okay. i am about to get my huntail but i dont know which stuff to give it. and whether it should be a sp or phy sweeper, if a sweeper at all. i was thinking:
ice beam
im not sure what effort points to which stat, b/c i dont want to waste any on such poor speed. maybe 252spattack 124attack, and maybe 132 in speed. i still havnt deciceded.
232 Speed and put the rest in whatever you want.
Too late. I already gave him full in SpA, Spd, and 6 in At
Anyway, has anyone made future movesets for the d/p pokemon you're planning to get or for those that may have to swap moves b/c of the move type thing? I am obsessed w/ it. I did it for lucario. not the best but to me they are.
Sp/Sweeping Lucario
Modest/ Leftovers or shell bell
[Dark Pulse][Pulse Bomb][Dragon Pulse][Luster Cannon] ( to many ppl i know, this is the best one. say it owns almost all pkmn)
[Focus Bomb][Vacuum Blade][Luster Cannon][Psychic]
[Dragon pulse][Dark Pulse][Shadow Ball][Psychic]
[Focus Bomb][ Mind Reader][Luster Cannon][Dragon Pulse]
[Dark Pulse][Pulse Bomb][Psychic][Dragon Pulse]
[Water Pulse][Dragon Pulse][Dark Pulse][Pulse Bomb]( he's the pulse pkmn, hint hint)
[Luster Cannon][Psychic][Shadow Ball][Vacuum Blade]
[Dragon Pulse][Vacuum Blade][Luster Cannon][Pulse Bomb]
Ph/Sweeping Lucario
Adamant/ Leftovers or Shell Bell
[Force Exert][Anticipate][In Fight][Extreme Speed]
[Bone rush][Anticipate][In Fight][Giga Attack]
[Iron Tail][Drain Punch][Shadow Claw][Blaze Kick]( many ppl i know said this is also a good one)
[Palette Punch][Sky Uppercut][Crunch][Stone Edge]
[Poison Stab][Giga Attack][Earthquake][In Fight]
[Blaze Kick][Crunch][High Jump Kick][Stone Edge]
[Drain Punch][Shadow Claw][Sword Dance][Blaze Kick]
Scope Lenser:
[Blaze Kick][Shadow Claw][Stone Edge][Cross Chop]
[In Fight][Giga Attack][Earthquake][Iron Tail]
Scope Lenser:
[Swords Dance][Cross Chop][Shadow Claw][Blaze Kick]
Fast Attacker:
[Palette Punch][Vacuum Blade][Extremespeed][Drain Punch (for faster recovery)]
[In Fight][Anticipate][Blaze Kick][Crunch]
And the good thing is that lucario is in the same egg group as smeargle, so he can get a full movepool just from smeargle.
Did one for Sceptile too. Only b/c the swap of types. poor leaf blade. never had a chance. i didnt do as many, b/c im rather tired:
Adamant/leftovers or shell bell
Blade test
leaf blade
scissor cross
drain punch( i probably would have had giga drain if it wasnt for the swap)
Eps: 252at, 252 speed, 6 hp
crush claw in place of one, if wanted.
modest@ leftovers or shell bell
leaf storm
energy ball
focus bomb
dragon pulse
Eps: 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 6Hp
maybe frenzy plant, or grass rope in place of one.
* note: dont try to make me change the sp/sw move pool b/c i have 2 grass types. i know. but they are for leaf storm so i can get my power boosted after i use storm.
** I realize i didnt put eps for lucario:
Sp/sw: 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
Ph/Sw: 252 Att, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
It is too early to make movesets for D/P.Of cource I have many movesets in mind but the game will surely change.New Pokemon new attacks new ABILITIES... IMO we cannot predict how the game will change in order to find good movesets now.
how can you be sure, when the game has already been released for japan? I'm sure there will be changes in names, but not more than that. What if i want to trade w/ a japanese version of D/P and on the jap. version, there is a move that the us version cant learn? My friend has the jap. version b/c hes japanese, and he has for all the games, while i got the us version and everything was the same? not literally evry thing, but lang was the only dif.
I don't mean that we will have different moves!I say that we have to play the game and gain some experience in order to suggest good NEW movesets.
well, like i said, my friend has the game in japanese and he lets me play it when he comes over and he just tells me what it says.
I don't mean to advertise or anything, but Smogon's Uncharted Territory forum is a great place to read about what other people are predicting will happen in the D/P metagame

Unfortunately, there's still a bit of a profanity warning.
I like the new layout, by the way
Also, lol physical Sceptile.
I agree... Sceptile's base atk is worse than it's satk.
well, i never said that it was better. it just mest me up b/c i used t0o have a killer sceptile that could special sweep but its moves happened to be leaf/b, thunder/p, dragon/c, and crunch.
I think that the new games kill Sceptile
Are you saying like attack wise or he sucks?
I do believe that it has messed him up attackwise, b/c my sceptile has all physiacl sp moves(leaf/b, dragon/c, crunch, thunder/p) and that means he has to be a physw now, but his at isnt as good as his spat. But leaf/b also has gotten a power boost to a base of 90 so its STAB form is 135, 30 more than the old one. And sceptile isnt exactly weak in attack, so if you keep leaf w/ a adamant one, there will be almost no difference. But i do have a way to get my sceptile to convert when i get D/P. he will have leaf/s so that makes it worth while and instead for dragon/c, there is dragon/p, which has a higher base power. focus bomb will do massive damage to most types. and either like agility(which you all know i will never do) or like energy ball or giga drain(more like me!) and just b/c of thw attack swap thing, doesnt mean that there wont be a good effect still. sceptile is one of the most all around grass types(other that celebi and sheimi) and his attack is still good.
Aluado Wrote:I agree... Sceptile's base atk is worse than it's satk.
Mpika Wrote:Also, lol physical Sceptile.
i never said that his attack was better. remember at the top of the post? i put
Did one for Sceptile too. Only b/c the swap of types. poor leaf blade. never had a chance.besides, like i said, sceptile still has good attack and w/ the power boost on leaf/b that makes the move still useful. i wont abandon sceptile of leaf/b so thats why i am already getting him ready for the swap. and come on, who thinks his attack is better? and its not really lol material. and at least he makes a better physw than charizard. now thats lol material. *laughs out loud*
Tsk, tsk, tsk... Can't treecko stop being so nervous? He should be a Primeape instead

Anyways, if you want a good moveset for Sceptile, how about this one?
Modest/Timid@White Herb
252 SAtk, Spd; 6 HP
- Leaf Storm
- Dragon Pulse
- Endure
- Endeavor
Leaf Storm can be used only twice, but is also good. Of course you'll need to switch out after trying it. Dragon Pulse is one of the best moves you can use, too. Although Focus Bomb is strong, it has a low accuracy... Try it only if you're feeling lucky. Endure + Endeavor can't kill anything, but is really useful if your next pokémon is something like Tyranitar with protect or Arcanine with Extremespeed.
you know me, i hate moves like endure and endeavor. i am the attack master! and its harder for me to balance both of those things.