I know that, it's just that Ninjasks aren't used for sweeping very often, they're only for baton passing. And they have no defences too, so you could beat them. And it has no sence on trying to be faster than Ninjask, it has Speed Boost, remember? And nobody would baton pass spd to Aerodactyl, Jolteon or Crobat, they would prefer baton passing to slow pkmn like Marowak.
Electrodes are weak and pretty OU (a medium SAtk, and low stats. Only its Spd is good) and many places forbit Deoxys.
Okay, now I want help with a moveset. I helped my cousin doing this one.
252 HP, 108 Spd, some on Def and some on SDef
- Agility
- Seismic Toss
- Endure
- Endeavor
Endure+Endeavor is a good combo, although it would kill Hitmontop. But there's a Tyranitar in the team, so Sandstorm would kill the foe anyways.
108 efforts on Spd in this Hitmontop will let it be with 198 Spd. Using agility, it's faster than almost anything, so there's no sence to use Salac Berry here.
This Hitmontop's stats at lv 100 are:
HP: 303, Atk: 210, Def: 275, SAtk: ??, SDef: 275, Spd: 198
Quite defencive, I guess. And Intimidate helps a lot against Salamence's Aerial Ace.
So how about this? It may be used at double battles.
Hmm... Strange. I have never used a Hitmontop so it's hard for me. I think I would prefer one like this:
Careful @ Leftovers
240 HP - 130 Sp.Def. - 140 Atk.
- Bulk Up
- Mach Punch
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide / Hidden Power [Ghost]
As I have said again, I don't like Endure. It's very risky and it can fail very easily. About the EPs, I am not sure at all if they are OK, but they seem the best to me. Replace Agility with Bulk Up as you will not need Speed. Mach Punch is great as it counters Endure/Substitute, gets STAB and has priority (that's why Agility isn't needed). Earthquake is for every physical sweeper and RS or HP[Ghost] will hit Gengars.
Do you like it? I don't

Hitmontop's SDef is already good, so I prefered puting some EP on Def, since physical moves are more common on double battles than special ones. For using Endure+Endeavor, Hitmontop needs agility. (Speed is vital on double battle. But if you don't have spd, you need solid defences) And he's not fast enough for using Salac berry properly, even if it's jolly and has 252 EP on Spd.
I can't use Earthquake because he's partner won't be a flying/levitator.
This Hitmontop isn't for netbattle, it is in the GBA, so it have no HP Ghost. (It's almost impossible to get good IVs, good nature and the right HP too).
I prefered Seismic Toss because it doesn't need any EP in Atk for doing damage, so it could be offensive and defencive too.
For last, I can't use Leftovers... The rules (where this Hitmontop will fight) say that I can't repeat the same item in the team, and there's a Blissey that already uses Leftovers.
Wow, I typed a lot again!

You should have told all these before

OK. I said 130 in Sp.D. and no in Def. because it had Bulk Up. But if you don't want Bulk Up, do as you wish. I still insist on not using Endure. A simple Quick Attack and Hitmontop is dead. Mach Punch is a great move and it can be used very easily. And, finally, use Rock Slide. You will need something to hit Gengars. But its power is cut to half in double battles... Maybe Rock Tomb? Agility, Seismic Toss, Mach Punch and Rock Tomb? I still don't like Hitmontop... Why not using Machamp, Breloom, Heracross, Medicham or even Pinsir if you want a Fighting-type Pokémon?
What about King's Rock for item?
Endeavor is the only normal-type-sweeping-move that hits ghosts, didn't you know?
And Hitmontop has Intimidate, unlike other fighting pokémon. Intimidate is really useful in double battles.
I'll test this Hitmontop on Netbattle later...
Endeavor can't hit Ghosts in-game. I know the Endeavor bug in Net Battle and I hate those Sceptile that use it against my Dusclops... This means you want a sweeper with Intimidate, not Hitmontop. So, what about:
Adamant @ ?????
