i was on the same line as u w/ the surf thing. i already spent the battlepionts on ice/p so i may just clone him to get to separate ones w/o waisting i/p.
?giga drain?
If you wanna use calm mind, you should use confuse ray, too. Xatu's defences aren't that great, and you may be KOed before charging enough calm minds... Confuse Ray gives you more time.
And what about Golduck's trait?
its damp. i need weather effects from kyogre's drizzle. i was also think about making a p./swe golduck:
aerial ace/double edge
lonely, modest or adamant@liechi berry
Golduck is better for sp.sweeping, but if you want a physical sweeper...
Hyper Beam is too risked as well as Double Edge. How about using the Swagger+Psych Up combo?
If you wanna a water move, it has to be Hydro Pump, 'cause your Golduck will have a low SAtk, right? So you'll need a very powerful water move for doing some decent damage.
im not saying i will have adamant. its just a possibility. may be cross chop. i may not use the p/swe one. i dont know... life is pretty hectic and i cant concentrate on anything right now. i may make some unusually bad decisions when it comes to movesets. what whould you suggest 4 a omastar?
Omastar? Hm... let me think... Ok, of course the Surf+Rain Dance+Swift Swim combo and... maybe Ice Beam (against grass). The last move may be Protect, Spikes or... Attract?
okay. what about the nature, eps, and item?
For the nature, Omastar lacks in SDef and it's two many weaknesses are specials, so I suggest a calm nature. The efforts may be 252 SDef, 200 SAtk and 58 Spd (so your Swift Swim could work). If you'll use Protect, Leftovers is a good choice.
okay. now my blaziken!:
naughty/lonely or mild/rash@stats berry depending on nature
blaze kick/flamethrower
sky uppercut
earth quake
Actually, I would say:
Nature: Adamant
Sky Uppercut
Rock Slide
Aerial Ace
Hasty Nature
252 Ep Attack
Some EP or no EP at speed (in order to reach 264 speed)
Rest in Hp
@Salac Berry
Rock Slide/Bulk up/Sweeping attack
Use Rock slide against everything except Steel (Overheat) or Bulk up to increase strenght for reversal or use any other physical sweeping move that you want.When Hp is low, or you suspect BIG DAMAGE use Endure.With 264 speed and Salac berry you will outrun most of the pokemon (Except Ninjask,Electrode and a few Legendaries)Reversal will kill everything and overheat will power up because of the Blaze ability.
thats a GOOD strategy! i shall start making it as soon as i get the right things organized.
okay. i have a mild, untrained Articuno. what should i do about that. i probably will ditch 2 of your moves if they dont have mind reader and sheer cold.
Articuno is cool because Celebi is totally useless against it
-Calm(Mild in your case)
4-24 Speed/136 SpD/put the rest wherever you want
~Ice Beam
~Sleep Talk
Speed to Roar Suicune before it roars you.
I'm sorry for the poor quality of my posts, it was happening in different forums too so I decided to remove myself from the internet for a few days

My Cradily could easily beat this one.

Talking about Cradily, how about this moveset?
- Ancientpower/Giga Drain
- Mirror Coat
- Barrier
- Recover
Barrier lures the foe in using sp. moves, that are countered with mirror coat. Ancientpower or giga drain depending on the rest of the team. Still thinking about the right nature and efforts!