Legendary Pokémon

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Oh, no, I forgot that Clamperls have the Shell Armor ability, which blocks critical hits! o.o
Erm... let´s imagine that Clamperls can have a second ability too, ok? Which one? Hum... Toungue
I spent the rest of the day training my pokemon at the beach or swimming at the sea (hey, it´s summer! I can rest too, don´t?). Carol was enjoying the strong sunlight, but Murkrow didn´t see to like it. Some other little boys, that were friends of the little boy I fought before, wanted to fight me too. But they were really new to pokemon. One of them even used a Magikarp!
When I decided to go to the gym, Carol had learned Leech Seed and forgot how to use Tackle. Murkrow learned to use Assurance and forgot Pursuit. Haku didn´t learn anything new.
On my way to the gym, I decided to buy somethings at the market - my potions were ending and I decided to buy some repels. There were many trees on the exit of the city, so, it must be full of bugs at night.
While I was looking for the potions in the shelves of the mart, I saw that this mart was selling evolution stones for 1800 pokedollars. It´s cheaper than in St. Paul, where they cost around 2400. So, I bought five potions, two repels and a thunder stone. Jolteons are pretty fast and have a nice special attack and I wasn´t patient enough to let Haku evolve into Espeon or Umbreon.
But... thinking better... I won´t evolve my Eevee for now. I´d better wait till it learns some better offensive attacks - all it has now is a quick attack...
When I entered the gym, I saw George looking impatient, as always.

- Hey, you took too much time! Won´t we battle?
- I told you, I was just training a little. Now, I´m ready.
- Fine. We´ll use only 3 pokemon. You can´t make 2 pokemon of mine be asleep and this time, you can´t use moves that mess up with my pokemon´s stats, like Sand Attack or Screech.

Eevee will have a hard time, then. It has Growl, Sand Attack, Helping Hand and Quick Attack. Quick Attack will be everything that it can do... Well, so I´ll start with it to weaken the opponent.

- Go, Haku!

Eevee was looking happy to battle again.

- Sandslash!

George sent out a tough-looking Sandslash.
Sorry, I´m without much inspiration and my lunch time is over. Toungue See you! Wink
hey, man, I agree with dragar!!! umbreon for ever!!! (just joking, its your fanfic so you decide Wink) anyway, good plot, I am waiting to see the other George's Pokemon ! Toungue
Good job there Aluado. Very well.
Very well!!!I like it as always!Smile
Sorry, guys, but as I said, I moved this weekend, so I´m without internet.Sad I´ve internet only at my job.
I´ll post more tomorrow. I´m sorry, again.
Calm down man!U dont have to apologize.we understanD!ill be waiting for the next ''chapter''!(another surprise?i was waiting to evolve eevee at vaporeon but now it seems that u'll evolve it at jolteon!but im not sure!anyway we''ll see!)keep good worK!
i guess you will obtain a Fire Stone too Toungue
:oh no spoilers!!!: Keep up the good work Aluado,we will be waiting for ya!Smile
what's a spoiler? I have heard so many times but never understood what it was Toungue
Spoiler is some revelation of a story that may... uh... "mess the surprise" of those who doesn´t know that. (We say "mess the surprise" in portuguese, I´ve no idea how to say it in english Toungue But you understood, didn´t?)
- Go, Haku!

Eevee was looking happy to battle again.

- Sandslash!

George sent out a tough-looking Sandslash.

- Are you ready, Sandy? - George asked to Sandslash, which nodded, excited.
- Haku, Quick Attack!

Eevee attacked Sandslash so fastly that it couldn´t evade (or even see Eevee coming).

- OK, Sandy, Sandstorm!

Sandy started to spin on the floor. The floor of the gym was full of sand, like a mini-desert. George´s Sandslash was blowing away the sand to all the directions. When it stopped to spin, the sand was still "flying" everywhere, hurting Haku and falling in my eyes. Crystal hid from the sand behind my legs.

- Quick Attack again!

But Sandslash jumped over Haku.

- Dig, now!

Sandslash disappeared in the underground...

- It´s not good... Come back, Haku! - Eevee returned to the ultra ball - Go, Carol!

Skiploom didn´t like to be send out in the middle of a sandstorm. George´s Sandslash jumped from the sand, trying to attack Carol, but missed. Of course it missed, Skiplooms are flying pokemon, so they´re immune to ground moves, like Dig.

- Carol, use Sleep Powder!

It was really hard for Carol to scatter her powder around because of the sandstorm. Sandslash quickly dodged and jumped to Carol...

- Slash!!! - George yelled.

Sandy scratched Skiploom with a lot of strength, knocking it out.

- What?! Oh, no, Carol! Rest a little... - she returned to the ball - A critical hit, you´re very lucky.
- Heheheh...

This stupid sandstorm is making it hard to fight! And now I remembered something... Sandslashes can avoid foe´s moves easier in a sandstorm.

- Let´s go, Murkrow!

The krow pokemon seemed angry with all that sand hit its face.

- Night Shade!

Fortunately, Murkrow could hit this attack, this time. The sandstorm subsided... Now it´s my chance!

- Sandstorm again, Sandy! - George ordered.
- Don´t let it do it, Murkrow! Night Shade!

Sandslash was hit by another shady beam, but could set up another sandstorm again. It was looking more tired now.

