Legendary Pokémon

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Vanilla ftw!
a few million miles later

What do you think of my desktop?
(09-09-2013 01:31 PM)8hachi8 Wrote: [ -> ]
Kingnothing412 Wrote:Yeah!

thanks for posting that for me , it has my full approval Toungue

I like the second picture you have.

Who else is finishing school this year?
me my friend , we're both seniors of high school (in greece) Cool

do you like rock music and not greek skyladika?
That depends. What is skyladika?

Do you think Pikachu diets between generations?
That would explain why he's thinner now.
He might.

I just love your line of thinking Alcovich!

Pokebeach or Serebii?

Skiddo or Ponyta?
Skiddo ftw. It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Bunnelby or Buneary?
I have no idea. I'd probably have to go with Bunnelby.

Groudon or Kyogre?
Groudon. It doesn't have to charge Solarbeam, which is a Grass Type move.

Latios or Latias?
I've always been particularly fond of Latios.
Grey's Kanto Adventure or Grey's Anatomy? Toungue
Grey's Kanto Adventure is awesome!

Hachi or grassdragon?
Obviously you. Hachi is a fairy-hater with a hint of genwunner.

BLUE, Fr3quency or Arty2?
Now that's a toughie. I like all three of them.

I think I'll go with Fr3quency because he PM'ed me an awesome Grass Pokemon picture he found. It's now my wallpaper.

LuXray, Kingnothing412, or Grim Ripper?
All three are amazing.

Is it bad that I dream about dating and/or marrying Shauna and Serena? I can't help it that I think that they are both extremely sexy.
Well,in my opinion,kinda.
It is bad if you want to live in the dream that you are dating and/or marrying Shauna and Serena,while you don't try to find a real GF.
Big Grin

Is it bad that I haven't preordered Y because I'm sure I will find a copy?
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