Legendary Pokémon

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After a very long time... Here I am! Sorry for not posting before, I was reading everything and trying to remember the pokemon moves and other stuff. By the way, I´ve changed a few things in the previous chapters to make them easier to read. Like, I´ve changed the name of "Ceara" town to "Ceharah" town.
Anyway, here I go!
The battles were really exciting! But I cannot lose if I want to fight the gym leader. Well, I have to win 4 more opponents until I can fight him.

- Bryson and Benjamin against Lucas and Leo, go!

I sent out my Honchkrow and Lucas sent out his Torterra. Bryson sent out a Camerupt and Benjamin sent out a Pidgeot.

- Pidgeot, Fly, quickly!
- Camerupt, Lava Plume!

I also told my Honchkrow to fly to escape from Camerupt´s move, but there was nothing that Lucas could do.

- Earthquake!

Camerupt shot flames to everywhere while Torterra made the ground shake with much strength. Both pokemon were defeated.

- Ok, go, Dusclops! - Bryson said.
- You, too, Ambipom! - Lucas said.

Honchkrow attacked Dusclops, without causing much damage, while Pidgeot attacked Ambipom.

- Ok, Ambipom, Fake Out on that Pidgeot!
- Honckrow, Faint Attack on Pidgeot!

Ambipom attacked really fast. Pidgeot flinched and was hit by Honchkrow´s attack.

- Dusclops, use Will-o-Wisp on Ambipom!

Dusclops shot some blue flame balls on Ambipom, but, fortunately, it could dodge.

- Ambipom, Double Hit on Pidgeot!

Lucas´ Ambipom is really fast... Pidgeot couldn´t avoid and was hit and defeated this time. But Dusclops also made Ambipom catch fire with its Will-o-Wisp attack.

- Ugh, that´s bad... I can´t switch out... - Lucas said, saying his pokemon in pain.

Benjamin sent out a Claydol. I told my Honckrow to use Faint Attack on Dusclops, but...

- Claydol, use Selfdestruct!

Honchkrow could cause some damage on Dusclops, but then Claydol exploded, instantanely defeating both Honchkrow and Ambipom. Now, it´s one against one.

- Carol, let´s go!

If my opponent has only one pokemon left, it´ll be easier if I can put it to sleep.

- Sleep Powder, now!

But Dusclops could escape from the attack and burned my Jumpluff using its Will-o-Wisp attack.

- Sleep Powder again!
- Shadow Sneak!

Dusclops disappeared and attacked really fast. But it could not dodge Sleep Powder again. That´s good, but Jumpluff won´t survive much time because of Will-o-Wisp...

- Leech Seed! And Mega Drain!

What I could do was to try to recover some energy before Jumpluff´s burns become critical. But after a few attacks, his Dusclops woke up. Shoot!

- Shadow Sneak!

Jumpluff couldn´t escape and was hit again.

- Mega Drain!

Fortunately, Dusclops was so tired that it could not survive this time. We won again, but that was a close one!
I hope you liked this chapter. See you!
(By the way, I´ll put the episodes on the fanfic index later, ok?)
It was a very nice chapter aluado!Keep writing!
Nice one for a welcome back. Smile
Hello, people! Here goes another chapter, enjoy it!
The battles of the tourney were being each time more challenging and exciting. Everyone wanted to win the Moon Dew Badge!

After watching the battles of some people, it was finally my turn again. But I was surprized. My next opponents were John and Melissa!

We went to the arena. I sent out Honchkrow and Lucas sent out Torterra, as usual. John started with his Electabuzz and Melissa sent out her Lapras.

- I didn´t want to battle you... - John said - But I´ll do my best, even if we are friends.
- Same for me. - Melissa said.
- Lucas and Leo versus John and Melissa. - the judge said - Start!

I told my Honchkrow to attack Lapras with a Faint Attack and Lucas told his Torterra to use Earthquake. But John and Melissa knew we were going to do that.

