Legendary Pokémon

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Hello, again! Sorry to keep you waiting, I was really busy Toungue
- No! - Marina yelled, astonished.
- Oh, sis... - Gabriel said - Tsk, tsk, tsk. How could you forget about Fake Out?

As you know, Fake Out is an attack that works only in the first turn. Although that was the first turn that Lombre attacked, that wasn´t the first turn since when Lombre was sent out.

- Come back, Lombre. Leo, you´re too lucky. If your Bulled Seed hadn´t hit Cloyster 5 times, I´d have won.
- Well, luck is a part of every match don´t? But I won this time.
- Hehe, you´re right. So, here´s the Tear badge for you.
- Before that, I have to give you this.

I gave her the little ticket that I bought before.

- So - Marina said - you´re also trying the promotion? Hum... so I have to take another badge... just a second.

She went out to a door and came back some seconds later.

- Here is your badge, then.

The Tear Badge looked like a little light blue pearl. It was even shining a little bit. On the back of the badge, it was written "020889".

- Go to the reception counter and see if you´ve got the right number, Leo. - Marina said - Good luck.
- Thank you.
- Come back here later - Gabriel said - when you´re strong enough, so we can have a real match, ok?

I don´t know if he was trying to be nice and battle me later or if he was saying that I´m too newbie. I didn´t want to be rude, so I said "ok" anyway and went away.

- Let´s see your number. - the woman at the counter said, when I went there. - What?!

She read the number again, then looked at her computer again.

- It must be your lucky day, boy. You got the right number! Phew... after 3 months someone finally won the prize.
- Really?!
- Yes. Here´s the ticket. A ship to North Great River departs from the port every 5:00 PM.
- Thank you. I´d better get going then...

It was almost 4:00 PM. I took my pokemon the pokemon center center and healed them. I called mom to tell her that I´m ok and that I won my second badge.
I may post more later, so keep reading!Toungue
Very nice Aluado!Waiting the continue!Smile
Yay,Leo won!Toungue
I´m not with inspiration, but I´ll try my best!Toungue
It stopped to snow. It was even a little warmer. I decided to let Eevee be out for a while. It was looking really sad for losing its first battle.

- It was my fault - I said, trying to confort him - I didn´t train you enough before letting you fight, I´m sorry.

Eevee was still looking sad. But, fortunately, Crystal could make it happier - they started playing together.

- Hehe, nice pokemon you have! - a boy at my age said to me, when I was near to the beach. He was fat and used glasses.
- Thanks.
- I´m also a trainer... Wanna battle?
- I don´t know... the ship to North Great River will go soon.
- Ah, you´re also going to North Great River city?
- You´ll go too?
- Yes. I live there. I came here just to visit my family. Well, let´s battle! There are still... - he checked his watch - 30 minutes till the ship goes.
- OK, but only with one pokemon! I don´t wanna be late.
- Right.
- By the way, my name is Leo.
- I´m George. Nice to meet you.

We shaked our hands and battled on the beach.

- Go, Ken!

A little chick pokemon was sent out. It looked really young.

- Wanna try, Haku?

Eevee wasn´t looking confident, but went there anyway.

- Ken, it´s our first battle! Are you ready?
- Torchic! - the pokemon said, trying to look tougher somehow.
- Haku, Quick Attack!

Torchic couldn´t escape from the incoming move and was hit. It started to cry.

- Oh, no... - George went to the pokemon and picked it up. - Calm down... it´s ok. - then, he turned to me - A friend of mine gave me an egg yesterday and then Torchic was born. I think it´s not ready to battle yet...

We walked together to the ship, talking. He said that he really loves fire pokemon, but he has only the Torchic as a fire pokemon. All his other pokemon are...

- ...ground. I don´t know why, but lots of ground pokemon are near North Great River. And I´m so unlucky that I´ve not found even a Numel yet. Hey, and what´s your favorite type?
- Hum... I think I like grass pokemon.

When we entered the ship, a large sign was saying "No pokemon battles on the ship". At least I´ll be able to rest a little.
I´ll write more tomorrow. Thanks for reading!^^
Yeah!greaT win at the gym and funny noW!
I am curious about eevees evolution!I want it to evolve at Umbreon but i dont thinks its gonna...anyway!
Keep g00d woRk!
nc work!!! keep writing!!!
Good one Aluado.
KEEP WRITING OR I AM GOING TO BECOME A WEREWOLF AND EAT YOU!lol j-k.Keep writing!!I like it more and more and more and more and more!Big Grin
I don´t wanna be eaten, so, here I go. Toungue
The ship was going to the north of Midori. As we were going farther from South Great River city, the weather was starting to be warmer. The ship wasn´t very big, but had a swimming pool, a restaurant and - of course - lots of rooms. But I prefered to look at the sea and at the cities that were on the way.
There are 5 cities at the Midori´s cost: South Great River, Holy Ghost, Bay, North Great River and Fortress. We wouldn´t see only the Fortress city, because it is farther than North Great River.
The weather was really hot when we were near to Bay city. So, many people were at the swimming pool. Some pokemon trainers were training their water pokemon at the pool without battling.

- I hope we´ll get there soon... - George was saying. He is very impatient.

George´s Torchic was also impatient. It went out the pokeball by itself really often and sometimes got lost. But we always could find it wandering around, curious.
The trip wasn´t fun because we couldn´t battle and there weren´t many things to do. After 2 days, the pokemon league was visible, at Holy Ghost city. It was a large building with some pokemon statues, near to the beach. Some people photographed it.
At the afternoon, we were surprized by a wedding party. A tall man with a tan skin and glasses and a pretty woman with a long, gold hair were getting married. Everyone went there to see.

