Legendary Pokémon

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Well, I´ll try to make my first fanfic here. I won´t post soooo often, but I´ll post when I have time. Toungue
My name is Leo. I live in the Midori region, at the St. Paul city, which is known as one of the biggest cities in the world.
St. Paul is quite a busy place... there are many people working and studying, so there aren´t many pokemon trainers there. Well, actually I´m one of them.
I remember like if it was yesterday... the day which I received my first pokemon and my adventure started...

My mom was sick that day and my dad was working. He works on the other side of the victory road. Ah, by the way, the victory road of Midori region isn´t a mountanous place like the other regions. It´s a big complex of streets and buildings which only a few people can go. It´s a restricted place which is located at my city.
Well, in that day, some years ago, after a very boring class in school, I went back to my house. So good my vacations would finally start! My little brother looked quite excited when I arrived.

- Hi, Leo!
- Hi...
- Hey, look!

On the sofa, there were a pokeball and a paper with my dad´s handwritting.
"For being a good son and an excellent student, I want to reward you... I saw this pokemon flying near my window yesterday, so I caught it. It´s yours now.

- Hum... another pokemon? - I said, tired.

My mom has a little Snubbull which is always following her, outside its pokeball. It was even sleeping with her then. My dad bought a little Growlithe to protect our house, although since it evolved to a big Arcanine, it can´t be called "little" anymore. And 1 year ago, we found a little baby Meowth on a box, so we took care of it. So, I always considered these 3 pokemon like mine too.

- It´s not so simple! This pokemon is only yours! So, you can be a trainer now! - my brother said - I envy you... I wanted a pokemon too. Sad
- Hey, we already have a Snubbull, a Meowth and an Arcanine, forgot?
- Hum... they´re not just mine like this pokemon is...
- Well, let´s see what is it!

I pressed the ball´s button, which opened...
Are you curious about which pokemon I received? So, wait till tomorrow!!! xD
Ah, by the way, my name´s not Leo... it´s only in this fanfic Toungue
I didn´t know how to name the region... so I named it Midori, which means "green" in japanese.
Hi, folks! Curious about the pokemon that I received? Me too! Toungue Well, let´s go!
The ball opened... some sparks were flying when the pokemon was released... So, the pokemon shouted:

- Hoppip! - with a big smile.
- A Hoppip?! - both me and my brother said.

We both expected something better. I thought dad would give me at least a Pidgeotto... Well, a gift is a gift anyways.

- Hi! - I said - Nice to meet you! My name is Leo and I guess we´re friends from now on...
- Hoppip! - it shouted again, awakening Meowth, which was sleeping at the other sofa.
- Which name are you gonna give it? - my brother asked.

Well, all the three pokemon of my house have nicknames: my mom named Snubbull "Nany", my parents named Arcanine "Thunder" - what´s really odd, since thunder reminds electricity and Arcanine is a fire pokemon - and Meowth´s name is Crystal, because its uncommon blue eyes look like crystals, according to mom.

- Hum... how about Carol? - I suggested
- Why?
- I just like this name...
- Yeah, and this girl too.
- I don´t like her, we´re only friends.¬¬

Crystal was smelling Carol. Since Hoppips are round pokemon and Meowths love round things... The cat thought it was a toy. Crystal slapped it, pushing it out of the sofa.

- Crystal! - I said.

Although Hoppip shouted in pain for being slapped, she seemed to enjoy to float a little. Hoppip was floating over the room now.

- Carol is not a toy!
- Meow?

Hoppip started to fly in circles around Meowth, drawing its attention. So, both pokemon started a tag game...

- Well, at least they like each other. - I said.
- So, now that you´re a trainer, you should go after gyms, don´t? - my brother asked, excited and sad at the same time.
- Yes, I think...
- I saw in my geography class that the closest gym here is the General Mines city´s gym.
- Really? Well, let´s see then. Please, show me your book.

Well, I also have a geography book, but since my brother is really excited about me beating gym leaders, I guess he would be happier if he showed me it.
I heard the sound of something falling down on the kitchen.

- Oops! Stop, you two! - I said, running to the kitchen and seeing a jumping Meowth making another pot fall down while chasing a laughing Hoppip.

When the cat jumped again, I picked it up and recalled Hoppip to its pokeball.

- Watch out! Look what you did! - I said showing the mess to the cat.

I put her in the floor. My brother came with the book while I was cleaning the mess.

- Here, take a look!

The book was opened at a page showing a map of Midori region. Well, according to the map, General Mines city was at the west side of St. Paul, after the Route 172. Really close, don´t?