- Electabuzz, defeat that Honchkrow with your Thunder, hurry!
- Lapras, Ice Beam on Torterra!

A strong lightning knocked out my Honchkrow before it could even touch Lapras and Torterra was defeated by Lapras´ Ice Beam too.

- Gosh, that´s really bad... - I said.

What should we do now? Our next pokemon cannot be defeated. Carol could make one of their pokemon be sleeping, but she doesn´t have enough defences to survive much. And Lapras´ Ice Beam could easily beat it.

Vaporeon may be good, since Melissa uses only water pokemon... but then, there´s John´s Electabuzz. Marowak could beat Electabuzz, but it would be defeated by Melissa´s pokemon. Combusken is still new and wouldn´t do any good against Melissa´s team. Magneton is okay against Melissa´s team and against Electabuzz... but John´s Dugtrio and the Ponyta I saw he catching could beat it.

Such a tough situation... We had no time to think. We talked a little, then we decided to fight with Magneton and Lucario.

- Lucario, use Aura Sphere on Lapras!

But Melissa switched out to her Qwilfish. Being a poison pokemon meant that it could bear Lucario´s attack quite well.

- Electabuzz, we need more defences, use Light Screen!
- Magneto, defeat Qwilfish with your Spark!

Electabuzz made a wall of light appear in front of Qwilfish and it, but that did no difference to my Magneton´s attack. Qwilfish was defeated.

- Oh, no, I should´ve chosen Whiscash instead of Qwilfish! - Melissa said.
- It´s okay, we still have 3 pokemon left. - John said.

Melissa sent out her Lapras again. John´s Electabuzz tried to beat Lucas´ Lucario with its Thunder attack, but, fortunately, it missed. Melissa told her Lapras to use Ice Beam on Lucario, but it could dodge.

- Lucario, Brick Break on Lapras!

Lucario simply broke the wall of light Electabuzz made and then attacked Lapras, damaging it a lot. Then, I told my Magneton to finish it with its Spark attack. Lapras was beaten.

- Heh, now it´s two against one! - Lucas said, feeling confident. But the battle wasn´t over yet...

- Oh, my, there´s nothing else my Electabuzz can do... Ok, use Thunder on Lucario again!

But it could dodge and attack Electabuzz with an Aura Sphere.

- Magneto, use Magnet Bomb!

It was really hard for Electabuzz to fight two opponents at the same time by itself. Fortunately, for us, it was knocked out.

- Ok, my last pokemon. Now the game will change again. Go, Dugtrio!

That was what I feared. Dugtrios are really fast. And a single ground attack could defeat both Magneton and Lucario!

- Magneton, fire a Magnet Bomb, quickly!
- Dugtrio, Magnitude!

Magnitude?! Oh, no, that move could hit both our pokemon!

- Lucario, Me First!

Lucario used Magnitude before Magneton and Dugtio could do anything. The ground shaked with much strength and both Magneton and Dugtrio were beaten.

The crowd was really excited. Nobody expected this battle would end this way! At first, everyone thought we would lose because we had lost 2 pokemon. Then, it looked like we were going to win because John had to fight us alone. Then, it looked like we would lose because Dugtrio could easily beat us. But, then, Lucario knew Me First and surprized everybody!

I was really happy. Only two more battles and we could fight the gym leader! After a short time, it was time for our next battle.

- Jones and Daniel versus Lucas and Leo. Fight!

We sent out Honchkrow and Torterra and they sent out an Arcanine and a Stantler. Our pokemon were startled by their Intimidate ability.

- Nice start, don´t you think? Your attack power is much lower now! - Daniel said.
- That´s bad, my Torterra´s Earthquake will be nothing now... - Lucas sighed - I guess I will switch...
- Don´t do that! Well, just attack them anyways, I have an idea. - I said.

Jones´ Arcanine attacked Torterra with Fire Fang. Stantler tried a Headbutt on Honchkrow, but it could dodge.