252 HP - 129 Def. - 129 Sp.Def
- Helping Hand
- Extremespeed
- Safeguard
- Attract / Roar / Toxic / Dig
I think that this will help a lot in a double battle. Helping Hand is a must-have move, Safeguard protects your team from Toxic, Thunder Wave and Will-O-Wisp, Extremespeed can hit something, Attract and Toxic are always annoying ^_^, I don't suggest Roar or Dig that much. You can use Overheat for Skarmory. Think of it. Helping hand to a CB-Dactyl = Kills nearly any Pokémon...
Almost all pokemon. What if you're fighting a noob?
is it in netbattle, 1st of all? and why hitmontop? studies prove that he is the least commonly used fighting type, other than the other pkmn that are basic and non final evos. Hitmonlee is the best hit mon to go w/, as he has the highest speed and attack, along w/ a better movepool. i woudl put sth on hitmon lee, but ninjomewtwo would juist probably hate it. yes, i would put endure/ reversal, just because it is an awesome combo. meh. i'll put it anyway.
Adamant/Jolly and Salac berry(if in netbattle or if owned) if not, Bright powder
Earthquake/ Rock slide
And why would you pit a hitmontop against a Gengar? that makes no sense. Gengar Could just put it to sleep and Psychic/ Dream Eat away. And Top's attack isnt all that good.
But besides this,
i'm going to be battling my friends as soon as i finish my team. they have all their moves and natures, but not all the eps. I know i wont have any trouble beating my friends, b/c they wont listen to me about eps, and ivs and natures. i even wrote 10pgs about it for them, but they still wont listen! and im prohibiting the use of legendaries, as i traded them all like a box full each, all lv 100 of 95+. i can beat them even if they use them, but it wont be fair to them, as the legis have wide movepools and they probably taught them all the same type moves.my one friend has a rash sceptile( no i didnt trade it to him) and he got rid of leaf blade. LEAF BLADE! and his mp is Flash, Cut, Quick Attack, and another ormal type move. them my other friend got made when i called him an idiot. but anyways, i want to post my team and strategy. so, here goes:
My team is composed of Starmie, Sceptile, Ninjask, Electabuzz, Scizor, and Houndoom. Ninjask 1st, the rest in any order.
The movesets are:
Jolly @ Leftovers
Baton pass
Swords Dance
Double team
Adamant@ Shell bell
Reversal(i don't care what you say, they dont even know the combo)
Quick attack( i might change it to return, since they dont know how to over come the combo)
Aerial Ace
Sceptile( aka Slice n Dice)
Modest@ Scope Lens
Leaf Blade
Thunder Punch
Dragon Claw
Modest@ Salac berry
Ice Beam
Modest@ Bright powder
Fire Punch
Ice Punch
Mild@ Lum Berry
Solar beam
Sunny day
Yes, i know that elec, scep, and star moves are all attack, but in the battle frontier, things can be pretty rough.
Go in w/ Ninjask 1st. he will substitute until he can no longer. when its time, will baton pass into scizor. Scizor's speed will be through the roof, so a salac berry is not needed. When he gets my hp low enough, reversal will kick in at max power and i will ko most of his team, until his Charzard comes in. then, i will aerial ace it, but it may not ko it, if i dont have enough swords dances in. he will use either flamethrower or earthquake. if flame, i will die, unless the few DTs i get in works. I f i dont, i will keep aerial aceing until so. If i do die, i will send out starmie, who will use surf. Starmies movepool is wide enough to kill most likely the rest of his pokemon, if not, i'll just go with the flow w/ sceptile, able to take on most members of all of my friends teams. Also, if by some wierd chance they hit my pkmn w/ crit. hits, i will not leav ninjask for last, like i do in net battle. Electabuzz is usually my last one alive, b/c bright powder seems to help in times of need.
And that my strategy!
Thats my emerald team. my other team is my leafgreen team. i wont be using them, as i didnt have time to get their eps. staight, b/c of the E4. Ill post their stuff any way.