- Yeah, it´s a good idea to go there first... I guess I´ll go tomorrow.
Sorry for taking sooooo long to post. But finally, the adventure will really begin!Toungue
See ya!Wink
i was sure that the 1st poke would be hoppip Toungue......

so if i write one 2 i should start with caterpie? Toungue ..... anyway its rly good and funny XD
Yeah! Keep on good work!
wow!very funny!keep going man!
Yay, somebody is reading!xD
I´ll post more soon. Hehe, and why I wouldn´t start with a Hoppip? xD
Ah, and I´m making a map of Midori region, if you´re interested... I´ll post it here later.^^
As promised, here I go! (Er... did I promise anything, btw?Toungue)
The next day, I was preparing myself for the trip, when mom said...

- Hey, what are you doing?
- I´m a pokemon trainer now, so I´ll go after gyms.
- Do you really think you´re prepared??? You´ve never even being out of our city! It´s dangerous out there!

Well, mothers are always too worried, don´t?

- Don´t worry. I´m not a child anymore. I can take care of myself.
- But what about the criminals??? With that stupid Team Twilight around, it´s not safe!
- I won´t travel by night, mom! It´s not dangerous at day! And I´ll be with me pokemon.
- All you have now is a Hoppip! How can a Hoppip protect you?
- I´ll catch more pokemon and train Hoppip too.
- Fine! Let´s do this: if you show me a single badge that you got, I´ll let you go. But if you can´t, you won´t leave here anymore. OK?
- Right.
- You have five days. If you don´t get a single badge then, you won´t travel anymore.

So, I had only five days. I didn´t want to waste more time, so I took my schoolbag, some money, my pokeball and went out.

- See you! - I said.
- Good luck! - my brother wished.
- Don´t forget to call us! - mom said.

It was a beautiful sunny day. I thought Hoppip would enjoy some sunlight.

- Go, Carol.

Hoppip went out of the pokeball.
Meanwhile, my brother was talking to my mom.

- Mom, do you think Leo will get a badge?
- I don´t really think so. He´s going to General Mines city, don´t? Well, the gym leader uses steel pokemon. And there are no fire pokemon around here.
Just a note: it wasn´t "my fault" to have started with Hoppip. It was fault of my dad, who caught a Hoppip instead of a Pidgeotto.Toungue
Did you think I would stop writing? Here I go!
After walking a little, I realized that I had no idea where to go. So, I stopped and took my map (did you think that I would be guided by my 10-years old brother geography book???). St. Paul city is divided is five zones: the south zone, where I live, the center zone, the north zone, the east zone, which leads to the victory road, and the west zone, which leads to Route 172 and General Mines city.
I need to go through the center zone to reach the west one. After 5 minutes, I decided to recall my Hoppip, since it was winding sometimes and I had to grab Hoppip twice or it would be taken away.
I found a little mart. If I´m in a trip, I should buy some potions, I thought. So, I entered there and bought 3 pokeballs and 4 potions. I didn´t want to spend much. I was quitting the place, when somebody called me...
- Hey! You!
I turned back. A 13 or 14 years old boys came to me.
- Are you a pokemon trainer too?
- Yes...
- Hey, wanna battle?
- Hum... I don´t know... I never battled before.
The boy opened a little smile.
- I´m a rookie trainer too, don´t worry!
- I don´t know...
- C´mon! How can you even beat a gym leader if you don´t practice before?
The boy was right. I agreed with him and we went out the mart together.
Sorry, I don´t have much time to write... But I´ll continue soon!Wink
Hey, calm down! You don´t need to scream! ò.o
We went to an empty place behind the mart, where some boxes were stored. The mart´s shadow was covering half of our "battlefield".

- Ah, by the way - the boy said - my name is Richard.
- I´m Leo.
- Well, let´s do it fast: 1 vs 1, ok?
- Right - I said and thought "I´ve only one pokemon anyways..."
- How much money will you pay me?
- What???
- You know... the loser has to pay to the winner.

I hate that arrogant way.

- I don´t have much. How about... 500 pokedollars?
- What? Only this???
- It´s this or nothing.
- OK, then. Go, Staryu!

The starfish pokemon spinned when released of its pokeball;

- Go, Carol!

Hoppip floated a little in the shadows, where it was released.

- A Hoppip? - the boy´s smile was bigger now. He must be thinking that it´ll be an easy battle.
- Our first battle, Carol! Are you ready?

Hoppip smiled and shouted. But I wasn´t as confident as Hoppip looked... I´ve never seen my Hoppip battling before. Which moves does it know???

- Carol, try a Leech Seed!
- Pip? - the pokemon looked confused. It obviously didn´t know how to use Leech Seed yet.
- Ha! It´s gonna be easier than I thought... Rapid Spin, Staryu!

Staryu hit Hoppip before I could say a thing. It was really fast.

- Carol! Are you alright?