- Honchkrow, Haze!

A deep fog was covering us. Our pokemon´s attack power went back to normal.

- Earthquake, Torterra!

Torterra defeated both pokemon with a single hit. Jones and Daniel were very frustraded because their strategy was broken. If Honchkrow hadn´t use Haze, they would have surely won.

- Ok, I choose Glalie! - Jones said.
- I choose Xatu! - Daniel said.

I wonder why Daniel had chosen Xatu if I am with my dark-type Honchkrow. Anyway, I told Honchkrow to use Faint Attack on Xatu, but Glalie defeated it with an Ice Beam first. Then, Xatu defeated Torterra with its Air Slash attack.

- Go, Lucario!
- Go, Magneto!

Now we had a big advantage. Glalie and Xatu are no match for our steel pokemon.

- Lucario, Aura Sphere on Glalie!
- Use Protect!

Lucario´s attack was stopped in front of Glalie.

- Xatu, use Psychic now!
- Thunder Wave on Xatu, Magneto!

Xatu caused some damage on Lucario, but couldn´t escape from my electric attack. Xatu was paralyzed.

- Finish Xatu with Spark!

Glalie shot another Ice Beam on Magneton, trying to stop it, but Magneton could dodge and hit Xatu. But it was still able to fight.

- Xatu, Psychic on this Magneton!

Magneton was hit, but wasn´t damaged very much. Lucario shot another Aura Sphere on Glalie and defeated it. Magneton attacked Xatu with Spark again and we won the battle. Now, there´s only one more to go!
Next chapter, the finals of the tourney! Will I finally get the Moon Dew badge?
Cheater. Toungue

Me first is a zero priority move, Lucario has to have been faster than Dugtrio to move first. Good chapter as always anyway. Smile
It was really nice aluado!
really nice[the last part but i will read the others soon]
Here goes the last part of the tournament, I hope you like it.
Before our last battle started, John came to us.

- Hey, I have a question for you. - he said to Lucas - How could your Lucario beat my Dugtrio?
- Heh, it´s a secret.

John was asking that question to Lucas a lot, but he didn´t answer at all. Then, it was our turn to battle again.

- Finally, the finals!!! - the judge said to the crowd - The winner of this battle will be allowed to fight the gym leader! Lucas and Leo versus Amanda and Alex. Ready? Go!

We sent out Torterra and Honchkrow. Amanda sent out a Salamence and Alex, a Metagross. Our pokemon´s attack power decreased a little because of Salamence´s Intimidate trait.

- They are both tough pokemon... I think we should better focus on defeating Metagross first, since it´s slower and may be easier to defeat. - I whispered to Lucas.
- Yeah, I agree. - he answered.
- Attack Metagross with your Night Shade!
- Torterra, Earthquake!

Amanda´s Salamence started with Dragon Dance, which means that it is really dangerous now. Metagross could not avoid our moves, but it was still able to fight.

- Metagross, Meteor Mash on Honchkrow!

Metagross shot powerful meteors from its claws and defeated Honchkrow.

- Dang! Ok, let´s go, Haku!

Vaporeon could easily beat Salamence with its Aurora Beam attack, I think.

- Salamence, defeat that Vaporeon with you Dragon Claw!
- Watch out!

Amanda´s Salamence was so fast that Vaporeon could do nothing to defend or evade. It was greatly damaged.

- Aurora Beam, now!

Her Salamence couldn´t escape and was also defeated. Meanwhile, Torterra attacked Metagross with its Wood Hammer - which wasn´t very effective - and Metagross tried another Meteor Mash, but missed.

- Salamence, you did well, come back. Let´s go, Gyarados!

Her Gyarados was also frightening, like her Salamence.

- Ok, Torterra, use Earthquake again!
- Gyarados, defeat Torterra with your Ice Fang!
- Stop it, Haku, use Quick Attack!