- She´s tired, it´s almost over, Murkrow! Use Assurance!

Murkrow flew to Sandslash, but it could jump just in time.

- Take it down with Slash!

Murkrow was scratched too and was very damaged. At least it wasn´t another critical hit, so it was still able to fight.

- Assurance again!

Sandslash was so close, that could avoid Murkrow´s attack. Murkrow was so angry that hit Sandslash with much strength too, knocking it out.

- Ok, good job, Sandy.
- Come back, Murkrow.

I decided to call back Murkrow, since it´s my stronger "alive" pokemon. I´d better save it to George´s last pokemon.

- Swampy, go!
- Go, Haku!

If you think George called a Swampert, you thought wrong. George sent out a blue, slimmy, fat and lazy-looking pokemon.

- Quag... sire... - the pokemon said, in a lazy way.

Eevee was still bothered by the sand. Quagsire didn´t mind it, like Sandslash.

- Haku, Quick Attack!
- Protect!

Quagsire setted up some sort of wall of light, which blocked Eevee´s attack.

- Now, Water Pulse!

Eevee was hit by a blast of water. It started to walk dizzily to anywhere.

- Oh, no! - I said - Haku... are you alright?

It wasn´t obviously ok. It was confused.

- Try a Quick Attack!

But Haku just slammed on the wall instead of Swampy. The sandstorm stopped again.

- It´s... ok, come back! Go again, Murkrow!

Murkrow had hardly been released and Quagsire setted up another Sandstorm. Murkrow was flapping its wings really slower than usual. It was really tired.

- Use Night Shade!
- Protect again!

Swampy could protect itself from Murkrow´s attack. Murkrow fell down on the sand, too tired to keep fighting. Although Quagsire hadn´t attacked it, the sandstorm could hurt it. Now, my last pokemon... against two pokemon with a lot of energy remaining...

- Quick Attack again!
- Protect!

But Swampy couldn´t make the barrier in time, and was hit.

- Dig, Swampy!
- Quick Attack!

Haku could attack Quagsire before it digged, but Quagsire disappeared anyway... It´s over...
BLAM! Quagsire jumped from the sand below Eevee, attacking it. Eevee was also defeated.
Oh, no, I lost! :o Well, we can´t win everytime... y_y
Αre you going to win the next time?I hope so.Good job!
Yeah. Good job. Hope you'll win next time.Smile The sandslash couldn't see eevee because of the sandstorm or because of the quick attack?
Nice battle!! let's see what will happen! (yes, I understood Toungue)
And I want to see your next Pokemon!! anyway, keep writing!
I didn´t write much, but I hope you´ll like it. Well... I couldn´t beat George that time, but I´ll sure train harder to do it! \o/
- Hehehe! Great battle! - George happily said, making his Quagsire return to the pokeball.
- Yeah... - I said, making my fainted Eevee return too.
- It was fun, but I can´t give you my badge. You must to get better.
- Well, I´m gonna train some more, then, and later we´ll rematch, ok?
- Sure. See you!

I went to the pokemon center, a little disappointed. Should I have evolved my Eevee to a Glaceon while I was at South Great River city? Glaceon could have defeated Sandslash easily. And if Carol hadn´t fainted with a single move... Quagsire is no match for her.
Well, Carol and Murkrow are ok, but my Eevee is quite weak the way it is. According to my pokedex, it would take a while until it learns another move - which is Bite. A dark type move isn´t very useful against George...
It was a cloudy night. The sound of the waves at the beach was really recomfortable. It made me drowzy. Hum... thinking well, I´d better sleep now. I´m tired and I´ll have more time to train tomorrow. It started to rain when I was at the hotel, ready to sleep.
On the next morning, I decided to go to the beach to train or to catch a water pokemon. The skies were too clear for a place where rained on the previous night. I walked for 20 minutes, but I didn´t find any pokemon... Where are the Clamperls and Krabbies I saw before?
A little more later, some people were going to the beach. And I saw a tall, beautiful woman with a long wave hair talking to a group of people... What´s Marina doing here?
When I was close enough to hear them, I found out that Marina was teaching those people´s water pokemon how to surf. She showed her Kingdra making a big wave appear just to demonstrate it surfing. Marina even surfed with her pokemon!
It gave me an idea - if I had a pokemon that knows Surf... it would be strong enough to beat George´s ground pokemon! I don´t want to waste my time anymore looking for Clamperl, so...

- Go, Haku!

Eevee was much better than in the previous day. I picked up my Eevee and hugged it.

- Hi, my little Haku. Do you wanna grow stronger?

Eevee looked a bit sad, like if it was thinking that it is week. But it looked to me with a courageous look and growled.

- So... please, touch this stone.

I putted the Water Stone I got before in front of Eevee. It looked a little worried, but touched the stone with it´s pawl. It started to glow.
Well... I prefer Jolteon... but Vaporeon is also nice. And Jolteon would easily be beaten by George´s pokemon.

- Vaporeon! - the new evolved pokemon said.
- Wow, you´re looking good, Haku!

Vaporeon wagged it´s fish-like tail.
Sorry to disappoint you... Umbreon is also my favorite eevolution, but Vaporeon is being more needed now! And I also love Vaporeons - I used one in advanced generation.^^
I wanted more a glaceon like you said, but vaporeons are good.Good job.Wink
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