22-07-2007, 07:24 PM
23-07-2007, 04:54 AM
Hey, it´s not fair, it´s not the greek part of the forum! I don´t know greek!

23-07-2007, 10:20 AM
@ Aluado Fr3quency told to switch helping hand with psychic and put shadow ball as the fourth move and I answered that:
I don't want to have 2 offensive moves since I' ve almost maxed evs in Hp and Def. And also H.H. is very good because
1 Works well in double battles
2 The pokemon using this move attacks first
3 Usually Umbreon will be on the arena along with a sweeper
4 My Umbreon is slow (terrrible Iv in speed)
I was thinking of a dark offensive move taking advantage of STAB or quick attack since it is slow.
Well, what do you think?
I don't want to have 2 offensive moves since I' ve almost maxed evs in Hp and Def. And also H.H. is very good because
1 Works well in double battles
2 The pokemon using this move attacks first
3 Usually Umbreon will be on the arena along with a sweeper
4 My Umbreon is slow (terrrible Iv in speed)
I was thinking of a dark offensive move taking advantage of STAB or quick attack since it is slow.
Well, what do you think?
23-07-2007, 11:19 AM
i have a question about Substitute. For me this is the trickest move so can someone explain to me every detail of this move especially Aluado who seem to know a lot of stuff
23-07-2007, 05:14 PM
Effect: Creates a decoy using 1/4 of users maximum hp
Now it's really confusing (I had the same question but fr3quency explained it to me) but in reality it has the following effect. If your pokemon uses it it loses 1/4 of its life and becomes really small (I think it becomes a little doll) . This will last for some turns, 2-5 if I'm not mistaken, and during this period your pokemon can't be hit by attacks. It's a really good move
Now it's really confusing (I had the same question but fr3quency explained it to me) but in reality it has the following effect. If your pokemon uses it it loses 1/4 of its life and becomes really small (I think it becomes a little doll) . This will last for some turns, 2-5 if I'm not mistaken, and during this period your pokemon can't be hit by attacks. It's a really good move
23-07-2007, 05:57 PM
Aluado Wrote:Hey, it´s not fair, it´s not the greek part of the forum! I don´t know greek!
i told them to don't speak greek.

23-07-2007, 07:49 PM
Well, that´s not exactly how substitute works. I´ll explain for you:
As you said, it makes a decoy using 1/4 of the user´s HP. The decoy will have your current pokemon type and stats, and will take all the attacks directed to the pokemon that used substitute.
But the decoy can´t be frozen, asleep, poisoned or any other status changes, so to use subsitute makes you be protected against status-inducing moves.
The decoy will be on field until its HP be 0 (I said that you use 1/4 of your HP to make the substitute, right? This 1/4 will be the decoy´s HP) or until you switch out or be forced to switch out (with Whirlwind or Roar). Baton pass makes your subsitute pass to the next pokemon released, with the same HP but the next pokemon´s type (like, if your ninjask baton passes to marowak, the decoy´s type now is ground).
Substitute is a nice thing to use, since it may protect you for a while and makes you hit Focus Punch always - the foe´s attacks won´t hit you, will hit the decoy, so you have a free time to try Focus Punch.
As you said, it makes a decoy using 1/4 of the user´s HP. The decoy will have your current pokemon type and stats, and will take all the attacks directed to the pokemon that used substitute.
But the decoy can´t be frozen, asleep, poisoned or any other status changes, so to use subsitute makes you be protected against status-inducing moves.
The decoy will be on field until its HP be 0 (I said that you use 1/4 of your HP to make the substitute, right? This 1/4 will be the decoy´s HP) or until you switch out or be forced to switch out (with Whirlwind or Roar). Baton pass makes your subsitute pass to the next pokemon released, with the same HP but the next pokemon´s type (like, if your ninjask baton passes to marowak, the decoy´s type now is ground).
Substitute is a nice thing to use, since it may protect you for a while and makes you hit Focus Punch always - the foe´s attacks won´t hit you, will hit the decoy, so you have a free time to try Focus Punch.

23-07-2007, 07:50 PM
Forgive me
. Didn't notice. I would also like to ask sth about substitute. While the user is using it, it can't be hit by attacks. That also means that it cannot be poisoned, paralyzed or burned by attacks like toxic, will-o-wisp, stun spore, thunder wave etc...? Also when using this move is it able to attack?

23-07-2007, 07:52 PM
About the status question, I´ve already answered it.
You can´t be induced by any status. And your pokemon is still able to attack - but the decoy isn´t. The decoy is just a shield that will take all attacks for you.
Ah, something I forgot to say... Substitute doesn´t protect you against Encore.

