Legendary Pokémon

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WTF?!?! A water-grass (especialy grass) type pokemon beaten from a ground type pokemon? O_O XD
Well, Lombre´s only super-effective move on Marowak was Absorb anyways.Toungue
I won´t post more now, I plan to do it at night (which will be after 7 hours xD)
When I was going to post the next chapter, legendarypokemon stopped working. Sad So good I´ve copied this chapter somewhere else...Toungue I´m really with no good ideas, but I´ll try my best! o7
Oh, no... the road is blocked... What about now? Hum... I checked my map. Meanwhile, some more people where reaching that point and looking disappointed too.

- It´s not possible... How can we get our next new badge, then? - a boy asked to his older sister.
- Damn it... If we could use our pokemon to fly over those rocks... But we can´t fly on pokemon unless we get the badge from St. Louis!
- Where will we go now, sis?
- I don´t really now... And... I... er...
- Fine, let´s look on the map.
- The map? Er...
- No, don´t tell me... you lost it?!
- Excuse me. - I said.

The boy was very young. He looked to be about 10 years old. The girl looked about 17 years old. They looked to me.

- Well, I have a map here, if you wanna take a look...
- Oh, really? Thank you! - the girl said, smiling.

She took the map from my hands and looked to it with her brother. I also looked to the map, since I also wanted to know where to go.

- Hum... more to the west... and a little to south... - she was saying.
- You mean, to the southwest? - the boy interrupted.
- Nah, you understand me. - her face was a little angry - Well, more to the southwest is Thick Weeds city. But it´s looking too far from here... St. Louis is obviously the closer place... Sour city is even farther than Thick Weeds... and we can´t reach Knight city without going by St. Louis.
- Sis, I know to read a map, you don´t need to say this to me.
- Shut up, stupid! I don´t even know why I brought you with me...
- Maybe because I´m smarter than you.

They were gonna start to fight this way. Three more people came.

- If you´re as smart as you say, why do only I have a pokemon?
- Because you never let me catch one!

The three people went to the alternative path, which leads to Thick Weeds city. After some minutes of fight...

- Er... excuse me? - I said - May you give me my map back?
- Ah! Ok, sorry, I forgot about you! - the girl said giving my map back.
- You´re rude to forget about him!
- Shut up!

I went away while they kept fighting. Hehe... they reminded me and my little brother. We also fight some times. Of course, not so loudly like them all... Crystal scratched my back and climbed it, standing on my shoulders.

- Hey, Crystal, are you a cat or a parrot?

She meowed. I went to the Route where the three guys I saw before went. After some minutes, the sun went away, giving place to a wonderful full moon. Two Murkrows flew over me, but, fortunately, they didn´t land on my head like my own Murkrow would do.
The Route was full of weeds. And of bug pokemon. I was almost attacked by a swarm of Yanmas and a Spinarak climbed on my back. Crystal jumped from my shoulders and ran, trying to pick up that Spinarak, which jumped from me whe Crystal tried to attack it.
I set up my tent after a while and slept. I´d better rest now, because I have a long way until I reach Thick Weeds...
Well, nothing really important happened on this chapter, but I liked to see two brothers fighting xD
Please, comment... and give me some ideas too!Toungue
hmm, nice chapter!!! Big Grin so if you need any ideas, I would recommend that you use the two siblings for a double battle!!! for example the boy catches any Pokemon and both could fight you. Or you meet up with any character from the past, or sth like that!! anyway, keep up with good work(as always!! Big Grin)
Hello! Sorry for my long hiatus. I´m having exams at the university this week, plus lack of creativity means that I´l having a hard time to post. -_-'
Anyway, here goes a new chapter! Please, comment later!Wink
So I have to take a detour to Thick Weeds instead of going to St. Louis. Too bad. Thick Weeds is really far to the west. And the route which goes to that city goes through a part of the Knight Forest, as I saw in my map.
That route was quite desert. There weren´t many trees, there were no houses, no people and a lot of grass. There were some pokemon there, though. Some Caterpies and Weedles eating leaves, Seedots and Mankeys hanging from tree braches, some Staravias or Pidgeottos flying in the sky, a stupid Nincada which was climbing my leg, etc.
After some hours, I found a farm. And many Miltanks and a few Tauroses where eating pasture. Then, I felt the disgusting smell of... smoke. Is there fire somewhere? I decided to check it out - maybe I could stop the fire with my Vaporeon.
After climbing a little hill, I could see a lot of black smoke. When I approached it, I saw that many trees where catching fire - about a mile of trees! I saw in my map that a little ago that I was inside the Knight Forest. So, there´s fire inside the forest! I must to do something about it before the fire burns the entire forest!

- Haku, let´s go!

My Vaporeon didn´t like the smell of smoke.

- Haku, use Surf on those trees!

A big wave crashed on some trees, making the fire disappear. But there were so many trees in fire, that a single wave couldn´t do much.

- Use Surf again!
- Torment!

Haku suddenly stopped to make another wave. I looked to where the voice came. A farmer guy was running to me, followed by a Nuzleaf.

