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Nice chapter, the part with the egg is really funny xD
Hello, everybody. I´m really sorry for not writing in these... hum... 20 days?! o.o
After some hours, the rain stopped and I decided to go home. It was still cold outside the pokemon center and the sky was still dark. St. Paul was chaotic because of the flood. Many roads at the Center Zone where blocked by the dirty water of the Great River and many people lost their houses or their goods.
I thought about using my Vaporeon to cross the water using Surf... but that was a bad idea. Vaporeon and I would die poisoned if we dare to travel by that water. It took me almost two hours to reach St. Paul´s South Zone. Fortunately, the South Zone was in a higher place than the other zones, so it wasn´t affected by the flood.
When I finally arrived home, Thunder, my Arcanine, jumped on me, making me fall on the ground, and started licking my face.

- Ok, ok, Thunder, I love you too. - I tried to say between my dog´s licks.

Crystal ran inside the house. But on the following second, she ran away from the house, being followed by mom´s Snubbull. Nany, my mom´s Snubbull, doesn´t bite or fight Crystal, they just play together.

- Hi, Leo! - my brother said - How was your trip?

I told him sbout my adventure (except about my encounters with Team Twilight) and showed him my badges.

- Hey, let me see your pokemon!
- OK, take a look!

I released all my pokemon at once. Arcanine, which was outside my house, wasn´t used to my pokemon, so he started barking, thinking that they were intruders. Murkrow landed on my head and I slapped it away.

- A Marowak, a Murkrow, a Vaporeon, a Jumpluff and a Magneton! - he said - Hi, Jumpluff! Remember me?

Carol nodded and landed on my brother´s head, like Murkrow did with me.

- You´ve got so many pokemon!
- What´s going on? - an angry feminine voice said.

My mom came to us. I withdrew all my pokemon, except Carol. Mom was sleeping, ´cause she has gotten a cold and since all the noise that the pokemon were doing woke her up, she was in a bad mood. Jumpluff flew away from my brother´s head and started floating in circles on the living room.

- Leo´s back!
- Oh? Hi, Leo! - she said, hugging me.

I told her about my trip too, except the parts involving Team Twilight. If she knew that I´ve met them many times, she´d surely forbid me to keep travelling. And I don´t think she would believe that they aren´t bad guys.
Crystal entered in the house, still being followed by Nany. Crystal jumped on Carol´s head to escape. Nany tried to jump too, but she couldn´t jump as high as Crystal did. Crystal was floating with Jumpluff now.

- Come here, baby. - mom said, picking up Nany.

Then the little dog noticed me and jumped on me. She also started to lick me.

- Hehehe, we all missed you. - mom said.

Dad arrived late at night, because of the flood. He was proud of me and enjoyed to see the Hoppip he caught turned into a Jumpluff. On the following day, I decided to say good bye and keep travelling. Fortunately, everybody accepted this.

- Good luck, Leo! - my brother said.

So I left my home again. But this time, Crystal wasn´t following me. I think she was tired of travelling so much, because she was sleeping almost all the time and she didn´t want to go with me.
After one hour, I reached St. Paul´s Center Zone. It was hard to find the proper way to go... many places where still blocked. I looked to the map again. I had to go North and keep going until I reach the desert. At least there was a little town on the desert, Ceharah town, where I think I can rest a little.
I was feeling alone without Crystal by my side, so I decided to send out Murkrow. Jumpluff could be easily blown away by any gust of wind, Marowak and Vaporeon were slow and not very used to walk and Magneton would draw too much attention. I mean, it´s not very common to see somebody being followed by some floating metal things, don´t?
Well, lack of creativity strikes back Toungue I hope you enjoyed Crystal´s participation on my fanfic, ´cause she won´t appear for a long time now...
hey, nice chapter! I liked the idea that you came back home, although I will miss Crystal...But it's Ok, life goes on, I hope you catch more Pokemon! Toungue
Here goes another chapter, enjoy!
I regretted to have released my Murkrow to follow me. The crow pokemon was landing on my head at least once each minute and when it saw any person with a glowing object, it tried to steal it.

- Murkrow, stop! - I said, trying to open Murkrow´s beak.
- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! - an old lady was screaming in panic.

Murkrow was trying to take that woman´s necklace. When I finally opened Murkrow´s beak, the old lady took her necklace away and ran. Murkrow tried to go after her, but I hold it.

- Murkrow, what are you doing? Are you a thief?!

Fortunately, there was nobody on that street. I´d be in trouble if more people saw what Murkrow was doing or if somebody called the police. Murkrow was looking angry. I made it return to the ball.
After a long time, I reached the North Zone. The North Zone wasn´t very damaged by the flood, but it was chaotic too. Many Grimers could be found everywhere, panicking some people. Three Grimers attacked me.

