Legendary Pokémon

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Hello, everyone. I´m quite busy these days, so I´ve not gotten much free time to write... but I´ll keep writing as soon as I can.
We walked for some time in that silent dark forest. No pokemon attacked us anymore, although we could hear some Hoothoots crying and some Mightyenas howling. We were told to walk by the river... but, where is the river?

After some minutes going to ramdom directions, we could find the Great River. There weren´t trees blocking the sky above the Great River, so we could see a beautiful full moon. It was also silent... until a enraged Gyarados jumped from it and attacked us, missing by little.

- Magneto, Spark!

With an electrified tackle, Magneto could easily beat that Gyarados.

- It seems the pokemon living here doesn´t like intruders. - Alexander commented.

After some time walking, the weather changed really quick. Dark clouds the sky and it started raining really hard. Then, something wet hit us, almost dropping us in the river.

- You won´t go any further, Twilight brats!

There was a man and a woman dressed with brown and green ranger clothes. Two more Silph Co. workers. The woman´s Castform used Rain Dance to make it rain and then attacked us with its Weather Ball attack.

- Let´s go, Purugly!
- Go, Haku!
- Hah, so you want a battle? - the other man said - Go, Porygon!

Surf could be useful, because it could hit both foes and was powered up by the rain. Hum... But that would also hurt Purugly. I´d better not use it then.

- Purugly, Slash!

Purugly quick attacked Castform, damaging it a lot.

- Castform, Weather Ball on Purugly!
- Haku, protect Purugly, use Quick Attack!

Haku jumped in front of Purugly and was hit by Castform´s attack. But it didn´t do any damage, since water moves can´t hurt Vaporeons.

- Porygon, Psybeam!

Haku was hit by a rainbow-colored beam.

- Slash again, Purugly!

Purugly defeated Castform, but was hit by Porygon´s Tri Attack. The woman sent out her own Porygon.

- Haku, Aurora Beam!

Haku shot a rainbow-colored beam and hit one of the Porygons, which used another Tri Attacked, but missed Vaporeon. Purugly slashed the same Porygon which my pokemon attacked and beat it.

- Dang! - the man said.
- Psybeam! - the woman ordered and hitted Purugly, which became confused.

Haku used its Aurora Beam again and it was a critical hit! The foe was really weak now.

- Recover!

The enemy recovered some energy. Meanwhile, Purugly was hurting itself due to its confusion.

- Come back, Purugly. Ok, Drifloon, use Hypnosis!

Alexander´s Drifloon made Porygon sleep. With a Quick Attack and an Aurora Beam from my Vaporeon, Porygon was defeated.

- Dang it! Ok, let´s go! - the woman said and they left.

The rain stopped and the clouds disappeared.
Hello, guys! In this chapter, I finally arrive Knight City. Enjoy!
Fortunately, we were not attacked by pokemon or people again for some time. After a long time, I was starting to wonder how far we were still from Knight City... then, we were attacked by Gastlies and Misdreavuses.

- Haku, go! Use Surf!

A strong wave hit all the ghost pokemon at once and defeated them.

- I hope we can get there soon, I don´t know how much more we will be able to handle this! - Alexander said.

After some minutes, we finally arrived Knight City. It was very different from any city I´ve ever seen. It was all built on the Great River. Everything was made of wood. There were wooden houses and buildings in wooden platforms over the water linked to each other by wooden bridges.

The beautiful full moon was reflected on the silent waters of the river, whose fountain was on the city. Some Murkrows flew over us.

The Pokemon Gym wasn´t hard to find. We went there really cautionly, so we would not be seen. We knocked the door and a girl about my age opened it for us.

- Come in, quickly. - she said.

She was quite beautiful. She was a bit short, her skin was a little dark and her hair was curly and long tied in a ponytail.

- Nice to meet you, Twilight grunts. I´m Grace, this city´s Gym Leader. Mila told me everything, so I agreed to help you.

There was a healing machine in that gym like the ones in the Pokemon centers. She healed our pokemon. We introduced ourselves and talked a little about ramdom stuff.

After some minutes, four more Twilight grunts arrived. She healed their pokemon too.

