolt...(i think :S)
Crystal is more like a pet than a battler! (Like Misty´s Togepi.) I´m not bold enough to let her fight. Toungue Hum... just maybe xD
- This isn´t good... - Rick said - Ok, come back, Tropius! Go, Typhlosion!

Rick´s Typhlosion was holding a green fruit. The flames on its back scaried Jumpluff a little.

- Sleep Powder again!
- Use Flame Wheel!

Typhlosion´s body was covered by flames. But before it could move, Jumpluff made sleep powder fall on it. Typhlosion´s eyes were closing. But it ate the fruit and kept awaken. Then, it jumped and tackled Carol with is body covered in flames. My pokemon was defeated.

- Oh, no, Carol!
- So good I´ve found a lum berry!

Now that he said... I noticed that some trees of the mountain had berries. I should have picked some!

- OK, go Haku!

Vaporeon was my last pokemon. It surely could beat Typhlosion, but what about Tropius? Rick switched out. His Tropius was sent back. Clouds covered the small part of the clear sky that was above us again. Sunny day´s effect ended.

- Haku, Bite!

Vaporeon´s attack wasn´t very strong. But that was the best I could do.

- Try Surf, then!

The wave pushed Tropius a little. It was still sleeping. Which move was stronger, Bite or Surf? Both aren´t much effective, however.

- Surf again!

A critical hit! But it was enough to make Tropius wake up.

- Bite it!
- Use Sunny Day!

Haku attacked Tropius first and it flinched.

- Bite again! - maybe I´m lucky enough to make it flinch again.
- Sunny Day!

Tropius was hit, but wasn´t flinched. Some clouds went away from the sky, making the sunlight bath us.

- Magical Leaf!
- Quick Attack!

Vaporeon obviously attacked first. And, fortunately, could finally knock out the enemy.

- Ok, it´s not ended yet! Go, Typhlosion!

The strong sunlight made Typhlosion´s flames burn more intensely.

- Typhlosion, Crush Claw!

Vaporeon could evade.

- Surf!

The wave´s power was weakened so much by the sunlight that Typhlosion wasn´t looking hurt at all.

- Swift!

Star shaped beams attacked Vaporeon.

- Surf again!
- Crush Claw!

Vaporeon was critically hit by Typhlosion´s attack. Its Surf move wasn´t very strong again, due do the sunlight.

- Typhlosion, Flame Wheel!
- Quick Attack, now!

Haku attacked Typhlosion, but was beaten by its Flame Wheel attack.

- I think you have no pokemon left, boy.

Jumpluff, Murkrow and Vaporeon are no more able to fight, but I must to do something! Should I... Hum... Maybe... his Typhlosion is looking exausted.

- Crystal, please, help me too!

My Meowth jumped from my shoulders and stood in front of Typhlosion. She never battled before... but I know her moves... I have only a chance.

- A little Meowth? Pff... Typhlosion, Flame Wheel, now!
- Crystal, Fake Out!
- What?!!

Crystal attacked Typhlosion really quickly. If Typhlosion was full of energy, the attack would have done almost nothing. But it was so tired, that the little cat´s attack was enough to make it faint.

- No! - Rick said. - Damn it, we were so close... Hey, boy, now, because of you, the desert will keep expanding until all Midori becomes a wasteland!
- It won´t. - I said - There are many places where it still rains. And the problem affects only some areas behind this mountain, don´t? Well, if you want to restore the desert, you´ll surely find a better way than to explode the mountain.
- At least, I hope we will. - Rick said. - Nobody here really wanted to do something so extreme, but we couldn´t find any better way yet. Well... I´ll deactivate these bombs then. You´d better go now.
- Really? Why I should believe that you wouldn´t explode the mountain anyway?
- Our leader made a bet with you, right? Well... we keep our words.

I still don´t fully believe on him. But I felt that they wouldn´t really do anything now.
I found my way to the exit of the mountain, to the path to Bay city. Mila was there.

- So, you could beat us this time, don´t? - she said, a little sad - Please, don´t tell anybody that we were going to explode the mountain. They wouldn´t understand why we are doing this and they would think that we´re doing just another mischief.
- Hey, Mila, why do you care about what the others think? Usually, criminals doesn´t care.
- We are not criminals.
- Are you kidding? Everybody knows you as the team that is destroying the Knight Forest for money.
- So, everybody is wrong. Team Twilight started as a team to protect the environment. Since when Silph Co. was installed here, they´re polluting the Great River, cutting the Knight Forest´s trees and catching all the pokemon living there to sell. They are making money with the nature and blaming us!
- How?
- Silph Co. is a very powerful corporation. So, when they saw that Team Twilight was formed to mess up with their plans, they could warn everbody about us before we warned everybody about them! Since when, we are known as criminals and we have to run and hiddenly do what we must to do.

I didn´t know if I should believe or not. Possibly seing that, Mila said:

- Did you see the odd weather in many parts of Midori?

Now that she said... wasn´t it snowing in middle of the summer on South Great River? And even on my hometown, St. Paul, the weather is weird and changes fastly in the biggest part of the year. For instance: one day, it was sunny, but cold at the morning. Not much later, it rained a lot. After some minutes, the rain stopped and it became sunny and hot. At the evening, however, it became cold again.

- Many things happen when the man mess up with the environment. The odd weather is one of the effects of it. The most affected areas are those near to the Great River, where the polution is more concentrated.
- Hey! - I said, I remembered something - If you´re the good ones, as you say, why did you try to take over Silph Co. on St. Paul?
- Try to do what?! Who said we were gonna take over?
- The president of Silph Co.!
- That lier! - she said, angrily - We went there to try to negociate with him about the polution of the river and the destruction of the forest, because it has become alarmant!
I wasn´t planning to make Crystal fight, but since you asked... Toungue About my team, Umbreon, I firstly thought about using the same team that I was using on my leafgreen version Toungue But then I caught a Murkrow, which I don´t use. I love the eevolutions, so I also caught Eevee xD
But I don´t know... I think it´s gonna be somewhat ramdom this time Toungue
Very good!yay,Crystal fought Toungue XD
Nice work. Vaporeon rocks.
wow, cool Big GrinD
i love your story!!!! so, they were the good guys, anyway, nice battle!!! who knows, if you train crystal a bit, she may evolve too!!! Big Grin
anyway, great job!! Big Grin
I won´t post today... But thanks for the comments!Big Grin Maybe I´ll make Crystal fight again... just maybe. And who would expect that the evil team wasn´t evil after all? Toungue
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