Maybe these efforts: 252 in both Atk/Spd and 6 in HP...
I like brick break 'cause we never know when someone will use a defencive style. It's good to be advised against everything.
okay. so will you use the white herb? if not, what?
I forgot to say: I'll use salac berry (I traded my shiny Oddish for one.^^).
who will you be facing that has an advantage over you and is faster? aerodactyl?
treecko3453 Wrote:once again with the cheapness. b/c double team is an evasive move dont mean its cheap. that is for when i switch to someone with low def so they can evade almost all attacks
Have you listened to ANYTHING I'VE SAID? Read over my other posts about it again =/
and i will have a white herb attached to ninetales for d/heat
*sigh* Read my comment on that again VERY SLOWLY. If you have to use it a third time, you're screwed.
how do i get net battle? TVsIan abandoned NetBattle, and the download at is down. You'll have to wait
and yes, rapidash's spA does stink. but i dint say my kabutops and i are the best of friends. thats why i have a scope lense attached, even if you think its based on "luck".Do you have Emerald? You can use the EV lowering berries to raise your friendship quickly, or you could just raise it's happiness the old fashioned way since you're gonna get raped using Slash. there is some good advice though. 
Aluado Wrote:Aw, you're wrong! If you use the right nature and efforts, Blissey may bear these moves (my Blissey could resist my Slaking's Hyper Beam!!!) as well as Skarmory (in the tournament I went, my Skarmory took two Flygon's Fire Blast before fainting).
Yes, I realize this. Prediction ftw. Predict switch to Blissey, use EQ. Predict switch to Skarmory, use TBolt. Blissey can't T-Wave because he's Ground. I checked to see how much damage EQ does, and it's less than 50% damage, but then again you could try for para or freeze to avoid getting countered. Ice Beam Blissey is rare, but at least you'd know that it doesn't have Counter. But then again you have to wonder why someone would switch their Blissey into Nidoking. They don't know how much damage it'll do. Same with Skarmory. All Skarmory can do is Roar, and Nidoking has no stat boosts to lose. You're better off switching in Swampert.
i really dont think saying the word reap is good on a public forum. think of all the 7 year olds sayin im gonna r you. and i like using a little variety. call me stupid if you wish, but you already know a lot about me.
Don't start fighting again!!!
Treecko and Mpyka: I read Double Team is "cheap" or illegal in netbattle. BUT... it's only in netbattle! It doesn't mean it's unfair anywhere else! And to count with luck sometimes isn't something cheap... If you think it's unfair 'cause the pokémon may be unbeatable, so even to up stats with Cosmic Power or Dragon Dance (for example) should be cheap...
treecko3453 Wrote:i really dont think saying the word reap is good on a public forum. think of all the 7 year olds sayin im gonna r you. and i like using a little variety. call me stupid if you wish, but you already know a lot about me.
1. I don't really care if 7 year olds read the word, it's good for them to learn what is right and what is wrong at an early age instead of sheltering them.
2. They probably already know the word, given the environment.
Aluado Wrote:Don't start fighting again!!!
Treecko and Mpika: I read Double Team is "cheap" or illegal in netbattle. BUT... it's only in netbattle! It doesn't mean it's unfair anywhere else! What? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's illegal on NetBattle because it IS CHEAP EVERYWHERE! And to count with luck sometimes isn't something cheap... If you think it's unfair 'cause the pokémon may be unbeatable, so even to up stats with Cosmic Power or Dragon Dance (for example) should be cheap...
No, it's the other person's fault for letting them set up. I don't think you fully understand the concept x_x
Mpika Wrote:1. I don't really care if 7 year olds read the word, it's good for them to learn what is right and what is wrong at an early age instead of sheltering them.
2. They probably already know the word, given the environment.
I care if 7 year olds read these word from this site so don't write it again.
Mpyka Wrote:treecko3453 Wrote:i really dont think saying the word reap is good on a public forum. think of all the 7 year olds sayin im gonna r you. and i like using a little variety. call me stupid if you wish, but you already know a lot about me.
1. I don't really care if 7 year olds read the word, it's good for them to learn what is right and what is wrong at an early age instead of sheltering them.
2. They probably already know the word, given the environment. and which environment is that? Chicago or something?
Aluado Wrote:Don't start fighting again!!!
Treecko and Mpyka: I read Double Team is "cheap" or illegal in netbattle. BUT... it's only in netbattle! It doesn't mean it's unfair anywhere else! What? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's illegal on NetBattle because it IS CHEAP EVERYWHERE! And to count with luck sometimes isn't something cheap... If you think it's unfair 'cause the pokémon may be unbeatable, so even to up stats with Cosmic Power or Dragon Dance (for example) should be cheap...
No, it's the other person's fault for letting them set up. I don't think you fully understand the concept x_x
I think you should stop acting like you know everything about pokemon, Mpyka. Double is not a cheap move. maybe to you it is, maybe to a lot of people it is. but is it deemed cheap by nintendo? no. double team is just a move to help you out. its used ingame and out. i even use it sometimes. its just like any other stat raising move. cosmic power, calm mind, bulk up. they are not cheap moves just b/c they raise stats.
How about this:
waterpulse/fall, surf, hydropump
???calm mind???
Eps:252SpA, 252Spe,6Hp
modest@petaya/salac berry
dragon claw
hydro pump
double edge
rock slide
aerial ace/brick break/irontail/hyper beam
modest@petaya/salac berry
flame thrower/fire punch
rock slide
steel wing
Golduck is looking pretty good. What about this moveset?
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Calm Mind
- Surf
Flygon is far better as a physical sweeper. Salamence may be a double sweeper, but you would lack in defence. So, I guess you should use it as a physical, too.
is true bout flygon, but to me he lacks many good physical attacks. there is e/q r/s h/b s/w and a little more. and sala already has mediocre defences for a psedo legendary. he does make a grand mixed sweeper with high attack ratings.
Because of this (you said he hasn't great defences) I wouldn't use Salamence as a double sweeper. If you give it efforts on Spd and Atk OR SAtk, it may be more offencive and more effective too.
b/c his attack is so high, all you have to do is the math to get Att & SpA to the same amount. speed is always a good thing though. it would be more effective as a single type as will most pokemon. are any of the other movesets any good other than golduck?
Ice Beam is better than Ice Punch. Surf is strong and has more accuracy and PP than Hydro Pump (but if you want Hydro Pump 'cause of it's power...)
But I don't know if Golduck is able to survive time enough for using Calm Minds, though...
What about it's trait? Cloud Nine or Damp?