Haku stopped Gyarados before it attacked Torterra. Torterra´s Earthquake defeated Metagross and damaged Haku a little. It wasn´t very strong, because Torterra´s attack power was lowered twice by its foe´s Intimidate ability. After that, Gyarados attacked Torterra anyway. It was still able to fight, although it was very weak now.

- Let´s go, Electrode!
- I choose you, Mismagius!

Lucas´ Electrode will easily defeat Gyarados, I know! So, I´ll focus on the ghost pokemon.

- Gyarados, use Earthquake!
- Electrode, defeat Gyarados with your Charge Beam!

Electrode shot a powerful electric beam before Gyarados could even touch the ground to shake it with an earthquake. It was defeated. Meanwhile, Mismagius used Hypnosis... Electrode was fast asleep.

- Ugh, that´s bad... - Lucas said.
- So, I think it´s just you and me. - Alex said to me. - Mismagius, Shadow Ball!
- Haku, Aurora Beam!

Both pokemon were damaged.

- Mismagius, Dream Eater!

Mismagius recovered its lost energy by absorving Electrode´s dreams... and energy. It´ll be a tough battle if Electrode doesn´t awake! All I can do is to shoot Aurora Beams, because if I use Surf, Electrode will be hit too.

- Mismagius, Shadow Ball again!

Haku could escape this time.

- C´mon, Electrode, wake up!

The ball pokemon was still sleeping.

- Aurora Beam again!

Mismagius also evaded and shot another Shadow Ball. Haku was hit. Things are becoming critical! One more attack and its over for me.

- Just a little more, Mismagius, keep shooting Shadow Balls on Vaporeon!

Haku was having a hard time trying to dodge Mismagius´ attacks and hit it with its Aurora Beam. But, fortunately, it could hit Mismagius... a critical hit!

- Mismagius, Dream Eater again!

Mismagius went to Electrode and started sucking its energy. Or at least it was trying to. Something was wrong, Mismagius wasn´t able to do it. Well... Electrode was finally awaken!

- Charge Beam, Electrode!
- Helping Hand, Haku!

Electrode´s attack boosted by Haku´s Helping Hand was enough to beat Mismagius.

- That´s it! - the judge shouted - Such an intense battle! Congratulations, Lucas and Leo!

The crowd was shouting. Everybody was excited because of the battles. But... the judge asked everybody to leave, since we were going to fight the gym leader now and nobody was allowed to watch that battle.

We heard many "boooo!"s and many people were shouting, enraged, but they left the gym anyways. After we healed our pokemon (there was a healing machine there, like the ones in pokemon centers), the judge said:

- Congratulations for winning the tournament! Are you ready to fight the gym leader?
- Of course! - Lucas said.
- Well, so let me introduce myself properly. I am Thanos, the new gym leader of Fortress city!
About the Me First stuff... you´ll undersand later. Smile By the way, surprising events will happen after this gym battle, just wait!!!
rrrreeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy gggoooooooooooddd+dddddd
Well, now comes the fight against the seventh gym leader of Midori: Thanos of Fortress City! Enjoy!
- Congratulations for winning the tournament! Are you ready to fight the gym leader?
- Of course! - Lucas said.
- Well, so let me introduce myself properly. I am Thanos, the new gym leader of Fortress city!

What? The gym leader was the judge of the tourney? Hey, that´s unfair! He has seen our pokemon and our strategies!

- I will start with you, Leo. Can you wait outside, Lucas?

Lucas didn´t like to be the second one to battle the leader, but he left the room anyway.

- Well, as the previous gym leader, I am also an user of the dark type. Dark pokemon are mysterious and powerful. That´s why I like them. Ok, let´s start!

He sent out a Weavile. I sent out Magneto. Steel pokemon are resistant to dark moves, so Magneto would be the best choice for me.

- By the way, we will use 4 pokemon each. Weavile, Swords Dance!
- It may be dangerous... Ok, Magneto, Thunder Wave!

