i Do tell them! they won't listen!
i do have a smoochum with a mild nature w/ psychic already, so when ts a jynx, what moves and stuff? And i said the one with jynx and aero and char are my leafgreen team. the one w/ sceptile and scizor is my emerald team for fighting to ppl who use metal coat impish all fire charizard.
Whatever... I am kinda confused but OK.
And your friend's Charizard has variety! Your Houndoom is stuck with only one fire-type move while his Charizard can choose one outta four!!! LOL

How about this Vaporeon?
252 HP, 162 Def, 96 SAtk
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Wish
- Haze
Surf + Ice Beam are really basic, but useful. I could use the Wish + Protect combo, but I'm really worried about Dragon Dancers, Calm Minders or Baton Passers.
So, how about this one?
its pretty good. i got a relaxed eevee by mistake on XD and it has died very few times in battle it was my second longest living pkmn when i was fighting the grand master grievil. but mine always goes last b/c of the relaxedness.
Is it in Net Battle or in-game? If it's in-game, ok. If it's in Net Battle, take out Ice Beam and Haze for Substitute and Baton Pass. Vaporeon is the best Sub-passer, being able to pass "101-subs" (subs that can take two Seismic Tosses/Night Shades).
I was testing this one in Netbattle 'cause I'll start training a Vaporeon soon.
I was thinking about using Substitute+Baton Pass too, so I can be sure that my next pokémon will recover energy.
I wanted to know about this team on net battle. im open for suggestion, and one of the slots is open for a good pokemon to cover my weaknesses, mainly bug, and more specifically, heracross:
bold@ bright powder
Eps: 252 Def, 216 Sp.def, 40 Hp
Double team
Faint attack/ substitute/ wish/ moon light
Baton pass
Confuse ray
I got this one from the battle factory and it got me my gold symbolw/o ever fainting. i added on substistute for added saftey w/ DT, but wish can carry over for a weaker move. moonlight can be a good choice, since he usually gets hit a good 3-4 times. This one survives one megahorn, but with bright powder and at least 1 dt, mh should hit much.
Modest@ petaya berry
Eps: 252 speed, sp.At, 4 def
this is a full attacker, as they are more useful to me. it has a high probability of ko'ing hera w/ psychic, however, heracross will always ko it w/ mh if its adamant w/ 31 ivs in attack
Modest@ scope lens
Eps:252 speed & sp.at, 4 spdef
Leaf blade
Hp ice
This one always falls to heracross, but it does pose a threat to batonpassing ninjask. attract can break through sub., and the majority of people dont give about gender, so sceptile is female while ninjask is usually male. i attract his sub, then start using hp ice. one should leave it in yellow, but the next will kill it, assuming attract works and there isint a switch.
Bold@ leftovers
Eps: 252 hp & def, 4 sp.def
Seismic toss
yes, we all know this one. it helps us in-game and in netbattle.
modest@ leftovers( swift swim)
Rain dance
ice beam
hp grass
yes, i know most ppl agree that ludi should always have leech seed, but leech seed doesnt ko uber teams that well, as they just switch or ko you. but this one ko'ed a full uber team today, almost by itself. i had umbreon use dt pass on a rayquaza, confusing it riguht befor passing, then i used rain dance, knowing they would switch because of ice beam. they used deoxyes, while i used surf and koed it, then the rest is like simple. attacked according to type.
any suggestions? i wanted a physical sweeper. i wanted flying raichu, who ko's hera in 1 hit, but a switch is likely. i also wanted aerial ace scizor, who 1 hit ko's hera and survives brick break about twice.
OK, nice team, I also like using DT-breon in NB. But since it can use BP, I think you should add at least one more Pokémon with BP in your team. And take out Starmie or Sceptile or Ludicolo. 3 special sweepers are too many. So, two empty Pokémon slots. I used to use Scizor and Zangoose in this team, definitely use Scizor and the second one is up to you. Zangoose is great as it receives six DTs, Swords Dances once or twice and sweepes with Focus Punch and Shadow Ball. And it can also Substitute to avoid being hit and with 6 DTs and Lefties it won't die that easily. Umbreon must keep Wish so that it can recover others after BPing. Blissey's Seismic Toss/Counter--->Thunder Wave. Ludicolo's HP[Grass]--->Leech Seed but if you still don't want it, use Fire Punch. And about Scizor:
Scizor @ something (salac?)
Impish, 80 HP, 252 Atk, 178 Def
- Swords Dance
- Silver Wind
- Steel Wing
- Baton Bass
Ok, that's all.
i did kinda think i had too many sp. sweepers. scizor is on it now, and i may replace confuse ray and faint attack on umbreon w/ substitute and wish. and for zangoose, i guess(im not good with zan):
Adamant/Jolly @ leftovers
Eps: 252 attack&speed, 4 hp?
Shadow ball
focus Punch
Swords dance?
i dunno. give me a movepoolthing.
I would suggest Swords Dance,Quick Attack and Shadow Ball for sure.The fourth move is up to you, although you should keep in mind that a fighting type move would help against the Steel type...
Since you can pass DTs, it's Swords Dance, Focus Punch, Shadow Ball and Substitute. Quick Attack/Body Slam isn't needed 'cause Ghost-Fighting moves hit every type for at least neutral damage. And since Zangoose has Sub, Umbre won't need it. And give Zan Jolly nature, it can raise it's Atk with SD.
I do not trust substitute.It can prove extremely usefull, but it can also destroy you...I suggested quick attack because with STAB and swords dance, it will be a VERY reliable move that will save you from Endure-Reversal as well.
Quick Attack can be very useful for sure, but nearly nothing can break a 6DTS as I call it. And without the Sub, you are not sure if you can use SD. What if an Aerial Ace user appears? What if it's named Salamence? Zangoose can't match its Speed, its Defense sux and you won't wanna switch it out to keep the DTs. That's why I prefer Sub over QA.
Hum... How about using a timid Starmie instead of a modest one? A timid Starmie is faster than Jumpluff and Gengar, for example, that can kill Starmie easily if they´re faster. (Jumpluff = Sleep Powder, and sleep clause won´t work in this case, ´cause of Natural Cure... Gengar: Thunderbolt/Destiny Bond)
How about Mean Look on Umbreon? Mean Look is baton passable, and combined with resistant or fast sweepers means the foe will surely lose a pokémon. But I don´t know which move you should replace with Mean Look, though...
Yeah, Timid Starmies are much better than Modest ones. And about Mean Look, the only reason I don't like using it is because everyone uses it. Opponents will think: Ah, he has an Umbreon, it'll Mean Look me, I must switch immediately. And you get some free turns for DTs that way.
PS. Treecko, if you kept Ludicolo, change Swift Swim to Rain Dish. Along with Leftovers and Leech Seed, you'll never run out of HP.