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Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit trilogy.

What's your favourite movie?
Harry potter (all of them), obviously Toungue

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a meteoroligist....now I don't know.

Now that you are an adult, what do you want to be when you grow up.

What's your favourite dessert?
Banana Pudding Big Grin

Who's your favourite chat member?
Clefable25 Toungue lol
I don't see any question,but w/e -_-

How will you celebrate 4/20?
I celebrated Easter on 4/20.

What's your favorite kind of fruit?
Uhm, I'll say Strawberries cos I ate a few lately.

What do you want to study/ what are you currently studying?
Philosophy and Linguistics (currently)

If you could be granted one wish, what would it be? (no extra wishes allowed to be wished for Toungue)
To live a long and relatively happy life.

Who's the one person you really love?
This question requires lots of thought.....that one person you really love is a special person who has a special place in your heart that you would do anything for......
After careful consideration.....I shall choose somebody who is awesome and that I wish I knew in real life......

What's your favourite time of the year?
Summer. whats your favorite clefable25 dish?

Summer. whats your favorite clefable25 dish?

Summer. whats your favorite clefable25 dish?
All of them Toungue

What's your favourite flavour of Popsicle?
Dafuq is this? o.O

If you knew the world would be destroyed in 48 hours,what would you do?
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