- What´s up with those pokemon?! - one of them complained. - They weren´t stopping to attack us!
- Because of Silph Co.´s activities in the past days, the pokemon in the forest became enraged. - Grace explained.

It took a lot of time for all Team Twilight members arrive.

- Hadn´t the members in Sour City arrive yet?! - Mila asked, after everyone who was in St. Louis arrived.
- Nope, you are the first ones to come here. - Grace said.
- Henry, do you know what happened?
- No... I´ll call them. - Henry, one of the masked admins, said and left.

After he left, Mila stood up in front of us.

- Well, we have no time to waste. We can´t wait for them now. Ok, people, before we proceed, Grace will explain somethings about the forest for us.
- Ok, Mila. - Grace said - Well, it´s going to be a long and dangerous journey, so you´d better have many items to heal your pokemon.

I still have many stuff I´ve bought in St. Louis, I think I´m ok.

- As you may know, legends say that you can find any pokemon in the forest. - Grace continued - That´s true. Beyond the Knight City, the Knight Forest is divided in seven areas known as zones. In each zone, you can find different kinds of pokemon. And in the sixth and seventh areas, we can find even pokemon known only in legends... So, we know that Silph Co. is going to those areas. Our goal is to get there before them and stop them before they catch Suicune and Shaymin!

Mila was looking eager to go.

- But we have a good chance of stopping them because the forest is protected by the Fourteen Zone Leaders. Each zone has two Zone Leaders who are its guardians. The only way to enter a zone is defeating them. But that also applies to us. We won´t be able to go further unless we beat them.
A small chapter, ´cause I´ve not gotten much free time, but I´ll write more soon. By the way, is there anybody still reading this?Toungue
Of course we are. Toungue Keep walking ( or writing Toungue )
Here starts the race against time to stop Silph Co. from catching Suicune and Shaymin! I hope you like it.
After hearing Grace´s explanation about the Forest, we were all divided in pairs. The forest was really big and there was no known route to take once we were at the zones, so we had a better chance to reach the further areas if we were splitted.

Grace asked to be paired with me. That made me a little more confident. She was known as the most powerful gym leader of Midori, so we should be ok.

Mila was paired with Julio, a Twilight grunt I fought some time ago at Mt. Borborema. Alexander was paired with Rick, the admin. Henry hadn´t come back yet.

Our big group left the gym at once and we went to a very dark part of the city. It was dark because of the large number of tall trees blocking the sky.

- You should better take one of your pokemon out of the pokeball, for your safe. - Grace recommended when we entered that part of the forest.

Mila sent out her Drifblim, Alexander sent out his Purugly, Henry sent out Tropius, Julio sent out Milotic and Grace sent out a Breloom. Her Breloom looked tough and was wearing a necklace with a purple orb. I sent out my Magneton.

Mila gave a lantern to each companionship, so we would not depend on pokemon´s Flash in order too see.

After walking a little, the way splitted in three: forward, right and left. We went right with some other guys and other people went to the other ways. After some more time, the way splitted in three again. That happened three more times. Then, Grace and I were alone in the path we chose.

We saw somebody fallen on the ground. When we approached, he stood up, shaking his head, like if he had been stunned.

- Ouch...! That man was tough...

Then he saw us.

- Halt! Who´s there?

But he recognized my Team Twilight clothes.

- Argh! You are here already?! Ok, I´ll stop you here! - he said and sent out a Fearow.
- Two against one is unfair. - Grace said - Let me fight this time.
- Ok. - I said.

Grace´s Breloom attacked with Facade, but Fearow avoided using Fly.

- Sky Uppercut!

Although Fearow was flying really high, Breloom jumped even higher, delivering a mighty punch under the pokemon´s chew. It fell down on the floor, unconscious.

- Dang it! Go, Forretress!
- Can I fight now? - I asked.
- Go ahead. - she answered.
- Rony, go!

I´ve not fought using my Combusken for some time. It would have an easy win against a Forretress.

- Ember!

Combusken shot some fireballs on Forretress, instantanely knocking it out.

- Argh! This is not my day! - the man said - First that so called zone leader stopped me and now this...

Then, he left. As Grace said, the forest´s zone leaders would be a good help for us. After walking some more time on that maze, we reached a large clearing in which we could see the sky and the full moon.

