Legendary Pokémon

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Well,I''ll be really pleased if i had a role in the fanfic as well as if i was in your teamToungue(maybe you should expand your team in the fanfic).
Keep writing,we will be really excited to see the next part.
That chappie.
I luv it <3
I am in! 8D
I am a water trainer.My vaporeon is ftw :3
Hello, guys. Sorry for not posting in a while... and Mirka, if your Vaporeon is nice, mine is even better xD
After a entire day of walking, the only important thing that happened that day was a Mudkip caught by Suzana near to a river. I was going to catch that Mudkip... but I thought better. My team would have too much pokemon weak to grass if I caught a Mudkip.
The background changed again. Now, there were only trees everywhere. That part of the forest wasn´t destroyed yet. Seedots were hanging from branches of trees. And a Forretress fell heavily on me.

- Argh! - I said, standing up and slapping the bagworm pokemon away.
- Whoa, a Forretress! - John said, jumping from his Ponyta. - Epona, use Ember!

Ponyta spitted up some little fireballs, knocking out Forretress instantly.

- Yahoo!!! You´re great, Epona! - he said, hugging his pokemon.
- You idiot! - Suzana shouted - Forretresses are strong, we should´ve caught it instead of defeating it!!!

I looked to my map, ignoring them. We were in the half of the way to Thick Weeds. Man, why is it so far...?

- Excuse me... - a timid voice said.
- Huh? - I said.
- Hum... hello. - a 15 years boy appeared, with a little Chimchar on his head - I think I´m lost here... er... how can I go to St. Louis?
- Follow the river on that direction, then just go by the road.
- Oh, thanks. My Chimchar accidentally burned my map, so... Hum, thanks.
- Ah, by the way - I said - The road to St. Louis is blocked in one point, so you can´t go there.
- Oh, no, really?! Aw... Fortress is even farther! And I heard that the gym leader is really tough... well, thanks.
- Hey!!! - John said - Are you a trainer?
- Are you stupid or blind?! - Suzana said - If he´s with a Chimchar and wants to challenge a gym, who do you think he is? A teacher?
- Yes, I´m a trainer. - he said, cutting the discussion.
- OK! - John ignored his sister - Do you wanna battle? I wanna test my pokemon!
- Hum... ok.

So, they started the battle. The boy used a Pikachu and John used his Ponyta. The boy´s Pikachu´s tail tip was heart shaped, meaning that it was a female Pikachu.

- Ponyta, Ember!

Pikachu was attacked by some fireballs.

- Pikachu, Thunderbolt!

Pikachu´s attack did much more damage than Ponyta´s.

- Argh! Epona, Stomp!

Epona jumped on Pikachu, which avoided.

- Thunderbolt again.

Epona was hit and defeated.

- Oh, no, I lost already? - John said, sad.
- Don´t worry. - I said - It was Epona´s first battle. It´ll be stronger.

Suzana paid some money to the boy, who went away by the road. She used a Revive on Ponyta, so her brother could keep riding it.
We found three more trainers that day. Suzana and I fought against two people at the same time (and won, because they were new at pokemon) and I fought the other person.
According to the map, we were getting closer to the city. I think that one more day of walk and we´ll be there.
If you want to be on my fanfic, just tell me:
- The name you want to have on the story;
- At least one pokemon;
- Your personality;
- Your fighting style.

You may be a gym leader, a ramdom trainer, a Team Twilight member... But I´ll decide this.Wink
Hmm....this chapter was good as well as the others and,the story is getting exciting so,i would appreciate it if i had a role.
My name:Harry
Pokemon:A party of six
Personality:Self-confident and kind
Fighting style:I'll do my best and try hard to beat the strongest
And finally,i wanna be a random trainer,if you agree.
That's all.
I read these days most of your old chapters and i 've got to say that they were pretty good. Also the chapter where you won with a critical hit but your opponent's had the ability to stop critical hits ( it was from the first ones ) It doesn't matter if you do such mistakes. Don't forget that in the anime pikachu has like 400 sp.att
George7 Wrote:Don't forget that in the anime pikachu has like 400 sp.att

I wonder if Ash´s Pikachu ate a Light Ball for mistake. Toungue Btw, the next chapter is almost ready, I´ll post it tomorrow.Wink
I couldn´t post yesterday, sorry. Toungue In this chapter, I caught another pokemon! \o\ Oops, spoliers! xP
When we were close to Thick Weeds, we could hear the sound of a waterfall nearby. The air was a little more humid too. We saw a sign indicating that a power plant was close. That power plant uses the waterfall to generate energy.

