Legendary Pokémon

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Ok ok!i like vaporeon too!Im sure that next time u will win cos u'll have vaporeoN and the surF attACk!
hey, vaporeon are cool too! they can get invisible in the water and learn aurora beam and ice type moves! it's better than a glaceon Toungue
anyway, good, i am looking forward to see the next battle!
Oh, no, the lack of inspiration is attacking me again! xP Well, I´m trying to defeat it... Toungue
After evolving my Eevee to Vaporeon, I had a bad feeling... like if I forgot something. Since I couldn´t remember or think in what I forgot, I decided not to care with this anymore.
When I reached the people that were learning to surf with their pokemon, Marina saw me and looked really amused because I decided to evolve my Eevee to a water pokemon.

- Hey, Leo! Do you wanna teach your Vaporeon how to surf, too?
- Sure!
- Well, for you, it´s free.

Everybody else started talking at the same time to Marina, angry because they had to pay for the surfing classes.

- Leo beat me in my gym. If you want free classes, just try to beat me! - Marina said, as angry as them.

Everybody stayed quiet. I was embarassed, really. When my Vaporeon went to the water, as well as the other people´s water pokemon, I found out what I forgot... what was missing... Crystal disappeared again.

- I´ll be back, Marina. My Meowth disappeared...
- Oh, my! Well, we´ll take care of your Vaporeon while you go.
- Thanks.

Hum... Where I last saw my cat pokemon? It was following me when I quitted the hotel, but I don´t remember anything else. I went to my bedroom in the hotel to see if Crystal returned there, but she wasn´t there. So, I walked all the way from the hotel to the beach again, but nothing...!

- Crystal! - I started to shout, drawing everybody´s attention (making me embarassed again...) - Where are you?!

OK, I won´t find her by myself this way. Hum... I´ve one idea.

- Murkrow, go!

My krow landed on my head again.

- Hey, can you fly a little and see if you can find Crystal?

Murkrow took a nap on my head.¬¬

- Hey, I´m talking to you! - I said, slapping Murkrow away from me. It returned to my head. - Fine, if you don´t wanna help, come back!

Murkrow returned to the ball and I told my Skiploom to see if she can find Crystal. I didn´t want to send Carol, because it was winding sometimes. After 5 minutes, Carol came to me with Crystal on her petals.

- Hey, where did you go?! - I asked nervously to my cat.

Crystal didn´t seem to hear me. It was having fun floating on Carol. I picked the cat pokemon, thank Carol and made she return to the ball.

- Please, stop going away! What about if you get lost?

Crystal didn´t hear me again. She was playing with something round.

- Gimme this.

Crystal was sad because I picked her new toy... a big pearl. Where did she find it? Anyways, we´d better go back to the beach, Marina is waiting.
When we went there, Vaporeon, as well as other water pokemon like Blastoise, Goldeen and a Wailord (how somebody could bring such a big pokemon to that place?!) were having fun surfing. The Blastoise´s trainer was surfing on Blastoise. Goldeen´s trainer was a little girl that was trying to hold Goldeen´s tail to swim.

- Hey, you took much time! - Marina said, and laughed. - See? Your Vaporeon can Surf now.

Haku made a big wave crash on both me and Marina and went out of the water, coming to me.
Next chapter, I´ll obviously rematch with George... keep reading!Wink
hehe, and i bet you will win!!! Big Grin
Wow,I guessed right then.VAPOREONS FTW!My first eevee evolution!George will be kicked now,I am sure!

-Down Sandslashes-no really,I hate them,Toungue
Oh,I forgot something.EXCELLENT WORK!Big Grin
I was sure that you'll win.
Hello, guys! Did you miss me?

* Lots of people with torches and pointed things with an angry-mad-devil look on their face *

Er... o.o Well, I´m back. n.n'''
As you know, I´m without internet in my house, and this weekend (until tuesday) was the carnival holiday, so I couldn´t write. Well, but here goes! Enjoy!
- Argh! You wet me, Haku!

Vaporeon was laughing a little. Marina shaked her long hair.

- Thanks, Marina! Now, we´ll surely win!
- What? You lost to George?

She looked shocked.

- Yes...
- Oh, my, that´s riddiculous! I´ll surely battle him later.
- Huh?
- Well, I lost to you. You lost to George. That means that I´m weaker than George! No, that can´t be true... I´m the water gym leader... I´ll go there later!

She said "bye" and went away, saying that she was gonna train to show George who was stronger.

- Odd... - I said - Well, Haku, are you ready to rematch?

Vaporeon wagged its tail. I guess that meant "yes". Vaporeon walked with me to the gym, while Crystal was floating on Carol.

- So, you´re already back, Leo? - George said when I entered the gym.
- Yes, we´re ready to rematch.
- Fine, then. Go to your place.

I was feeling more confident this time. We´ll surely win!

- Go, Sandy!

The same Sandslash from before was sent out. As I thought.

- Go, Haku!

Vaporeon jumped on the field.

- Hum... So, your Eevee evolved?

George called back his pokemon, but I didn´t notice it.

- Haku, use Surf!

A big wave came from somewhere and hit something slimmy that seemed to enjoy the water instead of fearing it.

- Uh? Quagsire? - I said.
- Yes. And as you can see... Swampy has Water Absorb.

The sand on the ground turned into mud because of the wave thrown by Vaporeon. It seems that the battle won´t be as easy as I thought...
Sorry, but I´ve no time to write more now. But I promise I´ll write a lot next time. ^^
See you! o/
nc!! kick that quagsire with your Skiploom's bullet seed!!!
Great work! Yeah, Make this quagsire faint with a grass move.
Quagiseres SUCK,eevees and vaporeons RULE...He he,nice job there!