- Stop there! - we heard a masculine voice saying.

Two man were approaching. One of them was really white, tall and strong and the other one was a bit smaller with a black beard.

- There are many intruders here lately... - the one with a beard said.
- Grace? What are you doing here? - the tall one asked.
- We are here to stop the advance of the introders, Nephi! They want to turn the legendaries Shaymin and Suicune their slaves! Have some of them passed through you?
- Unfortunately, yes. - Nephi, the tall guy, said. - We could beat some of the people who came here, but not all of them.
- Ok, so we will go after them!
- Sorry, Grace. - the other man said. - We can´t let anyone pass. Even our friends. You know the rules.

Grace sighed.

- Ok, Sam, so we will battle you.

But before we said anything else, two more people reached the clearing. Mila and Julio.

- Ok, Sam, go after them, I´ll fight Grace. - Nephi said.

Sam nodded and left.

- You lose the battle if one of your pokemon faints. - Nephi explained. - If you lose, the forest itself won´t let you go through this point.

Breloom and Magneton were out of their pokeballs anyway... so we chose them. Nephi whistled. Two pokemon came from the forest. A Hitmonlee and a Magmortar.

- So, the forest has chosen you, Hitmonlee and Magmortar... ok, let´s do our best to protect the forest!
We´ll have a hard time fighting the zone leaders, but we will prevail! Of course, we are the good guys... Toungue
Nice chapter Aluado!Keep writingBig Grin.And can you make a map of the region?
I had already done a map... but I lost it >.<
I´m trying to remember everything again, but I´ll post as soon as I can Toungue
Here goes, our fight against Nephi, one of the leaders of the First Zone of Knight Forest! Comments later, please.Wink
A Hitmonlee and a Magmortar came to be our opponents. Both have typing advantage over our Breloom and Magneton. I´d better switch out.

- Go, Skull Kid!

Marowak´s good defences could surely survive Hitmonlee´s attacks while its typing advantage over Magmortar would be great.

Meanwhile, we could hear Sam whistling too. Magmortar ran towards Breloom, its hand in fire. It was going to deliver a Fire Punch.

- Spore on Magmortar, Breloom!

Breloom shot a dense cloud of dust which made Magmortar sleep. But Hitmonlee jumped over it and attacked with a Blaze Kick, causing a great damage.

- Skull Kid, help Breloom, throw your Bonemerang at Hitmonlee!

But we were distracted by a small earthquake. A Snorlax was approaching, its heavy steps making the ground shake. Sam was using a Snorlax and an Electivire to fight Mila and Julio.

- Let´s go, Skull Kid!

Skull Kid threw its bone, which flew towards Hitmonlee. But it jumped and avoided. Then, it attacked Breloom with a Hi Jump Kick. Breloom avoided and Hitmonlee hurted its leg.

- Now, that´s our chance! Breloom, use Facade!

Hitmonlee was defeated with a single hit. Her Breloom is really powerful... Magmortar woke up, but my Marowak defeated it with its Bonemerang attack before it could do anything.

- As usual, you´ve proven your worth, Grace. - Nephi said - Now, you may go to the First Zone of Knight Forest. But I should warn you: you´ll find many rare and powerful pokemon in the first zone. As you know, there are different kinds of pokemon on each zone of the forest. The first zone is inhabited by rare pokemon, like these ones that fought you.

Two more Twilight grunts arrived. Nephi said "good bye" and went to fight them too. I withdrew my Marowak. We continued our journey... After walking a little more time, the path divided in two. We could go left or we could go right. Where should we go...?

- Hey, Leo, you forgot to take out one of your pokemon from its pokeball! It´s safer this way, you know.
Ok, people, which path do you want me to choose? Left or right? And which pokemon should follow me now? Jumpluff, Honchkrow, Vaporeon, Marowak, Magneton or Combusken? Different things will happen in the story now depending on it.
Please, tell me your opinions.
Go right, and use Jumpluff.
Go left,and use honchkrow.
left with combusken. dude i was wondering if i could be one of the elite four if yes name: Andrew
personality: kind yet over-confident speciality: dragon types i would reall really like garchop and salemence
Hello, people, did you miss me?
*crickets are chirping*
I decided to use Rony, my Combusken. I´ve not fought with it very much lately, so I should better train it more.

