+1 does a lot of difference in offense and defense.
A Jolteon with 393 of speed loses to an Aerodactyl with 394. +1 on HP may do your pokemon survive a move that it wouldn´t be able otherwise. And why would you rely on Focus Band? It doesn´t work always. I would prefer Focus Sash, which works everytime, unless your HP isn´t full and you´ve already wasted it.
1 point does a big difference. A lost a tourney another day because my Gengar had 349 points of speed and a stupid Latios had 350.
That's it. And it also makes the difference with Choice Scarfers, Agility etc.That's why in the POTW we say that if you don't have 31IV in Speed, you must give more EPs there (unless it was 252).
1 point can make a big difference in HP when you are using Substitute or Belly Drum. It also makes the diffence against Seismic Toss, Night Shade etc. On the Attack and Defense Stats, the differense is not so big. The damage doesn't change so much with one more point in these stats.
Hey, which moveset is better for a sweeper Ludicolo?
Modest@Wet Rock
Swift Swim
?? HP, 252 SAtk, ?? Spd
- Rain Dance
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Energy Ball/Leech Seed
Rain Dance doubles its speed and powers up its Surf. Energy Ball, for a strong STAB move or Leech Seed for some recovery? What do you think?
Modest@Big Root
Swift Swim
?? HP, 252 SAtk, ?? Spd
- Rain Dance
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain
Giga drain will give me a STABed grass move and recover energy at the same time - specially because of big root.
I´m still thinking about the EVs, ´cause I want to make it a little resistant too. Which moveset is better, the first one or the second one?
Either Giga Drain or Leech seed. Giga drain for Swampert(x4!!) and obviously, Leech seed for Chansey/Blissey/Wobbuffet/Snorlax.
i wouldnt prefer eithe... ludicolo is one of the pokes that after they get serious dmg (which happens often) it wont have the chance to recover.... so i would prefer giga drain more for the dmg and less for the heal

Well guys which is the best move move for exeggutor leaf storm or solarbeam
I prefer solarbeam because of its massive power and,that's what i suggest.
Leaf Storm has bigger base power than Solarbeam.
Leaf storm power : 140 acc : 90
Solarbeam power : 100 acc: 100 ( solarbeam needs two turns to attack )
I personally don't like the accuracy of leaf storm
Solarbeam's attack power is 120(you made a mistake).
And make sure you put synny day in your moveset.(to make it easier for solarbeam)
(Exeggutor is slow so,with these things in combo,put some evpoints on its speed,too.)
Well ok if it is solarbeam
( Exeggutor has chlorofyll ability which doubles speed in sunlight )