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ofc is of course Wink oh rly? i didnt see it Toungue
Sorry for the delay. But I said from the start that I wouldn´t really write the fanfic every day, don´t?
When I said that I was going to General Mines city, she happily said:

- I´m going there too! Why don´t we go there together?

I couldn´t desagree without being rude. So, we started walking together.

- It´s a nice weather... Perfect for finding more bug pokemon. I´ll try to evolve my Wurmple to a Beautifly, they´re so cute! Dustox is not bad, but I prefer Beautifly...

She started talking about bug pokemon, her goals to be the world´s greatest bug pokemon trainer and to surpass her older brother, who is a member of the Elite 4 of another region when she remembered to say her name.

- Oops! I amost forgot to say my name! I´m Joana, and you?
- I´m Leo.
- Hum... Nice name... - she started to think and talk - I guess I´ll name my Wurmple "Leo"... - she looked at me, smiling, like if I would love to have my name given to a caterpillar pokemon.

When it was night, we decided to stop, set our tents and rest. After some hours, while she was speaking uninterruptedly, we decided to sleep.
I wasn´t sleepy at all. I was worried about my 5 days... A day have passed and all I did was to battle a Staryu, a Wurmple and lose a battle to a wild Heracross. I didn´t even catch a pokemon. And almost no pokemon appeared that day. It may be ´cause Joana was talking so much that she made the wild pokemon be warned of our presence and get away from us.
After half of an hour trying to sleep, I decided to get out of my tent. It was a little cold. I took a look to the sky. It was full of stars. But I couldn´t look much time, because a stupid Murkrow landed on my head.

- Shoo! - I said, trying to slap the crow pokemon and make it go away.

But it came back and landed on my handed again.

- Go away! - I tried again to slap it, but it flew away and came back again.
- You don´t want to go, huh?

I took a pokeball from my pocket (I forgot a pokeball on my pants´ pocket) and threw it. And, really oddly, I caught the Murkrow.

- What is this pokemon... ah, never mind. I caught it, so it´s fine.

I decided not to get out of the tent that night again, or some other stupid pokemon would want to land on it too.
Finally, another part of the adventure! Big Grin On the next or in the next of the next post I´ll arrive the General Mines city. Keep reading!
Sorry for the delay. The school/university ends on november/december here, so I´m full of things to do!


On the following day, a little after we woke up, I told Joana that I caught a Murkrow. She looked really excited.

- Really? Cool! Hey, let´s battle again then! I wanna see your Murkrow in action!
- Right.
- Go, Leo!

A purple cocoon pokemon got of its pokeball, looking drowzy.

- A cascoon? Did your Wurmple evolve?
- Yes! Isn´t it nice? I went for a walk before you wake up and my Wurmple evolved! I wanted a Beautifly... but Dustox looks tougher!
- Anyways, it´s my turn! Go, Murkrow!

The crow pokemon got out of the pokeball and landed on my head again.

- Won´t you stop with this?! - I said, trying to push it. Once more, it flew away and landed on my head again.
- Will you battle at least? - I asked to Murkrow. It became heavier. I guess that meant "no".
- Don´t worry, your bird will want to battle soon. Leo, use String Shot!

When Cascoon attacked, Murkrow flew, evading, but then the move that was going to hit the bird hit my face instead. My head was covered with a net-like substance.
Murkrow was laughing at me. When I could take off the strings of my head, I ordered:

- Peck that Cascoon!

At least the pokemon started to obey me and battle.

- Harden!

Cascoon could minimize the damage making its body be harder.

- Hum... which moves has Murkrow? - I was wondering.
- Cascoon, Tackle!

Murkrow was so close that it couldn´t avoid. It looked angry to be tackled.

- Peck again!

Murkrow was furiously pecking Cascoon. But it used Harden again and its already hard body has became really sturdy.

- Hum... I guess Murkrow can learn... use Haze!

Murkrow stopped pecking and opened its beak. A deep haze got out of it. Cascoon´s body became soft again.

- Harden!
- Peck!

Murkrow landed a critical hit on Cascoon, knocking it out.