- What do you think you´re doing?! - he asked to me, angry.
- Didn´t you see the fire?! - I said, pointing to the burning forest.
- Of course I saw the fire, I´ve putten fire!
- What?! But why?!
- It´s not of your business, get outta here!
I wrote a big chapter yesterday, but it was somehow erased. =/ But because now I have some ideas, I´ll post more tomorrow. Keep reading!
I'd like to see what is next......
Don't forget.......the fire is is burning the forest........
Save the forest brother,do it for the environment.Actually i would be very happy if there were savers of the forests in reality.Never nind.........
That farmer must DIE.
And then we will boil him...<3
The ultimate punishment.
You must have throwed a surf-wave to him,too.
Or an octazooka(if you have an octillery).
Guys, you´re evil... o.o *scared*
YOU must rule the forest.
Hah.......no i'm just kidding.
Good luck Aluado,your story seems interesting so far.
haha, Toungue nice chapyer aluado, and I agree with all the others! btw, i heard the other day on the news, that the Amazon rainforest shall be SOLD for 1 billion dollars or sth like that which drove me crazy!!! id ont know if it was just a joke, nut anyway... Great work, we ll be waiting!!!
I don´t know if the Amazon rainforest will be bought, but of course - we brazilians won´t ever sell it! Amazon is still a part of Brazil and will forever be! Toungue
Hey, by the way... I was "inspired" by the Amazon rainforest when I started to write about Knight forest. Amazon = feminine form of Knight! Toungue
That farmer guy is crazy! He is burning the forest!

- It´s not of your business, - he said - get outta here!
- Hey, guys, let´s calm down. - a man voice said behind us.

When we turned back, we could see a Team Twilight guy coming to us. He was wearing formal clothes and had a white mask with blue details on the eyes and nose, forming a "T", just like Mila and Rick´s mask. He was the third masked member of Team Twilight.

- Oh, I remember you from Fortress city. - he said - My name is Henry. And as you can see, I´m one of the bosses of Team Twilight. Your name is...?
- Leo.
- Oh, fine. Well, what´s going on here?
- Is this guy blind?! - I thought. It´s impossible not to see the fire.
- He wants to stop the fire. - the farmer said.
- Oh, really? Don´t worry about that, Leo, it´s ok.
- What?!
- There´s no problem on burning some part of the forest now. - Henry repeated.
- How come?! Aren´t supposed to protect the environment...?!
- To protect the environment. - Henry repeated, a bit sarcastic - That´s what Team Twilight does.
- So, why would you...
- Did you see - Henry interrupted me before I could complete my question - the Miltanks and Tauroses on your way to here? The people living on this place depend on the milk, leather and meat of these bulls and cows to gain their money and live. So, they´ll just burn some part of the forest to get rid of trees and make more pasture for their pokemon. This will make them more prosper.
- That´ll make we more prosper - the farmer said - or that´ll make Silph more prosper?

Henry putted his hand on his face, like if he heard something idiot and said.

- You stupid.

My brain was thinking really fast now. They´ll burn the forest to make more pasture for their Miltanks and Tauroses, thus bringing more money to... Silph? Silph Co.?! They´re working for Silph!!!

- Y-you are working for Silph Company! - I said, astonished.
- OK, I couldn´t do it by the easy way, - Henry said - so I´ll have to do it by the hard way.

He sent out his Drifblim.

- Now, please, go away.
What happened right now? Is Henry betraying Team Twilight or is Team Twilight actually working for Silph? What´s the true? You´ll find out soon!Toungue
So,the whole burning-trees story is for making pasture for their Miltank and Tauroses?I actually don't believe it.
It's some kind of revenge for someone i think.
Anyways,good Aluado.Why aren't you making bigger chapters?
wow, this really happens in the Amazon Rainforest, doesnt it? its awful, they destroy the forest to make hamburgers!!! Such things drive me crazy. I hope your team destroys his and give him a good lesson Aluado!!!Toungue
Hello! Wow, it´s the third consecutive day that I´m writing! Big Grin
I´m writing small chapters because I´m writing them at my job, when I´m having a lunch. And I´ve only an hour to lunch, so I can´t write or think in everything (and I don´t want to spend all my lunch time just to write this, don´t?Toungue)
- Now, please, go away. - Henry said.
- Vaporeon, use Surf on that Drifblim!

But Haku couldn´t move.

- Wha-what happened? - I said.
- My Nuzleaf used Torment on you, stupid. You can´t use the same attack twice.
- Driblim, Thunderbolt!

His Drifblim fired a powerful blast of electricity. But before it hitted Vaporeon, it was drawn... to a Manectric.

- Hey, 2 against 1 isn´t fair... how about a multibattle? - a feminine voice said.

We looked to the girl. She was been followed by a little boy. They were the same nervous brothers that I met a little time ago. They obviously didn´t hear what we were talking, because they didn´t realize that we weren´t just having a pokemon battle. But then, they noticed Henry´s clothes and mask.

- Wow! - the girl shouted, scared - You´re from Team Twilight!

Then her brother said:

- If he´s battling them, it must mean... that they want to kidnap or assault him! We´ll help you... right, sis?
- Yeah, you helped us before, so we have to help you too!

Henry was really bored with all this.

- Oh, my, more stupid kids...
- Thanks for the help, - I said - but we´ve no time for that, we have to stop the fire!
- If I had a water pokemon, I could do that... - the girl said
- You won´t extinguish the fire unless you beat us! - the farmer said.

Well, it´ll be easier to win, because I´m with a partner now. At least, it was what I thought.

- Nuzleaf, Faint Attack!

The farmer´s Nuzleaf became invisible. Manectric was hit and thrown.

- Haku, Bite that Drifblim!
- You wanna fire? - the girl said - Then, take fire! Manectric, Flamethrower!

Her Manectric defeated Nuzleaf in a single hit. But before my Haku could attack Drifblim...

- Explosion!

Drifblim exploded, knocking out Manectric and Haku at the same time.

- Argh! Manectric!
- Haku, come back! Let´s go, Murkrow!

If the smoke wasn´t intense, Murkrow would´ve landed on my head again. It flew a little away from us.

- Go, Miltank! - the farmer said.
- Go, Alakazam!

And the girl sent out Furret. I hope we can finish the battle soon, the forest is still burning...
Another small chapter, but I promise I´ll write more at the weekends!Toungue See you!
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