Magneton fired a jolt of electricity which paralyzed Weavile.

- Good! Now, Magnet Bomb!

Magneton´s attack did a lot of damage on Weavile, but it was still able to fight.

- Use Brick Break, Weavile!

Weavile defeated Magneton in a single hit. It was really strong.

- Ok, rest a little, Magneto. Let me see...

Combusken would be so perfect if its level was higher!

- Let´s go, Honchkrow!

The crow pokemon didn´t land on my head this time. It was eager to battle.

- Use Night Shade!
- Avoid and use Ice Punch!

Weavile escape from Honchkrow´s attack and jumped in the air to punch it... but then, it was paralyzed. Honchkrow used another Night Shade and defeated it.

- Ok, you fought well, come back. Let´s see if you like this!

Thanos sent out a Houndoom. I switched out to Vaporeon, which was attacked by Houndoom´s Thunder Fang.

- Haku, Surf!
- Thunder Fang, Houndoom!

Houndoom was faster. It bited Vaporeon, which flinched.

- Now, Dark Pulse!
- Surf, Haku!

Dark Pulse collided with the big wave generated by Vaporeon´s Surf attack. Both moves canceled each other.

- Quick Attack, Haku!

Houndoom was almost hit, but could dodge.

- Surf, now!
- Dark Pulse again!

Both moves collided again, but this time, they did not cancel each other. Haku was hit by Houndoom´s Dark Pulse and Houndoom was hit by Haku´s Surf attack. Both pokemon fainted.

- Gosh, that was a close one! - Thanos said.

I sent out my Honchkrow again and he sent out an Absol.

- Honchkrow, Fly!

Honchkrow flew up really high. But, while it was flying, Absol was using Swords Dance to become more powerful.

- Honchkrow, attack it, quickly!

Honchkrow descended from the ceiling and hitted Absol.

- Our turn, now! Absol, Slash!

Absol attacked Honchkrow with its... er... horn and defeated it. Such a great attack power!

- Now you have only one pokemon left! Hehe, I´m curious to see how this is gonna end.

I have only one pokemon left... which one should I choose? Marowak has a great attack power and could easily beat that Absol... if that Absol hadn´t used Swords Dance. Carol will be knocked out if hurt by any attack, but she knows Sleep Powder, which could stop that pokemon. Combusken is not strong enough to challenge a gym. So...

- Carol, let´s go!

My Jumpluff was happy for battling again.

- Absol, defeat it with your Night Slash!
- Sleep Powder!

Absol´s horn was glowing with a dark light, but then, Carol could make it sleep.

- Ok, come back! Let´s finish it, Umbreon!

He sent out his Umbreon. I told my Jumpluff to use Leech Seed on it.

- Darn, my energy is being drained...
- Carol, U-Turn!
- Use Confuse Ray!

Jumpluff attacked Umbreon and avoided its Confuse Ray.

- Dang! Ok, Umbreon, Calm Mind!
- That´s our chance! U-Turn!

Although Jumpluff´s attacks were super-effective, Umbreon´s defence was amazing. If I hadn´t used Leech Seed, I would have done too little damage.

- Calm Mind again!

Umbreon wasn´t having difficulties in focusing its mind to boost its special powers, although it was being attacked by Jumpluff.

- U-Turn again!
- Now, Dark Pulse!

Umbreon jumped away from my Jumpluff and released a dark wave of energy. Jumpluff was hit with strength, but was still able to fight. Meanwhile, Leech Seed was sucking almost all Umbreon´s remaining energy.

- U-Turn once more!
- Dark Pulse!

Jumpluff was faster and Umbreon was knocked out. Thanos sent out his sleeping Absol.

- Leech Seed!
- C´mon, wake up, Absol!

His Absol was still sleeping. A seed was planted on it, vines sprouted and wrapped it.

- U-Turn!

Absol woke up.

- Night Slash!
- Sleep Powder, go!