-O.o I quessed it again-
I´m also eager to kill this stupid Quagsire that beat me before! Toungue
Hum... Water Absorb... Haku´ll have a hard time trying to hit Quagsire. But, if I´m not mistaken, all that Quagsire can do against Vaporeon is to dig, since Vaporeons also have Water Absorb. Nice, I have a plan!

- Swampy, use Sandstorm!
- Haku, Quick Attack!

Haku attacked Swampy as fast as usual, before it could do a thing. But it didn´t prevent Quagsire from setting up a sandstorm anyways.

- Another Quick Attack, go!
- Protect!

Haku was stopped by a wall of light.

- Dig, now!

Quagsire disappeared in a hole.

- Ha! As I thought! Come back, Haku! Go, Carol!

Skiploom wasn´t happy as usual, because it was hit by lots of sand.

- Carol, listen! A Quagsire will jump from the ground! When that happens, hit it with your Bullet Seeds, ok?
- Ploom! - the pokemon nodded.
- Oh-oh... - George said.

Swampy jumped from the mud, trying to hit Carol, but missed, of course. Then, Skiploom could easily shot some seeds at its head, knocking it out.

- Nice one, Carol!
- I shouldn´t have used Dig... - George sighed, recalling his fainted pokemon. - Well, let´s see what you can do! Go, Sandy!

His Sandslash was looking as tough as usual. Last battle, it could knock out Carol with a single hit... But that was because it was a critical hit. OK, let´s see if I´m more lucky now.

- Carol, Leech Seed! - I knew that it would be hard to scatter powder around with so much sand flying to everywhere.

But Sandslash could jump and avoid the seed. It was dangerously close to Carol...

- Slash!

Carol was hit with a lot of strength. But instead of falling down, like the previous battle, it looked still able to fight.

- Nice! It wasn´t a critical hit!

The sanstorm stopped. That´s my chance!

- Sleep Powder!
- Sandstorm!

Fortunately, Carol could hit Sandy first. It was in a deep sleep.

- OK, you fought well, come back, Sandy! - the pokemon went back to the ball - Hehe, now you can´t put my last pokemon to sleep and, believe me, you´ll want to!

Which pokemon will he use now?
Ha! I bet you´re wanting to kill me for so much suspence.^^
Good one Aluado. Great job. Ha, die sandslash.
well, its going to be a really tough ground pokemon! (not groudon, so maybe rhyperior or hippodown Toungue) lets wait and see...
no, we dont want to kill you, because we wont learn which one it was! Toungue
Thanks for reading and commenting, guys, that´s really inspirating! Toungue Enjoy!
- Go, Drake! - George said.

A big pokemon looking like a dragonfly was called... A Vibrava.

- Hum... Vibrava? - I thought - If I´m not mistaken, it´s a dragon pokemon, so water and grass won´t hurt it very much.

Vibrava´s wings were making a curious sound while flapping.

- Carol, Leech Seed!
- Sandstorm, Drake!

Vibrava was faster than Carol and blew her away with a new sandstorm.

- Now, Draco Meteor!
- What?!

Fiery blue metor-like balls were shot with great strength and speed on Skiploom, which fell down unconscious on the mud.

- Oh, no, Carol! Come back!

George´s Vibrava was happy for beating an opponent so fast and started flying around the field.

- OK, let´s go, Haku!

Vaporeon stood up on the mud.

- Use Supersonic!

Vibrava´s wings vibrated really fast now, shooting some powerful sound wave on Haku, confusing it.

- Oh, no! Haku, try your Surf!

Although Vaporeon was dizzy, it could make a big wave crash on the foe, not as powerful as it would be if Vaporeon was ok.

- Earthquake, now!

Vibrava slammed its thin body on the mud, and the gym started to shake. Vaporeon was greatly damaged.

- Ok, come back! - Vaporeon can knock out Sandslash with one hit, so I´d better save it for later. - Go, Murkrow!

The crow pokemon was really annoyed by the sand hitting its wings and beak. George switched out too, sending out his sleeping Sandslash.

- Murkrow, Assurance!

Murkrow couldn´t hurt Sandslash very much, since Sandslashes have a good defence.

- OK, use Night Shade, then!

Sandslash woke up when the shady-beams striked on its back. The sandstorm stopped again.

- Sandstorm!
- Night Shade!

Sandslash could start another sandstorm, but fainted after being hit by Murkrow´s attack.

- Ok, let´s go again, Drake, it´s almost over!

He sent out Vibrava again...

- Draco Meteor!
- Night Shade!

Murkrows are faster than Vibravas, so Murkrow could attack the foe. But Vibrava, looking angry now, flew higher and shot many meteors on Murkrow... It was also defeated.

- Ha! Now, all you have is a weakened Vaporeon! The victory will be mine!
- Let´s see, then!

Haku had some injuries, but it looked like it was able to survive a little longer... Vibrava is also weak, we can´t give up!

- Use your Quick Attack!
- Supersonic!

Haku jumped on Vibrava before it could move, making it miss the sound waves.

- Surf!
- Draco Meteor!

Both pokemon were too close to avoid. Vibrava was knocked out by another big wave and Haku was hit by some meteors... The meteors, I noticed, were smaller and slower than the ones fired at Murkrow and Carol. Maybe, because of it, Haku survived!

- Dang, we were so close... Nice job, Drake. - Vibrava returned to the ball.

Haku also fainted right now, after being hit by some sand. The sandstorm stopped.
Hey, was that a victory or a tie, what do you think? If it was a tie, will I win the badge? You´ll see later! (Maybe on Monday... The internet is taking too long to be fixed on my house. ¬¬)
wow, nice battle!!! well, you won, his pokemon fainted first, it doesnt matter your fainted too, it happened after his, so, nice win Toungue
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