Ah, something I forgot to say... Substitute doesn´t protect you against Encore.

23-07-2007, 10:51 PM
dual battle team 4 poke i w8 4 u to tell me the other 2 i should use
flygon -scope lens
aerial ace
(and the sound attck that hashrly recudes def)
adamant -shell bell
dragon claw
focus nrg
????? shell bell
rain dance
hydro pump or surf?
giga drain
hidden pwer (electric)
iron tail
mud shot
at 1st turn
i use flygon sound attck and salamence focus nrg
then both spike the target that i lowed the def
ludicolo cant die but at battle palace i dot knw what is the best nature and he often uses only rain dance (mine is naughty nature)
agron pure dmg
and the other 2?
and another question which type of attck is super efective at ludicolo?
flygon -scope lens
aerial ace
(and the sound attck that hashrly recudes def)
adamant -shell bell
dragon claw
focus nrg
????? shell bell
rain dance
hydro pump or surf?
giga drain
hidden pwer (electric)
iron tail
mud shot
at 1st turn
i use flygon sound attck and salamence focus nrg
then both spike the target that i lowed the def
ludicolo cant die but at battle palace i dot knw what is the best nature and he often uses only rain dance (mine is naughty nature)
agron pure dmg
and the other 2?
and another question which type of attck is super efective at ludicolo?
26-07-2007, 06:48 AM
thanks a lot, but i have some more questions
The decoy will have your current pokemon type and stats
what do you mean by current, is in stat also increase when y use move like clammind??
and also I THINK that decoy hp also increase along with your pok hp when y hold leftover, can you prove this??
thanks for your time
The decoy will have your current pokemon type and stats
what do you mean by current, is in stat also increase when y use move like clammind??
and also I THINK that decoy hp also increase along with your pok hp when y hold leftover, can you prove this??
thanks for your time
Aluado Wrote:Well, that´s not exactly how substitute works. I´ll explain for you:
As you said, it makes a decoy using 1/4 of the user´s HP. The decoy will have your current pokemon type and stats, and will take all the attacks directed to the pokemon that used substitute.
But the decoy can´t be frozen, asleep, poisoned or any other status changes, so to use subsitute makes you be protected against status-inducing moves.
The decoy will be on field until its HP be 0 (I said that you use 1/4 of your HP to make the substitute, right? This 1/4 will be the decoy´s HP) or until you switch out or be forced to switch out (with Whirlwind or Roar). Baton pass makes your subsitute pass to the next pokemon released, with the same HP but the next pokemon´s type (like, if your ninjask baton passes to marowak, the decoy´s type now is ground).
Substitute is a nice thing to use, since it may protect you for a while and makes you hit Focus Punch always - the foe´s attacks won´t hit you, will hit the decoy, so you have a free time to try Focus Punch.
26-07-2007, 07:11 PM
I don´t really know about Calm Mind, since I didn´t test it yet. But I´m sure that the decoy never recovers HP (even if you have Leftovers or Leech Seed) and the "base" HP never changes. For instance: your Vaporeon had 400 HP and used Substitute. So, the decoy will have 100 HP. If you baton pass it, the decoy will still have 100 HP.
I can say this because I tested it already.
OK, now back to the main discussion...
Ludicolo is weak to poison, bug and flying moves.
About the team...
Well, I guess that there are better moves than Strength and Mud Shot (Return/Double Edge, Earthquake) for your Aggron.
Salamence shouldn´t have Dragon Claw (if we´re not talking about D/P, of course) - dragon moves are special and your Salamence is a physical sweeper.
I think Ice Beam would work better on Ludicolo than Hidden Power. And, if you wanna try, Leech Seed may be more useful than Giga Drain - specially against Blisseys that could mess with the strategy.
I can say this because I tested it already.

OK, now back to the main discussion...
Ludicolo is weak to poison, bug and flying moves.

About the team...
Well, I guess that there are better moves than Strength and Mud Shot (Return/Double Edge, Earthquake) for your Aggron.
Salamence shouldn´t have Dragon Claw (if we´re not talking about D/P, of course) - dragon moves are special and your Salamence is a physical sweeper.
I think Ice Beam would work better on Ludicolo than Hidden Power. And, if you wanna try, Leech Seed may be more useful than Giga Drain - specially against Blisseys that could mess with the strategy.
27-07-2007, 12:46 PM
ok hm ty i just bought D/P
so ludicolo ice beam /surf/leech seed/rain dance but what nature?
now im off for D/P

now im off for D/P

27-07-2007, 03:29 PM
im not good with tankish type ludicolos, but i will try! bold? lol.
27-07-2007, 04:34 PM
I say mild/modest. All of his attacks are special so... catch a mild/modest one.