But endeavor IS something good for a sweeping style!!!
If Sceptile could learn reversal, it might be better, but it can't... And there are many things you can do with endure, like the combo Endure + Petaya/Salac Berry.
i guess you're right, especially since there is overgrow, which can let him ues leaf storm 3 times.
i finally caught a kangaskhan and i bred a adamant one out of it so i was wondering if this is a good moveset:
Kangaskhan adamant@ bright powder/ salac berry
Eps: 252 attack& speed, 6 hp
Crush claw/ dizzy punch
i used it on netbattle once and it works exceptionally well, besides the fact that a gengar could easily destroy it.
i also wanted to know about my new cradily:
Cradily sassy@ leftovers/ bright powder
Eps: 252 Sp.Def & def, 6 hp
Amnesia/ mirror coat
Rockslide/ giga drain
this works okay, but it is rendered virtually usless by taunt users. lucky there arent many in game!
Okay, I came back!^^ Sorry for being out so long, I had many things this year's end... tests, vestibular, helping my mom

But I'll analyze teams again! (Humph. As if I was a moderator to say that...

About Cradily, for doing a great damage with mirror coat, replace the efforts you spent on SDef and put them all in HP. Mirror Coat and Counter do double the damage cause by numbers, not by percent, for example: if you lost 200HP, Mirror Coat will cause 400 damage, it doesn't matter if it was 60% of your HP, it won't cause 120% of damage.
Brightpowder isn't good for using countering moves too, since you WANT to be hit for using them.
I would suggest:
- Giga Drain/Rock Slide
- Barrier
- Recover
- Mirror Coat
Amnesia isn't good if you want to use Mirror Coat, and without any efforts spent on SAtk, giga drain won't recover you very much...
And don't worry about taunt. It's effect is only one or two turns, after this you may use barrier/recover again. And taunt doesn't affect your Mirror Coat.
About Kangaskhan, is she used on netbattle only? If yes, you don't need to use 252 efforts on speed. Your Kangaskhan needs only 196 efforts for being faster than anything besides Ninjask, Electrode and Deoxys. And even if you put 252 efforts of speed on Kangaskhan, she can't be faster than them.
The rest of the efforts you should spend on HP, for making a more resistant Kangaskhan.
Aluado is right but here are some more suggestions. Cradily's HP are not so great so it's better make a status inducing annoyer with moves like Toxic and Confuse Ray. Also use both Amnesia and Barrier to make it last some time. I would use: Toxic, Amnesia, Barrier and Recover. Toxic is there for damaging your opponent and forcing some switches that give you a free turn to use Barrier/Amnesia. And, of course, Leftovers over Brightpowder.
About Kangaskhan, I don't like the Endure-Reversal combo that much. Since Kangaskhan is somewhat fast, you can use Substitute over Endure if you insist on using Reversal. Also change Dizzy Punch/Crush Claw to Body Slam or Shadow Ball so that you don't fear those Gengars anymore.
376 HP isn't bad!

(It's Cradily's max HP) And I guess Treecko won't like the moveset suggested by ninjomewtwo 'cause he hates annoyers or tankers... He likes only sweepers.
Anyways, sometimes Endure may be better than Substitute, but it depends on the foe you're fighting.
No, 376 HP are not bad but when there's a Blissey with 714 HP, they seem very low... And I know that Treecko likes only sweepers. That's why I said that I would use that set.
Only Blissey, Hariyama, Wailord, Snorlax, Slaking and Wobbuffet have so high HP. Compared to many other sweepers, 376 isn't that bad, and it's still able of doing a decent damage with Mirror Coat. I know 'cause I've already tried.
ninjomewtwo Wrote:And I know that Treecko likes only sweepers. That's why I said that I would use that set.
Sorry for that, I forgot that "
you would use"...

