Electivire must switch in on an Electric attack, otherwise it can be easily trapped and OHKOed by Dugtrio. That's why anybody uses it with a Pokémon that attracts T-bolts (Gyarados, Skarmory, etc.). The only thing that makes me still think of the first set is that Milotic cannot Mirror Coat back my T-Punch. But since most Milotics prefer Aqua Ring/Hypnosis to Mirror Coat, that's not such a problem.
you know what? ive never seen an ev trained dugtrio on wifi! nor a starmie(random)!
hey, whats a good set for dugtrio? i only used it on leafgreen for fighting lt.surge.
dugtrio has nice speed ( i think is 1 of the fastest ground pokemon)
so iteam salac or liechi berry
nature jolly
faint attck
sandstorm(to use the evasion of the ability)
this poke has nice pool of attcks but i prefer smthg like t his.
Dugtrio can kill things now without Choice Band, use Life Orb instead. Jolly nature can outspeed Raikou and Infernape, Adamant has a chance of killing more things and 2HKOing Blissey. So, I would play:
Dugtrio @ Life Orb
Jolly, 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6 HP
- EQ
- Rock Slide
- Sucker Punch
- Aerial Ace
EQ for everything, Rock Slide for any flying type that won't switch out, Sucker Punch for Alakazam, Starmie, etc, Aerial Ace for Heracross and Breloom mainly, maybe Machamp too. Well, that's what I'll use when I find a Jolly Ditto for breeding.
ok, thanks. it looks pretty nice. i'll find me a jolly ditto or female dugtrio, and breed until i find one that has a good speed iv.
Isn´t Stone Edge better than Rock Slide?
Dugtrio is ment to kill something in one shot. Rock Slide can kill some Pokémon which are weak to Rock. Stone Edge does it better but it has lower accuracy. And with Dugtrio, you don't wanna fail. But that's just my opinion.
Hey, which moveset do you think is good for Forretress? I thought about...
Relaxed@Focus Sash
252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Explosion
- Gyro Ball
Well, with Focus Sash, Forretress will surely survive until it uses Stealth Rock. Rapid Spin is always good to take off Stealth Rock from your side, Explosion when there´s nothing left to do and Gyro Ball has STAB. And since many people love to dragon dance, baton pass Agility or Speed Boost, I think Gyro Ball is a nice option. That´s why Forretress should have a speed hindering nature and as less IVs on speed as possible.
What do you think about it?
Stealth Rock, Explosion or Selfdestruct,toxic spikes and spikes.
Look, Forretress is slow but not slow enough to max Gyro Ball's power. So, I'd go with this set:
Forretress @ Iron Orb
Relaxed, 252 HP, 180-200 Atk, rest in Def
- Stealth Rock / Spikes
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin
That way, Gyro Ball's damage is higher than before due to Iron Orb and not only that. With EQ you can now kill Gengar, one of the most popular switch-ins to Forretress for negating Rapid Spin. Also, with Earthquake you can hit Fire-types on the switch and since most of them have weak defenses (Infernape, Blaziken, Charizard) you can do some good damage. Of course you MUST predict the switch. Stealth Rock/Spikes and Rapid Spin are obvious. And Explosion is sure good but since Forretress is slow you can't be sure when it's the correct time to use it. Focus Sash isn't needed here, Forretress' Defense is uber and the only thing that can OHKO it is fire, that's why we have EQ here.
Hey, Earthquake doesn´t affect Gengar.¬¬ It would affect if Gengar had Iron Ball instead.
I´m not sure about Poison Spikes ´cause I´m using Jumpluff on the same team. And a poisoned pokemon can´t sleep.
Well, in some situations, Earthquake may be better than Explosion, but in other situations it could be the opposite.

Like: with Explosion, I can OHKO Blissey and Gyarados, but I can´t with the other moves.
Ah, about the Focus Sash thing... I really need to use Stealth Rock in the first turn (isn´t it annoying to see your opponent switching out every time?). And ´cause there´s a chance of fighting a pokemon with fire moves in the first turn, Focus Sash lets me survive enough to use Stealth Rock.
Well, I´ll make some tests on shoddybattle.

Aluado Wrote:Hey, Earthquake doesn´t affect Gengar.¬¬ It would affect if Gengar had Iron Ball instead.
Hmm, I thought that if the EQ user has the item, it can hit Flying and Levitating Pokémon... If that's the case, then just don't use it.

But then Iron Orb has actually no reason of existence...
A good moveset for a Milotic (that it would be useful for Battle Pike e.t.c.) is
-ice beam
-surf or recover
mine can survive easily thunder and solarbeam
sp.atc 323 sp.def 236
lol @ S.def. No it cant -_-
it can, but i agree, sp.def isn't that great, but sp.atc is a max (i had to hatch 40+ eggs)