Legendary Pokémon

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o.o your mum has red hair???i luv it :3
my eyes are dark brown (with annoyingly long eyelashes -_- )
you said yours are blue...are they light blue or dark blue?
My eyes are a light blue which have gotten me many compliments. A girl once told me she wanted to cut my eyes out and take them with her. She loved them that much. It was kind of creepy.
In case you're wondering, I'm trying to build a mental image of you since we'll probably never meet and I'll probably never see a picture of you.
You sound like you're a very pretty girl.

What's your skin tone?
i plan to travel the world when i grow up so we could meet Smile
you can't say i'm a very pretty girl but i'm good Toungue
my skin is not very dark but not light either....but i still have the lightest skin in the family Cool
what about you?
I hope we meet someday. Smile You sound like you're really beautiful!
My skin is pale, very pale. I've been called ghost, cracker, and just about every other name in the book.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
My biggest dream is to become a pilot in the air force or just generaly join the military. but you have to be over a certain height and i'm not even close to that (short me is short Toungue ) so i'll probably study something that has to do with history

what do you wanna be?
I'm probably going to be a math teacher on a college level. I have a passion for math.
My fave subjects:
Calculus>Computer Programing>Physics>History>Biology which is better than people being tortured which is better than killing lots of people which is better than the world ending which is better than English!
I hate the language I speak. I wish I knew Latin. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait til I go to an University before I can take it. Sad Community Colleges don't offer it. Sad

Do you have a Pinterest account?
Have you even heard of Pinterest?
They teach you latin in university???man,i'll be learning latin next year in my second year of high school...can't wait Smile
No i haven' heard of that
What is it?
Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, and hobbies. Users can browse other pinboards for images, 're-pin' images to their own pinboards, or 'like' photos.
You can follow people which means what they pin will appear when you go to http://www.pinterest.com and sign in. You can comment on people's pins too. It's EXTREMELY addicting!!!!

Who's your favorite Greek god?
Who's your favourite?
Poseidon because I have an obsession with large bodies of water. Horses are pretty cool. The only earthquake I like is the Pokemon move. Real ones are scary, or so I hear.

Have you ever done something your parents would be shocked to learn that you did?
Many things that I'm not gonna reveal ...Toungue i'm actually a person who likes to act in secret and a pretty good liar (although i don't like lying if i don't have to)

Are you a good liar when you have to?
Yes. I can lie to anyone. It's usually to protect someone I love.

I'll do ANYTHING to protect those I love~my family and close friends
Even take a bullet for them.
Would you take a bullet for those you love?
Yes i could...i am rather proective as well
What time is it there?
It is 5:05 P.M.

What time is it there?
It's 1:09 a.m.
should i go sleep now?
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