Legendary Pokémon

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Hi! You must be very lucky... Two posts in the same day! It´s gonna rain!!! Toungue
After resting a while at the pokemon center and healing my pokemon, too, I decided to go to the gym.
There weren´t many people at the streets, maybe because of the snow. The city had lots of houses with 2 floors and there were many trees on some places, specially around the gym.
When I entered the gym, a lady´s voice called me.

- Hello, there. Are you a customer or another trainer? - the blonde attendant asked to me.
- I´m a trainer.
- You´ll have to wait a little, then. Marina, the gym leader, is finishing her swimming classes. You can watch, if you want.

She pointed to a window. I went there to take a look. As I thought, the South Great River gym had a big swimming pool on it. What I didn´t think is that the gym was also a swimming school. The window was in front of an olimpic pool. About 10 people were swimming.
10 minutes later, everyone got out of the pool and of my sight. I sat down on a chair. I saw a paper on the wall, written:

"Swimming classes - monday, wednesday and friday from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Gym leader battles - tuesday and thursday from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

At saturday, we have swimming classes from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and gym leader battles from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM"

On the clock in the same wall, it was 2:27 PM. The 10 people I saw swimming came from the stairs besides me and went away from the gym.

- You can go, now. Marina is free to battle you. Go to these stairs and to the door at right. - The attendant from before said.
- Thank you.
- Hey, wait! - the woman said.
- What?
- Don´t you wanna participate of our promotion?
- Which promotion?
- For only 1000 pokedollars, you can go by free to North Great River city by ship. All you need is to bring us the badge. The badges, here, have numbers on them. If you get the right number, you win a ticket.
- OK, I´ll try.

I paid her 1000 pokedollars and she gave me a paper to give to Marina.
Crystal finally woke up and followed me by feet. I went down by the stairs and opened a glass door, which lead me to corridor. There were some doors at the left and a single glass door at the right.
I entered there and saw myself beside 2 swimming pools: a big one and a small one, like those ones for beginners and children. Somebody was swimming and an about 17 years boy came to me. He was really thin and was wearing trunks and swimming bonnet.

- Hi! Did you came here to fight Marina?
- Yes.
- Well, following this gym´s rules, you have to beat her disciple first. And if you go out of the gym before winning Marina, you´ll have to fight the disciple again.

I looked everywhere, trying to see a third person. There was nobody there besides him, me and the woman who was swimming - Marina.

- So, you are the disciple?
- Yes. I´m Gabriel.
- I´m Leo.
- Well, we fight on this smaller pool.
- We have to fight on the water?!
- Surely.

He went to the other side of the pool.

- Are you ready?
- Yes, I think...

It wouldn´t really be a problem for Carol and Murkrow, that fly, but would be troublesome to Eevee. But I need to fight Gabriel first and I can´t go out of the gym... I´d better save Carol and Murkrow for later, they need to be with full HP to fight the leader.

- Go, Haku!

Yes, it´s the nickname I gave my Eevee. Those who understand what that means can laugh. Toungue
Haku landed on a big buoy. There were some buoys and waterbeds were non-water pokemon could stand up for battling.

- I forgot to ask - Gabriel said - How many badges you have?
- Only one.
- Oh... I´ll have to go lightly.

Gabriel sent out a Luvdisc.

- And how many pokemon do you have?
- I have four with me, but my Meowth doesn´t battle.
- So, we´ll battle with 3 pokemon.
- OK.

My pokemon will be tired before the leader this way...

- Lorena, - Gabriel said - Water Gun!

Luvdisc shot some water on Eevee.

- Haku, Growl!

I didn´t know much about Luvdiscs, so I prefered to make its Attack lower. Haku´s growl echoed on the almost empty salon.

- Quick Attack!

Eevee hit Luvdisc so fast that it couldn´t escape. But it also fell on the water. Fortunately, Haku knows how to swim and went to another waterbed.

- Lorena, Water Gun!

Luvdisc hit Eevee before it could go up. But it pulled Eevee to the waterbed anyway.

- Take Down!
- Quick Attack, Haku!

Haku hit Luvdisc first, but fell on the water again. That wasn´t good...

- Take Down!

A strong hit pulled Haku out of the pool. It fainted.

- Oh, no! OK, you fought well, Haku, come back...
There is, another part of the adventure. Soon you´ll see that the weather isn´t weird only in South Great River city...
I think the eevee will evolve into vaporeon.I am almost sure of it!^^nice job Wink
wow, nice! keep writing!!
Hello! Here I am again with another part of my fanfiction. I hope you like it.Wink
So... Eevee was out. Which pokemon should I choose now? Murkrow or Carol? Carol is a grass pokemon, with an advantage against water ones, but thinking better, I should save her for the gym leader.

- Go, Murkrow!

The bird pokemon landed on my head again. Gabriel laughed a little.

- Lorena, Water Gun!

Murkrow flew away and the water jet almost hit my face.

- Murkrow, Night Shade!

Luvdisc was hit and some water was thrown away from the pool by the shady beam.

