Legendary Pokémon

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Hello! I finally could solve a stupid problem of my job (which took 3 weeks to be solved -_-') so I´m more free and inspired now! xD I hope you´ll like this chapter.
After a whole day, I decided to keep going to the next gym. I´ve had enough fun and rest. Following my map, to reach any city from Bay city, I had to go through Borborema tunnel again. Bay city is surrounded by the sea and the mountain. The mountain is very extensive, occupying all the area between the sea and the northeast part of Midori.
While I was travelling to the next city, many people where going to Bay city. I fought two trainers. One of them had only a Corsola, so I easily beat him with Jumpluff. The second one had four pokemon, but they were all weak pokemon: Rattata, Zubat, Metapod and Aron. My Murkrow beat them all by itself, and learned Taunt, but had to forget its Peck attack.
The Borborema mountain´s tunnel had a way that leads to Bay city, another way that goes to the desert and another that goes back to North Great River. I went to the way that goes to the desert. Nobody else went there.
Maybe because of the constant presence of people, but no pokemon could be seen on the tunnel. The air was becoming drier as I was approaching to the exit. When I finally went out, I saw the desert.
There was no sand, as you may be thinking. There were no trees. There was no shadow. There was only dry land... so dry, that looked like cracked rocks.
Well, I´m here already so... I won´t give up... A Gligar flew over me and entered in the cave. Following my map, the river was close. If I follow the river, I will reach Fortress city. But the river was looking so far! After 10 minutes walking under the strong sunlight, there wasn´t anything different. Only dried land. Some times, some died dry trees could be seen. Crystal jumped on my shoulders again, tired of walking.
After 2 more minutes, some more vegetation could be seen. This means that Im´ closer to the river. A few Sandshrews and Trapinches were hiding on the few weeds that were there. Hum... talking about pokemon... I think I should better catch another one. Only three pokemon won´t make my journey easier. I remember how much troubles I had with Team Twilight for having only three pokemon. At least, Crystal could "save me" that time.
So, that´s it! I´ll catch the next pokemon that I´ll see! When I finally reached the river, I found a lonely Cubone. Well, it´s better than nothing...

- Go, Carol!

Jumpluff was happy for being released on such a sunny place. But I bet that she wouldn´t be so happy after some minutes on that heat.

- Carol, use Mega Drain on Cubone!

Cubone saw when Jumpluff went to attack it. But it couldn´t avoid and had its energy drained. It tried to slam its thick bone on Jumpluff, but she flew away.

- Now, Sleep Powder!

Cubone was sleeping. I threw a pokeball... and caught it.

- Nice one, Carol! - I said, recalling her to her pokeball.
Yay, now I´ve another pokemon! \o/
nc work!!! keep writing!
Good job. Smile
Good afternoon, guys! o/ At least, it´s afternoon here, I don´t know about where you are.Toungue Here goes, enjoy!
After I caught Cubone, I went to the river, to the drink some water, but I regretted it. The river was polluted even on that place. I thought it would be cleaner on the north, because Silph Co.´s buildings are on St. Paul...
I drank the water that Crystal gave me before. I gave her some water too. I noticed that even on that polluted water, there were some Magikarps and a Feebas, which jumped and went away. They are such strong pokemon, to survive on those condictions...
I walked. And walked. And kept walking, but the way seemed that there was no end... at least, the air was a little less dry near to the river. But it was stinky because of the pollution.
After walking almost all the day, while nothing was happening (the only thing that happened was a Vibrava that flew over me to the west, but I couldn´t even battle it), more vegetation was appearing and the air was a becoming more humid. At night, some houses could be seen on the road, as well as trees. That´s good. I´m finally getting close!
When I finally reached to city, I was deadly tired. The pokemon center was near to the entrance, so I went there, healed my pokemon, and slept.
I woke up later on the following morning. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the humid streets suggested that it rained on the previous night.
As you may have thought, the Fortress city used to be a fortress on ancient days. But since the wars of the past have ended, it became a city. It just conserves the tall wood walls that surround it.
There was a beach on the outside of the walls of the city, on the opposite side of where I am. The Great River passes through the city, like in St. Paul, and there was a tall Silph Co. building there too.
Well, I´m really eager to go to the next gym, but I should better train Cubone a little. I sent it out. It looked concerned for being in a different place and with some person (me).

- Hi! I´m your new friend... hum... may I call you "Skull Kid"? You wear a skull...
- Bone...

Well, I´ll consider this as an "yes". I pointed my dex a t it to check its moves (the upgraded version of the pokedex which my dad gave can show the moves and abilities of your pokemon. Too bad I didn´t figure this out before!) It had Bone Club, Bonemerang, Focus Energy and Rage.
I challenged some trainers that I found on the pokemon center. One of them used a Vulpix, which was easily defeated by a single Bonemerang attack, another one had a Raichu, but was obviously a newbie, because he tried a Thunderbolt attack. A single Bone Club knocked it out. Cubone lost to the third one´s Noctowl, but that was ok... I´ve beaten two trainers anyway.
Although I must to train Cubone more, I was really eager to see this city´s gym leader, so I went there. If I lost a battle, I can challenge the leader later anyways.
Fortress´ city gym looked like North Great River and General Mines´ gyms, but it had dark colors, like purple and black. Before I entered there, a nervous guy came out.