Absol´s horn started to glow. It jumped away from Jumpluff´s attack and shot a blade of light, which missed.

- U-Turn!

Absol was hit and defeated this time.

- Argh! Ok, you fought well Absol. - Thanos said, withdrawing his pokemon - That was a incredible battle! You deserve this.

He gave me a silver moon emblem.

- This is the Moon Dew Badge. It prooves that your skills were greater than my dark powers.
- Huh? - "his" dark powers? C´mon...
- I wish you luck on the rest of your journey!
- Thanks.
- Now, can you ask Lucas to come here?

I left the gym and met Lucas.

- Hey, did you win? - he asked.

I showed him the badge.

- Nice! Congrats! I hope I can win too, I don´t want to go to that tourney again. I´ve being on these tourneys 4 or 5 times already!

He went to the gym and I went to the pokemon center. But before I get there, something caught my attention. A known woman with a long red hair and with her face hidden behind a mask was walking in a hurry...
From the next chapter and on will start the most exciting part of this story. I was planning this part since when I started writing this fanfic. See you, guys!
Hello everyone! I´ve noticed now, my story has over 31,000 views! Thanks for reading this stuff! Toungue
While I was going to the pokemon center, I was distracted by a woman with a long red hair whose face was covered by a white mask walking in a hurry. What´s Mila doing here? I followed her.

She went to a small wooden house. She entered and closed the door. What´s going on...?

I approached very cautionly and tried to hear something behind the door.

- I can´t believe they are going to do this!!! - Mila said in anger, punching a table.
- They have gone too far this time! - I heard Rick, one of the Team Twilight masked admins, say.
- Are you sure this is true, Bruce? - Mila said.
- Yes! And I almost got fired because I didn´t want to go with them too, even though I´ve told them that my son would be born tomorrow...
- OK, then. - Mila said - Henry, call everyone in our base in Sour City. Rick, call everyone else around Midori. If they´re going with full-strength, we´ll also do it!

BAM!!! Something hitted me and pushed me, making me slam my head in the door.

- Argh...!

Mila opened the door and saw me.

- Leo?! What are you doing here?!

I looked behind, still dizzy for having slammed my head in the door. A Drifloon was hovering behind me. Seemingly, it attacked me with a Shadow Ball.

- Whatever... - she said - You´ve heard everything again, right? Well, you helped us when we were escaping from Silph´s building, so I think I can trust you. Please, don´t tell anybody what you listened.
- I didn´t hear much...
- Ok, so I´ll tell you. Some of Team Twilight members work in Silph Co. acting like spies, giving us some important information about what Silph is doing. Well, one of our spies, Bruce, told us that after much time of research, they could find the location of the legendary Shaymin and the legendary Suicune here in our Midori region!
- What?! Do Shaymin and Suicune really exist?
- I also thought they were just legends. But also, legends say that in the distant past, Midori region was where all life began. Because of this, we can find almost any kind of pokemon here in our region. And seemingly, even legendary pokemon can be found here in our region!

Even legendary pokemon?!

- The Knight Forest is the last place of our region that survived to man´s actions. - Mila continued - So, now, life comes not from all Midori, but from Knight Forest. That´s why it´s important to protect it!
- Ok, but what about Shaymin and Suicune? - I asked.
- Well, their researchers could find the exact location of Shaymin and Suicune in the Knight Forest. And they want to catch them in order to clear the waters of the Great River and to bring life back to Ceharah town and the desert in the northeast part of Midori.
- But that´s not bad, is it?
- Actually, it is bad! They want Shaymin to make plants grow again on the desert just to make money without caring the environment. I mean, they can just destroy the environment, heal it, then destroy it again forever! Same goes for Suicune. They want it to heal the waters of the Great River, so they can keep polluting it. When the river is too dirty, they can just use Suicune´s power again and again. Do you understand what I mean? They want to make these pokemon their slaves!

Man, that´s insane!

