its LG. and i can stay up all night on the weekends and friday. well i dont have to wake up for anything. im 13. hee hee

!!! its 12:16 here so technically there it was early. extremly early.
Now, I have a question for you, and I guess you would like to help me with this: I was thinking about using Cacturne at the next tournament (double battles). How about this moveset?
Bold@Quick Claw
252 HP, 252 SAtk, 6 Def
- Teeter Dance
- Leech Seed
- Protect
- Faint Attack/Giga Drain
Cacturne is the only pokémon that learns Teeter Dance, besides Spinda. I will make this fight together with Clefable (Follow Me will protect Cacturne until it confuses everyone).
Leech Seed + Protect is usable in double battle, 'cause I can recover HP twice. I know you may prefer a Modest nature, but I've chosen bold because then Cacturne may bear an earthquake.
has it ever learned sand,/s yet? you should pair it up with leech seed to witthle down the opponent of mine has leech seed, toxic, snadstorm, and gigadrain. teeter dance is also a good move to have. i should make one with teeter/d, sand/s, leech/s, and toxic. yes, yes thats grand. on a off topic side note, i just got glasses. i am officially a nerd.
But which move I should replace with Sandstorm? And Cacturne's defences are poor, so it may be killed before using Leech Seed or Teeter Dance (Clefable won't resist being attacked twice while protecting Cacturne.)
if you do both sand/s and toxic, protect and faint attack/gigadrain. if just sand/s, probably just protect.
Again, Cacturne's defences are horrible for an annoying moveset like this. Sand Veil ups evasiness once, like using only one Double Team, so it doesn't protect me very much. I was also thinking in using Destiny Bond...
if you get desiny bond, you should take away, mmm, protect. that way, if you have low HP and leech seed isnt doing it, you can use gigadrain and inflict damage before you faint. if you get faint/a, you wont survive as long, but you will get a chance to attack an opponent who has raised evasiness.
Aluado Wrote:I know you may prefer a Modest nature, but I've chosen bold because then Cacturne may bear an earthquake.
not neccessarily. its attack is too good to go to waste.
Yeah, I though about this... But protect is a vital move for double battles. I mean, when my foe sees I'm using Cacturne, he'll know I'll use Teeter Dance, so both oponents's pokémon will attack me... And waste their time, 'cause I'll use Protect.^^
how many people actually use teeter dance? unless you mean like your friends and they have seen your team. but cnt you just use,like, follow me, or some thing w/teeter@cacturne then may be destiny bond and then sand/s.
But many people know that Cacturne and Spinda are the only pokémon that learn Teeter Dance. Anyway, Protect is useful in double battles.
but that doesnt mean that they will assume they know the move. and also cacnea can learn it. most people would assume they have a moveset like: needle arm, sandstorm, dynamicpunch, and faint attack. just trying to help. i cant stand when people say "Anyway", just to let you know. i find it very rude
Is "anyway" rude in english??? Sorry, it's not in portuguese!
At least, everybody knows Cacturne has great attacks but weak defences, so Cacturne lures the foe into attacking it.
It's a good strategy in double battles: destroy the sweepers first, take care of tankers/annoyers latter.
i didnt say it was rude in englis. i said it was to me. i was that people say it or type it. and i didnt like the way you typed it.

and destroy the annoyers then sweepers then the tanks unless they ar getting annoying, sitten there withere high hp and defences.
I've gotten Thick Club, so I'll use Marowak too:
Careful@Thick Club
Lightning Rod
252 Atk, 252 SDef, 6 HP
- Earthquake
- Ancientpower
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
I'm still searching if it's a good idea to use substitute + focus punch combo in a double battle. Any move may KO the foe, 'cause of Thick Club and Lightning Rod protects my team from electric moves (very common in double battles). With careful nature and 252 efforts in SDef, Marowak resists even an Ice Beam or Leaf Blade.
mine has 252 in attack, not sure about the others. i use one of the bome attacks, preferably bonemerang.