I agree on anything Aluado said but I would use Salac Berry in the Sp.Sweeper set too. And maybe Bite too. Even if it has low base power, Charizard is fast and it may flinch some Pokémon. In D/P, Air Slash is a must in a Sp.Sweeper set.
Btw, I need help with this:
Weezing @ Salac Berry
Impish, 252 HP, 84 Atk, 174 Def
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split
- Explosion
- Sludge Bomb / Shadow Ball / Haze
I don't know what to choose for a last move. Sludge Bomb gets STAB but who is such a fool to go against Weezing with a Grass-type Pokémon? Shadow Ball hits two Pokémon who are likely to switch in, Gengar and Alakazam. They don't fear Will-O-Wisp, they have low HP so they don't fear Pain Split, they don't fear Haze obviously, they don't fear Sludge Bomb and Gengar doesn't fear Explosion so they are pretty able to switch in. Shadow Ball kills them both on the switch. I don't like Haze very much, I think an offensive move is better but it is worth consideration. So, what do you think?
If you want an offensive move then go with Shadow Ball, although Haze is not that bad and it can prove very useful...
If you wanna use Salac Berry, be sure that your Weezing has 264 points of speed. So, with Salac, Weezing´s speed will be 396 - enough to outrun everything besides Electrode (which almost nobody uses), Deoxys (which is forbitten many times) or Ninjask (which nothing can outrun, except other Ninjasks).

whts the speed of electrode???? it is good?? i was thinking at first turn at dual battle to esu electrode/misdreavus an use xplosion is it good? and what r the best moveset for electrode.
electrodes base speed is 140.before ninjask came, he had the highest speed.
treecko3453 Wrote:electrodes base speed is 140.before ninjask came, he had the highest speed.
Before Ninjask
and Deoxys. xD
A good moveset to Electrode? Hum... I never thought about that...

yeah, but ninjask is in the pokedex before deoxys! the speed deoxys came...
Even "normal" Deoxys is faster than Electrode (base 150 of speed

i redid my kangaskhan, so it can ko gengars and other faster ghost types:
adamant@salac berry
sucker punch/crunch
i need 299+ attack to have a chance of 1 hit ko'ing gengar and mismagius if they have a perfect def and hp iv, which is unlikely, and my attack will be higher if it is adamant. its just the matter of if i should use crunch or sucker punch. they have the same power, but crunch has more pp. but kangaskhan is slower than genger and timid mismagius. mismagius could use w-o-w and destiny bond, and gengar can do the same, but he also has focus blast, which most gengars have. thats why sucker punch could be more useful. even with endure and salac, gengar could come out first. anyone know which one i should use?
Go with Sucker Punch. Moves with priority are always better even if they have less PP. I mean, how many times are you gonna use it? One? Two? You don't need Crunch's 15 PP, they are not gonna have a team full of Ghosts.
Help needed here:
Heracross @ Salac
Adamant, 252 Atk, 232/236 Speed (depending on my IV being 30 or 31), 22/26 in HP or Sp.Def ?
- Megahorn
- Brick Break
- Rock Slide / EQ
- Swords Dance
Heracross @ Choice Band
Adamant, same as above
- Megahorn
- Focus Punch
- Rock Slide
- EQ
I prefer the first one, just asking for a second opinion.
sucker punch it is.
i prefer the first one also. on the second one, you could get trapped using focus punch. and if heracross is your last pokemon, the 1st one can at least ko multiple foes.
Should I change anything in my Umbreon's moveset?
Bold @ Leftovers
Helping Hand
? (Whatever good, plz tell me)
I use it in DB as a tank - annoyer. It has very good Ivs in Hp, Def, Sp. Def. It is not very fast and Sp. attack is bigger than attack
Ennoeitai. Adi gia helping hand bale Psychic kai sto erwtimatiko bale shadowball!!
Δεν θέλω να βάλω δύο επιθετικές κινήσεις επειδη τα evs τα έχω μοιράσει σε hp, def και το helping hand το βρίσκω πολύ χρήσιμο επειδή
1 Είναι πολύ καλό για Double battles
2 Γίνεται πάντα πρώτο απο όλες τις άλλες κινήσεις
3 Συνήθως μαζί με το umbreon θα έχω sweeper
4 Το Umbreon ειναι αρκετά αργό
Σκεφτόμουν να βάλω καποια dark επίθεση παίρνοντας πλεονέκτημα απο το stab ή quick attack μιας και είναι αργό.
exetai katalavei oti eisaste se aggliko thread.mi milate elinika...