Hum... interesting... Maybe this one is somewhat good?
Relaxed (-Spd, +Def) @Leftovers
Magic Guard
252 HP, split the rest between Def/SDef making them both be equal
- Follow Me
- Gravity
- Protect
- Toxic
- Imprision
- Protect
- Trick Room
- Earthquake
Brave(-Spd,+Atk)@Liechi Berry/King´s Rock
252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def
- Gyro Ball
- Explosion
- Stealth Rock/Rock Slide
- Protect
Brave?@Liechi Berry
Clear Body
252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 SDef
- Explosion
- Earthquake
- Meteor Mash
- Protect
Well... choose Bronzong
or Metagross, I don´t think it´s a good idea to have both in the team...
OK, I really don´t know about the other pokemon, but I´ll tell you what I´m thinking ´till now:
You start with Clefable and Dusknoir. Dusknoir starts with Trick Room and Clefable, Gravity. But if you predict that the foe may have Taunt, use Follow Me instead - you need to protect your Dusknoir till it uses Trick Room.
The next turn, if Dusknoir´s HP is too low, use Follow Me with Clefable to give Dusknoir some time to heal itself with leftovers. Or use Protect with Dusknoir and Gravity with Clefable, if you still didn´t do that.
Use Imprision as soon as possible, so your foes won´t be able to protect themselves.
Next, switch to Bronzong or Metagross. Gyro Ball will be quite powerful if the foe is fast, specially with Trick Room. Plus, you may explode when you want, since Dusknoir imprisioned protect...

Well, you must to choose between Metagross and Bronzong... here are the reason why you should choose each one:
- Metagross is quite powerful and have a higher attack, HP and defence than Bronzong. But its speed isn´t low enough to make a good use of Trick Room, so if you´re fighting a dangerous and slow opponent, like Marowak, it will be dead.
- Bronzong´s defences are equal - both pretty good - and have a medium attack. It´s pointless to have Levitate since you´ll be using Gravity. But it has a low HP, while Metagross has a strong HP and good defences.
Well, I´ll think more tomorrow, it´s late here, sorry.

But you might use Marowak (pretty powerful and slow), Spiritomb (no weaknesses and may be used as physical or special sweeper) and Blissey too.