- Will you challenge this gym? - he asked me.
- Yes.
- Give up. You can´t win. Nobody can win. The new leader is unbeatable! I lost the battle and didn´t defeat even a single pokemon! Nobody has beaten the new leader yet since she came here!
- Nobody?!
- Yes. I´ll give up, she´s too strong!

Saying that, he went away to the pokemon center. Well, being tough or not... I must to battle. I entered on the gym.

- A new challenger already? - a pretty woman voice said beside me.

I turned in the direction of the voice. A beautiful woman was sat down on a chair. She stood up and came to me. She had long, light, wave hairs, was dressing a short black dress with some purple details and purple shorts below it. She was really seducing.

- Good morning, kid. I´m Karen, the new gym leader of Fortress city.
Next chapter, you´ll see another gym battle... The story may be getting boring, because nothing different is happening now, but things will change soon.^^
P.S.= I´ve seen now... on my previous post, I forgot to translate a word >.< "cercada" means "surrounded"... I´ve corrected it right now.Wink
i am so curious to see karen's pokemon! anyway, good job!
Great work Smile .

@Unbreon, A wolf, em... a mightyena Toungue will eat them Toungue.... I dodn't know how and why Toungue.
Uh? A Mightyena will eat what? õ.o Anyway, here goes another gym battle!!!
So, she´s the famous Karen, known as the most powerful gym leader of Midori! At least, that was what Marina or George were saying... "I´m the second strongest gym leader!" Marina said, but George replied that Karen and Grace were stronger than her, and then she said that Karen couldn´t be considered because she is not from Midori. Anyway, Karen was looking a little bored.

- So... how many badges do you have?
- I have four.
- Only four badges? - she sighed - I thought that becoming a gym leader here would be fun, but it´s not that fun at all. There aren´t many strong trainers here. Anyway, I´m a gym leader, so I have to accept challenges. Go to that side of the field.

She was as cocky as Marina... I went to the opposite side of the battlefield.

- Let´s go. Just try to entertain me, boy. Go, Umbreon.

Her Umbreon´s red eyes were frightening and it had a tough look. Its yellow rings were glowing.

- Go, Murkrow!

Murkrow landed on my head as usual.

- Hey, Karen, what are the rules?
- The rules? Well, no rules this time. You can do whatever you want to.
- How much pokemon will we use?
- How much pokemon do you wanna use?

Cubone isn´t ready to battle a gym leader yet, so...

- Three against three, agree?
- OK.
- Murkrow, Night Shade!

Umbreon avoided the shady beams.

- Toxic, now.
- Taunt!

But her Umbreon could poison Murkrow before Murkrow taunted it. Being a defensive pokemon means that Taunt can mess with its recovery and defensive moves. Umbreon was looking more evil than ever, because of its anger.

- Nice move, kid. But it won´t help you very much. Umbreon, use Pursuit.

Her Umbreon attacked Murkrow really fastly.

- Night Shade!

Umbreon was also hitted, but didn´t look much hurt and attacked Murkrow again. The poison is hurting Murkrow more and more... I´d better switch it out.

- Come back, Murk...
- Pursuit!

Umbreon critical hitted Murkrow, knocking it out before it could return to the ball.

- Argh! That´s really bad... Ok, go Carol!

Jumpluff was a little scared with that Umbreon.

- Sleep Powder!
- Come back, Umbreon. Let´s go, Houndoom.

Her Houndoom was put to sleep instead of Umbreon in the moment that it was released from the ball.

- Leech Seed, Carol!

Houndoom was seeded and wrapped by vines, without being able to do anything.

- Nice one! Come back! Go, Haku!

Houndoom woke up when I sent out my Vaporeon. Stupid Early Bird ability!!!

- Surf!
- Sunny Day.

The lights of the gym intensified and it became hotter, like if we were really under strong sunlight. Surf was weakened enough to don´t hurt Houndoom very much.

- Solarbeam, now.
- What?!

Vaporeon was knocked out by a single hit.

- Haku! OK, come back! Go again, Carol!

My last pokemon... against Karen´s three remaining pokemon! It´s being really hard...

- Sleep Powder, Carol!
- Flamethrower!

Carol was faster, especially because of Sunny Day, but Karen´s Houndoom escaped from Sleep Powder... Carol was attacked by Houndoom´s fire and was defeated. It´s over.
Noooo! I lost again!!! Sad First to George and now, to Karen... sigh
oh, its ok! next time you will win! Big Grin
Yeah. BTW good work.
Ηm,you could train Haku and Bone Kid more,then they will easily defeat Karen.Nice chappy BTW!Smile
Sorry for delaying so much, I was out of inspiration. Toungue
Houndoom blew up a jet of fire, which was powered by the strong lights of the gym. Carol was hitted and defeated.