- Let´s go left, do you agree? - I asked Grace.
- OK, I think...

After walking a little, the light of my lantern was reflected by something red under a tree. A Scizor was sleeping in front of us, its red armor reflecting the light.

- So, good it´s sleeping - I said, while quickly turning away the light from the sleeping mantis - I wouldn´t like to...

But my words were silenced by a shout. Combusken was screaming while attacking Scizor with a Double Kick attack. It woke up enraged.

- Oh-oh... - I said - Ember, quick!

Combusken shot some fireballs, instantly defeating Scizor.

- Hey, Rony, why did you do that?

But the sound of Combusken´s short battle attracted more wild pokemon. A Kangaskhan, a Carnivine, a Tropius and a Hitmontop appeared. They were looking mad at us.

- OK, Leo, I´ll take care of two of them, you fight the other ones, ok?
- Right!

I sent out my Magneton. Kangaskhan attacked it with a Dizzy Punch, but being a steel pokemon made the attack almost useless.

Magneton had learned Discharge. But if I used it, I could harm my Combusken too...

- Rony, Ember on Carnivine! Magneto, Magnet Bomb on Carnivine too!

Carnivine hadn´t opportunity to attack and was defeated by both of my pokemon´s moves. Then, Kangaskhan attacked Rony with Crunch. At least the move wasn´t very effective, but it was very strong anyway.

- Rony, Double Kick! Magneto, Magnet Bomb!

Kangaskhan could avoid Rony´s attack and deliver a mighty Dizzy Punch on it, causing a lot of damage. Then, Magneto´s attack hitted it.

- Magneto, Thunder Wave!

Kangaskhan was paralyzed by Magneton´s electric attack.

- Rony, it´s your turn now, Double Kick!

Rony was as angry as Kangaskhan. The first kick was strong, but the second one was a critical hit. However, Kangaskhan was still able to fight. That´s such a tough pokemon!

Kangaskhan was going to punch - and defeat - Rony, when it suddenly stopped, its body shaking. It was paralyzed.

- Magnet Bomb!

Magneton´s attack finished the battle. Meanwhile, Grace was withdrawing the second pokemon she sent to help her Breloom to battle. I couldn´t see which pokemon she had used.

- Nephi was right, there are strong pokemon in this zone. - Grace said.

I healed Combusken with a Hyper Potion. It was looking excited.

- Thanks, Rony. But you didn´t need to attack that Scizor, it was already sleeping!

Rony simply shaked his shoulders.

- We´d better be careful not to draw so much attention. - Grace said.

We continued our journey in the Knight Forest. It was really dark and really big. Sometimes, we found some sleeping pokemon... and always when that happened, Rony simply attacked them, making them wake up in anger and attack us, usually followed by other pokemon like what happened with Scizor.

- Rony, what´s your problem?! - I asked in panic in the fifth time it attacked a sleeping pokemon, this time a huge Snorlax.

Fortunately, Grace´s Breloom was very useful with its Spore attack. It saved us from a Tauros and a Charizard, found in a big field without trees near to a hill, a Tangrowth, found in the middle of a place with many tall trees, and a Gliscor and a Sableye, which weren´t sleeping, but attacked us when they saw us.

At least, Rony´s level was increasing a lot. It learned Bulk Up and Quick Attack.

- Oh, no, another dead end! - Grace said, when we reached a big rocky wall.
- Sigh... we´ll need to go back and try another path...

It was the third time we reached a dead end. Man, that forest is really a maze.

After some more time, during which we were attacked by Yanmega, a Sudowoodo and a Magmar and Rony defeated a small wandering Smeargle with a Double Kick - making a Rotom and a Chansey appear and attack us -, we reached a cave.

- Should we go in? - I asked Grace.
- I´m not sure. - she sighed - Ok, let´s go...

At least that cave wasn´t very big or complex. There were some paths leading to dead ends, but we could find the exit in a short time. Or not so short, since we were attacked by a huge Steelix which came from the ground, a Glalie, Bronzong and a Probopass after Rony ran from us again and defeated a Clefairy.

