Legendary Pokémon

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Well,maybe bugs can see in dark (?).
Why did Nintendo make the Fairy type now?
Pokemon is evolving into a 3D game so I guess they wanted to make it even bigger by adding a new type.

Hachi, just accept the fact that there's a new type. Who knows you might even come to like it when the games come out.

Do you like jellyfish?
They're pretty to look at, but not as much fun to pet.

Hachi, I respect your opinion and all, but what reason do you have to dislike the Fairy type besides the fact that it is strong against dragons?
I'm not sure if he has another reason.

What's your fave Pokemon Game?(other than the main games)

even if you don't have the money to buy it , get it (somehow.). You're missing out if you haven't already.

same question. (alternatively , if you think that's lazy/don't want to answer: What do you think of this album? )
It's a tie between PR:SoA and PMD:GtI.

Gates to Infinity is the only PMD game I've ever played. I loved it though. I have plenty of money so I'll look into PMD:EoS/T/D.

What's your favorite Pokemon movie?
I haven't seen them all, so I can't decide, but so far I'd have to say Mewtwo Strikes Back.

What is your favorite non-Pokemon game?

Alcovich, I ORDER you to watch the ones you haven't seen yet.

All of them are sooo good!

Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask

Same question because it's a good one.
I haven't really played any other games apart from pokemon , tf2 , the NFS series , F1 and WRC 2004 , GT4 , portal , multiplayer of W3FT and BF2... That's about it. I'm not quite sure , but it'd probably be a tie between NFS most wanted , carbon and Pro street. For nostalgia reasons probably.

Have you played any of the games mentioned above?
I've played Carbon and part of Portal.

Eh, sonny?
Sonny?Sonny Moore?

Am I a good breeder?
Average/great. You've got a lot of patience. And that's basically all that's needed for breeding , isn't it?

What's your any opinion on this kind of thing?(Example 2)
Actually,I'm bored and I breed.Toungue
Also,I will listen to those 2 when I find some time,King.

Do you like this?

better than i expected it to be Toungue

do you have 3ds?
No. I am poor, even though I am rich.

Where is your favorite place to find a Zubat?
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