- All the employers of Silph Co. are gattering here in Fortress city, because they´ll go to the Knight Forest tomorrow. We need to stop them! So, we are calling all our members to the Knight Forest. We will stop them there!

I didn´t know what to say. That´s a terrible situation.

- Leo, can you also help us?
- What?!
- Leo, I think you are after Midori´s badges, right? Well, the last of the gyms is located in Knight City, a city built inside the Knight Forest. Because of my instructions, our members are blocking the entrances to the forest. And there will be many more members inside the forest to stop whoever comes. But if you are with us, you will be allowed to travel inside the forest. But only if you are with us.

I think it would be really dangerous for me to be fighting with them. I don´t think I´ll be really helpful, because they have many members. But if that´s the only way I can go to Knight City...

- Ok, I´ll go with you.

Anyway, I also don´t agree with Silph´s plans.

- Thanks a lot! - she said, happier - Well, last time, I promised to you that I would give you something good, but I didn´t... I don´t want you to think I´m not honest, so, take this.

She gave a different type of pokeball. It was purple with an "M".

- It´s a Master Ball. This very rare type of pokeball can surely catch any pokemon. You can make a good use of it in the Knight Forest, since there are all kinds of pokemon there.
- Whoa, thank you!

Mila told me to rest that day, because they were going to the Forest that night. She told me to meet them in Saint Louis PokeMart that night.

After healing my pokemon in the Pokemon Center, I flew to Saint Louis with my Honchkrow. The city was the same way it was when I left. I was going to the mart to buy potions and other items to use in my trip in the forest, but I stopped in a newly-opened fruit shop.

They were selling many vegetables, fruits and berries in very cheap prices. I bought lots of Pecha, Chesto, Sitrus and many other useful berries for less than 3000 pokedollars. Too bad they were sold out of Lum Berries.

I rested the rest of that day. When it was the time Mila told me meet them, I went to the pokemart. It was still opened, but nobody was there besides the vendor.

- Good evening! - the seller said.
- Good evening. - I answered.
- How can I help you?
- Uh... I didn´t come here to buy... Er... do you know a woman named Mila?
- How do you know this name?!
- I was supposed to meet her here.
- Oh, I see, you are a newcomer. Team Twilight people are in the lower floor. But you should better be dressed properly! Take these clothes.

The man gave me Team Twilight clothes - black paints and boots, a three colored T-shirt (red, purple and blue) with an yellow T and a cap. I went to the restroom and changed my clothes. I just didn´t wear the cap, ´cause I don´t like hats or caps very much.

- Heh, now you look a real Team Twilight member! Good luck, boy.
- Thanks.
Aluado,really,this is the ideal scenario for the next pokemon game!You should sent it to nintendo.It's really great!
Thanks, golden charizard! By the way, people, soon this fanfic will change a little. I´ll make it more interactive... It´s because I´m going to the Knight Forest, right? Well, that florest is a giant natural maze with many ways leading to where I was supposed to go.
So, you´ll vote on my actions in the future! Sounds interesting, don´t?Wink
really nice part,like the most i have read
After some time... Here goes!
I opened a door and went downstairs. There was a big underground room full of Twilight members. I recognized some of them.

After some minutes, Mila and Rick came and stood in front of us. Mila started explaining everything that was happening and the urgence of our plan to succeed. Then, she told us their plans.

- First of all, we need to go to Knight City. But we can´t catch much attention, so we all won´t go there together at the same time. We´ll be divided in groups of four people. Each thirty minutes, a group will go inside the forest. When you arrive in the city, go to the gym. Knight´s Gym Leader, Grace, is a friend of mine and she accepted to receive us in her gym while we are gathering our forces. After everyone arrives, we´ll give you more details about what we are going to do.

- Hey! - somebody shouted - But what´s the right path to Knight City?
- Just follow the Great River. - Rick said.

There were 23 people there, so Mila organized us in 5 groups of 4 people and a group of 3. My group was me, Marcos (the nervous guy who had a Houndoom) and two guys I´ve never seen, whose names were Thomas and Alexander.