- Lorena, try another Water Gun!

Murkrow was hit this time. It looked angry to be wet.

- Pursuit!

Murkrow hit Lorena so strong, that knocked it out. The heart-shaped pokemon was floating unconscious on the water.

- Nice one. Come back, Lorena.

Murkrow shaked its body, trying to be dry. Gabriel sent out a Shellder, which was floating on the water.

- Murkrow, Pursuit!
- Withdraw, Shellder!

Shellder´s damage was greatly reduced because it closed its shell.

- Night Shade!
- Protect!

Some kind of light wall blocked Murkrow´s move.

- Supersonic, now!

Murkrow was hit by the sonic waves that Shellder shot. That wasn´t good...

- Come back! - I said, making Murkrow return to the ball. That was the only way to heal its confusion. - Go, Carol!

Carol went out and stood on a waterbed.

- Shellder, Icicle Spear!

Fortunately, Carol jumped just in time, avoiding five spears made of ice. It would be horrible for her to be hit by an ice type move... Carol was hovering now.

- Bullet Seed!

Shellder was hurt when the seeds that Carol shot hit it 3 times in a row, but was still able to fight.

- Icicle Spear again!
- Sleep Powder!

So good Skiplooms are much faster than Shellders! Carol could put the foe to sleep before it shot even a single ice spear.

- Argh! Come back, Shellder! Your turn, Tentacles!

Gabriel sent out a Tentacool.

- By the way, we are using the gym´s rules here, so you can´t put my Tentacool to sleep, ok?
- OK. - but Shellder was more dangerous for me than Tentacool, I guess.

Marina stopped swimming and went away.

- Carol, Bullet Seed!

Tentacool could dodge the move.

- Tentacles, use Acid!

Carol was really hurt by the poison move. It fell down on the water.

- Come back! Go again, Murkrow!

Murkrow didn´t land on me this time. It was excited by the battle.

- Tentacles, Acid!
- Night Shade!

Both pokemon avoided each other´s attack.

- Peck!
- Barrier!

A wall of light, different from the one that Shellder used (this one was silver-colored), appeared in front of Tentacool. Although Murkrow could pass through it, its strenght was reduced.

- Bubblebeam!

Murkrow was hit by a lot of bubbles. It was flying lower now.

- Ugh... Bubblebeam may have lowered Murkrow´s speed... So, use Haze!
- Wrap it, Tentacles!

Tentacool could attack Murkrow before it covered us with a black fog. Its embrace was making Murkrow fall down.

- Peck it!

Murkrow was furiously pecking the foe, trying to make it leave his body. The crow pokemon fell on the water.
Tentacool left Murkrow when they fell down. It was knocked out, while Murkrow was looking tired.

- Nice job, Tentacles. I give up. There´s no way for a sleeping Shellder to beat you.

I used a potion on Murkrow and another on Carol, since I can´t go to the pokemon center. I couldn´t do a thing about Eevee, because it was already knocked out and I have no Revive...
Next post: Leo vs Marina! Keep reading! Wink
nice battle! looking forward to read the next chapter!! ( P.s.: I didn't understand why Carol wasn't allowed to use sleep powder on tentacool though... Toungue)
Sleep Clause, don´t you know? Wink It´s a standard rule for any tourney, so I brought it to my fanfic.
I 've never heard of it actually Toungue
this story is exciting!im curious about the next chapter!great work!
I´m being quite inspired these days... here goes, another "chapter"! Big Grin
I used a potion on Murkrow and another on Carol, since I can´t go to the pokemon center. I couldn´t do a thing about Eevee, because it was already knocked out and I have no Revive...

- Congratulations! - an energical voice said behind me.

Marina was there. Her long, brown, wave hair was a little wet and she was dressing a dark blue bathing suit. She was tall and had a beautiful face.

- So, you defeated Gabriel. That means that we´re ready to battle! How many badges do you have?
- Only one. - Gabriel said, instead of me.
- Only one? - she looked a little disappointed. - Aw... I wanted to go with all I can... - she sighed - I´m usually the last gym leader to be challenged, because South Great River city is so far of everywhere else... I don´t have many good things to try against a rookie trainer.

This explains why Joseph beat her easily, I guess. The gym leaders of Midori region must to use different strategies depending on the number of badges that their opponents have. They try to battle almost on the same level of their challengers.
But the way that Marina talks... is she underestimating me?!

- Hum... But sometimes, Grace is the last gym leader. Knight city isn´t easily accessed... - she said, more to herself than to me.
- Sis, won´t you go?! - Gabriel said, impatient.
- Oh! Never mind me. Well, I´m Marina, you know. What´s your name?
- Leo.
- Leo. We´ll battle in this same pool.
- I thought we would go to the biggest pool over there...
- I used to do that, but after fighting some poison pokemon, I gave up. It takes a lot to clean all the water again. It´s much easier to clean this small pool.

I imaginated her Lombre avoiding Joseph´s Grimer´s Sludge attack, while the water was being hit and becoming dirty. And after, innocent people swimming at the nasty water... ugh.