- Hey, shall we go to the power plant? - John suggested. - I bet that there are some interesting electric pokemon there!
- It may be nice. - I agreed.
- OK, but we shouldn´t be there for much time. We must to go to Thick Weeds! - Suzana said.

There were some Goldeens, Chinchous and Surskits on the river (if there was a waterfall nearby, of course there was also a river or a pond). And as John said, there were electric pokemon near to the power plant. By the way, the power plant was closed to visitors, but we could walk around it anyway. A Pichu, an Electrike and a Pikachu ran from us when we were close to them. A Plusle and a Minun were sleeping under a tree. But what really drew our attention was a Magneton and an Electabuzz who were close to some cables and lamps near to the power plant. I think they were trying to eat some electricity somehow.

- Whoa! I´ve never seen an Electabuzz before! - John said, excited, jumping from Ponyta´s back - Epona, Ember on Electabuzz!

Ponyta ran to the pokemon duo and spitted up some fireballs. Electabuzz was enraged for being attacked while eating. Magneton also turned back and faced Ponyta, looking angry.

- Oh-oh... I guess they´ll both attack your brother´s Ponyta! - I said - Well, it´s not fair. So, go, Skull Kid!

Magneton and Electabuzz fired a powerful blast of electricity, but it was drawn to Marowak. So, my Marowak has the Lightning Rod ability... I didn´t know that.

- Hum... if I use any bone attack on them, they´ll faint and I won´t catch them... - I thought. These electric pokemon were really interesting to me, I want at least one of them!

- Epona, Ember on Magneton!

Steel pokemon are weak to fire, so Magneton took a decent damage. Electabuzz attacked with another Shock Wave, but it was drawn to Marowak again. Magneton attacked Marowak with a Magnet Bomb.

- Marowak, attack Magneton with a False Swipe!

Magneton was so tired that couldn´t escape.

- Epona, Stomp that Electabuzz!

Before Epona could attack, though, Electabuzz fired many star-shaped rays - a Swift attack. At least, Ponyta wasn´t hurt very much. After Ponyta attacked, it received a little shock from the static electricity on Electabuzz´s fur. It was paralyzed.
Magneton fired another Magnet Bomb, this time on Epona. Marowak attacked Electabuzz with a False Swipe. I think it´enough. I threw a great ball on Magneton and John threw a pokeball on Electabuzz. We both caught a new pokemon.
Hum... I think I know where and when Pokeruler will appear on the fanfic. But it´ll delay a little...
Anyway, if you also want to be on the story, just tell me! Wink
Hello! o/ I delayed a little, but... here I am! Enjoy the chapter!
I was happy with my new pokemon and John was happy with his new one. There were some more electric pokemon around, but we weren´t interested on them. John recovered his Electabuzz´s HP with a Potion and battled some wild pokemon. That Electabuzz was pretty strong.

- Which name you should have? Hm...

I named my Magneton Magneto (soooo creative...) and John still hadn´t decided how to name his Electabuzz. We decided to keep going to Thick Weeds. We finally reached the city in some minutes.
Thick Weeds had some buildings and houses, but was looking somewhat abandoned. We went to the pokemon center and healed our pokemon.

- Let´s go to the gym! - John said.
- What, will you battle? - Suzana asked.
- Surely!
- But you´ve hardly gotten two pokemon... are you really sure?
- Of course I am! I´ll win my first badge!

Thick Weeds gym was also a music school. Is it me or the majority of the gyms of Midori aren´t just standard gyms? General Mines gym was a sports gym, South Great River gym was a swimming school, Bay gym was a zoo and this gym was a music school.
The gym was also empty. But as soon as we entered, an about 14 years old girl came to us. Her hair was small and black.

- Hello! Will you challenge the leader?
- Yes. - I said.
- Finally! I´m Rachel, gym leader of Thick Weeds. Since when the vacations started, everyone on the city went away, and I was not receiving challenges in a while... Well, follow me!

While we were following Rachel, we could see some rooms with many chairs and some instruments, like a piano.

- Here. - Rachel said, entering a large room.

The room was large, empty, with some lightnings painted on the walls.

- Well, as you can see, I´m a user of electric pokemon. Who will be shocked first?
- I´ll! - John said, jumping on the field.
- Hey, it´s not fair! - Suzana said. - Be polite and let the ladies go first!