- Augh... Come back, Cascoon.

Murkrow´s anger get out because of the victory. It flew to me.

- We won, Murkrow!

The crow landed on my head again.

- Come back.¬¬ - I recalled it to the pokeball.
- Hehe, your Murkrow looks nice. Won´t you name it like you did to Hoppip?
- Hum... I don´t know, I didn´t think about that.

While we were walking, she started to suggest names for my Murkrow. And then, she said that she names some of her pokemon. And how she names them. Resuming: she started to talk a lot again.
A sign in the road was saying that we were close to General Mines. That´s really good, I don´t know how much more I can bear her talking...
On the next "chapter" I´ll finally get to General Mines! \o/ It took 2 days to get there... if it takes 2 days to go back too, I´ll be home in time to show mom my badge! xD
wow, I finally got some time to read this thread, and I say that your fanfic RULEZ! Keep on the good job, 'cause I'm eagerly waiting for the next "episode".
Thanks for the comments, guys. Smile I´ll continue now.
When Joana saw the sign saying that General Mines city was just ahead, she told me to stop.

- Ah! Leo, wait a sec!
- What?
- We´re now close to the city and you´re gonna fight the gym leader, right?
- Yes.
- But on the two times that we fought, you didn´t know which moves your pokemon had.

I understood what she meant. How could I beat a gym leader if I don´t know the four moves that Hoppip and Murkrow have?

- Let´s practice some, then. We´ll find out your pokemon moves. Go, Shedinja!

The ghost-bug pokemon was silently floating.

- Start with your Hoppip.
- Okay. Go, Carol!

Hoppip was floating too. When it saw a silent foe, it became quiet too. Was it playing a game to figure out who can be more quiet???

- Shedinja, Double Team.

Shedinja split into multiple Shedinjas.

- Ok, try to attack me now.
- Hum... Carol has Tackle, Synthesis and Poisonpowder. Try Leech Seed.

Hoppip looked confused and didn´t do anything.

- Let me see... - Joana picked up an enciclopedia on her bag. - Here... Hoppip learns Splash... Tail Whip... the moves you said... Stun Spore, Sleep Powder... I don´t think it learned anything else.
- Use Splash!

Hoppip looked confused again. Phew... at least it had already forgotten such a useless move.

- Tail Whip!

Hoppip looked frustrated now. It was angry for not being able to do what I wanted. So it also forgot Tail Whip... it means...

- Stun Spore, then?

Hoppip flew fastly to the illusions of Shedinja and scattered an yellow powder, unsucessfully.

- Ok, - Joana said - so it knows Tackle, Stun Spore, Poisonpowder and Synthesis.
- Come back, Carol. - Hoppip entered the ball - Go, Murkrow!

Once more, the crow pokemon landed on my head, annoying me.

- Do you want me to be attacked again??? - I asked frustrated. Murkrow nodded.
- Tsk. Shedinja, Shadow Sneak.

The bug pokemon attacked Murkrow without hitting me either. Murkrow looked ready to battle now.

- Peck!
- Double Team!

Shedinja splitted into more illusions.

- Fury Attack!

Murkrow looked to me and shouted. It looks like it doesn´t know Fury Attack too.

- A bird pokemon... Which moves a bird can learn... Wing Attack?

Murkrow didn´t do anything again.

- Let me see. - Joana said, looking her book once more - Hum... Murkrow... Murkrow... where is it...? Here! - she started to say really fastly now - It can learn Peck, Astonish, Pursuit, Haze, Wing Attack, Night Shade...
- Calm down! I can´t remember all those things! - and then I thought "I can´t understand you either if you don´t speak slowly."
- Sorry.
- Never mind. Try Night Shade! - it was the only move I could remember, since it was the last.

Fortunately, Murkrow knew how to use it. Shady-beams were fired from Murkrow´s eyes and striked a illusion.

- Shedinja, Double Team again.

More illusions were formed. Lots of Shedinjas were facing Murkrow, which looked confused while trying to see the true one.

- Which moves did you say it could learn?
- Peck, Haze, Pursuit...
- Pursuit, Murkrow!

