11-09-2006, 07:57 AM
13-09-2006, 02:50 AM
i caught my 1st latios yesterday and i wanted to know about it. i am already giving some in SpA and i will in speed:
Lax(ugg)@leftovers until i get soul dew
Eps: 252SpA, 252Spe, 6 Hp or SpD
Luster purge
dragon claw
is this any good?
Lax(ugg)@leftovers until i get soul dew
Eps: 252SpA, 252Spe, 6 Hp or SpD
Luster purge
dragon claw
is this any good?
13-09-2006, 05:47 AM
treecko3453 Wrote:i caught my 1st latios yesterday and i wanted to know about it. i am already giving some in SpA and i will in speed:
Lax(ugg)@leftovers until i get soul dew
Eps: 252SpA, 252Spe, 6 Hp or SpD
Luster purge
dragon claw
is this any good?
CM > Luster Purge. Last slot can be Psychic or Ice Beam. Go for boltbeam imo. Psychic/Dragon Claw with boltbeam allows you to hit Lanturn, but not Magneton. You could just drop DC for Recover, which might be best imo.
Standard set if you want it:
Latios@Soul Dew
204 Speed
Calm Mind
Dragon Claw
Put the rest of the EVs in wherever you want, as long as you put the bulk of it into SpA.
14-09-2006, 12:26 AM
luster purge has a 50% chance of lowering SpD so it can do more damage than psychic over a couple turns.
14-09-2006, 01:02 AM
Ubers is FULL of Pressure, and Luster Purge has a max PP of 8. That means you'll probably only get to use it 4 times. Whatever. It's your choice.
14-09-2006, 01:10 AM
mmm. i see. but i dont really plan on using him on that many ubers.
14-09-2006, 01:15 AM
treecko3453 Wrote:mmm. i see. but i dont really plan on using him on that many ubers.You do realize that it's unfair to pit ubers against OU teams? Ubers should fight ubers, nothing else. Unless the other player consents.
14-09-2006, 04:47 AM
If the problem is PP, shouldn't Latios hold a Leppa Berry? (if he never gets the soul dew) Latios's SAtk is wonderful, so it may kill a foe before having so much "damage" with pressure.
14-09-2006, 05:08 AM
Mpika Wrote:so are you saying while you are in game fighting a gym leader, you shouldnt use a mewtwo or rayquaza or something?treecko3453 Wrote:mmm. i see. but i dont really plan on using him on that many ubers.You do realize that it's unfair to pit ubers against OU teams? Ubers should fight ubers, nothing else. Unless the other player consents.
Aluado Wrote:so it may kill a foe before having so much "damage" with pressure.what does this mean? are you saying that the pp of luster will still be high when it KO's the pokemon?
14-09-2006, 06:39 PM
Against a Gym Leader you will have no problem with almost no Pokemon if you know the game.Apart from that, you will not be able to catch those Pokes before you defeat the ELITE FOUR(Exeption:R/S)
15-09-2006, 12:19 AM
why are you against me? i was just making a statement. like what about those cheaters who sent a lv 100 mew2, rayquaza, kyogre, groudon, deoxys, andzapdos? i dont do that, but i will sometimes put a jirachi on. i got the bonus disk for some reason. and besides, i dont do it at the beginning b/c jirachi will just end up getting a higher lv that what my gym badge will permit.
15-09-2006, 05:26 AM
I have two Jirachis!^^ Ok, let's get back...
When I told Latios won't suffer from pressure, I meant that Latios could kill (or be killed) before your PP becomes 0. And, of course, you'll have a leppa berry...
Sorry! I guess my english isn't perfect yet... But I'll improve, I promise!
When I told Latios won't suffer from pressure, I meant that Latios could kill (or be killed) before your PP becomes 0. And, of course, you'll have a leppa berry...
Sorry! I guess my english isn't perfect yet... But I'll improve, I promise!

15-09-2006, 07:49 AM
treecko3453 Wrote:so are you saying while you are in game fighting a gym leader, you shouldnt use a mewtwo or rayquaza or something?Go ahead, they're not that hard anyways. I'm talking about in competitive play.
15-09-2006, 11:56 PM
( there is the rudeness again)i know they arnt hard and who wants to waste valuable exp. points on pkmn on lv 90 when they lv up slow. but anyway, we are off topic.
16-09-2006, 07:32 AM
I wasn't being rude =/
Anyways, the point I was trying to make was that in competitive play, ubers should never fight anything other than uber teams. And in uber, there are lots of Pokemon with Pressure, and that wears down Luster Purge's low PP fast.
Anyways, the point I was trying to make was that in competitive play, ubers should never fight anything other than uber teams. And in uber, there are lots of Pokemon with Pressure, and that wears down Luster Purge's low PP fast.