Rachel didn´t hear Suzana, so she said:

- OK, little boy! What´s your name?
- I´m John!
- How many badges do you have?
- None yet.
- OK, so I´ll be easy with you. We´ll use only 2 pokemon. Go, Chatot!

Huh? A Chatot? Shouldn´t she use an electric pokemon?

- Go, Epona!

Ponyta was excited to battle.

- Chatot, Sing!
- Eeeeeevery niiiight in myyyy dreeeeeams... I seeee yoooou... - Chatot was singing - I feeeeel yooooooooou...

I almost laughed. For those who didn´t understand, Chatot was singing that music of Titanic.

- Ember!

Chatot was hit by some fireballs, but Epona started sleeping right after.

- Damn it, come back! Go, Electabuzz!
- Nice, an Electabuzz! - Rachel said. - You caught it near to the power plant, right?
- Yeah.
- I also caught some pokemon there. Well, Chatot, use Chatter!

Her Chatot shouted something like "Shut up" really loudly. We all putted our hands on the ears to protect them from the sound. Ouch... that hurts.

- Electabuzz, Shock Wave!

But Electabuzz was confused by Chatot´s attack and attacked itself instead.

- Come back, Chatot! Go, Flaaffy!

A pink sheep pokemon was sent out.

- Electabuzz, use Swift!

But Electabuzz attacked itself again...

- Flaaffy, Thunderwave!

A fast jolt of electricity striked Electabuzz, which started shivering. It was paralyzed.

- Now, use Charge Beam!

The attack didn´t do much damage. But Charge Beam can make the attacker´s special attack stronger... That´s not good...

- Electabuzz, Light Screen!

A wall of light was formed in front of Electabuzz. John switched to his sleeping Epona.

- Charge Beam!

The Light Screen absorbed half of Charge Beam´s power, but Epona was still attacked.

- C´mon, Epona, wake up!
- Charge Beam!

With Charge Beam becoming each time stronger, Epona is in trouble if it doesn´t wake up before Light Screen disappears!

- Charge Beam again!

After being attacked, Ponyta finally woke up.

- Stomp!

Ponyta jumped on Flaaffy, damaging it severely.

- Attack it, Flaaffy!

Another Charge Beam attack defeated Ponyta. John sent out his Electabuzz. It was still shivering.

- Swift, now!
- Charge Beam!

Both pokemon were attacked. Flaaffy was really tired.

- It´s almost over, use Shock Wave!

But Electabuzz couldn´t move. It was paralyzed. The Light Screen disappeared and another Charge Beam knocked out Electabuzz. John lost his battle.
I thought it would be a good idea to show my friends´ battles against a gym leader too. Don´t worry, my own battle will happen soon Wink
Hellooooo... is there anybody still reading?Toungue
John was quite sad... It was his first defeat.

- Darn... come back... - he said, recalling his pokemon to its pokeball.
- Nice battle. - Rachel said.
- Shut up! - he shouted and ran away.
- Wait! - Suzana said - Humph. That boy... - then she followed her brother.

I apologyzed Rachel for John, but she said that doesn´t matter. He would learn to accept a defeat in the future.

- Well, so I guess it´s your turn to battle now, right?
- Yep.
- How many badges do you have?
- I´ve gotten 4 badges.
- Hehe, so your 5th badge won´t be earned so easily! - she said with a smile. - We´ll use 3 pokemon each. The rules will be the basic ones... no two pokemon sleeping at the same time, no ohko moves and, this time, no recovery moves.
- No recovery moves? - Jumpluff won´t be able to use Synthesis then.
- Yes, are you ready, Meowth guy?
- OK. Go, Skull Kid!
- Lanturn!

Oops! Lanturn may be an electric pokemon, but it´s also a water one! Skull Kid may be in trouble.

- By the way, - I said - I didn´t introduce myself, I´m sorry. My name is Leo.
- And I´m Rachel, you know. Lanturn, Water Pulse!

Marowak was hit by a powerful blast of water, but it wasn´t defeated yet.

- Bonemerang!

Marowak threw his bone on Lanturn.

- Attack, now!

Lanturn used another Water Pulse attack, but this time, on Marowak´s bone. Both moves colided and canceled each other´s effect.

- Confuse Ray!

Lanturn´s er... lamp fired a ray on Marowak, which became dizzy. What should I do now...?

- Finish it with your Water Pulse attack!
- Come back! - I could send out Vaporeon, so it would absorb Water Pulse. But it would easily die with an electric attack... - Go, Carol!

Jumpluff took the water blast instead of Marowak. It wasn´t very effective, but Jumpluff also became confused.

