I was thinking in new strategies, I guess I won't use Cacturne anymore. I will still use Marowak with Lightning Rod, which will have Protect, and will be paired with something that can fastly sweep water/grass/ice pokémon. Ex:
1st turn: Marowak uses protect! The foe'll try to attack it. Gengar (just maybe) uses Thunderbolt/Psychic/Giga Drain and delivers a good damage in the foe.
Of course, Marowak WON'T be the first pokémon I'll send. I'll wait for electric moves/pokémon and then I'll switch it out. So my foe will spent one turn in doing nothing!
About Damp, do you think it's a good idea to make a Politoed fight together with Wobbuffet? Like this:
1st turn: Politoed uses Perish Song! Wobbuffet uses Destiny Bond!
2nd turn: Of course the foe'll try to attack Politoed, but then it uses Protect!
3rd turn: Protect won't work, so I'll use Dive
4th turn: If the foe doesn't know Politoed's Damp ability very well, he'll try to use Explosion... and miss one turn. Before my perish count becomes 0, I'll switch out...
Is that a good idea?
Well, Wobbuffet is considered uber. At least in Smogon it is. There was a big thread about this on Smogon:
(It has cursing in it btw)
If you're going to do it in a different server that doesn't consider him uber, it's a good strategy(Ignoring Wobuffet's cheapness

). Politoed isn't very fast, though. Make sure you pour everything into the defenses.
Wobbuffet isn't forbitten here, so I can use it. I can't enter in the thread in Smogon... may you please tell me why it's an uber?
And I know some effective ways for beating Wobbuffet (none of them are seeing in double battles): to use a dark pokémon with a dark move (Mirror Coat doesn't affect a dark pokémon), a ghost one with a ghost move, Taunt, Torment, Encore, Toxic...
I'm posting my team in "multibattle team" thread. May you please check it out?
Mekkah Wrote:It's been said a thousand times now: a well-played Wobbuffet that switches in when something else switches, or some random wall comes in, will either Countercoat one Pokémon to death or Encore something and let you face a Belly Drummed Charizard or a Slaking hit or a Swords Danced Heracross. If something like Heracross comes in on Wobbuffet comes in on it, it won't really stay in, and just come back later to haunt you. Yes, it needs full health for that one kill, but then it DOES get it. And don't forget Vaporeon/Umbreon with Wish support, if you're paired up with Blissey that Wobbuffet is going to last for ages.
Your team isn't really a good argument in my opinion - it might not have been created with Wobbuffet in mind, but it does have 4 of it's "counters", two being BP, two others being Taunt, but seriously I don't want every single of my teams having to use something with Taunt, Baton Pass, Skill Swap or whatever random Wobbuffet counter.
Now, I voted it for staying banned - I don't think you'll be convinced by what I just said (it takes serious life threatening to do that, and more), so I'll just say that people should try it out. However, one of my biggest problems with allowing Wobbuffet is that everyone nowadays should know it is good. Allowing it WILL make it standard, and you will have lots of Wobbuffet vs Wobbuffet wars - the most technical argument against using it.
Flameout Wrote:*Didn't read everyone's response so pls don't flame if I repeat a comment*
Jump raised good points, but I think that Wobby should stay banned because you (the Wob user) is very dangerous if he/she knows what they're doing. Plus, Wob doesn't even have to be used to kill an entire team, it can just be used to Encore a stat upping move or a move like Heal Bell and allow something like TTar or Mence or Meta to come in and rape effectively. The key to Wobb is using it effectively and not recklessly. Sure, I wouldnt switch it into a Cursing Lax or Swampo, but I'd switch it into Regice or a non-BPer or non-Stat upper. One could possibly make the argument that "Well, Salamence is dangerous in expert hands" well, you can switch your Suicune or another proper counter into Mence and make him run. Too bad the same can't be said about Wobb. Now I realize most of the more expert players don't use Wobb, which is probably why some may not see Wobb as THAT huge a deal, but (though I'm not an expert, but I can predict), I had much fun using a Wobb in a team I made. It didn't lose much, mainly because Wobb allowed me to do what I wanted, and I supported it with Wish from Umbreon (or some pokemon, I'll check that), so that kept Wobb alive longer.
Also in Wobb vs. Wobb it takes 43 consecutive CHs to win with Struggle, give or take.
im seeing this quite alot: tyranitars with t/bolt. is it a good choice? mine knows e/quake, rock/s, crunch and t/bolt. should i keep it? i also wanted to know if a s/swep ninetales would be good:
modest@white herb
Eps:252Speed, 252Sp.At, 6 undecided
sunny day
confuse ray(ugg)
grudge>safe guard>will-o-wisp
i also wanted to know about my nido/k:
Eps:252Attack, 252Speed,6Hp
Venomoth/ /Venomoth
modest@undecided/ /timid@leftovers
Eps:252Spa,Speed, 6 n/a/ /252speed, 252SpD/Def, 6totherD
psychic/ /subsitute/attract
signalbeam/ or / baton pass
gigadrain/ / doubleteam
silverwind/ / sleep powder
When will i stop?!?!?:
Eps:252At,252Speed,6 Def
*note: i dont have them on the same team, so dont be alarmed if there is a bad team combo.
boah boah boah
Tyranitar@ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Spd / 188 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Crunch
- Focus Punch
- Substitute
- Thunderbolt
a sp./swe tyranitar, huh? ill take it into consideration.
what about the others?
treecko3453 Wrote:im seeing this quite alot: tyranitars with t/bolt. is it a good choice? mine knows e/quake, rock/s, crunch and t/bolt. should i keep it? i also wanted to know if a s/swep ninetales would be good:
modest@white herb
Eps:252Speed, 252Sp.At, 6 undecided
sunny day
confuse ray(ugg)
grudge>safe guard>will-o-wisp
WoW over Confuse Ray, Grudge in the last slot. What are you going to do if you need to use Overheat again? Flamethrower/Fire Blast>Overheat, plz. HP Ice>Sunny Day if you can get it, this thing won't last long enough to use Sunny Day effectively.
i also wanted to know about my nido/k:
Eps:252Attack, 252Speed,6Hp
Well, you could use CB and ditch Hyper Beam and Iron Tail. Or you can use Mixed Nidoking. It's good for destroying walls:
Nidoking@ Leftovers
EVs: 6 HP / 200 Atk / 136 Spd / 168 SAtk
Lonely Nature (+Atk, -Def)
- Earthquake
- Megahorn
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
Celebi, Claydol, Blissey, and Skarm all fall against Nidoking. Only Pokemon in the game that resists this set is Shedinja. Lol, Shedinja.
Venomoth/ /Venomoth
modest@undecided/ /timid@leftovers
Eps:252Spa,Speed, 6 n/a/ /252speed, 252SpD/Def, 6totherD
psychic/ /subsitute/attract
signalbeam/ or / baton pass
gigadrain/ / doubleteam
silverwind/ / sleep powder
#1: Sleep Powder>something. Venemoth doesn't have the best of defense. Also, you might want to stick to STAB, even though it's attack sucks. You decide. #2: Eww DT. Blah blah blah cheap.
When will i stop?!?!?:
Eps:252At,252Speed,6 Def
With the setup you have here, you have a 1/3 chance of a critical hit. Let's look at this in three turns:
Slash: 70+70+140=280
Return: 102+102+102=306
I know that you COULD get a CH on each turn, but it's always better to trust the average damage 
I would try and get HP Ground>Seismic Toss, don't waste that Move Tutor. Ancient Power vs. Rock Slide is preference, I guess.
Eww, Rapidash's SpA sucks.
176 Att / 200 Spd / 134 SpA
~Iron Tail /Body Slam
~HP Ground/HP Rock/HP Fighting/Charm/Substitute
*note: i dont have them on the same team, so dont be alarmed if there is a bad team combo.
Can you clean up your posts? It'll make it easier to rate. If you have NetBattle, open Team Builder, make the Pokemon in there, and then File -> Export to text. Just C/P into your post 
once again with the cheapness. b/c double team is an evasive move dont mean its cheap. that is for when i switch to someone with low def so they can evade almost all attacks
and i will have a white herb attached to ninetales for d/heat
how do i get net battle? and yes, rapidash's spA does stink. but i dint say my kabutops and i are the best of friends. thats why i have a scope lense attached, even if you think its based on "luck". there is some good advice though.