* None of them have a set item
Rock Slide
Aerial Ace
Ice Beam
Hi Jump Kick
(Yes, he actually kos a lot of foes w/ his limited movepool. he has 31 ivs, in attack! >=D)
Serious( yes, i could have tried harder, but i dont like him any more. bad movepool and eq and rock/s were save for aero since b4 i started)
Mega Punch(eww. what was i thinking?)
Lovely Kiss
Dream eater
Ice punch( it does more than beam over time*)
*Ice punch does 1125 damage if all its starting pp were added together
Beam only does 950 w/ all its pp added together.
Yes this team is a little weaker, but it was made b4 the E4, and atleast some have good natures and moves.
Good suggestion, ninjomewtwo. But I won't use Hitmontop, my cousin will. He asked me to ask the forum if this Hitmontop looked good. He's really happy 'cause his Hitmontop has IV 31 in HP and 30 in Def, so he really wanted to use him.
And I guess Hitmontop is the best of Tyrogue's evolutions. Hitmonlee has the highest attack and speed of them (although he isn't that fast anyways), but his Def is really low. A single Salamence's Aerial Ace could kill it.
Hitmonchan has a slighty better defence and a lower attack than Hitmonlee, but is still strong.
Hitmontop is slow, but his defencive stats are the highest of the Tyrogue's evolutions and he has intimidate, which could provide more defence. His attack is the lower of them, but is still good (if you think 95 base stat of atk isn't good, why is Kingdra used?)
About Endeavor, yeah, you were right. That's really odd, it working on Netbattle...
About Treecko's team... I just think you should have one more physical sweeper. If somebody can beat your Ninjask before it baton passes or use Haze, Scizor won't be so difficult to defeat and (just for example) my Blissey could easily kill the rest of the team

If you'll use Salac Berry on Starmie (really uncommon, since Starmie's best stat is speed), you may not need to put any efforts on Speed, so you can invest on defences or HP.
Aluado Wrote:And I guess Hitmontop is the best of Tyrogue's evolutions. Hitmonlee has the highest attack and speed of them (although he isn't that fast anyways), but his Def is really low. A single Salamence's Aerial Ace could kill it.
Hitmonchan has a slighty better defence and a lower attack than Hitmonlee, but is still strong.
Hitmontop is slow, but his defencive stats are the highest of the Tyrogue's evolutions and he has intimidate, which could provide more defence. His attack is the lower of them, but is still good
Uh, hello. Im talking real world. Who in the WORLD would use a lee against a mence? evry1 knows mence is faster and his attack is uber compared w/ lee's mediocre defence. I dont do nb that much anymore, so im starting to talk real WORLD( no, not that dumb show). Evry1 know top has the highest def stat of all of them, but the ppl in game arnt hard and are stupid. they use parish trap on their last pkmn when u still have 6 left. And intimidate wont even bother a mence that much, so y bother? dont make me made, as i got problems of my own w/o you comin...
Aluado Wrote:About Treecko's team... I just think you should have one more physical sweeper. If somebody can beat your Ninjask before it baton passes or use Haze, Scizor won't be so difficult to defeat and (just for example) my Blissey could easily kill the rest of the team 
If you'll use Salac Berry on Starmie (really uncommon, since Starmie's best stat is speed), you may not need to put any efforts on Speed, so you can invest on defences or HP.
Uh, im going against novices. Read much? im sure you do, as you are named after some1 from harry potter( eww evil prestidigitation). i said they dont even know about natures. my friend has a rash sceptile w/ all normal moves. even leaf blade is gone. im not dumb b/c im black. Do my friends have blissey's? no. they wont even train it pass when it evolves. am im going to fight you w/ this team? no. im in the Us, your in brazil. ohh, so close. and dont you think if we were battling, i would use better pkmn( not ubers) than these? i know your strategy, but my is ever changing. im making some stallers and annoyers, know? so dont give me 'hints' i dont need. my starmies sp a is a 31 iv, as all my pkmn has 31 in their role. sp/swe have 31 in sp.a, ninjask in speed, and scizor( after a day of hatching) does in attack. so, i think i'll be okay with my team fighting thos novices. got it?