- We´ll meet the other guys, who were in our base in Sour Town, in Knight Gym, don´t forget. Ok, the first group to go will be Alexander, Marcos, Thomas and Leo. You can go, now, good luck!

We left the mart and went to the Route. There wasn´t anybody outside. Of course, it was really late. Some Volbeats and Illumises were dancing in the sky.

We walked in hurry and silence. The route was the same way it was last time I went through it. There were still farms, Miltanks and Tauroses. Then, we reached the place where, in the past, there were two Twilight grunts blocking the path to Knight City. They were fallen in the ground, looking injuried.

- Mark! Samuel! - Thomas said and ran to them, followed by Marcos.

When we get there, they said:

- It´s terrible! Somehow, Silph´s people knew we were going to try to stop them tonight, so, instead of coming here tomorrow morning, they have come here already!
- What?! - we four said.
- They came in a great number, so we could not stop them! We tried, but we were easily beaten...
- Grr, nobody beats my little brother and...! They´ll pay for this! - Marcos said - But first, we´ll help you.
- Mark, my friend - Thomas said to the other guy - I´ll help you too.
- Leo, Alexander, we´ll take them back to St. Louis city and tell the others what happened. Please, keep going to Knight City!

Thomas sent out his Fearow, which carried them back to St. Louis.

- Let´s go, Leo, we gotta hurry! - Alexander said.

We ran to the forest. It was really dark because of the night. We hardly could see anything.

- Do you have any pokemon with the Flash move? - he asked me.
- No...
- Hum... ok, then, I have one.

He sent out his Drifloon and ordered it to light the way for us. Drifloon started glowing really brighly. Then, Zubats and Golbats came down from trees to attack us.

I punched a Zubat which tried to bite me and sent out my Magneton and my Marowak. Alexander sent out his Purugly.

- Magneto, attack as many bats as possible with your Spark! Skull Kid, Strength!
- Purugly, Slash!
- Drifloon, Ominous Wind!

After some time, we could beat all the bat pokemon which attacked us. Magneton wasn´t much harmed at all. Having a body of steel could protect it from many of the attacks of the bats. Skull Kid received some damage, but it was ok in general. Alexander´s Purugly´s energy wasn´t very good and his Drifloon fainted.

- Phew, that was close. - I said.
- Or not! - an unknown voice sad.

Two men in brown and green ranger clothes came to us.

- As we thought, here comes the Team Twilight.

The other guy called their boss and told him that Team Twilight was already in the forest. Then, they both sent out a Porygon.

- Tri Attack! - they ordered.

The Porygons fired three different types of beam at once. A red one, an yellow one and a bluish-white one. Marowak was hit and frozen. Purugly was hit and fainted.

- Purugly!!! Grr, if you want to fight, it´s ok for me! Go, Swalot!
- Marowak, come back! Ok, Magneto, let´s go!

I told magneto to attack them with its Spark attack, but they avoided using Agility. Swalot fired some Sludge Bombs and could hit one of the Porygons.

- Magneto, fire a Magnet Bomb!
- Avoid again, Agility!

Porygon tried to fly away from Magneto´s attack, but that was useless. Magnet Bomb never misses. It was hit and defeated.

- Tri Attack again!

Swalot was hit and its body started sparkling. It was paralyzed.

- Swalot, Sludge Bomb!
- Magnet Bomb!

Magneto attacked faster than Swalot. Its attack could stop Porygon´s moves, allowing it to be hit and defeated by Swalot´s Sludge Bomb.

- Ok, we lost, but we aren´t pokemon trainers anyways... our duty was to weaken you and tell the others you came.
- Good luck, guys, you will need!

Then, they both ran in different directions.

- It´s becoming harder... - Alexander said using a Revive in his Purugly and Drifloon.
- Indeed. - I said and healed my Marowak´s freeze with a berry.
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