- Carol, use Sleep Powder!

But she fell on the ground instead, still confused.

- A fast pokemon is nothing without its speed, so, use Thunderwave!

Rachel was right. Jumpluff´s power was its speed. But it became paralyzed after attacked by a Thunderwave. I´m really in trouble.

- Sleep Powder, c´mon!
- Charge Beam!

Fortunately, Jumpluff wasn´t confused anymore and could dodge Lanturn´s attack. Lanturn almost escaped from Jumpluff, but it couldn´t, since it couldn´t move very much - being a fish out of water doesn´t help it to avoid my attacks.

- Now, Leech Seed!
- Come back! Go, Jolteon!

Her Jolteon was tough-looking. It was hit by some seeds, that sprouted and wrapped it.

- Come back, Carol! Let´s go, Skull Kid!

At least, Skull Kid would receive some energy from Jumpluff´s Leech Seed.

- Bonemerang!
- Shadow Ball!

Her Jolteon attacked so fast, that Marowak couldn´t even aim it with its bone. Marowak was defeated.

- Ok, come back. Go, Magneto!

I hope my new pokemon will save me...

- Thunderwave, Jolteon!
- Magnet Bomb!

Both pokemon were hitted. All I can do against that Jolteon is to fire unnafective Magnet Bombs... My Magneton´s other moves are Thunderwave, Lock-On and Spark. I´d be really stupid to try any electric move against her Jolteon.

- Come back, Jolteon! Go, Loudred!

Oh, geez... Won´t we ever stop switching out?

- Magnet Bomb!

Her Loudred jumped to avoid the attack, but it was hit anyways. Heh, Magnet Bomb never misses.

- Loudred, Flamethrower!
- What?!

Magneto was almost hit by Loudred´s fire attack. It would be knocked out if Loudred didn´t miss.

- Thunderwave, quickly!

Now it was Loudred´s turn to be paralyzed.

- Flamethrower again!
- Spark!

Loudred opened it´s mouth... and stood still, paralyzed. Phew... that was close! Magneton charged towards Loudred, its body glowing with electricity... BAM! A critical hit! Loudred was defeated.

- You´re quite lucky, Leo. Ok, go again, Jolteon!
- Magneto, use Magnet Bomb!
- Charge Beam!

Jolteon attacked first and Magneton became full paralyzed.

- Heh, my turn to be lucky, I guess. Charge Beam!
- Magnet Bomb, go!

Jolteon´s SAtk became higher after it attacked. Then Magneton attacked again. Jolteon tried to run, but Magnet Bomb was following it. It was so incredibly fast... It was even a little funny: Jolteon was trying to escape from the Magnet Bomb, but the bomb wasn´t stopping to follow it. Hey! That gave me an idea.

- Keep firing Magnet Bombs!

Jolteon was running from the first Magnet Bomb, but it was still following it. Then Magneton fired 1, 2, 3 more bombs, that kept going after Jolteon.

- Ugh, that´s not good... Try a Shadow...!

BOOOM! A big explosion indicated that my bombs finally hitted Jolteon. It was defeated.

- Nice one, Magneto!
- OK, come back Jolteon. Tsk, tsk, it shouldn´t have tried to dodge... Go, Lanturn!

Her Lanturn was still sleeping. That´s my chance!

- Come back, Magneto! Go, Jumpluff!

Magneto had nothing that could affect a Lanturn. But Jumpluff does!

- Leech Seed!

Jumpluff was fully paralyzed. But the foe still hadn´t awaken.

- Leech Seed, Carol!

She attacked this time. Lanturn was still sleeping...

- Mega Drain!

After Carol attacked, Lanturn finally woke up. It was quite angry.

- Charge Beam!
- Avoid it!

Carol was fully paralyzed. The electric attack knocked it out.

- Ok, you fought well. We´re almost done! Go, Magneto!

Both pokemon were tired. But Magneto had more energy left.

- Water Pulse!

Magneto was almost defeated... it´s really weak now. But it´s my turn! I´ll win!

- Magnet Bomb!

Lanturn survived the attack, but Leech Seed drained its remaing energy.

- That was close. - Rachel said - Well, here´s your prize, the sound badge.

She gave me a white circle emblem with a black note on it.
Yohoo! My fifth badge! I hope you liked the chapter.Wink
Hey,that was a good chapter as wellBig Grin.
And yeah,i'm still readingToungue.
Hello! Are you ready for another chapter? At least I am!Toungue
That was a tough battle! But I´m happy... I finally won the sound badge! Now there are only 3 badges left! I went to the pokemon center and healed my pokemon. Suzana was talking to her brother.