- So, shall we start? - she asked.

She told me to go to the other side of the pool. She sent out a Lombre. I sent out Murkrow, which landed on my head again.

- Murkrow, it´s serious now! - I said, slapping it away. Marina laughed a little. - Murkrow, Peck!
- Fake Out!

Lombre hit Murkrow first, making it flinch.

- Nice! Lombre, Rain Dance!

Huh? Rain in a covered place? Really odd... but water started to fell from the ceiling.

- Peck again!

Lombre dodged really fast. So... her Lombre has the swift swim trait...

- Haze! - I said. Maybe I could make Lombre be as slow as usual.

Murkrow covered us by a black haze, but the rain and a water pulse attack from Lombre blew the fog away. The foe was still fast.

- Try another Night Shade!
- Water Pulse!

Murkrow could hit Lombre and dodge. That was close. And it was really bad... Her Lombre was too fast for Murkrow, and water attacks are powered up by rain.

- Come back! Go, Carol!
Sorry for writing so little this time, but I have to go Toungue
Yay,nice!Very good Aluado,as usual Smile.Marina is ironic!>
yes, good job Big Grin
Thanks for keeping reading with me! Big Grin Here goes, the continuation of South Great River city gym battle! (lol, quite a big name Toungue)
- Ploom! - Carol said, happy to be freed once more.
- Water Pulse, now!

Carol´s smile lasted a little, because a strong pulse of water hit it. At least, it didn´t hurt too much... grass is resistant to water, anyway.

- Sleep Powder, Carol!

But Lombre could sneak behind Carol before the powder even fell down...

- Giga Drain, Lombre!

Lombre could bite Carol, but couldn´t drain much energy. Lombre was too close to Carol... she won´t miss...

- Bullet Seed!

Lombre was hit five times in a row and fell out of the pool. It jumped back on the water. The "rain" stopped.

- Rain Dance again!
- I won´t let you do it! Sleep Powder!

Without the rain, Lombre was slow enough to be asleep before making a single raindrop fall.

- Come back, Lombre! Go, Cloyster!

Oh no! A Cloyster!!! I had a lot of troubles with Gabriel´s Shellder, but a Cloyster would be really worse! And I can´t make it sleep, because it´s against the gym´s rules to make two pokemon sleep at the same time...
What should I do now? Both Murkrow and Carol are weak to ice moves!

- Bullet Seed!

Cloyster was hit three times. It´s sturdy defence let it be almost unharmed, even by a super-efective move.

- Hum... What should I do... Come back, Carol! Your turn again, Murkrow!

The krow pokemon was still wet. It shaked its body again.

- Cloyster, Rain Dance!

More water started to fall from the ceiling. It´s becoming dangerous...

- Night Shade!

Maybe because the foe was busy making it rain, but it was hit without trying to evade or defend.

- Hehe, what will you do, Leo? Your both pokemon are weak to ice moves!

And now, she´s taunting me. I became nervous.

- Night Shade! Keep attacking, Murkrow!
- Water Pulse!

Marina used the water pulse attack to push Cloyster away from my attack. But it was hit by one of Murkrow´s attacks.

- Icicle Spear, Cloyster!

Murkrow could escape, although its wing was scratched by a spear.

- Night Shade!
- Icicle Spear again!

Murkrow hit Cloyster with a dark beam, but Cloyster hit it with five spears made of ice. Murkrow fell down out of the pool. It was knocked out.

- Murkrow, no! Come back...

Marina was looking confident. Well, my strategy was to weaken Cloyster with Night Shade, because its damage isn´t related to the foe´s defence. Now all I have is my Skiploom, which couldn´t hurt Cloyster rightly...

- Carol, let´s go... Bullet Seed!
- Water Pulse again!

Marina´s Cloyster didn´t hit my Skiploom, but could escape again.

- Keep trying Carol! We´re almost done!
- Yes, you are almost done.

It annoyed me even more. Carol could hit two seeds on Cloyster, but it was still looking ok.

- OK, let´s finish the battle! It was fun to play with you, boy. Icicle Spear!

Carol could dodge the move and shot five seeds on Cloyster. Four seeds could hurt Cloyster, but the last one hit critically! Cloyster was knocked out!

- What?! No! - Marina said, dumbfounded.
- Yes! Nice one, Carol!

Skiploom turned to me and smiled. She was looking really tired.

- It´s not over yet! Go, Lombre!

The water weed pokemon was still sleeping. That was my chance.

- First, use Synthesis!

Since the rain had just stopped, Carol could heal herself.

- Bullet Seed!

The foe was hit twice in a row and woke up, looking angry.

- Fake Out!

Lombre tried to attack my Skiploom, but it couldn´t somehow. Carol tackled Lombre, knocking it out.
Phew... that battle was really hard to me. I hope you liked it! Smile I´ll write more soon, keep reading! Wink
it was a great battle!your funfic becomes more intersting everyday!
YAY!More,more!I like it more and more!!!
great battle! please keep writing!!!!
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