- Maria, do you accept this man as your legitim husband, to love, respect as long as you live?
- Yes. - she said, smiling.
- Coryn, do you accept this woman as your legitim wife, to love and respect as long as you live?
- Y-yes. - he was really nervous, but looking happy.
- With the holy powers belonged to me, I declare you husband and wife. You can kiss yourselves.

Everyone clapped their hands when the couple kissed themselves.

- I never went to a wedding before - George commented - I didn´t know that it takes this long.
- Me too. - I said.

After some time, when I was just walking to nowhere, I could hear the couple talking to a woman with a long red hair.

- ...dangerous for you to be here? You´re from Team Twilight. If anybody recognizes you...
- Don´t worry, I´m one of the masked members of Twilight. Nobody knows me when I´m without my mask...

So, there´s someone from Team Twilight on the ship! Are there more of them, too? Now I´m worried... There are lots of people that could be stolen. I went to my bedroom and picked up my pokeballs. I should better keep them with me until I reach North Great River.
One more day after, my little Meowth was starting to be impatient too. It was, like George´s Torchic, starting to wander around. It was even attacking some Wingulls that landed on the ship. It was making me crazy - when Crystal disappears, I think that it may have been stolen. But, fortunately, I always find her.
After a whole week travelling, we finally reached North Great River city. Fortunately, nothing unusual happened. Maybe the Twilight member I saw was just a friend of Coryn and Maria watching their wedding.
Well, I tried to make a good wedding, but I don´t know the phrases said in english, so I just translated them the way we talk on portuguese. Toungue
I like it!!!Dont worry,I wont eat you!Toungue
And if you eat me, I wouldn´t be able to continue writing xD
Right,and I would not like that.Toungue Toungue Toungue Toungue XDDDDD
i love your stories!!! please, continue!!! we are cheering for you
Thanks for your patience (except for mirka, who said that would eat me Toungue - just joking, just joking...) Here goes another "chapter"! Wink
- Finally! - George said when the ship stopped and everyone was going away - Now I´m ready for action! I´ll go to the gym. Will you go too?
- Later. - I said - I wanna train a little more. So, you´re also collecting badges, George?
- I´m not. Hehe, I am the gym leader!
- What?!

I battled a gym leader without knowing?! After some seconds, I realized something.

- So - I said, joking - you have to give me your badge now.
- Why? - he looked confused - We didn´t battle.
- We did and I won. My Eevee beat your Torchic.

George laughed.

- I can give you a badge only if we fight at the gym, Leo. Hey, by the way, how many badges do you have?
- It´ll be my third one.
- Two badges already, then? So, I can fight a little harder against you.

We entered the city. North Great river city was full of palmtrees or coconut trees (I don´t know the difference just by sight) and houses. There were a feel buildings here and there, some hotels and the gym, which looked like General Mines´ gym.
George went to the gym and I walked a little on the beach. There were some Shellders and Corphishes at South Great River´s beach, but here there are only a few Clamperls and Krabbies here, on North Great River.
Crystal didn´t look to enjoy to walk on the sand, so she jumped on my back, scratching and hurting me, and stood on my shoulder.

- Ouch! Don´t do this, Crystal, it hurts!

Crystal wasn´t listening. She was busy looking everywhere from a higher place.

- Hey! Are you a pokemon trainer?

I turned back. A little boy was calling me.

- Yes, I am.
- Nice! Wanna battle? I went to the gym last week and I lost, so I´m training to go there later!
- Nice. I´m training too. OK, how many pokemon will we use?
- Only one, ok?
- Right. Go, Haku!

I sent out my Eevee, which looked ready to battle.

- Go, Clamperl!

The boy´s Clamperl was taking a nap.

- Hey, Clamperl! - the boy went to the shell pokemon and shaked it - Wake up! We´re gonna battle!

Clamperl didn´t like to be awaken and spit up a water gun at the boy´s face. The boy´s Clamperl fell in the sand. It was ready to battle too.

- Haku, Sand Attack!

Haku threw some sand at Clamperl´s... em... face. It was looking angry.

- Water Gun!

Clamperl could barely see because of the sand on its eyes. So, it missed the move.

- Haku, Quick Attack!

Clamperl couldn´t do a thing. It was hit.

- He´s close! Use Clamp!

Clamperl chomped Haku´s tail, which started to run around in pain, with Clamperl attached to its tail, like a weird Slowbro.

- Try to attack it! - I said.

Eevee used a quick attack on nothing, but could free itself. It was looking angry now.

- Sand Attack again!
- Water Gun!

Clamperl missed the move and received more sand on its face.

- Quick Attack!

A critical hit was enough to beat Clamperl.

- Oh, no! Come back, Clamperl...
- Hey, don´t be sad, you fought well. - I said.
- Thanks. I thought that water pokemon would be ok against George´s ground pokemon. But my Clamperl is still weak. - he sighed - I hope to find some item to evolve it so it can be stronger. I tried a water stone, but nothing happened.
- Well, Clamperls evolve to Huntail with DeepSeaTooth and to Gorebyss with DeepSeaScale.
- Really? Thanks, I´ll look for one, then. Take this thing away then, it´s useless.

The boy gave me the water stone.
I´m really tired now, so I´ll write more tomorrow. Maybe I won´t write anything this weakend, since I´m moving and I´ll be without internet for a while. Toungue
Good one Aluado. You're very lucky (Critical hit). Joking. Toungue
o.o damn dont evolve it to vaporeon!i want an umbreooooooooon!just kiddinG!
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