leech seed and rain dance arnt. and i assume it is going to be a rain dish. rain dish is for tankish/annoyer and swift swim is for sweeping. modest is for sweeping also. mild is just horrible. modest is still a possibility...
well, he has only 2 attacking moves, so modest is a good choice!
iwanted to get some opinions on a breloom:
poison heal
jolly@toxic orb
brick break/ mach punch
seed bomb/stone edge
poison heal will be activated once toxic orb kicks in, ultimately increasing the amount of health recovered. the poison status will double the damage facade. it works best with speed baton passed to it. mach punch is weavile, but brick break has more power. seed bomb for stab and water types wielding ice beam. stone edge can ko flying types, but they are typically faster than a non baton passed speed breloom. it also hits fire types
Seems like a good set but Breloom doesn't have the required Speed to pull it off. But it gave me a great idea as I was searching a Pokémon to go with this:
Lopunny @ Flame Orb
Jolly, 252 Speed, 252 HP, 6 Atk.
- Switcheroo
- Agility
- Baton Pass
- Thunderpunch / Ice Punch
Klutz prevents Lopunny from using that Flame Orb so you can pass it to any opposing Physical Sweeper that comes in the way. It can BP some Speed before it dies and maybe hit once with a punch hoping your opponent gets paralyzed or frozen solid.
Another Pokémon that I think it MAY work (not tested at all, just a nice idea):
Gengar @ Focus Sash
Jolly, 252 Speed, 252 Atk., 6 HP
- Counter
- Hypnosis
- Explosion
- Destiny Bond
Focus Sash saves Gengar from every attack as long as it has 100% of its HP. So, since many guys will lead with Pokémon like Weavile or Garchomp in this gen, Gengar gets their Night Slash/Stone Edge and Counters. One out. Next, it can Destiny Bond an incoming Sweeper, use Hypnosis on an annoying Pokémon and then switch out or Explode right in the face of a Pokémon with low Defense.
So, any suggestions on these two? I really think I am gonna use both of 'em just because I like unoriginal sets.
yeah, brelooms speed isnt good, but thats why i suggested using it only with a speed baton passer.
i was literally thinking the EXACT SAME thing for a loppuny a week ago. i got a jolly one with switcheroo, but it has ice punch, from my electivire then to my hypno.and unfortunatly, it has the other ability, cute charm. but then, luckily, its male, that way i can get a female loppuny with klutz, breed, and it will always have klutz and switcheroo and ice punch.
it may be one of the best things to baton pass speed to my breloom. ninjask is just... annoying.
the gengar looks good. it looks like almost no pokemon can counter it, except a bronzong who has explosion and imprison, implosion i believe aluado calls it, and darkrai, who most ppl dont allow battles with ubers.
Well, unfortunately for Breloom, 70 base stat of speed isn´t good enough to attack first than many things or benefit from a salac berry nor slow enough to use trick room effectively.

Baton passing seems the right choice. Nice idea with Facade and Poison Heal.

If you won´t baton pass, you should try Substitute too.
Well... that Gengar is too risked... specially if the foe is not a physical sweeper. That would work half of the times, I guess.
Lopunny seems fine and cute xD
Substitute can't work well on Breloom unless it has Spored first, which can't be done with such speed. With so many weaknesses to common attacks like Psychic, Aerial Ace/Brave Bird and Flamethrower/Flare Blitz it won't keep the 1/4 needed for Substitute. If Treecko cannot BP some speed to it, Salac Berry is the only way I guess (yet not as effective as the Agility-BP).
About Gengar now. Let's see some cases:
Gengar VS Weavile (the most common leader in 4th gen) or any other Ph.Sweeper, slower or faster:
Weavile Night Slashes/Pursuits, Gengar hangs on with 1 HP and Counters. One out. Next Pokémon that comes out can be DBed if it is a sweeper, I can use Hypnosis if it is a tank that I can't counter easily (like Skarmory/Bronzong) or explode if it is a Sp.Wall like Blissey/Milotic. Then I switch in my Dugtrio, trap and kill Blissey/Milotic if they survived the boom.
Gengar VS a slower Sp.Sweeper (like Modest Alakazam/Starmie):
Gengar uses Hypnosis, then switch to the Trapmaster Dugtrio for the kill. If Hypnosis fails, I endure their hit with 1 HP and then use DB next turn or Hypnosis again if I feel lucky.
Gengar VS a faster Sp.Sweeper (like Timid Alakazam/Starmie):
Gengar endures their move and uses DB. They are afraid to attack next turn so they'll probably switch. So, if they attack, I kill one and lose one. If they don't attack and switch, I put the incoming Pokémon to sleep and lose none.
See? Gengar will score a kill or two more than 70% of the time. A Bronzong with Implosion will be put to sleep. Darkrai is really a problem with its Dark Void and that huge Speed but the only guys I'll let use ubers against me will be n00bs. Which means that their Darkrai will be slower 99.9%.
hypnosis's acc isnt that great, though. well, its not like anyone will see a gengar like that coming. and explosion is very difficult to get, unless you bring a gengar with it over and some other stuff. explosion is obtained by doing 10 consecutive bonus rounds on the slot games, each round with 10 sub-rounds. it took me 30 minutes...
Well... that´s the flaw in the strategy, hypnosis´ bad accuracy. And if you fight a Dusknoir (specially if it is an annoyer instead of a sweeper one) you´re done.
Well, there´s no perfect strategy anyways...

yeah except for like darkrai. lol. its too uber though.
By the way, I prefer not to "throw away" Gengar´s 130 base stat of SAtk.
well, nm2 did say he was trying something original and using the attack is more original.
Which moveset do you think that could be good for Bronzong?
bronzong? well, i like the moveset lucian uses, but for a nature, i would do relaxed.
relaxed(levitate)@ leftovers
calm mind
having a -speed nature will give you a better chance of being outran, so gyro ball can do more damage. e/q for firetypes. calm mind to raise sp.def and psychic for the sp.atk raise.
Hey, I had an idea... If I´m gonna use Gyro Ball, how about Trick Room too? So I would always be able to attack first with a lot of power.