But I figured out that it was something stupid to ask. Nothing would be alright after being hit by a spinning pointed thing, don´t?

- Tackle, Staryu!
- Watch out!

Hoppip was hit again.

- Try a Tackle attack too, Carol!

Fortunately, Hoppip knew how to use Tackle. But Staryu could avoid it.

- Go to the sunlight!
- Huh? To the sunlight? I don´t know what you want, but... Rapid Spin!

Staryu pulled Hoppip to the sunny part of the field. The way that Carol was thrown, I bet it was a critical hit.

- If you know Tackle, it means... that you can use Synthesis! Use it!

Hoppip absorbed the sunlight and became fully healed.

- What?!
- Tackle!

This time, Hoppip hit Staryu faster than Staryu did.

- Water Gun!
- Avoid it!

Hoppip was really faster now. It could evade the water jet easily.

- Rapid Spin!
- Tackle!

Both pokemon were hurt at the colision. But Hoppip could stand up faster.

- Tackle again!

This time, Carol could critical hit Staryu.

- Rapid Spin!

Hoppip almost evaded the move, but was hit. So, we both ordered:

- Tackle attack!!!

Both pokemon crashed in midair. Hoppip fell to the ground. Staryu´s gem was flashing.

- Synthesis.

Hoppip recovered itself, while Staryu obviously wasn´t able to battle anymore.

- Dang, that was too close! Come back, Staryu.
- Did you see now why I told Hoppip to go to the sunlight?
- No. Why?
- Some grass pokemon become faster when they´re in the sun. And Synthesis heals more in the sun, too.

The boy looked disappointed. Losing to a newbie in his first try is quite sad, don´t?
Yay, my first victory! Big Grin
gj !!! Toungue
Before I continue... what did you think about the battle? I never wrote a pokemon fic before, I don´t know if I should improve the way I´m describing the battles.
Fanfics are more like the anime and less like the games. So, better not base your battles on some game mechanics like weather effects in this case. Sure, explaining to a n00b like that boy what Chlorophyll does is good but telling him that Synthesis heals more in the sun isn't something important. Also, try to show the feelings/emotions of the trainers during the battle.

Oh and btw, your story is quite good, I'd like to see how it goes on. And I really wanna see that Midori region map you said because I think I know how it will look like (naming the city you live in "St. Paul" gave me the idea Wink).
I wrote a lot this time Toungue, so you can´t say that I almost never post here xD
I was feeling more confident after the battle. Hoppip wasn´t so weak after all! After a while, I reached the center zone. It was full of buildings, commerce and people on the streets.
Some meters after the center zone´s entrance, there was a big building titled "Silph Co.". I heard once that this corporation was polluting the Great River, but I don´t really know if it´s only the corporation´s fault. Many stupid people throw things at the river anyways. By the way, a river named "Great River" crosses the Midori region, from the north to the south.
After a lot of time, with nothing interesting to be commented, I could reach the west zone. It had less commerce, building and people, but didn´t look much different from the center zone.
I saw a pokemon center. Well, my pokemon wasn´t so hurt, so I didn´t go there. Some clouds were covering the sky. I wonder if it would rain soon...
I went to a fast food to eat something, I was hungry. I hardly entered, when everybody looked at me, scared. Actually, they weren´t looking at me. They were looking at the two people behind me. A guy with black paints, a cap and a T-shirt with three colors: blue, purple and red and an yellow "T". The girl with him was dressed almost the same way. Somehow, they looked like pokemon rangers.
They were from Team Twilight. The man said:

- Oops! I guess it´s not the right place...
- You idiot! - the girl said - Now we gotta hurry before the police finds us...

The couple went out. Somebody was at the telephone, surely calling the police. What would Team Twilight want to do here?
After eating, I continued my trip. And finally, I could quit St. Paul city.
There were many trees on route 172. But there weren´t many pokemon... Unless they are all hiding.
I saw a Heracross eating something in a tree. Heracrosses are strong, so I´m gonna catch this one!

- Go, Carol!

Hoppip went out of the pokeball.

- Attack that Heracross with Tackle!

Heracross was distracted by the food, so it didn´t defend itself from the incoming Tackle.

- Attack again, Carol!

This time, Heracross could evade. It didn´t look happy for being attacked while eating...
Heracross shouted and attacked. It´s Tackle was much stronger than Hoppip´s.

- Try another Tackle!

But Heracross attacked with its horn in the moment that Hoppip was going to hit it.

- Synthesis!

But Hoppip was attacked again before healing itself. Another horn attack. It was knocked out.

- Carol! - I said, worried.

