Legendary Pokémon

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Yep! I like the anime!

Do you think I'm weird?
You are weird because no person is actually normal.Every person is different.
Same question.
You're unique! That's what makes you awesome!!!

Would you like a Poison/Steel?
You are very weird because you do not like Fairies!
P.S. That is a lie. There are people who are so normal, nobody would notice if they disappeared forever. They're mostly high school girls. Toungue

Do you like the idea of Braxian (Fennekin evo) being based on a wizard?

EDIT: Ah shoot I double-posted.
I would love a Poison/Steel.

Bad Alcovich! Don't joke like that with Hachi!
I hope the part about High School girls was a lie as well, Alcovich.

Would you like a Poison/Electric?
Yes, a Poison/Electric would probably be pretty cool.

Did you realize that 25% of Machamp are female?

Did you see that I evolved?
Is the cake a lie?
Humans can't evolve, fool!

Do you want Ice-type Giga Impact and Hyper Beam?

EDIT: Another double-post. Dang.
No, the cake is very real. Do you even bake!? ToungueToungueToungue
None of these.They waste 1 turn.
I prefer Ice ExtremeSpeed.
Do you agree?

Technically, evolve means change. Humans can change, so in a sense, we evolve.

What do you think of Quilladin, Alcovich?
I prefer Braxian by far. And, to an extent, Froggadier (or whatever it is).
If Quilladin had an awesome evolution and MegaEvolution, that would be amazing!

Do you think ALL POKEMAHNS will MegaEvolve?
Same question.
I am awesome.OK!Is that enough?
Yep! (answer to Spam)
What do you think about the fact that you can have only one Mega Evolution per battle?
This is good.Having a MegaCharizard and a MegaBlaziken in the same team would be unfair.
Same question
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