Murkrow tried to attack another illusion. It was looking angry now. Suddenly, it started pecking all the Shedinjas. Seeing the danger, Joana called her Shedinja back to the pokeball. I did the same to Murkrow.

- Now you know your pokemon´s moves! Murkrow has Peck, Haze, Night Shade and Pursuit.
- So good I didn´t try to know it when I was fighting the gym leader.
- Well, let´s go now.

After a little, we finally entered the General Mines city. It was a farm-like place, but there were many building on some places. We could see a big mountain marking the end of the city.

- Hey, - Joana said - do you know why General Mines has this name?

But before I even opened my mouth she answered.

- It´s ´cause that mountain was a big mine a long time ago! But since they took everything that was there, it´s an abandoned place now. And now, General Mines is dedicated to agriculture.

Next to the entrance of the city, there was a pokemon center. We decided to heal our pokemon there.

- Hey, Joana, why did you want to come here?
- I´m in a trip on all the Midori region to find as many bug pokemon as I can. Specially because there aren´t many different bugs on Bay city, where I live. And the only place where I didn´t go yet was General Mines.
- Wow, so you´ve already gone to all the cities and places?
- Sure! It was quite fun! And a bit sad too...
- Sad? Why?
- You know the Knight Forest, right?

The Knight Forest is located at the north part of Midori. It´s the biggest forest of the world. It´s said that you can find all existing pokemon there.

- The forest - Joana continued - is being destroyed. Many people are cutting the trees and taking so much pokemon to sell that the forest looks near to its end.
- But who would do that?!
- See yourself. - she said pointing to a TV.

The reporter was at a devastated part of the forest saying that Team Twilight was doing such criminal things.
The next "episode" will be my battle against the gym leader. And soon, we´ll know more about Team Twilight and their role on the story!Wink
Guys, you´re so lucky that I´ll post today! xD
After quitting the pokemon center, Joana said that she had something to do, so she wouldn´t go to the gym with me.

- Good luck on the gym! See you someday!
- See ya!

After walking a little, I realized that I didn´t know where was the gym. I asked to a short man with a big nose and a moustache.

- Will you challenge the gym?
- Sure.
- Hum... there is been a long time since a challenger came here. I´m Mario, the gym leader. Follow me, then.

Was I lucky, maybe? After a while, we reached the gym, a sports square (I don´t know if it´s the right word and I lost my dictionary xP I´ll edit it later. Do you understand what I meant, that place where you can play basketball, soccer, etc.?)
Mario opened the door and we entered. The place looked like nobody entered there for two months.

- Sorry for the mess. Being a gym leader isn´t very lucrative here, so I have to do other jobs. Since nobody challenged me for a while, I didn´t clean the gym very much...
- Ok, don´t worry.
- Well, go to that place, I´ll stay here.
- Right.

We were both at a extremity of the field. It wasn´t so big, and since it was empty, we could talk easily and understand each other.

- Let´s go then. The rules. - Mario said - First of all: how many badges have you gotten?
- None yet... - I said, a little embarassed.
- I´ll take easily, then. We´ll use two pokemon, is it okay?
- Ok.
- No two pokemon asleep and we can´t use items too.
- Understood.
- Let´s go. Mawile!

The cute steel pokemon went out of the pokeball. It turned back.

- Steel pokemon... it´ll be tough... Go, Carol!

Mawile opened it´s big mouth and chomped the air, scaring Hoppip. Mario said:

- Don´t be scaried yet. The battle will start now!
With so many gym leaders in the world, why I had to start with a steel type one??? Hoppip and Murkrow... what will I do?Sad
You´ll find out soon! See you! Wink
Here I go! I may not post this week again, because my exams will happen from tomorrow to friday, but I´ll do as soon as I can!
Hoppip looked afraid of Mawile´s big mouth. Although Mawiles are cute (if you don´t consider the jaws on the big horn), Mawile was showing only the mouth to intimidate Hoppip.

- Don´t be scared, Carol. You can fly, remember? Mawile won´t bite you.

Hoppip didn´t look more calm. Maybe it didn´t believe me or it was just scared enough to don´t listen to me.

