Ninjomewtwo Wrote:Aluado Wrote:Hey, Earthquake doesn´t affect Gengar.¬¬ It would affect if Gengar had Iron Ball instead.
Hmm, I thought that if the EQ user has the item, it can hit Flying and Levitating Pokémon... If that's the case, then just don't use it.
But then Iron Orb has actually no reason of existence...
I think that Iron Orb can be useful with Trick
Trick it with what though? Alakazam? You'll become slower and get killed before they get the Iron Orb. Same for Mr.Mime. Switcheroo Lopunny too. And Trick it to what? Gengar? Do you think that a Gengar will stay and battle against an Alakazam? And even if it does, it'll use Shadow Ball. Which will kill a slower Alakazam. There are better items to Trick imo and they are the Choice Items. Tricking a Choice Specs to Gyarados or a Choice Scarf to Blissey/Skarmory is far better than praying not to get KOed with the Iron Orb.
Lopunny´s defences aren´t bad and it´s quite fast, so it could survive enough to use Switcheroo. And since Lopunny may have the klutz trait, the trainer can use Switcheroo anytime he wants. And Gengars, Gyarados, etc. wouldn´t ever switch out when facing a Lopunny.
The only bad thing about Iron Orb is that, if you´re not using Lopunny, you´ll suffer its effect of lowering speed before tricking.
Maybe a bannete can trick the iron orb because anyways has low spd but it has low defenses too, and can be KOed. Perhaps, the best use of iron orb is in the Trick room. A bronzog with iron orb and heatproof can hit always first and because of lower speed of iron orb, the gyro ball becomes stronger
Yeah, if you think this way... it´s a nice idea. And Banettes won´t survive enough, since everybody would attack it anyways.
Is it "good" to replace chice specs with Yache berry on Specsmence? (Look our potw for more info)
Its name is SpecsMence so it is not good at all.Salamence has good Sp Attack but it is not as powerful as other Pokemon.It surely needs the specs.
I have an impish blissey and i wpould like some help...
Thunder wave
Stealth Rock
I'm desperate

I cannot teach it Seismic toss (although it's impish just for this move) and has awful Attk and Spattk Iv's. But 30-31 in Hp and 29-30 Def.
Hum... it´s quite hard... Well, Blissey is the best Heal Beller/Aromatherapist imo, but it can learn them only by egg moves. Seismic Toss would be great, but you can´t teach it... Blissey must to have some offensive, so how about Toxic or Counter? Against some pokemon, Toxic would be better than T-Wave.
I think I'll go with a bold one. Thanks btw!!!
And sorry for not being able to find out a good moveset for your previous Blissey...

Hey, btw, which moveset will you use this time?
A standard one. It'll be Impish again or bold with Seismic toss - Softboiled - Thunder wave - Stealth rock.
P.s Do you play shoddy battle?
Yes, I do! \o/ My nickname is (Twi) Aluado.

What´s yours?
Arsen. If you see me send a pm and we can battle
252 hp,128 def,128 sp.attack
Ice Beam
Stealth Rock
Roar/Grass Knot
What do you think of this?And please help me choose a move for the last slot.