- Carol... are you ok? - stupid question, she wasn´t obviously ok - Rest a little. - she returned to the ball.

Karen also withdrew her Houndoom. The lights went back to the normal. Karen is really tough... I couldn´t beat even one of her pokemon... and she hadn´t even showed me her last pokemon!

- So... good fight. - I said - You are really strong, as they say... Well, I´ll train harder and then I´ll be able to defeat you.
- Hum... so, you can admit your defeat?!
- Yes, why not?
- I think I like you, boy. - my face turned red, I don´t know why - Many people can´t bear a lose. Some of them even leave their pokemon behind when they start losing.
- Wow, really?! - at least I couldn´t even imagine myself abandoning my pokemon.
- Yes. They think that they´re weak and useless. But there´s something that they will never understand. Power... it´s just the selfish perception of people. What matters is the strength of the trainers and pokemon´s hearts. There are no weak pokemon if their trainers raise them well. People usually think that some pokemon are more powerful than others, so if they use them, they´ll easily win. They´re wrong. Truly skilled trainers fight with their favorite pokemon.

Nice words... it seems that she isn´t so arrogant after all.

- Well, I´m going to go now. I´ll train more and then, I´d like to battle you again.
- Sure. But you may not fight me again.
- Why not?
- Well, I´ll be moving back to Johto soon.
- Why?
- I´m too strong for being a gym leader, so another person is being chosen to replace me. And I have my duties on Johto anyway...
- Duties?
- Hehe. You seem a curious boy. - she smiled a little - Well, I´m a member of Johto´s Elite Four.
- What?!

No wonder she´s so strong! Why the hell would they let an elite four member be a gym leader?! Probably reading my thoughts, she said:

- Besides having to go back to my Elite Four post, it´s unfair to let me fight as a gym leader, don´t you think?

After a while, I said "good bye" and went to the pokemon center. In my way to the center, I noticed an usual movement around the Silph Co. building...
Short chapter, but I wanted to make you curious about Silph Co.!Toungue
I always liked Karen, since I first saw her on my crystal version, so I putted her on my fanfic Smile
nc! lets see what is going on in the silph co.... Toungue
Hi! Did you miss me? Well, I was without time and inspiration, but I tried something.Toungue Comment later, please!
After I healed my pokemon at the pokemon center, I noticed some suspicious movement around the Silph Co. Many people dressed the same way were going here and there, and disappearing.
After a while, a jet of fire was shot from inside the building, melting the front glass door.

- Arcanine, Flamethrower again!
- Go, Flareon!

Another blast of fire went out from the front door.

- Double Edge!

A whine indicated that somebody´s Arcanine was defeated. What´s going on? I went closer, cautionly.
When I was close enough, I heard Flareon´s trainer:

- Surrender now, guard, you´ve no pokemon left!
- N-no, I-I can´t...
- Drifloon, Hypnosis!

Wait a sec... Drifloon?! Team Twilight was at Silph Co.´s building. Flareon started... er... barking, if you can call Flareon´s cry a bark.

- What? Somebody else is here? Let´s go, Flareon, Drifloon!

Before I could move, that guy saw me.

- Hey, you! What are you doing here? Huh? - he recognized me - Hey, aren´t you the boy who messed with our plans on Mt. Borborema? You´re not going to do anything here this time!
- Hey, calm down! - I said - And what are you doing here?
- That´s not of your business! Well, sorry boy, but now I can´t let you go. We´ve already disabled the security cameras, because we don´t want to be noticed so fast. And you´d call the police. Drifloon...

I knew what he was going to do. He was going to tell his Drifloon to hypnotize me.

- Go, Murkrow!
- Hypnosis!
- Quickly, use Taunt!

Murkrow taunted that guy´s Drifloon before it attacked. It was so enraged that stopped making hypnotic waves.

- Assurance, now!

A single hit knocked out his Drifloon.

- Drifloon! Grr, you asked for that! Fire Fang, Flareon!

Murkrow was almost bited by Flareon´s fiery mouth.

- Night Shade!
- Flamethrower!

Murkrow and Flareon attacked each other. Murkrow was defeated. How could a single hit defeat my pokemon? But then, I remembered that, possibly, that Flareon absorbed the guard´s Arcanine´s Flamethrower with its Flash Fire ability, powering up its fire moves.

- Ok, come back! Go, Vaporeon! Use Surf!

Flareon couldn´t escape from the wave and was defeated.

- Damn it! If that stupid guard hadn´t weakened my team...
- Hey, tell me, what are you doing here?
- Well, I don´t know if you have noticed, but the pollution of the Great River starts from here. This stupid place´s labs throw their chemical garbage directly on the river! So, we are gonna make this place stop their work... and the pollution.
Team Twilight attacks again, this time, on Fortress city! Should I stop them? Or I shouldn´t? They´re just trying to stop the Great River´s pollution...
oo, nice work!!!!! :DDD
Nice work!Big Grin
*grabs a hammer and destroys building*
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