- Carol, start with your Stun Spore!
- Flash Cannon, Mawile!

Carol floated a little too high, trying to be out of Mawile´s scope. But it floated so high that Stun Spore was taking an eternity to fall and hit Mawile. Then, Mawile could easily blow away the yellow powder with a blast of light shot from its big jaws. Hoppip was hit.

- Don´t fly so high! Try Stun Spore again!
- Flash Cannon, once more!

Hoppip was almost hit, but could avoid the beam and powder Mawile. Mawile was shaking a little.

- Attack it! Tackle!

Hoppip looked to me, like if it was asking for not having to approach the foe.

- Flash Cannon, now!

Mawile opened it´s jaws again, but stopped suddenly. It was paralyzed.

- Carol, Mawile can´t move! Use this chance to attack it!

Hoppip closed its eyes, trying to be more courageous, and hit Mawile. Mawile didn´t look hurt. Of course, Tackle isn´t effective on steel pokemon... but it´s all that Hoppip could do now.

- Mawile, bite, now!

Hoppip couldn´t avoid, since it was too close to Mawile.

- Come back, Carol!

At least Carol could paralyze Mawile. Maybe Murkrow would be better.

- Murkrow, your turn!

As usual, Murkrow landed on my head. But when it saw Mawile´s big jaws, it thought that it would be a harder battle. So it flew away of my head and looked ready to battle.

- At least now you´re being serious, Murkrow...
- Mawile, Flash Cannon!

Murkrow could escape, almost being hit.

- Night Shade!

Mawile wasn´t able to move much because of paralysis, so it was hit without problems. It looked sad.

- Fake Tears!

Mawile faced Murkrow. With a cute look, it started to cry.

- Don´t be fooled Murkrow! Mawile isn´t really crying!

But Murkrow ignored me. It went closer to the foe, to see if was okay or something like that... But when it was close enough, Mawile stopped crying and suddenly bite Murkrow.

- I can´t believe you were fooled, Murkrow... - I said, looking down.

Murkrow looked angry now.

- Flash Cannon again!
- Night Shade!

Murkrow avoided and attack Mawile, which could escape too.

- You´re evading too much... Sweet Scent.

Mawile opened it´s jaws and a sweet fragrance came out. It was really attractive, something like honey and flowers.

- Flash Cannon again!

Stunned by the scent, Murkrow couldn´t evade. It was looking weak... Of course, with a lowered special defence because of Mawile´s cry, Flash Cannon hit it hard.

- Night Shade again!
- Avoid it, Mawile!

But Mawile couldn´t move again. It was hit and knocked out.

- Really good! - Mario said - I was taking easy on you, but I guess I´ll go harder now. I choose... Scizor!
It´s being really hard to write the battles >.< But I´m doing my best and I´ll improve, I promise! Toungue
Finally, my vacations have started! Big Grin But... only the vacations of the university... I still have to work Sad Well... let´s go. Comment later, please.Wink
The paralysis saved my life against Mawile, so it should work again.

- Come back! Go again, Carol!

Hoppip wasn´t happy as usual. But at least it was calm... Scizor didn´t look as scary as Mawile.

- Carol, Stun Spore!
- Double Team!

Hoppip powdered everywhere, trying to hit the right Scizor. Seemingly, it worked - all the illusions were shaking.

- Quick Attack!

All the Scizors flew to hit Hoppip. Without knowing which was the right one, Hoppip was hit.

- Try a Tackle!

Luckily, Hoppip hit the right one. Without much damage.

- Flash Cannon!

Scizor opened it´s claws and a blast of light was shooted from both. Hoppip could escape from one, but couldn´t from the second one. Carol fell down in the ground, knocked out.

- Argh... Come back.

It was a tough situation. Only a weakened Murkrow against a full-HP Scizor. Well... I won´t give up.

- Go again, Murkrow!

The crow pokemon was looking more excited now. It was enjoying the hard battle. Scizor looked bored to fight a stupid little Hoppip and a stupid little bird.

- Scizor, Quick Attack!