- Ugh, go away! Go, Skull Kid!

The Grimers Pounded my Marowak.

- Bonemerang, now!

Marowak threw its bone three times, defeating all the Grimers. Some Koffings appeared. What´s up with these pokemon? They were attacking!

- Arcanine, Heat Wave! - a policemen ordered, making his pokemon defeat two Koffings.

A cameraman and a reporter came. The guy with the camera started recording.

- After yesterday´s flood - the reporter was saying - many Grimers appeared at St Paul´s North Zone. These pokemon are dangerous, since their body is made of poison. Some Koffings appeared too. We warn everybody to stay home while this problem is being solved! And... AAAACK!

A Muk jumped on her.

- AAAAAH! Nasty, nasty, HEEEELP!

Marowak used another Bonemerang attack on that Muk, throwing it at the river and defeating it. The woman was scared, but she thank me. She and the cameraman went away from there.
Some pokemon trainers were trying to stop the incoming Grimers and Koffings. Those pokemon were looking enraged.
BOOOOOOOOM!!! Even the ground shaked. Some Koffings exploded, damaging some buildings.

- Psyduck, go!
- Go, Poliwrath!

Two people had the idea of using their pokemon´s Damp ability to stop possible explosions.

- What´s up with these pokemon?! - one of them said.

After some time, the Grimers and Koffings, calmed down and went away from the North Zone. But... they started to go to Center Zone!
A girl went closer to the Grimers and sent out a Gloom.

- Gloom, use Sweet Scent!

A sweet and delicious fragrance was in the air. But the mixture of the sweet scent and putrid scent of the river and the Grimers was disgusting. At least her Gloom lured all the pokemon to her. The Grimers, Muks and Koffings were around the girl and the Gloom. But now, the girl didn´t know what to do with those pokemon.

- Good work, kid! - some policeman said - Hold them a little more, we´ll take care of everything.

Well, it seems that the pokemon won´t move and the policemen will be able to do something. I withdrew my Marowak and kept going north.
My exams are almost over, so I hope I´ll be able to write more soon. See ya! Big Grin
nc chapter!!! Hope you have some more incredible battles in the next chapters!!!
Hello! Here comes another chapter of my adventure! Umbreon asked for battles, so there is a battle in this chapter!Toungue
After I left St. Paul, by the North Zone, the dark clouds that covered the sky disappeared and the sun shined. Oddly, only the part of the Great River that is in St. Paul flooded. Outside the city everything was ok. Except for the nasty smell of the river´s polluted water.
I found many trainers on my way to the north. Fortunately, I had many potions and revives with me. I´ve even met with Joseph, a guy who I met a long time ago when I was travelling to South Great River.

- Hey, I remember you! - he said - How are you?
- I´m ok! I´ve gotten 5 badges now and you?
- I have 6, hehe, look!

He showed me the Sand, Sting, Tear, Metal badges, which I had. But he also showed me the Star Gem badge and the Moon Dew badge!

- Hey, you have the Moon Dew Badge! - I said impressed - You ´ve beaten Karen?!
- No, I didn´t. After I lost to Karen, I went to St Louis to get the Star Gem badge and then I went back to Fortress to try a rematch. But Karen wasn´t there anymore, a new gym leader was there. He was tough, but not as tough as Karen, at least.

So, I have a place to go now, Fortress city again.

- So, wanna battle? Let´s see how much we improved! - Joseph said.
- Alright! But I guess you´ll win... you have more badges than I do.

We decided to do a 2 vs 2 match. I sent out my Vaporeon and he sent out a Muk. I remembered that he used a Grimer against me on the other battle. So, his pokemon also evolved.

- Haku, use Surf!

A big wave crashed on Muk, but it didn´t look much hurt.

- Muk, Sludge Bomb!

His Muk opened its mouth and shot a big ball of purple mud - possible the same mud that forms its body. Haku was hit, but wasn´t too much damaged either.

- Ok, then try an Aurora Beam!
- Another Sludge Bomb!

Vaporeon shot a rainbow colored beam on its foe, while the foe shot another ball of sludge. Both were hit and Vaporeon was poisoned by the foe´s attack.

- Ugh, that´s not good...
- Sludge Bomb again!
- Come back! Go, Magneto!

Muk´s attack hitted Magneton, but nothing happened. A poison pokemon probably has no ways to defeat a steel pokemon...

- Magneto, Spark!

Magneton´s body was sparkling with electricity and it charged to its foe.