- ...don´t worry, I´ll help you to train, so you´ll win that badge soon.
- OK, thanks, sis...
- Huh? Hi, Leo. - Suzana said when she saw me.
- Hello. - I said.
- Did you battle? - she asked me.
- Yes, I won the badge.
- Congrats! - she said - Well, so you´re probably going, right?
- Yeah.
- Well, it was fun while it lasted. - John said - Good luck on your trip. We´ll stay here for a while, until I get my badge.
- Thanks. Good luck for you, too!

I think I´ll miss their fights. Although their discussions where annyoing, they also made me laugh sometimes. Well... time to go! I looked at my map. The remaining gyms where at Fortress city, St. Louis city and Knight city, all of them in the north. The only way to go to Knight city was through St. Louis, but the road to St. Louis was blocked... Sigh. I´ll go back to Fortress then.
When I was quitting the city, though, the road was also blocked. By four Team Twilight members.

- Halt! - one of them said.
- What´s up? - I said.
- Sorry, but no one may pass from here.
- Why not?
- We´re blocking the road to stop people from entering the Knight Forest. There was too many fire lately. The forest is in more danger than ever.

If you don´t remember, the routes linking Fortress city, St. Louis city and Thick Weeds city go by the Knight Forest.

- But... But I just wanna go back to Fortress!
- Sorry, you´ll have to go by another way.

Damn it! I went back to Thick Weeds. I looked to my map. There was another way to go back to Fortress city. A really long way. The shortest available path was: to go to south, in direction to General Mines city, then went back to St. Paul, then go north through the desert and Ceharah town and keep going north through the desert until Fortress.
I ate something at a fast food, rested a little, then went through the Route 171, to General Mines.
Small chapter, but I´ll write a longer one soon. Wink See ya!
Hello again! I´ve had an idea now, so I´m writing one more chapter. Enjoy!
While I was walking through the Route 171, I also trained my pokemon a little with some wild pokemon and some trainers. Crystal found a round bluish-green stone somewhere and I took it. It was a Dawn Stone. I´ve no Snorunt or Kirlia, so it´s kinda useless for me... Maybe I´ll sell it at General Mines.
Something funny was happening each time I was training my Magneton. A Bronzor or a Mawile was occasionally being pulled to Magneton´s direction. My only problem was when Magneton pulled a big Steelix, which became enraged.

- Oh-oh, come back, Magneto! Go, Haku!

Steelix attacked with Fire Fang.

- Haku, use...!
- Wait!

Two men were running to me.

- Steelix, come back!

The iron snake pokemon returned to its pokeball. When the men came to me, they explained that they were having a battle, but suddenly, one of them´s Steelix was pulled by something. I apologized for having messed with their battle and explained that it was because of my Magneton´s Magnet Pull ability.

- It´s ok, just be more careful. - Steelix´s trainer said.

I watched the rest of their battle. One guy was using Steelix and the other one was using a Graveler.

- Graveler, Earthquake!

The boulder pokemon jumped and caused an earthquake. Steelix was hurt.

- Steelix, Iron Tail!

Graveler avoided Steelix´s attack. Steelix slammed its tail on the floor so strongly, that even the ground shaked.

- Ice Fang!

Steelix hitted Graveler this time. And froze it.

- Damn it!
- Iron Tail!

Steelix slammed its heavy tail on Graveler, defeating it.

- You were lucky! If my pokemon wasn´t frozen, another Earthquake of my Graveler would´ve killed your Steelix for sure!

Graveler´s trainer paid some money and went away, to Thick Weeds direction.

- Hey, do you wanna battle too? - Steelix´s trainer asked.
- Sure. But 1 vs 1, ok?
- Only 1 pokemon? That´s boring, but ok, let´s go. Go, Kirlia!
- Go, Murkrow!

Murkrow landed on my head, as usual. I slapped it away, so it went back to the "field" laughing, ready to battle.

- Damn it, a dark pokemon... Ok, Calm Mind!

Kirlia´s body glowed while it was concentrating itself.

- Murkrow, Assurance!
- Teleport!

Kirlia teleported away from Murkrow.

- Calm Mind!
- Attack it again!
- Teleport!

Every time Murkrow tried to attack Kirlia, Kirlia teleported away. And while Murkrow was looking for Kirlia, it was gaining power with its Calm Mind...

- Taunt!

Murkrow taunted Kirlia.

- That´s not good... Magical Leaf!