Murkrow could escape by little. Those illusions are making everything difficult!

- Haze!

A deep fog covered the arena. While it was going away, I could see that there was only a single Scizor.

- Night Shade!

Scizor couldn´t escape, the fog messed up with its visibililty.

- Flash Cannon, Scizor!

Scizor missed, but dissipated the mist.

- Night Shade again!

Scizor started flying away, being pursued by Murkrow, which was shooting dark beams. It may look ridiculous, a big Scizor running away from a tiny Murkrow, but if Scizor stopped and tried anything, it would be hit.
Scizor suddenly stopped, with a pain look - it was paralyzed. Murkrow growled, happy, and hit Scizor.

- Quick Attack, Scizor!

It was Murkrow´s time to have a pain look. It was obviously too tired.

- Let´s finish. Steel Wings, Scizor!!!
- Haze again!

Using the fog to distract the foe a little, Murkrow could escape.

- Peck!

Murkrow was so excited that it could do a critical hit on Scizor.

- Flash Cannon!
- Night Shade!

Scizor´s beams hit Murkrow and Murkrow´s beam hit Scizor. Both pokemon fell down, knocked out.
Oh, my, so much work to tie??? Unfair! >.<
nop not at all xD lalalallala
Good! Really nice story Aluado! Mario is a gym leader, lol. Is Luigi the next one?
no nm2 mario is from machamp- lucario deck omg lol xD
Ninjomewtwo Wrote:Good! Really nice story Aluado! Mario is a gym leader, lol. Is Luigi the next one?

No, he´s an Elite4! lol
Well, sorry for the time waiting. I was without inspiration. Toungue Whatever... Let´s go!
- Flash Cannon!
- Night Shade!

Scizor´s beams hit Murkrow and Murkrow´s beam hit Scizor. Both pokemon fell down, knocked out.

- No! Murkrow!
- Scizor!

It was hard to believe. I was going so well... Why I had to tie?

- OK, you fought well, Murkrow... come back...
- You too, Scizor.

Both pokemon returned to their pokeball.

- Well... - I said - In the end, we tied. It means that I won´t win the badge, don´t?
- Actually... - Mario smiled - You don´t get a badge in Midori region for beating a gym leader.
- No?!
- No. The battle against gym leaders is just to test your skills as a trainer. Your skills will be judged by us, the eight gym leaders. So, even if you win, you still may not win the badge if we judge you don´t deserve it.
- Really?
- Really. Well, judging by the pokemon you used and the fact of not having any badge yet, you´re a beginner trainer, right?
- Yes...
- You fought really well for a rookie trainer. You could even beat my Scizor! You have a great potential. So, here is the Metal Badge.

I went to the place where Mario was. He gave the metal badge, a rectangle-shaped emblem with 3 concentric littler rectangles. Each rectangle was darker than the other, all with a silver-gray color.

- Hey - Mario asked - Where are you planning to go now? By the way, the closest gym to General Mines´ is in the Thick Weeds City.
- I won´t go there now. I promised to go back to my house after I get the badge.
- Hum... OK, then. Good luck on your trip, then!
- Thanks!

I went to the pokemon center and healed Murkrow and Hoppip. I sent out both.

- Hi, Murkrow, Carol. I want to thank you for the battle. Look this!

I showed them the badge. They flew to me. I thought they would be sad for losing the battle, so I was trying to show them that we actually didn´t lose the battle.

- We won this badge because of the great battle. Thanks for helping Murkrow, Carol! And thank you too, Murkrow!

Both pokemon smiled. Carol began to glow...

- What is happening?!

Hoppip was growing... it´s appearance was changing! Her ears were growing and the leaves from its head fell down, giving place to an yellow flower...

- Skiploom!!! - Carol happily said, floating above me.
- Hey! You evolved!

Nice! The experience gained from the battle was enough to evolve Hoppip! Well, now I gotta hurry to home! 2 days have passed already... I have only 3 days left to show mom my new badge.
That´s it, people! I´ll post more soon! Thanks for reading it and for the comments too!Big Grin
that story,so far, is really nice Big Grin
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