- Mud Bomb!

Magneton tackled Muk, but a big ball of mud was thrown on it right after. Magneton fainted. I sent out Vaporeon again.

- Surf!

The big wave defeated Muk now. Joseph sent out a Roserade.

- Aurora Beam!
- Petal Dance!

His Roserade was faster than Vaporeon. Many pink petals were thrown on Vaporeon, slashing its body. The petals were dancing around it. Vaporeon fainted.

- Come back, Haku.

Joseph also withdrew his Roserade. I paid him some money.

- Where are you going now? - he asked me.
- I´m going to Fortress city, to try to beat the new gym leader.
- Good luck, then. And I´m going to Thick Weeds.
- Thanks and good luck for you too!

I revived my pokemon and kept going. It was becoming hotter and drier as I was going north.
I hope you liked it. I know that it´s becoming repetitive, but nice things will happen soon... just wait till I reach Fortress city again Wink
By the way, I´ve seen now... my fanfic has gotten over 9000 views! xD
haha..well of course it got so many views, since it rocks!!! well, I really liked the battle, and it's good that you aren't the best trainer that beats EVERY other trainer! Losing is good too. Nice work, and I am looking forward to read your Gym Battle!!!
Hello, folks! Here goes another chapter. In this one, I reach Ceharah town to find out that... ops! Better stop!Toungue
I knew that I just needed to follow the river to reach Fortress city, but the putrid smell of the dirty water was making me feel bad. And there were some Grimers and Muks near to the water sometimes.
The weather was clear and sunny. The air was quite dry. As I was going north, there were less trees and grass and more ground. I remembered the routes near to North Great River city. After three days of walking, I reached the desert. The only life beings I could see were some Cacneas and Cacturnes at big intervals, or an occasional Sandshrew buring the dry land.
So good I´ve brought many bottles of water with me, ´cause it was as hot as hell, no clouds in the sky. I took a look to my map. I was close to Ceharah town. I wonder how could a city be built inside the desert...
After a long time, I reached Ceharah town. It was a small town. There were a few farms with no people, plants or pokemon. It was looking like a ghost town.

- What are you doing here? - a tired voice said.

I turned back and saw a really thin old man with tan skin.

- I´m going to Fortress city. - I explained.
- Are you crazy? Do you wanna die? It´s too dangerous to travel by the desert! Go away while you can...
- I´ll just rest a while, then I´ll go.
- Heh, rest a while? Where do you think you are? There´s no water, no food, nothing here. Go away!

No water? No food?

- Huh? How come? How could a city be built in such a place? - I asked curious.

The old guy sighed and told me to follow him ´cause the heat was horrible. We went to his house. A big dead plantation was in front of it.

- It doesn´t rain for two years... - he said, looking to the dried plants. - Well, boy, this place wasn´t always like this. I remember how good it was to live here when I was a boy! There was a big forest where the desert is nowadays. And this was the best place to plant something. Everything grew in this soil!

Tears came to his eyes.

- But then... Silph Co. came to Midori and cutted all the trees to sell the wood, took almost all the wild pokemon away and started to plant soya on the places without trees. All this for money. In a few years, the climate changed, with a little rain, too much sun and in a little time, this place became a desert.

So there wasn´t always a desert here, it was fault of Silph Co.! I remembered something I learned at school... My teacher said that the vegetation could make the air more humid, thus causing rains or something like this...
Hey, and didn´t Mila say that the Mt. Borborema doesn´t let any humid air from the sea come to the desert and cause rain? Maybe the trees that existed here before caused rains. But now that there´s nothing anymore, this place became a desert.
And wasn´t it happening to the Knight Forest too? Wasn´t it being destroyed? In a few years it would become a desert too. What if all Midori became a wasteland this way?

- Everybody - the old man continued - went away to the south. Team Twilight was nice, helping us to escape... But some of us decided to stay, not to lost our hope. And I won´t ever leave this place! I lived here all my life! I love this town!

He started to cry.

- But now... I´m the only one who stayed. All my friends, my wife, my kids are dead...

I didn´t know what to say. I stood quiet for a while. The man stopped crying.

- Is there anything I can do? I have a Vaporeon, maybe it could...
- ...water my plantation? - the man said - Nope. Water created by pokemon´s attacks is useless. Only some extremely powerful pokemon, like the legendary Kyogre can produce good water.

The sun disappeared from the sky, giving place to a very beautiful full moon. Many stars were decoring the sky.

- Look at the sky... there´s no other place with such a beautiful moon and so many stars like here... - then he said in a low voice, more to him than to me - I won´t leave... I won´t...