When we left the cave, we met two workers of Silph Co.

- I can´t believe there´s no other way to proceed! Those Zone Leaders are tough...! - a man was saying, but then, he saw us.
- You!!! - the other guy said - Ok, we could not go ahead, but we also won´t allow you to proceed!

They sent out a Porygon and a Porygon-2.
Well, I was away for a long time because I was really busy. And a bit lazy lol But I´ll keep writing it, it is quite fun for me.
@TradeForFun: unfortunately, your character won´t be one of the Elite Four... BUT it will have a important role in this story very soon, just wait and see Wink
Hello, everyone. Here goes another chapter of the best pokemon fanfic I´ve ever written! (And also, the only one lol)
One of the guys sent out a Porygon while the other chose a Porygon2.

- This is going to be easy, right, Breloom?
- Let´s go, Rony!

Two fighting pokemon against their normal ones. We had a big advantage. Or at least, that´s what we thought.

- Breloom, attack Porygon2 with Sky Uppercut!
- Use Agility!

Porygon2´s speed increased and it could escape from Breloom.

- Psybeam! - both foes ordered and their pokemon shot a rainbow colored beam on Breloom, which was hit by both. It was very weak, then...
- Rony, Double Kick on Porygon!

Porygon could not escape and received a lot of damage.

- Porygon2, finish Breloom with another Psybeam!
- Porygon, aim on Combusken, shoot a Psybeam!

Rony was hit and greatly damaged by the super-effective move. At least, Breloom could escape and defeat Porygon2 with its Sky Uppercut. Its trainer sent out a Lunatone.

- Double Kick again!

Porygon shot another Psybeam, but Rony could avoid and kick Porygon twice, defeating it.

- I´ve caught this Lunatone not so long ago in that cave, I hope it is strong... use Hypnosis on Breloom!

Lunatone´s eyes where shining with a blue light, shooting some hypnotic waves. Oddly, they didn´t affect Breloom at all.

- Seed Bomb!

Breloom´s move was enough to defeat Lunatone.

- Darn, we have no pokemon left...!
- Ok, you won this time, but you won´t go through the Zone Leaders anyway.

Then, they went to the cave.

- At least this means we are going to the right place. - I said. - Do you know the next Zone Leaders?
- Nope. - Grace answered - I knew Nephi and Sam just because they were the closest ones to the city. I´ve never seen the others before.

I healed my Combusken, but Grace did nothing to her Breloom.

- Hey, Grace, why don´t you also heal your Breloom? I know it´s strong, but aren´t you pushing too hard? It was hurted a lot by those Porygon´s Psybeams.
- Don´t worry, Leo. - she said, smiling - Do you see this purple orb in its necklace? It´s a Toxic Orb. It poisons pokemon holding it. But some Brelooms aren´t harmed by poison. Actually, they are healed by it.
- That explains why Lunatone´s Hypnosis failed, the poison prevented it from sleeping, right?
- Yeah...

Wow, no wonder she´s known as the toughest gym leader. She still haven´t used any other of her pokemon (actually, she did it once, but I´ve not seen the pokemon she used), but her Breloom doesn´t look tired at all.
In the next chapter: I´ll finally arrive the next zone! By the way, since only three people voted on which pokemon I should choose and everyone voted in a different pokemon, I decided to use Combusken, since I realised I´ve not used it very much.
See you! Smile
Nice, it seems interesting.

I should read it whole from the beginning once I save some extra free time.
Here is another chapter of the best pokemon fanfic I´ve ever written (and also, the only one lol). Enjoy! Aaaand... comment pleeease! Toungue
After a little time, we found two Team Twilight Grunts looking astonished.

- Ugh... Hey, who´s there?! - one of them shouted, pointing his lantern to me.
- It´s okay, it´s me! - I said.

They recognized me by my Team Twilight clothes.

- We lost to the Zone Leaders. We tried to go to the Second Zone anyway, but there was a invisible wall...
- Well, as the Zone Leaders may have said - Grace said - if you can´t beat them, the forest itself will block you.
- Dang it! We´ll need to find another way to go there... ok, we are going to go, see you!
- Hey, but...! - I was going to ask them which kind of pokemon the next Zone Leaders would use, but they ran away before I could say the rest.