Sometimes, luck IS something useful. So, Scope Lens and Quick Claw (for example) aren't that bad.
Tyranitar is really better for physical sweeping than special sweeping. About Ninetales, I would suggest this moveset:
- Flamethrower
- Will-O'Wisp/Toxic
- Confuse Ray
- Safeguard/Grudge
Use Will-O'Wisp if you want to low foe's atk. Use Toxic if you want the foe taking damage when hurting itself.
I wouldn't use Nidoking, Rapidash and Ninetales in the same team. If you do, half of your team loses from water-type, and you haven't ways for attacking them.
Mpika Wrote:Celebi, Claydol, Blissey, and Skarm all fall against Nidoking. Only Pokemon in the game that resists this set is Shedinja. Lol, Shedinja.
Aw, you're wrong! If you use the right nature and efforts, Blissey may bear these moves (my Blissey could resist my Slaking's Hyper Beam!!!) as well as Skarmory (in the tournament I went, my Skarmory took two Flygon's Fire Blast before fainting).
look at the note. it says:
*note: i dont have them on the same team, so dont be alarmed if there is a bad team combo.
why do you barely use sweeping moves? how many sweepers do you have?i have like, 250. maybe more.
Oops! Sorry, again! I thought they were in the same team.
I have sweepers, of course, but some pokémon are best for annoying or tanking. And some learn good moves for annoying, like Ninetales, so I tried to tell you the best moveset I could think that fit the stats with the moves.
My sweepers (the majority in lv. 100): Blaziken, Sceptile, Slaking, Marowak, Aerodactyl, Steelix (IV 31 in Atk!!!), Kingdra, Breloom... want more?

sure. just pm them to me and ill pm mine , well at least 50 of mine, to you.
I was just kidding! But I have these, really.
I was thinking in remaking my Blaziken (I trained it when I didn't know about efforts very well...)
How about this moveset? (with a jolly/adamant nature)
- Overheat
- Endure
- Reversal
- Brick Break
is there any eps put in speed? can it out run a miltank? do you have a salac berry? if speed is good enough, then a white herb for overheat. if not, just settle with 1 over heat. im not much of a fan of brick break though...