First of all, I know you will fight against novices, but I guess it's good to prepare teams for battling everyone, not only newbies. I was analyzing your team as if you were gonna use it against other people, sorry.
Second: When did I say you're dumb? And don't say that I'm racist. My best friend is black. My dad is half-blooded (his mother is half black, half indian) and things in Brazil aren't like in USA. Here we don't separate people or groups of friends by their "skin color" (I guess it's wrong to say "race" just for differing people's skin color. They're all of the human race, aren't?)
Nice. You ended up talking about racism. Lol. Anyway, I'll try to analyse (although I know that you don't care that much). About the Hitmons, sry but I really don't care. I would never use one (unless it's shiny ^_^) because their stats are not good. About Treecko's team. If you don't use Protect on Ninjask in order to save Speed EPs, use Silver Wind. You won't need any DTs and you won't have the turns to use them. Scizor's next. Drop QA for Silver Wind. Silver Wind is better even that Return and its only problem are the low PPs. Sceptile. Petaya Berry if owned. Starmie. Salac ---> Shell Bell/Scope Lens. Electabuzz is nice but I use Substitute in NetBattle. You will not need it if your friends are lame in battling. Houndoom. I ALWAYS use Pursuit over Crunch. Kills Gengars and Zams switching out and does severe damage to Dusclops. About the second team now. Change Raichu and Charizard, they won't do anything. And that Jynx must have Calm Mind. And Psychic over Dream Eater 'cause your opponent may switch

That's all.

If you cant read niether, i said this is only use on novices who dont understand the meaning of ivs and eps. and i said they are all made and their moves are set in stone. scizor cant have silver wind b/c it will take forever to get a good nature. on xd i have one with silver wind, but it has a hardy nature. and the ppl im fighting dont have gengars and alakazams nor dusclops.
my second team is NOT for battling. they are the team i use ingame. my starmie already and ALWAYS uses psychic on evry game except emerald b/c i can just clone the tm. i prefer dream eater b/c, not the power, but b/c jynx is fragile. here's a little story for you:
I was battling the leauge champ and he had an alakazam left and i, jynx. his ala had shadow ball, and that did mj damage, leaving me in low yellow. i knew he would use it so i used lovely kiss. that allowed me to have time to ice punch and dream eater did a suprising amount b/c i gave jynx max sp. attack. that dream eater saves jynx in plenty of cases, you just have to predict your foes moves, like i can.
OK about Silver Wind. But Scizor needs a STAB move. You can use Steel Wing. My Net Battle Scizor uses both of them. And what if Lovely Kiss fails? Jynx is dead.
And just a question. Who is the league champ???
Scizor-i Guess i could put steel wing on one after i clone it. i pretty sure they wont have a 'useless'' and 'weak' move like quick attack. they go for power, with pokemon like:
Impish@ metal coat
Fire blast
flame thrower
blast burn
thats EXACTLY how my friend's char is. i was like -o-. why dont they listen to me about the no more than i move of the same type unless they're not an attacking move.
Jynx-And That why i like math and probabilily. most people just call it good and bad luck, but luck does not exist. its just math, really. i have a 3 out of four chance of it hitting, so i wont even be using it for like every single battle. but i did put calm mind on it in place of attract.
and the leauge champ is your RIVAL in fire red/ leafgreen.
Umm... What's the point of using Metal Coat in a Charizard without Steel Wing or Iron Tail??? OMG, plz tell them something!
I also like maths and probabilities and that's my point. What if your Lovely Kiss fails? Or what if your opponent wakes up in the turn you use Dream Eater? That's why I prefer Psychic. And since Jynx's style is hit-'n'-run, a move that always hits is better imo.
I knew that your rival is the champ, but you said that this is your Emerald team...