Well, if the zone leaders are close already, I should better withdraw Combusken for a while and use a stronger pokemon.

- Rony, rest a little now. - I said, but it just ran from me, not wanting to be withdrawn. - C´mon Rony, come back!

But the pokemon didn´t want to come back at all.

- Ok, but you won´t battle now, ok? - I said, sending out my Vaporeon.

Luckily, there wasn´t any wild pokemon at sight. If there was, Rony would attack it again and that would trouble us a lot now...

- Ho, more challengers? - a deep voice said.

Two man approached. One of them was really tall and strong, like Nephi, with long black hair and beard. It looked like he was about 40 years old. The other one was also tall, but really old, with long white hair and beard.

- Welcome to the entrance of the Second Zone - the old man said with his weak voice - where you´ll meet many pokemon focused in special offence and defence. I´m Mosiah.
- And I am Zarahemla - the younger guy said - If you want to proceed, you will need to beat us. We will use only one pokemon, you can use as many pokemon as you want. But if even one of your pokemon faints, you lose the battle and you won´t be able to go to the Second Zone.
- Are you ready? - Mosiah asked.
- Surely. Let´s go, Breloom!
- You too, Haku!

Grace´s Breloom and my Vaporeon were ready to battle. Mosiah and Zarahemla whistled. Then, suddenly, an Alakazam appeared. Seemingly, it teleported itself to the Zone Leaders.

- Fine. - Mosiah said - The forest has chosen you, Alakazam...

A little after Mosiah said that, a heavy Venusaur came.

- Good to see you, Venusaur. Ok, let´s defend the forest! - Zarahemla said.

Mosiah ordered Alakazam to attack Breloom with a Psybeam, but it dodged and shot a powerful Seed Bomb on it. But it missed... Alakazam used its Teleport move to evade.

- Venusaur, Razor Leaf!

Both Breloom and Vaporeon were hit by Venusaur´s attack. Breloom was ok... but Vaporeon wasn´t.

- Breloom, Spore on Venusaur!

Venusaur was hit and started sleeping while Vaporeon was shooting an Aurora Beam on it. Although it was super-effective, it didn´t damage Venusaur as much as I needed.

However... because Breloom focused on attacking Venusaur, it was an easy target to Alakazam, which shot a Psybeam on it. Breloom was heavily damaged, but could survive.

- You should not turn your back to an opponent. - Mosiah said.
- Anyway, it´s two against one now. Let´s see what you can do! - Grace replied. Then, she said to me - I have a plan. Your Vaporeon knows Quick Attack, right?
- Yep.
- So, keep using it on Alakazam, understood?
- Ok... Haku, Quick Attack!

Vaporeon attacked Alakazam really fast, but it dodged using Teleport.

- Breloom, Facade!

Alakazam dodged again.

- Psybeam!
- Quick Attack!

Vaporeon attacked Alakazam before it moved, an then jumped away from Alakazam´s Psybeam.

- Facade, Breloom!

Alakazam escaped by using Teleport. Hum... I think I understood Grace´s plan. Alakazam cannot attack and teleport at the same time. If it stops using Teleport, Breloom can defeat it with a single move, so it can´t damage us now.

- Quick Attack!
- Facade!
- Teleport!
- Dang it, wake up, Venusaur!

Vaporeon hitted Alakazam before it used Teleport, but Alakazam could Teleport away from Breloom anyway.

- Psybeam!
- Quick Attack!
- Facade!

Breloom and Vaporeon were next to each other. A little before Alakazam´s attack hitted the place they were, they jumped away from each other and attacked. Vaporeon hitted first, then, Breloom defeated it.

- Ok, Alakazam, you did your best...
- C´mon, Venusaur, you need to be awaken!

Our pokemon attacked Venusaur with Facade and Aurora Beam and it was also beaten.

- Phew, that was a close one... - I said.
- Ok, you could beat us... so, you are allowed to proceed. But be warned: there are strong pokemon out there, like these two your fought. - Mosiah told us.
I hope you liked. See you!
Hello, everyone... I don't know if anyone is still reading this, but yet, I'm glad my story had over 40,000 views. Well, I'm not sure if I can keep writing this... as you can see, I've not posted for 6 months. My life is kinda busy with my job and studies and church stuff...