But what I said attracted Heracross´ attention to me. It flew to me, trying to horn me too.
I threw a pokeball. While Heracross was trying to break free, I recalled Hoppip and ran. Heracross could escape the pokeball, of course. But I was far enough for not being attacked again.
I went back to St. Paul, to the pokemon center that I saw while I was walking. But were was it really?

- Hey, do you know where is the pokemon center? - I asked to an old lady.
- Did you hurt a pokemon??? How unkind!

But she told where the pokemon center was anyways. When I entered the pokemon center...

- Dad? - I said.

My father was there, doing something in the computer.

- Hi, Leo.
- What are you doing here?

I went closer to him to take a look.

- I´m just upgrading the pokemon center´s software. By the way, you can deposit or withdraw your pokemon here, did you know?

I didn´t know that, and it looked really odd to imagine a pokemon entering a computer.

- Did you like the Hoppip?
- Yes... Ah, just a sec!

I almost forgot to take Hoppip to the nurse. She put its pokeball on a machine and in a few seconds, gave it to me.

- It´s fully healed now. See you! - the nurse said with a smile, while another person was giving her three pokeballs.

When I came back, dad asked me to release Hoppip a little. I did it and Hoppip started to float over me.

- Was Hoppip much hurt?
- Yes.
- Good! I mean... this pokemon center had some troubles when they tried to heal the pokemon. Hoppip looks OK, so I guess I could fix the problems. Well, I must to go now.
- OK. Bye, dad.
- Don´t forget: you have four and a half days left!

Going back to the Route 172... I was more careful now to don´t attack any stronger pokemon again till I´m better prepared. It included a Beedrill, which was flying to a big tree and the same Heracross that, luckily, didn´t see me.
I heard some noise, so I went to check it out. A girl captured a Wurmple.

- Yay! Another bug for my collection...

Then, she saw me.

- Hey, you! Are you a trainer?
- Yes, I am.
- Good! Can you battle me? I wanna test my new pokemon!

Since I saw that she captured just a Wurmple, I accepted.

- I have only one pokemon, so we´ll battle 1 vs 1, ok? - I said.
- Right.

I sent out my Hoppip and the girl sent out her Wurmple. The bug pokemon didn´t look hurt, so I guess the girl could catch it without fighting. It may be because she used a Net Ball to catch the Wurmple.

- Carol, Tackle!
- String Shot!

Hoppip was bind by the foe´s move, making it slower. But it could hit Wurmple anyways.

- Wurmple, Poison Sting!

Hoppip couldn´t evade and was stinged. And poisoned.

- Yes! - the girl shouted - Tackle, now!
- Try to fly higher!

Hoppip could fly just in time for not being hit.

- Tackle!

My pokemon could hit Wurmple without problems. It looked angry now.

- String Shot again!

Hoppip couldn´t float high now, the bug pokemon´s attack made it heavier.

- Synthesis, Carol!

Hoppip could recover some energy, but wasn´t looking ok... The poison was hurting it. Wurmple was looking happy for fighting.
Carol shaked its head, trying to break free from the "thing" that was covering its body. Some purple powder fell down from its leaves.

- Poison Sting again!

Although my pokemon was stinged again, it accidentally made more purple powder scatter around. Poisonpowder. The bug pokemon was poisoned now.

- Nice, Carol! I didn´t know that you learned Poisonpowder.

Hoppip smiled a little, but then its face became sad again.

- Heal yourself, Synthesis!

Both pokemon were looking tired. But they were not looking like they would give up.

- Tackle! - I ordered.
- String Shot again!

Wurmple made Hoppip really slower now, but it was so tired that it couldn´t escape. It was knocked out then.

- Good battle... Hum... with some training, my Wurmple would be great! By the way, I´ve no money with me now, so take these antidotes.

She game 2 bottles of antidote. I cured my Hoppip of the poison with one of them. While I was trying to free it from the "net-like thing" that Wurmple used three times, I asked:

- So, you like to catch bugs? Which bugs do you have so far?
- Wanna see? - she smiled, happy to show her pokemon to me.

She sent out the three forms of Wormadam, a Shedinja and a Heracross.

- And I have much more! - her green eyes could bright of joy - I have two Butterfrees, a Ninjask, a Masquerain, a Scorupi, a...

I could finally free Hoppip from the "net-like thing". It looked better now.

-...and someday, I´ll be as great... no, I´ll be a lot better than my older brother when it comes to bug pokemon! He´s very lucky, he could catch a female Combee and evolve it to Vespiquen...
This girl talks a lot, don´t you think?Toungue Hey, did you see? She´s the first girl in the "game" to use only bug pokemon!Big Grin
again no butterfree Toungue and no caterpie Toungue and ofc....
What´s "ofc"?Toungue Hey, and the girl said that she has 2 Butterfrees, don´t? xD
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