Whoops! I just noticed. Cradily is not a Sweeper! It's a Tank or an Annoyer. But certainly, it's not a Sweeper.
i have no idea what was wrong with me when i did that cradily! its horrible!
Well back on to topic, the kangaskhan is in the process of being made on emerald w/ 31 ivs in attack and 28 in speeed. its still at lv nine b/c im fighting the wild pkmn above the second city place. i already gave it earthquake and crush claw from my old sceptile. im happy i can still use it in lv battle frontier since it learns endure and reversal right b4 lv50.
Well enough about kangaskhan and 'it still got a baby in its pouch when its lv 5' self.
My friend just traded me a scyther electabuzz(my fav electric. ohh yayness!) a growlithe, and an ekans. ill do scyther first:
Scyther adamant@ salac berry
Eps: 252 Speed &Attack, 6 Sp. Def
Endure /reversal (yes, i like that combo)
Aerial Ace
Return/ Quick Attack( my e &r combo has been foiled many times by others w/ quick/a, so lets give'm a taste of their own medicine!)
Now Electabuzz:
Electabuzz modest@ bright powder
Eps:252 Speed& Sp.a, 6 Sp.D
Ice Punch( counters the so-dreaded ground and the resistant grass)
Fire Punch( beware, metagross. im comin' for you! you too glalie! and no time for sleep powder when you dead, butterfree! HAHAHA! oh, scaring the ppl. calm down.)
Now its Gowlithe's urn, but as an arcanine!
Arcanine (i find it pretty difficult to get a p. sw w/ him so ill do sp. sw)
Modest@ Leftovers
Eps: 252 Speed& Spa, 6 HP
Hidden power(depending on the best iv'ed modest)/ sunny day
Extremespeed( too bad for you heracross. you wont be reversalin' me always tryin' to use endure or a focus band.)
And Arbok(ugg. just, ugg)
Adamant@ shell bell
Eps: 252 attack&speed(ugg, slow, ugg), 6 Def/Hp
Sludge bomb
I hate arbok. hate hate hate. since i hate it so much, ima make a movepool that makes others, ppl and pkmn alike hate it too.
Jolly@ Bright pwoder
Eps: 252 speed, 100 def, 152 spdef, 6 hp
Doubleteam(the forbidden combo. O.o)
eww,eww,eww,cheap,cheap,ugly,nasty, crasty. you hate it now too, right? good. lets continue.
My friend is also trading me a shellder tomorrow, but im not that good w/ cloyster. see:
ice beam?
thats all i got. not even a nature. someone. HELP.
oh yeah. ppl fyi, usually i will say if they are for netbattle. if i dont, its im game. these are in game.
Hmmm... They seem nice, but I'll give some suggestions again...
Jolly @ Salac Berry
EPs: 252 Speed, 252 Atk., 6 HP
- Swords Dance
- Silver Wind
- Aerial Ace
- Baton Pass
Endure + Reversal may be good, but it's very easily countered so it not a no.1 combo. Swords Dance and Baton Pass to other sweepers or keep the stats for Scyther and sweep with two STABed moves. If you are gonna evolve it, Aerial Ace ---> Return/Steel Wing.
Electabuzz: Well, very obvious. You can add Substitute if you need some protection. And Brightpowder ---> Petaya Berry.
Arcanine: Hidden Power [Grass] is the best but it's very difficult to get it so better leave it. My Arcanine has Double Team as a last move. It needs it since its Defences suck.
Arbok: Whatever... I don't know anything about this guy...
Calm @ Leftovers
EPs: 129 Def. - 252 Sp.Def. - 129 HP
- Spikes
- Explosion
- Dive
- Attract
That's the Cloyster I used to use in NetBattle. Set Spikes and Attract to force switches. Dive gives you a free turn amd Explosion when it's about to be KOed.
silver winds pp is too low and will be gone b4 i realize it, and i dont like pkmn w/ baton pass, unless its ninjask.
was the electabuzz good or not?
and thx for the cloyster. i havnt ever used one b4, so dint know a set.
If you face a Scizor one day, you will understand the power of Silver Wind. It doesn't need to be used many times, it gets STAB, and may raise all stats which is great if you have Baton Pass. And even if Silver Wind's PP are gone, you can still attack with Aerial Ace or Steel Wing. Swords Dance is a must-have move for Scyther and along with Salac Berry, Silver Wind and Baton Pass, it works wonders.
Electabuzz is very good. Another set could be Rain Dance, Thunder and Hidden Power [Water], but sice it's in-game, just forget it. Your set works better.
I said something wrong a little ago... 395 of spd is enough for outrun almost everything, not 398, so you need 263 Spd for using a Salac Berry properly, sorry!
Hey, if you'll use Salac Berry, you don't need 252 Efforts on Spd! You need efforts enough only for doing your pkmn be with 263 Spd, so you could use other nature, like Adamant, or at least put some efforts on def, HP, etc.
395 Speed is enough to outrun max-speed Aerodactyls, Crobats and Jolteons but it still cannot outrun Ninjasks (VERY common sight in NetBattle and even Aerodactyls have problems dealing with their Baton Passes to Marowaks and Tyranitars) and Electrodes. So, it's better to give enough EPs in Speed to a Salac-using Pokemon to reach 417 for Electrode and 460+ for Ninjask. But since it's kinda difficult, 263 Speed is the next border for Salac-users.