The man let me sleep in his house that night and told me to go away the next day. Poor guy... But what could I do...?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And sorry if I was a little confusing to explain what happened to Ceharah town and the desert Toungue
I liked very much this chapter.... it's terrible because this doesn't happen only in your story, but also in the real world... I hope you help this man... well, nice work as always Smile
Hello! Here goes another chapter... A sad one, I must say.
I woke up early in the morning. It was so hot... it was hard to sleep. The old man was still sleeping. I ate something I brought with me and stood in the house, waiting the old man to wake up. I wanted to share some food with him before leaving. And I wanted to do something for him too... but what...?
Many hours passed. The man still didn´t wake up. When it was midday, I started to be worried. I went to that guy´s bedroom and found him still sleeping.

- Are you... are you alright? - I said in a low voice, getting closer.

No response. I touched him. He was cold.

- Are you ok? - I repeated.

No response yet. Is he sick? He´s so cold... Cold?! Is he... is he...?!

- Are you alright? - I repeated, my voice trembling.

I touched his cold face. He wasn´t breathing. I was shocked. I tried to hear his heart, or to feel his pulsasion, but I didn´t feel anything...
He was dead. Dead by the heat. Dead by the hunger (although I gave him food on the previous day). Dead by sadness of seeing the place he loved so much destroyed...
After regaining some strength (I´ve even felt on my knees), I stood up, took the old guy in my arms and went to his dead plantation. All I could do for him was to bury him in his loved land.
I tried to make a tombstone for him using his wood table and a knife. It didn´t turn out great, but that´s the better I could do.
I promise... I promise I´ll go against Silph Co.! It´s Silph´s fault... that the old man whose name I didn´t even know died, that this "beautiful" place turned into a wasteland! I wished I could make this place turn into what it used to be...
One hour later, I decided to go. I wouldn´t endure to be on that place anymore.
My trip by the desert was quiet and lonely. At one point, I couldn´t see even Cacneas. Only the blue sky, the strong sun and a lot of dried land. If I didn´t bring a lot of water with me, I´d die here...
Some days later, I don´t know how many days, since I guess I lost my sense of time, I saw the road leading to Fortress city. I was really close now. I shouldn´t have gone by the desert, it was too tiring and dangerous. Sometimes the shortest path may not be the best one...
When I was close to Fortress, something startled me. My bag was shaking! Did some bug fall in it? My bag stopped to shake. After some seconds, it shaked again and stopped. What´s up?
I opened my bag and my face was hitted hard by something round.

- T-the egg! - I said.

The egg was jumping. Is it about to hatch? CRACK! I guess this means "yes". A little pokemon was born. A little, cute, red...

- Torchic? - it said.
- A Torchic! - I said, happy. Blaziken is quite a strong pokemon to have on my team.

The little chic pokemon was starring at me, curious. I picked it up. It seemed happy.

- I think I´ll call you Rony!
- Chic?
By the way, I named Torchic "Rony" after "Rony Weasley":P (At least we call him "Rony" in Brazil, I heard his original nickname is "Ron", but whatever...)
haha...well it is good that you started with the sad part ( Sad ) and finished with a happy part, because it was sooo sad to hear the man died Sad anyway, congrats about your new Torchic!!! Big Grin Blaziken is SOOO cool! I hope it also kicks the ass of George's (if i remember correctly) Torchic. Toungue anyway, good work!
oh, btw, I just started a new fanfic..please comment.. :S
oh, btw, I just started a new fanfic..please comment.. :S
Another little chapter, preparing for the BIG one I´m gonna write later. Wink
I putted Rony in my shoulders. Crystal always liked to stand on my shoulders and I guess I was missing that. Rony enjoyed to be in a little taller place, so he could see everything better. He almost fell down sometimes, but I hold it.
When I arrived Fortress city, I could see many workers repairing Silph Co.´s building. If you don´t remember, it was damaged by an explosion.
The city was full of people. Because nobody could beat Karen when she was the gym leader, everyone came to Fortress to try to beat the new gym leader. There were so many trainers that I think I won´t battle the leader soon...
I recovered my pokemon at the pokemon center, took a bath, ate something and slept. I was really tired. When I woke up, it was almost night. I went to the gym to see that it was closed already... But there were some notes on it.
"Battle system changed! Come to the gym for more information."
Huh? How come? Well, I´ll come back tomorrow. Meanwhile, I guess I´ll train Torchic a little.

- Rony, Scratch that Krabby!

Krabby used Harden and wasn´t damaged at all.

- Ok, come back! Go, Carol! Mega Drain!