It was really nice to write here. Well, I'm not sure if I'll continue this story, so... I'm giving you some big spoilers about what this fanfiction could be. Feel free to read it... or not


- As Grace and I progress in the Knight Forest, we'll meet Mila in the fifth zone, which is full of ancient pokemon, like Omastar, Cradily, etc. We'll be pursuited by an angry Aerodactyl, which will recover itself in some healing fountains each time it's defeated, so it can keep chasing us. Until Mila catches him with a Master Ball.

- As you may have noticed, one of the Team Twilight Admins, Henry (the guy with a Tyranitar) is a traitor. Actually, he's the son of Silph Co.'s Boss, Oliver, and was working as a spy on Silph's side.

- The sixth zone of the forest is full of legendary pokemon... There, Grace, Mila and I will meet with Henry just after he realized his plan of catching Suicune. But then, he'll run to south, to Sour Town (where the secret base of Team Twilight is held) while other Silph Co. people run to north, to the Seventh Zone, where extremely powerful and rare legendary pokemon (like Rayquaza, Ho-oh and even Dialga) can be found. Grace will chase after Henry, while Mila runs to north. I planned to make a poll, so you could decided where I should go: north or south.

- Anyway, Mila, Rick and some other Twilight people would be able to beat Silph Co. people before they could try catching those legendary pokemon and Mila would catch Shaymin with a Master Ball, but promising to it that she would free it after it helped her restoring the desert and wasted areas around Ceharah Town. You know, Shaymin can make flowers grow in a barren terrain... why not to give life back to a desert, then?

- Grace and the feel who followed her would be defeated and Team Twilight's base in Sour Town would be destroyed by Henry and his comrades. Mila would get there before he leaves and they would fight.

- By the way, my character, Leo, would take part in some (or maybe all ) of these fights I'm telling you now...

- After Henry is defeated, he tries to run, but Mila's Gliscor would break the Master Ball where Suicune is being held, thus freeing it. Then, Suicune would run to Knight City. When everyone arrives there, Suicune can be seeing standing on the waters of the Knight river. After a while, it would howl and run along the river.

- Then, some kind of "race" started. Silph Co guys would be following Suicune and trying to stop us, by fighting with their pokemon. Suicune would keep running along the river, until it reaches Fortress city.

- By the way, if you don't remember, the Great River crosses all Midori, from northwest to south, and goes by the following cities: Knight, St. Louis, Fortress, North Great River, Ceharah, St. Paul and South Great River. Actually it doesn't really cross St. Louis and Ceharah, but it located really near to these towns.

- When Suicune arrives in Fortress City, it would be caught in some special steel nets by Silph's people. If you don't remember, there are two big Silph Co. buildings in Midori: in Fortress City and in St. Paul.

- After beating the people who were holding Suicune captive again, it would keep running over the river waters. Then we would realize something: as Suicune runs over the river, the dark, stinky, polluted water composing it was becoming clear and healthy in every place its pawn touched. Suicune was healing the river!

- Many traps, like electric cages and nets, would emerge from the river, trying to stop Suicune, being controlled by more Silph Co. employees. We could break them only after defeating those employees.

- When Suicune arrived St. Paul, it would be trapped inside the strongest cage we ever saw. Then, Mr Oliver, Silph Co.'s boss in Midori, would come and battle us. Some of his pokemon would be Muk, Magnezone and a very powerful PorygonZ.

- After beating him, Mila's Gliscor would take away Mr. Oliver's cage control with its Knock Off move, thus opening Suicune's cage, who would keep running to south.

- After a long time of running, Suicune would have cleared all the waters of the previously polluted Great River, disappearing in a cloud of mist right after.

- It would be revealed that Mr. Oliver used to be a pokemon professor, fascinated with studies of legendary pokemon, until he started working for Silph Co. and became its boss.

- Mila would thank me for helping her to realize her dream of healing Midori from the wounds caused by men. Now that the river was cured, she would do the same for Ceharah Town, her hometown...

More spoilers later, maybe. See you...!
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