Kirlia attacked with much rage. It shot several leaves, whose color was changing from blue to green to pink to red to black and maybe to more colors, I couldn´t see it right.
It did too much damage for a not very effective move. Of course it did, after so many Calm Minds...

- Assurance!
- Teleport!

But Kirlia couldn´t teleport this time, because of Taunt´s effect. Murkrow knocked out its foe in one hit.

- OK, come back, Kirlia.
- Nice battle. - I said.

That guy gave me some money and said:

- Too bad my Kirlia has an adamant nature, so it can´t really use special moves well...
- Hey, I´ve gotten a Dawn Stone a little ago, do you want it?
- A Dawn Stone?!

I gave him the round green stone. He used it on his Kirlia, which evolved to Gallade.

- Thanks, guy! My Gallade will be pretty strong!
- Hehe, you´re welcome.
- By the way, my name´s Harry, what´s yours?
- Leo.
- Thanks again! I´ll repay this favor some day!

I followed my way to General Mines and he went to Thick Weeds.
Harry is Xarhs/Pokeruler´s character. He didn´t tell me which pokemon he wanted, so I gave him a Steelix and a Gallade.Toungue He´ll appear again later. Wink
If you also want to be on my fanfic, tell me your name, personality, battle style and pokemon!Wink
Aluado, your story is really good!! I' ve recently started reading your chapters (I'm a new member) and I think you' ve worked hard!! Well done! Smile
nc chapters!!!the gum battle was awesome!!!!cant w8 to read the next chapters!!!
After almost a month without writing... Aluado strikes back!!! xD
I arrived on General Mines after one or two days. The city was the same way as before, but now, there were more people. Everybody was going to the gym.
I went to the gym to check out what was going on. A soccer match was starting. I´m not very fond of soccer, so I just went to the pokemon center to heal my pokemon. The nurse was watching the soccer match on TV.

- Do you like soccer? - I asked.
- Of course! Don´t you?
- I´m not very fond of it...
- Hehe, it´s something rare to see, a boy who doesn´t like soccer and a girl who does.

She healed my pokemon and I went to the mart. I was almost out of medicine. After I bought it, I was startled by a big noise. Somebody buzzed on my ear.

- Congrats!!! - the mart guy said - You´re our 1000th customer!
- Here´s your prize! - the woman who startled me said.

She gave me... an... egg?

- Ahn... thanks...

Nice. Their prize for the 1000th customer was a little egg. At least I´ve got something to eat at my dinner...

- Just wait ´till this egg hatches and you´ll have a big surprize!!!

I wonder if I look like a hen. Well, at least that was a pokemon egg, not something to eat. Crystal was curious with the egg. And since Meowths are attracted by round objects, she jumped on me, trying to take the egg.

- Hey! - I said.

I dropped the egg, but the woman hold it before it fell down.

- Crystal!!!

The cat pokemon was trying to break free from my hands. The woman putted the egg in a little soft box (so the egg wouldn´t break). Crystal jumped on the floor and I putted the box with the egg on my bag.

- Thanks. - I said.
- No problem, just be careful with your Meowth.

I had a lunch, rested a little and followed my path to St. Paul. I fought some trainers on my way and my Vaporeon learned how to use Aurora Beam, Murkrow learned Faint Attack and Marowak learned Thrash.
The weather was getting colder... And clouds were covering the sky. I remembered how cold it was, although it´s summer, when I was going to South Great River city.
After a day, a downpour started. It was raining so much that I thought I´d better had brought a boat with me. Crystal was travelling with me in my bag and I was holding the pokemon egg on my hands. I wasn´t crazy enough to let my cat be with the egg.
When I finally arrived St. Paul´s West Zone, the storm was even worse. I went to the pokemon center and stood there, waiting for the rain to stop.
Something drew my attention to TV.

- Once more - the reporter was saying, on the TV - the rain is causing flood at St. Paul city.

The camera showed the areas near to the Great River. The river was overflown with rain and many houses, buildings and streets were invaded by dirty water.

- If the river wasn´t so polluted, it wouldn´t have been overflown. - the reporter continued - All the trash and chemical substances make the river´s bulk higher.

(Note: I don´t know if "bulk" is the right word... blame google´s translator for that! xD)
The reporter continued saying things, but I wasn´t paying attention anymore. I was worried about my house and my family. We don´t live near to the river, but what if the flood reached them?
A not-so-big chapter, but I hope you liked it. I´ve been without ideas for days... and I´ve also been too busy. Sad
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