Jumpluff knocked out Krabby. Well, this is the only way I can train Torchic for now, until its level gets higher and Torchic learns stronger moves.
Rony was enjoying to see its partners (I mean, my other pokemon) defeat other pokemon. It was also excited to battle and sad to be withdrawn sometimes. Before I went to sleep, Rony had learned Focus Energy, Sand Attack and Ember.
On the next day, I went to the gym. There was a big row of people. Sigh. Ok, I´ll wait here, then. After half of an hour, I guess, I entered the gym. There were three tables with three people playing computers. Each one was talking to a different challenger.

- What´s going on here? - I asked to the trainer in front of me.
- Don´t you know? - he said - Since the new gym leader came, there were too many challengers here. There are so many, that the gym leader decided not to battle everyone.
- How come?
- Well, the leader organized tourneys. A tourney is held each day. Only the winner of the day´s tourney is allowed to battle the leader.

Oh, man... There so many people here! If I don´t win the tourney, I won´t fight the leader. If I fight the leader and lost, I´ll have to win the tourney again in order to rematch! Sigh, that´s too hard...
The people in the computers where registering the trainers that were going to take part of the tourney. When it was my turn, one of them just asked me my name and how many badges I had. He also gave me a paper containing the rules.

"Rules of the tourney:
- Each trainer will use only two pokemon.
- This time, all the battles will be Single Battles.
- No two pokemon of the same specie may be used (ex: 2 Scizors).
- No two pokemon can be put to sleep at the same time.
- No recovery moves (ex: Rest) can be used, but draining moves (ex: Giga Drain) still can be used.
- Each battle cannot be longer than 10 minutes. At the end of the minutes, the judge will say who is the winner.
- In case of draw, both challengers are desclassified.

The tourney starts at 2:00 PM. The gym´s doors close at 1:30 PM. Nobody will be allowed to enter the gym after that time."
Do you remember that some of you made some characters? Well, they´ll appear... now! They´ll be in this tourney! Big Grin If you hadn´t tell me if you wanna be in the story and you want to, tell me until tomorrow, so you can appear on the fanfic! Wink
wow, cool! I'd love to see you battling in a tourney!!! I hope you will win!!! Big Grin good luck I guess!
Hello, guys... Nothing to say now, just enjoy the chapter.Wink
There were 53 people in this tourney. There was enough room for only 4 battles be happening at the same time on the gym, so I had to wait until it was my turn. There were also 4 judges on the gym, one judging each battle. While I´m waiting... I´ll watch the other battles, so I can learn a little about my opponents...
There were many good trainers here, but also some new ones. For instance, a teenager told his Wartortle to use Water Gun in a Vaporeon. In other side, Vaporeon´s trainers defeated it in two hits using Hidden Power.
I couldn´t watch every battle, but I could learn a little about the trainers style. It seems that almost everyone here is using only offensive strategies. After half of an hour, it was my turn to battle. My opponent was a big guy who I´ve never seen before.

- Fight mumber 21, Leo versus Michael. - the judge said - Start!
- Go, Carol!
- Go, Machoke!

His Machoke was really tough looking. But Jumpluff wasn´t intimidated.

- Machoke, Strength!
- Sleep Powder!

Machoke charged to Carol, but she spread a cloud of sleep powder before. Machoke fell asleep.

- Come back! Go, Nidorino!
- Leech Seed!

Carol shot a little seed on Nidorino, but it evaded.

- Horn Drill now!

Nidorino´s horn started rotating like a drill. It jumped dangerously to Carol... But fortunately, it missed.

- Another Leech Seed, go!

Nidorino was hit this time. Its body was wrapped by vines.

- U-Turn!
- Horn Attack!

Both pokemon collided with each other. Jumpluff was more damanged. My pokemon turned back to me after attacking and returned to the ball.

- Magneto, your turn!

Magneton would be a nice choice against a poison pokemon.

- Nidorino, Double Kick!

Nidorino kicked my pokemon twice. It wasn´t too strong... but it was super-effective.

- Thunderwave!

Magneto fired a powerful blast of electricity, which paralyzed its opponent.

- Ok, Spark!
- Horn Drill!

Both pokemon evaded. It´s not safe to get closer to that Nidorino... or its Horn Drill may hit me.

- Magnet Bomb!

This attacked hitted and defeated Nidorino.

- Ok, come back! Go, Machoke! WAAAAKE UUUUP!
- Spark!

Machoke was hit, but didn´t wake up. Two more Sparks and it was defeated. Without even awaking.
Well, I defeated my first opponent! Sorry for not writing more, I´ve no time left now Toungue
hey, nc battle! hope to see more great battles in the next chapters! you have to kick their butts Big Grin lol
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